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are we having yet


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Belzebubs Комиксы перевел сам 

Oh hey, have you met our guest musician yet?

Belzebubs,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,перевел сам

*...and one hell of a hex bomb (ориг.)

Studio FOW Игры длиннопост 

Studio FOW возвращается

В честь своего десятилетия, Sudio FOW выпустила ролик, в котором анонсировала несколько новых фильмов и заявила о своем возвращении в лоно киноиндустрии.

Кроме этого, они также выложили крупное обращение на своем дискорд-сервере следующего содержания:

Dear Fowlings,Well, here are we. On this day ten years ago, two Doritos-encrusted neckbeards got up from their Source Filmmaker induced stupor, wiped the orange dust off their keyboards, and decided it was a good idea to release Lara in Trouble upon the unsuspecting world. 

We toiled for probably around two months on that goddamn movie, trying to figure out how to make one broken thing interact with yet another broken thing inside a very broken attic environment. Nothing really worked as it should, everything seemed held together by jank and illusions. So it was with a mix of great trepidation (and a desire to be free of GabeN’s hell) that we decided that it was finally fit for release. 

It was not, but you guys liked it anyway. 

As yagskie and I finally put on our underwear and started scrolling through the comments we realized that there was a real hunger and demand for longer-form content. We knew that short, voice-less loops are no longer gonna cut it. And StudioFOW was born. 

Ten years on, we have been through some shit, some good, some bad, but at the end of the day we’ve always kept one foot moving forward thanks to your support. 

This has been the most incredible of journeys, and I could not be more thankful to all of you for allowing us to undertake it. The fact that the core team is still together here after ten years in such a crazy industry is a testament to how committed we are to delivering content for you guys. 

2024 is a crossroads moment for us as a studio. As we finish our animation duties on Subverse (very soon), we have to decide what to do next with our careers. There’s a lot of new tech on the market, a lot of exciting opportunities. However, defiling waifus and making them ahegao in sheer ecstasy will always be our true calling. As such, the idle animators will slowly trickle back into creating film content. How much of it, and what kind of film content, will depend on YOU all. We have set up a Fansly dedicated to filmmaking as well as Throne for some more experimental content. You can support the studio through these platforms and get production going RIGHT NOW!

https:++fansly com+StudioFOW (вставьте "/" вместо "+" и точку на месте пробела)

https:++throne com+studiofow (вставьте "/" вместо "+" и точку на месте пробела)

We feel the same buzz and energy (even more so) now than in 2014, and with being out of the scene for a few years we cannot wait to get creative again and show ya’ll what we can still do. 

To our collaborators/contributors – There are too many to list throughout these 10 years but everyone we’ve worked with, or added something to the movies, thank you for your contributions. I really want to thank people individually (maybe in a separate post) since this message is already too long and sappy 

To the discord community – enjoy the celebrations! We’d love to hear your FOW anecdotes throughout the week. Favorite movie moments, scenes etc. I am sucker for stories about people meeting through online communities, and we have one of the best on the Internet, so if you have any juicy meetup stories please let me know! 

There will be some fun stuff throughout the week such as the Pop Quiz for hardcore fans and other little events. And of course, we could not leave you all without a special video thank you in our very own style.

It’s been an honor to be your director for these past 10 years, and like Fow-Chan says, here’s to 10 more years of lewd adventures! 

Warm Wishes, 



Paper Trail Lancer (Deltarune) Deltarune Ralsei Susie (Deltarune) Kris (Deltarune) Seam Перевод перевел сам lynxgriffin ...Undertale комикс Undertale фэндомы Deltarune персонажи 

Paper Trail - стр. 129-134.


by lynxgriffin.


И КАКИМ 06РА30М МЫ покинем это тех о? ъавсь мет источника! думаю, что есть/ КАК ТОЛЬКО ВЫ ЗА**£те коготь иа рершиие горы ИСТОЧНИК ПОЯВИТСЯ!,Paper Trail,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Undertale,фэндомы,Lancer (Deltarune),Deltarune персонажи,Deltarune,Ralsei,ralsei, Ralsei (Deltarune),Susie

Paper Trail,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Undertale,фэндомы,Lancer (Deltarune),Deltarune персонажи,Deltarune,Ralsei,ralsei, Ralsei (Deltarune),Susie (Deltarune),Kris (Deltarune),Seam,Перевод,перевел сам,lynxgriffin

