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i am still all alone


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Baldur's Gate 3 Baldur's Gate Игры I Am A Surgeon Dr. Han! Мемы copium 

Baldur's Gate 3,Балдур Гейт 3,Baldur's Gate,Игры,I Am A Surgeon Dr. Han!,Мемы,Мемосы, мемасы, мемосики, мемесы,copium,Baldur's Gate 3,Baldur's Gate,games,I Am A Surgeon Dr. Han!,memes,copium


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Напоминает как одна сучка из юбисофта скулила о том что у Elden ring плохой интерфейс и вообще они свои баллы на метакритике не заслужили, и что у игроков нет вкуса.
razielium7 razielium719.07.202318:31ссылка

ashpwright artist Маги(Fantasy) Fantasy art Воины (Fantasy) dark fantasy Dwarf 

ashpwright,artist,Маги(Fantasy),Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Воины (Fantasy),Воины(Fantasy),dark fantasy,Dwarf

He could've become a strongest wizard ever. The talent he got was feared even by the stars. He wanted to become a summoner who call out and control terrible monsters from the other world. Only problem was that not even single being answered his call because of his filthy temper.

ashpwright,artist,Маги(Fantasy),Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Воины (Fantasy),Воины(Fantasy),dark fantasy,Dwarf
When you're dealing with the necromancer, watch where you step.

Check whether there was a war in that place before.

ashpwright,artist,Маги(Fantasy),Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Воины (Fantasy),Воины(Fantasy),dark fantasy,Dwarf
The guards of the city gate patted her down to check whether she was armed.

But they didn't check her well enough.

That's how Arondil Massacre was happened.

4;Shrçwjgfct,ashpwright,artist,Маги(Fantasy),Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Воины (Fantasy),Воины(Fantasy),dark fantasy,Dwarf
"I know I've been biting the dust for every single tries, but this is the real one.

My keen sense of treasure hunter is telling me so."

^Shipwright,ashpwright,artist,Маги(Fantasy),Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Воины (Fantasy),Воины(Fantasy),dark fantasy,Dwarf
He became a legend.

A knight rose alone against the Army of the West, and fought for three days in the narrow gorge to protect his companions retreating.

When he ran out of all strength and died, he was still standing. He never kneeled.

ashpwright,artist,Маги(Fantasy),Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Воины (Fantasy),Воины(Fantasy),dark fantasy,Dwarf
"You know, the words of the giants are really hard to pronounce.

I tried to say, 'Do you have a mother?'

but I actually ended up saying, 'I declare war to you as a representative of Lebensia.'"

ashpwright,artist,Маги(Fantasy),Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Воины (Fantasy),Воины(Fantasy),dark fantasy,Dwarf
"I am no god.

Even I am only a creation just like you, and not your master but brother.

I dare wish to set your record straight, by preaching the teachings of All Father, who is not bound to paradox and destiny."

"I'm afraid we should get going now."

£Í.ShipmrigJtf>',ashpwright,artist,Маги(Fantasy),Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Воины (Fantasy),Воины(Fantasy),dark fantasy,Dwarf
"My fellow Knights of Revesin.

I know you're busy with war stuff now

but let me borrow your sword shadow please."

ashpwright,artist,Маги(Fantasy),Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Воины (Fantasy),Воины(Fantasy),dark fantasy,Dwarf
Her magic will crush you, rip you, tear you apart.

If you're lucky, you might be left as fragmented image between spaces, or might appear in the different story and genre.

ashpwright,artist,Маги(Fantasy),Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Воины (Fantasy),Воины(Fantasy),dark fantasy,Dwarf
The Shadow Torch was lit by the dark fire, and casted shadow instead of light.

In the pitch darkness made by the ancient relic, only its wielder gained a bright and clear vision.

I guess she thought that it would be a great tool for assassination.

ashpwright,artist,Маги(Fantasy),Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Воины (Fantasy),Воины(Fantasy),dark fantasy,Dwarf
Long time ago, there lived a wise and kind king named Hravir.

The blacksmith showed his respect by offering him crown made of the language of world.

Thrifty king used to concern whether he's wearing a crown too fancy and extravagant.

The people called him Hravir the Crownless.


Rage Comics Мемный ренессанс английский язык без перевода forever alone смешные комиксы 

* At a party No, I didn't ask you if you had a boyfriend, i asked you if you wanted to dance. I got a boyfriend Do you want to try this again?,Rage Comics,Мемный ренессанс,английский язык,без перевода,forever alone,форевер элон фейс, forever alone фото,Rage Comics,comics,,forever alone,meme

Отличный комментарий!

"I didn't ask you how i look. i asked you if you wanted to dance. Do you want to try this again?"
Max_the_Human Max_the_Human10.05.202223:12ссылка

Netflix I am mother песочница 

I AM MOTHER Official Trailer (2019) NEW Netflix Sci Fi Movie HD


I am Jesus Christ Игры трейлер видео Иисус Христос 

Вышел официальный трейлер симулятора Иисуса Христа


Pepe the Frog Мемы lego forever alone 

Друзьям 30: женятся, заводят детей, социально активны 

Мне 30:

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Фигасе у тебя деньжищ - в LEGO закупаться.
Salmaloguz Salmaloguz17.11.202112:47ссылка

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превозносимся под дабуди-дабудай


#Лит-клуб написал сам английский 

Впервые попробовал что-то написать, скромно прошу оценить

My words

I'm staring into endless void
Of starlight and of hope devoid,
But when I try to break away,
The skies look like this pit, the same.

Upon its gates the trial's held,
And I'm behind defendant's stand.
I prosecute, I judge, object,
But I will not myself defend.

"Not guilty" verdict was my bane,
Like groundhog's day returned again,
And now, not to overextend,
I'll put this fallacy to end.

