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Everything is Gonna Be OK


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my little pony video Pinkie Pie gypsy haters gonna hate личное песочница 


Halloween расизм 

"Быть белым - это нормально" - флешмоб в США

В этот Хэллоуин Форчан намерен расклеить повсюду в США листовки и плакаты с одной простой и безобидной фразой:

Идея флешмоба появилась после событий в колледже Бостона, где появились листовки с надписью "Люби себя таким, каким ты являешься. Не извиняйся за то, что ты белый"

Когда-то именно этот призыв был одной из главных идеей либерального движения - не извиняться за то, что ты родился того или иного цвета кожи. Но студенческие комитеты увидев эти плакаты вызвали полицию.
Плакаты, призывающие не извиняться за то, что ты белый, в локальных новостях назвали расистскими и сюпремасистскими и полиция начала расследование (!).

Этот случай настолько разозлил анонимов, что решено было провести операцию на Хэллоуин-2017, расклеив повсюду простой месседж - что быть белым - это ок.

По задумке, реакция истеричной левой прессы на такой флеш-моб должна показать обществу что современное либеральное движение - просто сборище расистов, ненавидящих людей с определенным цветом кожи.

Уже есть первые фото и первые бугурты про "расистские" плакаты.


OY- ay

Racists are putting up Nazi propaganda in my town. This is the 3rd one I've seen since yesterday. >»»
26 comments,Halloween,расизм



Отличный комментарий!

Сука как же бесит эта хуйня "твои диды моих убиваль - плати сука", да даже если мой дед был выведен в тайной лаборатории Аненербе из генетического материала Гитлера, Сталина и дяди Мао, причем тут я?
sun_strike sun_strike02.11.201715:53ссылка

отношения девушки тнн наркотики 

Ты мой наркотик >---------------- О у, ты не можешь жить без меня? Нет, ты стоишь слишком дорого и разрушаешь мою жизнь,отношения,девушки,тнн,наркотики

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длиннопост MidJourney нейронные сети дизайн 

Оказалось, что Midjourney хорошо справляется с «разработкой» дизайна пользовательского интерфейса. Как сайтов, так и приложений. Это сейчас должно напрячь дизайнеров.

длиннопост,MidJourney,нейронные сети,дизайн

HOLI-HACUIND WAU* hMWiOih 1>пЛо«чми? ClUWWCí 1Лтн,ло<* См »dll IMÏSJJ nк,чад мшп WMJN.nRB эоеиэос HGIGAOO I’ÜV b-ÿ*GO'»fi IMIM45 ne’Qi о re <ллппга IIC-ТЛ wwce • КЗ II Al COAd t»*OK rr ai я M •>: rw !•: *1 10 * г,- ne nt № -:л :=: 1 «s: «« enow «вимо&мтеъсмоую

л “V“',длиннопост,MidJourney,нейронные сети,дизайн

m ЯШ Шщ Ш V 9 ЙЯ ЯМ ïÇ ш '* a Я г м/ Я Г Ши ■ Щу Мяв ш в / ÊF Ж L v A $Я' 1 J и Я i l г ‘ !^Я 'Я Я / ¿Ж • .*/,длиннопост,MidJourney,нейронные сети,дизайн

длиннопост,MidJourney,нейронные сети,дизайн

Remettiunk HCtfeto wh« (»<a oeiKi/»., о OIK о ©Grt IV' йго e«wuoi ««tv mi к Wfctot e 4Z3fHZ 8008 »Bf 0\l J,длиннопост,MidJourney,нейронные сети,дизайн

СОИ I3CI.DOK ояеодлц CCRPBAA кЕОЭ вам!** i» г',длиннопост,MidJourney,нейронные сети,дизайн

оимм 0С1П1 олто 0>11( —* 30 #41 С* I* С1мисс 0 г#гв С 9г СЬсЬе С) т«*1 Т Г>1 п ш1 Сопнс 0 ттт* Я*4 О К!» Веге» 0 ПО! и Ук> Вс«1ни 0 |?РПИ1^ 1 сод о СКио1исс ?га и ВОНЕ сен мои,длиннопост,MidJourney,нейронные сети,дизайн


Отличный комментарий!

блять. Остановите её!
Vartos MasoFrack Vartos MasoFrack14.12.202212:59ссылка
собираю пати на рейд в центральную серверную Midjourney!
Vartos MasoFrack Vartos MasoFrack14.12.202212:59ссылка
Через пару минут она научится генерить рейды лучше вас.
A117 A11714.12.202213:00ссылка

marlboro История Реактор познавательный 

Уэйн Maклapeн – Marlboro. 

Уэйн Maклapeн – чeлoвeк, пoднявший пoпyляpнocть cигapeт Marlboro дo нeбывaлыx выcoт, a пoтoм вcю ocтaвшyюcя 
жизнь вoeвaвший c тaбaчными кoмпaниями. 

Этo тoт caмый Maклapeн, кoтopый cнaчaлa зapaбaтывaл oгpoмныe дeньги тeм, чтo yвeличивaл eжeднeвнo и бeз тoгo 
бecчиcлeннyю apмию кypильщикoв, a пoтoм вcе cвoе cocтoяниe бpocил нa бopьбy c кypeниeм. Этo oн, тoт caмый 
Чeлoвeк-Taбaк, кoтopый зaзывaл миллиoны тeлeзpитeлeй в «вoлшeбнyю cтpaнy Maльбopo». 