^ ТОЛЬКО ПОТОМУ, ЧТО Я *0чу скорее вернуть твоё королевство! И МЫ СНОВА вернёмся в тёмный мир, чтовы увидеться с вами, \ рееятд, хорошо? ^ TP4CTW0, что ТЫ... ТАК СКОРО СНОВА Уйдёшь.,Paper Trail,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Undertale,фэндомы,Lancer (Deltarune),Deltarune

Paper Trail,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Undertale,фэндомы,Lancer (Deltarune),Deltarune персонажи,Deltarune,Ralsei,ralsei, Ralsei (Deltarune),Susie (Deltarune),Kris (Deltarune),Seam,Перевод,перевел сам,lynxgriffin

Не бУДЬ ТАКИМ МРАЧНЫМ. ПРАбДА/ УИИЧТО*£ИИ£ ПОРЯДКА ИАРеРИЯКА... НО Я ДУМАЮ, что кто-то здесь повеселился. а тебя беселье ЗАСТАбЛЯеТ бОЛИОбАТЬСЯ. КОГДА ЛЮДИ беспокоятся/ ПРОИСХОДЯТ иеожидАИНые беши.,Paper Trail,Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы,Undertale,фэндомы,Lancer


MSPA news MS Paint Adventures фэндомы Hiveswap 

MSPA news,CFYBR вещает,,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Hiveswap

Второй акт находится в активной разработке! Заявление на Кикстартере:

,,So it’s been a while. There are a lot of reasons for our silence, and honestly it’s a whole tangle of stuff that maybe one day we’ll get into. But right now the good news is we’re in a stage of development where we can start sharing some things and are committed to talking with you more frequently.


We know you’re eager to find out something, anything, so let’s cut to the chase - yes, Act 2 is in active development. While we don’t want to start throwing out release dates until we’re a little further along, we’re happy to say that the script, art and design work is nearly complete, and programming is underway.

You might gather from the above description that Hiveswap development is a little unusual. Let’s just say we learned a lot of lessons during development of Act 1. For Act 2 we have built a staggered development process where the script and design come first, followed by the art. Then our programming team will put it all together while the writing, design and art teams move on to Act 3. Once we have all the Act 2 content and programming together, we will move into a play-testing and iteration phase before release.

This approach is working much better for us but one downside of this approach is that there isn’t much gameplay footage to show for most of the development. We can’t show you any gameplay yet but we would like to share a few snippets…

LM ■А ■í L*. Ш G у . иь,MSPA news,CFYBR вещает,,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Hiveswap

We will have more to share on Act 2 soon and we want to share it with you first. For our next update we’d like to invite you to submit questions about Act 2 via this google form and we will aim to answer as many of them as possible in the update.

Thanks again for your patience and support. We’re so happy to be back talking about Act 2 and can’t wait to share more info soon."

Будем ждать, надеюсь нам повезёт сильнее чем фанатам Берсерка.
И забыл ещё один момент:

alien invasion of one © @gam... • 1 h ' Announcements at #LudoNarraCon: • Aysha U. Farah (@ayshaufarah) has officially joined the Hiveswap writing team • James Roach (@hamesatron) & Toby Fox (@tobyfox) will return for music for Act 2 and all future acts. • WP is working on more than Hiveswap

И второй момент - о спойлерах и их снятии.

Когда снимать требование к наличию тега HS spoiler art под постами с артами по Эпилогу?

Поскольку вопрос сложный, то вот опрос из трёх вариантов:

Снятие спойлерного тега.
По окончанию перевода эпилогов на русский.
9 (36.0%)
Двадцатого мая aka месяц с публикации эпилога.
8 (32.0%)
Дэйвкат - канон! (просто увидеть результаты)
8 (32.0%)

The SCP Foundation фэндомы ARTSCP SCP News 


и Я всегда дружил со всеми и всячески поддерживает всех, кто первым не предпринимает враждебных действий, направленных в мою сторону. Есть несколько сообществ, которые вроде как посвящены вселенной SCP Foundation, но вместо новых рассказов или иллюстраций они постоянно постят негативную

История продолжается:

Администрация «ВКонтакте» заблокировала некоторые сообщества по SCP Foundation после обращения Дуксина с формулировкой «из-за использования товарного знака». Речь идёт о группах SCP Foundation (основан в 2011 году) и фан-сообществе «Экстрамерный Russian Fandom ФО SCP». Администраторы последнего убрали товарный знак и разблокировали группу.