I'm tired of seeing myself again
Each passing day grows my disdain
But now I'm ready to repent
And discontinue my descent.

Hypocrisy, and lies, and more...
All, that I usually abhor,
Has rooted deeply in my soul,
And undermined my better goal.

I'm not religious, but believe
In greater cause, for which to live
But what I've done and what I thought
Betrayed this dream that I have sought.

The ancient sins of human kin
Have left their marks upon my skin
And I am tainted by mistakes.
No turning back, there's no retake.

It's easier to count those falls,
Of which became I thoughtless thrall,
Than seek rare virtue, being made
By these obese and spoiled hands.

When did it start? When have I let
Become myself a sorry pet
Of Gluttony? Each bite and swig
Have made me closer to a pig
Than human; how could one not
Contempt and execrate such bloat?

And when I've tried to find a way
To purify myself, to stray
From path, which obviously leads
To only furthering the needs
I've yet again been weak, like moth
Before the flame, - I longed for Sloth.

"Tomorrow", - was my best excuse.
Why was I trying to refuse
From doing anything required
If even was not really tired?
Sloth doesn't let me go away
From childhood to this very day.

The time have passed, and then just once
I've won the prize, and in long pounce
Not me, but Pride has took the place
Upon the pedestal's embrace
And even now, then I require
Sentence, it reads back, admires
And wants all others do the same,
And me to thirst for praise and fame.

Another one, who lurks inside,
Is Greed, and comes like raging tide
The urge to have, to bear, to wield...
It's nearly hopeless not to yield.
And when this wave has briefly passed,
You always know - it won't be last.

And next one is, of course, the Lust.
I'd kept it still inside, but must
Confess, that every passing day
It's growing harder to obey
The mind, and not the primal needs.
I've all my life preferred to heed
And now I know, that would be best
To not put others to the test.
Who could have wanted being loved
By man like me? So here I stand
Away from others: to protect
Them from me, and to recollect.
These memories are dust for them;
They worth much more than any gem
For me; a subtle touch,
a look, a whisper is like glass,
Like stone, unflinching; so bypass
It could only sight. So, that is left for me, is dream,
And I suppress this wordless scream
Each time I see another eyes,
And dancing beauty, which there lies.
Because it's like a whip, a blaze,
It's better to avert my gaze
And yet again return to bog,
Where I, quite overtly, belong.
But it won't help - in sleepless cold
These damning eyes, and words untold
Return again, like sparking stars,
Reminding of my prison's bars.

It doesn't help that I'm not blind
And all the hands, which intertwine
Remind me every once and then
That better not to leave my den.
But I cannot, for I'm addict
To some I know; so I restrict
Myself; yet Envy's foiled deck
Is full of trumps, so now my neck
Is in its hands; its hard to breathe,
But I don't have a place to leave.

The only sin I haven't yet
Discovered, is Wrath: his hunting net
I somehow managed to avoid.
And this, once more, makes me annoyed:
If only I have had this flame,
Then, maybe, I could harness, tame
Its power; but, alas, it's false
And I still can't approach my goals.

This trial goes forever on,
And every word hits like a stone,
But I cannot - and won't - object.
I've only verdict to expect.
Each witness testifies and leaves,
then prosecution takes up leads...
How do I want to leave this booth!
But I cannot run from the truth.
Well, prosecution has this one.
And I don't want to spoil the fun
For him... or better said, for us?
I like it too, this big demise,
I both have fear and feeling joy.
In hands of judgement I'm a toy,
But even if my end is nigh,
For me it's honor to comply.

At last, the sentence is now set
I close my eyes, and last regrets
Let go my mind, so weak and frail.
Impatience grows, my Holy Grail
Lays peacefully aside the judge.
The time has come to end this grudge.

I know for sure, what's in the blank,
But these last moments are like ankh -
Symbolic hope, marvelous sign...
But here, in this forgotten shrine
I am alone. So bring it in.
Let's put an end to all my sins.
And be it venom, noose or blade
I'll gladly face my end of fate.


forever alone хорошая попытка 

подготовься к 8 марта

Привет, не хочешь сходить в кино?) погулять в парке, полюбоваться закатом) А вечером я провожу тебя :),forever alone,форевер элон фейс, forever alone фото,хорошая попытка

Отличный комментарий!

Он ей настолько не нравится, что она выбежала на улицу, уговорила первого встречного выебать её и сфотографировать в процессе, а также отправить в виде ММС.
И всё это - за несколько минут.
Блинский Блинский04.03.201623:27ссылка

РПЦ священник патриарх кирилл ран профессор песочница все плохо 

Патриарх Кирилл стал почётным профессором Российской академии наук

Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл получил звание почётного профессора Российской академии наук (РАН). По словам пресс-секретаря президента организации, глава РПЦ — “большой популяризатор науки” и друг бывшего главы РАН Юрия Осипова.

Как пояснила представитель академии, Патриарх Кирилл несколько раз участвовал в научно-популярной программе “Очевидное — невероятное”, ведущим которой был его друг Сергей Капица. Кроме того, глава РПЦ знал отца Капицы, лауреата Нобелевской премии по физике 1978 года.

“Как говорил Эйнштейн, теория относительности говорит о гениальности Создателя, и в этом смысле никаких противоречий нет”, - Светлана Попова, пресс-секретарь президента РАН.

В 2010 году Патриарх Кирилл также получил звание почётного профессора Национального исследовательского ядерного университета «МИФИ».

Российская академия наук, после выхода новостей о том, что Патриарх Кирилл стал почётным профессором, отложила церемонию награждения. Это сделали без даты, сказав журналистам, что она «состоится в другой раз».


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