Сегодня по вконтачу начали распространять следующий текст от группы SCP-INT:

Российскому филиалу Фонда SCP:

Сегодня мы обращаемся к вам, потому что в свете недавних событий не можем больше хранить молчание. О действиях Андрея Дуксина нам было известно с самого начала, известно прекрасно и во всех подробностях, однако до сей поры мы предпочитали не предпринимать активных действий и всеми силами поддерживать вашу администрацию, не поднимая лишнего шума. Теперь же ситуация изменилась.

Как вам известно, получением товарного знака на логотип и название Фонда с нарушением норм закона, а также давлением на других продавцов мерча, чтобы те либо делились частью прибыли, либо выбывали из конкуренции, дело не ограничилось. Выждав некоторое время, он возобновил давление на конкурентов. Он закрыл несколько групп Вконтакте с помощью товарного знака, на который не имеет права. Безусловно, Вконтакте вынужден идти ему навстречу, у них нет полномочий проверять законность того, как был получен товарный знак. Нам известно, что он угрожает и Дмитрию Зельтену лично. Что он хочет поставить под угрозу финансовое благополучие Дмитрия. Угрозы, ультиматумы, попытки вымогательства - всё это не прошло мимо нас. Нам всё известно. И у нас нет слов. Он не только угрожает самому существованию русского филиала и его сообщества. Он угрожает целостности всего Фонда SCP и его сообщества по всему миру, а также, по непонятным нам причинам, финансовому благополучию одного из ваших администраторов.

Но мы не уступим и не пойдём на попятный. В прошлом у Фонда SCP уже было несколько кризисов и напряжённых ситуаций. На сегодняшний день эта - самая серьёзная и самая опасная для нас. Она не идёт ни в какое сравнение со всем, что было раньше. Надеемся, она же станет и последней. Мы с вами, русский филиал, с вами и с вашей администрацией. Мы сделаем всё, что в наших силах, чтобы предотвратить эту угрозу, чтобы вернуть статус-кво, и мы будем с вами и дальше. Мы поддерживаем и тех, кто пострадал от его действий, тех, кто был вынужден платить ему, и тех, кто потерял свой бизнес из-за его действий. Желаем им отыскать правосудие и вернуть потерянные деньги.

И даже если он каким-то образом проберётся в администраторы русской вики, мы никогда не примем в наши ряды вики, где он выступает администратором, и лишим её статуса официальной, что сделает её бесполезной. И даже это не станет концом для русского филиала - мы проработали и запасной план на этот случай.

Регистрация им товарного знака нарушает часть 1 пункта 9 статьи 1483 ГК РФ, часть 1 пункта 2 статьи 1512 ГК РФ и Бернское соглашение, и по этой причине будет отменена. Сейчас мы готовимся бросить ему вызов в суде - крайний вариант, которого в другой ситуации мы предпочли бы избежать. После того, как его деяния вскрылись ранее в этом году, множество людей спросило нас, могут ли они пожертвовать на суд над ним. Тогда мы отказались и попытались решить ситуацию с помощью дипломатии и бюрократии. Но так как все изменилось - ответ “да”. Мы готовим кампанию по сбору средств, которая станет доступна для пожертвований в ближайшие несколько дней. Будем держать вас в курсе событий.

Дуксин считает, что скоро одержит победу. Но всё ещё только начинается, сами увидите.

Английский, корейский, китайский, французский, польский, испанский, тайский, японский, немецкий, итальянский, украинский, португальский и чешский филиалы.


Russian branch of the SCP-Foundation,

we write to you today because we can no longer remain silent, considering recent developments. We have been aware of Andrej Duksin’s doings from the start, and know very well what he did, but have preferred to remain in the background, in agreement with and supporting your staff all we could, but not making a bigger fuss than necessary. However, the situation has changed.

As you know, not only has he illegitimately acquired a trademark on the SCP logo and name, and has forced merchandise sellers out of business or to pay him a fee. After laying low for a while, he resumed proceeding against sellers. He took down several VK groups, using the trademark he has no right to possess. Of course, VK can do nothing but obey his claims, as it is not up to them to check the legitimacy of his possession of said trademark. We know he aims to get control over the Russian branch. We know he threatens Dimitry Zelten (Osobist) personally. We know he is after his financial wellbeing. We know of the threats, of the ultimatums, of the extortion attempts. We know everything. And we are speechless. He not only threatens the very existence of the Russian branch and community. He threatens the integrity of the SCP-Foundation and the community as a whole, worldwide, and for reasons we do not understand, the financial wellbeing of one of your admins.

But we will not succumb, nor will we give in. The SCP-Foundation has faced several dramas, several crises over the years. This is, by far, the most extreme, the most threatening, and most serious. And not comparable to anything before, and hopefully the last of its kind. Yet, we stand by you, Russian branch, and by your admins. We will do everything in our power to avert this threat, to find back to normalcy, and we will never stop to stand together. And we stand by his victims, by those he forced to pay him, or lost their business because of his doings. We wish them to get justice and the money back he cost them.

And even if he would find a way to become administrator of the Russian wiki, we will never accept a wiki with him as admin and will unofficialize such a wiki, making it worthless for him. However, even that would not be the end of the Russian branch; rest assured that we have a backup plan for that case.

His registration of the trademark is a violation of the Russian Civil Code 1483 paragraph 9 part 1, Russian Civil Code 1512 paragraph 2 part 1, and the Berne Convention, and will not persist. We are currently preparing to put him on trial; an extreme measure, which we normally would try to avoid due to the high costs. When his doings were brought to light earlier this year, many people asked if they could donate to sue him. Back then, we declined, and tried to solve the situation by diplomacy and through bureaucracy. But since things have changed, the answer is yes. We are preparing a crowd-funding which will be available in a few days. We will keep you updated.

He believes he soon will have won. But it has just begun, you will see.

The English, Korean, Chinese, French, Polish, Spanish, Thai, Japanese, German, Italian, Ukrainian, Portuguese and Czech branch.



Отличный комментарий!

Этот чел вообще охуевший как и наши долбанафты которые не разбираются в законах и спокойно зарегистрировали этого уебка как правообладателя. И это при свободной лицензии на SCP которая действует на весь мир. Для тех кто не в курсе поясню. SCP является полностью своодной для коммерческого или иного использования франшизой и никто, даже её основатель не имеет никаких прав что бы запрещать кому то что либо делать по этой вселенной. Но нашелся один ушлый пидор...
Sk10 Sk1013.11.201908:09ссылка

my little pony фэндомы Kkat art красивые картинки mlp other 

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other

art by NCMares

Years ago, bronies held themselves up as something special and unique amongst fandoms: a group of love, tolerance and charity as well as exceptional creativity. It was easy to claim exceptionalism when we were small and more tightly knit.

But bronies have always been inclusive, not exclusive. We are a welcoming fandom. And an energetic one. As we spread word of how wonderful this show is to the far reaches of the internet, people took notice. And while many reacted to what was new and different with hatred or fear, people joined the herd in droves. 

Now we are huge, large enough and diverse enough to put lie to the stereotypes, including the good ones that we had created for ourselves. Bronies have become legion... and in doing so, we have become a fandom like any other.

But we don't have to be.

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other

art by AssasinMonkey

Not long ago, I engaged in the single least productive activity of the modern age: arguing on the internet. Specifically, attempting to crack the blinders of prejudice worn by a self-proclaimed "furry" who was ranting about bronies. As expected, the discussion was a small waste of time. But here is a portion of it that I think is worth repeating:

I will let you in on the secret: people are people. Furries are just people who really enjoy anthropomorphic animals. Pony fans are just people who really like the human-like technicolor ponies of a specific show. That is all. The extent to which any furry or brony enjoys what they do, and how they act on that enjoyment, is individualized. You do not need special brain chemistry or a particular background or a specific social disposition to be a furry. And you do not need one to be a brony. Or a fan of Star Wars, or Star Trek, or anything else... [They] are a fandom. Made of people. Just like every other fandom. And in any fandom, you will find good people and bad people, superfans and the passively interested, perverts and prudes. Furries are not inherently superior people to bronies, and bronies are not inherently superior people to furries. No more than Trekkies are to Whoovians, or football fans are to hockey fans, or people who like classical music are to people who like J-pop. At the absolute most, you can try to claim superior taste in one tiny and extremely subjective facet of the grand category of "things people like". Woohoo, you rock.

But this is the important part: we do not have to be just like any other fandom. 

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic offers more to love than just cute, colorful ponies. Most of us, I would hazard to wager, didn't fall in love with the show for the ponies as art -- we fell in love with the characters, with what they did and how they behaved, with the idyllic-but-not-sugary-perfect the world of Equestria, and with the heartwarming messages of virtue and friendship at the emotional and philosophical core of the show. An if we are fans of that, then we are fans of something with more depth and meaning than just an artistic concept or musical style or type of sports. 

We can be something very special and unique by lauding those messages of friendship and virtue, and trying to adhere to them as best we can. We can treat "love and tolerance" as calling again, rather than just a 4-chan meme whose time has passed. We can strive to be better people. 

And if we do, we can be something truly beautiful -- we can be the realization of what the early brony fandom held itself to bo. We will do so as individuals. Points of brilliant light in the gloom. In general, the rest of the fandom will not follow -- it is too large, and many will never be interested beyond "I like cartoon ponies." But that isn't why we strive to shine. We should do so because it makes us better, and we want to be better than we are. Because we are inspired to do it. And for those in the darkness who are looking for a light.

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other

We are large and growing, but we have lost many as well. We have all seen people leave the fandom because "it isn't what it used to be." The most surprising element of this is that so many of them were surprised. They saw their fandom grow, change and evolve... and apparently they hadn't expected that. Instead of remaining in the fandom and being examples of what they believed it should be, they abandoned it and moved on. Perhaps I can fault them for that, but only just a little. And I certainly cannot fault those who left simply because their interests changed, as interests often do. Plus, we have seen many whose contributions to the fandom launched new careers, and who have gone off to follow these dreams professionally. To them, we raise our glasses, thank them, and wish them well.

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other


facebook Oculus Rift p4rgaming песочница 

Facebook: Not Everyone is Unhappy with Oculus Rift Purchase, Blind People Are Indifferent
 With gamers in an uproar over Facebook’s purchase of Oculus VR, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that we should not be focusing solely on gamers but rather turn our attention to people who are happy or even indifferent to the news like blind people.iwillneversleepwithstockingWhile the initial Kickstarter for the product said that the Oculus Rift was “designed for gamers, by gamers,” many are questioning whether or not this will still hold true. In a conference call with Zuckerberg discussing the purchase of Oculus VR, he said that there must be people who are happy with the decision.“We have made no changes to the Oculus Rift in the eight hours we have owned the company,” said Zuckerberg, “So for everyone who’s complaining that we’ve ruined it, have they forgotten that we actually haven’t reached that point? Besides, there are probably tons of people who are happy about the purchase. I personally have not met one yet, but I did talk with a blind person at a local coffee shop who seemed fairly indifferent to the news.”In a statement put out by a representative, Oculus VR founder Palmer Luckey reiterated Zuckerberg’s statements and was even bolder in his assertion that Facebook will do nothing to impact the Oculus Rift.
 I want to make this very clear, nothing will change at Oculus VR and our mission for the Oculus Rift remains the same. We wanted to make virtual reality mainstream and today we have accomplished that mission. Now it is time to set new goals with advice from the people at Facebook who have shared our vision from the beginning of making the world’s first virtual marketplace.
John Carmack, legendary programmer and chief technology officer at Oculus VR, seemed to be unaware of the Facebook purchase when talking to reporters earlier today.“I just want to program things,” stated Carmack, “I don’t care what company took over Oculus VR while I was busy improving the Oculus Rift because it is not going to impact my job as a programmer. Yesterday I was working on how to decrease latency on certain graphical functions and today I’m working on new algorithms to determine proper spatial distance for viewing advertisements. Nothing has changed.”Zuckerberg also said that people who were looking forward to the Oculus Rift for gaming have nothing to fear as great games like Farmville and Bubble Witch Saga will be 100 percent compatible with the Oculus Rift.
facebook,facebook приколы, мордокнига, фейсбук,интернет,Oculus Rift,p4rgaming,песочница

Acheron (Honkai Star Rail) Bronya Rand Honkai Star Rail Игры Seele (Honkai Star Rail) Cesarzebrah 


Normandy Mass Effect фэндомы MAKO 

Normandy,Mass Effect,фэндомы,MAKO

Normandy,Mass Effect,фэндомы,MAKO

Bßfy ШШШШЁ |7 Л, “л '{ \ kJ ■ ',,’íí'' йуШ- ^§1 шЩШЛ fifi gb * _^Д,Normandy,Mass Effect,фэндомы,MAKO

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политота песочница политоты Вторжение в Украину 2022 

Обращение министра обороны Украины

Шановні солдати і матроси, сержанти і старшини, офіцери, генерали та адмірали! Шановні працівники Збройних Сил України!
Морок невизначеності впав.
Те, що ви знали вісім років, тепер побачив весь світ.
Завдяки вашій мужності, самовідданості і професіоналізму було зламано плани ворога, який усі ці роки вів підлу війну, ховаючись за жінками і дітьми.
Обстрілював школи і житлові будинки. Викрадав і катував. Брехав і залякував. Грабував і нищив нашу землю.
Вчора він показав своє справжнє обличчя.
Обличчя злочинця, який хоче тримати у заручниках вільний світ. Який усвідомлює свій злочин і намагається пов’язати усіх навколо себе круговою порукою. Бо боїться. Адже за злочином неодмінно прийде покарання.
Завдяки вам Європа усвідомила справжню ціну уникання чесних відповідей.
Кремль зробив черговий крок до відродження Радянського Союзу. З новим Варшавським пактом і новою Берлінською стіною.
Єдине, що відділяє від цього – Україна і українська армія.
Наш вибір дуже простий – боронити свою країну, свій дім, своїх рідних. Для нас нічого не змінилося.
Тепер ми побачимо поряд справжніх друзів, яких стане більше. Тепер не зможуть сховатися ті «друзі», які не один рік вмовляли нас капітулювати.
Попереду важкі випробування. Будуть втрати. Доведеться пройти через біль, здолати страх і зневіру.
Але нас неодмінно чекає перемога. Бо ми на своїй землі і за нами правда.
Українську армію підтримує наш народ. Віра людей – це ознака, що ми усе робимо правильно.
Зараз усі зусилля військово-політичного керівництва держави і командування Збройних Сил України спрямовані на зміцнення оборони. Зокрема, на максимальне залучення допомоги партнерів, частину з якої ми вже отримали.
Багато хто на емоціях підштовхуватиме до хаотичних рішень. Ми цього не допустимо. Наша сила – у єдності і впевненості. З холодною головою.
Зберігаймо спокій. Тримаймо стрій.
Заради пам’яті побратимів.
Заради тих, кого любимо.
Слава Збройним Силам України!
Слава Україні!
Міністр оборони України Олексій Резніков
Dear soldiers and sailors, sergeants and petty officers, officers, generals and admirals! Dear personnel of the Armed Forces!
Veil of uncertainty has been cast away.
The world has just seen what we knew for these eight years.
Thanks to your pluck, self-devotion and professionalism the plans of the enemy have been disrupted, the enemy that all these years has been cowardly waging a war, hiding behind women and children.
He shelled schools and civilian buildings, kidnapped and tortured, lied and intimidated, plundered and pillaged our land.
Yesterday, he showed his true face.
A face of a criminal who wants the entire world be his captive. Who is aware of his crime and is trying to entangle everyone in a web of mutual guarantees. He is scared, for no crime is left unpunished.
Thanks to the enemy, Europe has realized real price for avoiding honest answers.
The Kremlin has made yet another step towards resurrection of the Soviet Union, with a new Warsaw Pact and Berlin Wall.
The only thing that stands in between is Ukraine and its army.
Our choice is simple – to defend our country, our homes, our families. Nothing has changed for us.
Now we shall see more true friends at our side. And the false friends, who prompted us to capitulate for years, will no hide.
Tough road lies ahead. There will be losses. The pain, fear and disbelieve shall be overcome.
But the victory shall be our reward. Because we are on our land and the truth is with us.
The people support the Ukrainian army. The faith of people is a sign that we are doing aright.
Now, the efforts of the military-political command of the state and the Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are focused on the strengthening the defence, in particular, on maximising our partners’ support, which we have partly received.
Many guided by emotions will urge to chaotic decisions. We will not allow this. Our strength is in unity and confidence, and in cool head.
Be patient. Hold a line.
For our brothers’ memory.
For those we love.
Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
Glory to Ukraine!
Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov
политота,Приколы про политику и политиков,песочница политоты,Вторжение в Украину 2022
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