Чтo ж, вce мы coвepшaeм oшибки. Чaщe мeлкиe, нo пopoю пpocтo чyдoвищныe. Уэйн Maклapeн, кoвбoй Maльбopo — oдин 
из нeмнoгиx, ктo, coвepшив тaкyю oшибкy, пpилoжил пoтoм вce cвoи ycилия к тoмy, чтoбы иcпpaвить eе. Oн oбъявил 
нacтoящyю кpyпнoмacштaбнyю вoйнy тaбaчнoй пpoмышлeннocти. И c тpecкoм eе пpoигpaл. B 1992 гoдy. Bпpoчeм, 
пpoигpaл ли? 

Уэйн Maклapeн cтaл caмым ycпeшным peклaмныx xoдoм кoмпaнии Phillip Morris, этaкий бpaвый бpyтaльный кoвбoй, 
кoтopoмy вcе пo плeчy и нe cтpaшeн caм чеpт. 

C экpaнoв тeлeвизopoв oн дaвaл пoнять миллиoнaм aмepикaнцaм [и нe тoлькo!], чтo имeннo тaкиe кpyтыe пapни, кaк oн, 
кoвбoй Maльбopo, пocтpoили тaкyю cтpaнy, кaк CШA. Пocлe пepвoй жe peклaмнoй кoмпaнии c yчacтиeм Maклapeнa 
пpoдaжи cигapeт Marlboro peзкo взлeтeли ввepx и зaняли чeтвеpтyю cтpoчкy в тaбaчнoм xит-пapaдe. A cпycтя вceгo 
нecкoлькo лeт этиx cигapeт cтaлo пpoдaвaтьcя нa тeppитopии Aмepики бoльшe, чeм вcex ocтaльныx вмecтe взятыx. B 
oбpaзe cмeлoгo, cвoбoднoгo и нeyкpoтимoгo кoвбoя Уэйн Maклapeн peклaмиpoвaл cигapeты цeлыx 27 лeт. A пoтoм 
пoнял, чтo yмиpaeт имeннo oт ниx. 

C бoльшим тpyдoм Уэйнy Maклapeнy yдaлocь бpocить кypить, нo былo yжe пoзднo. Bpaчи oбнapyжили y нeгo paк легкиx и 
нaзнaчили длитeльный и мyчитeльный, кaк caмa бoлeзнь, кypc лyчeвoй и xимиoтepaпии. Пpoйдя чepeз пытки 
oнкoлoгичecкoгo диcпaнcepa и пoтepяв oднo легкoe, oн пoнял, чтo oбpeчен. Ho eще дo тoгo, кaк eмy выpeзaли легкoe, 
yмиpaющий кoвбoй нaчaл нacтoящyю вoйнy и cтaл, фaктичecки, знaмeнeм зapoждaвшeгocя движeния пo бopьбe c 
кypeниeм. Пoтpaтив нa пoпытки иcцeлитьcя oт pacпpocтpaняющeгocя пo opгaнизмy paкa oгpoмнoe cocтoяниe, нe мeнee 
oгpoмнoe — oн пoтpaтил нa пpoпaгaндy здopoвoгo oбpaзa жизни. 

C тeлeэкpaнoв и в paдиocтyдияx oн чecтнo пpизнaвaлcя, чтo был нeпpaв и чтo oн, пo cyти дeлa, cтaл пpичинoй peзкoгo 
cкaчкa cмepтнocти oт кypeния. Зa нecкoлькo днeй дo cвoeй cмepти oн дaжe вo вceycлышaниe зaявил: «Moя вpeднaя 
пpивычкa дoкoнaлa мeня. Oнa нe cтoит тoгo, чтoбы пocлeдниe мecяцы cвoeй жизни вы иcтpaтили нa пoceщeния 
oтдeлeний для тяжeлo бoльныx. Taбaк yбьет вac. Ecли нe вepитe — пocмoтpитe нa мeня». 

Oн нe coвpaл. Taбaк дeйcтвитeльнo eгo yбил. Пpeдcтaвитeли тaбaчныx кoмпaний пытaлиcь зaткнyть eмy poт, пpивoзя 
eмy цeлыe чeмoдaны дeнeг. Ho oни или нe пoнимaли, или нe xoтeли пoнять, чтo yмиpaющeмy дeньги нe нyжны. C coбoй нa 
тoт cвeт oн иx нe yвeзет. Пoэтoмy дo пocлeдниx днeй Уэйн Maклapeн, кoвбoй, нayчивший миллиoны людeй кypить, 
зaзывaя иx в зaгaдoчнyю cтpaнy Marlboro, пытaлcя oтyчить oт этoгo пaгyбнoгo зaнятия yжe кypящиx и пpeдyпpeдить o 
cмepтeльнoй oпacнocти eще нe зaкypившиx, cвoeй жизнью пoкaзывaя, чтo нacтoящaя cтpaнa Marlboro нaxoдитcя ни гдe- 
нибyдь, a в oнкoдиcпaнcepe. 

marlboro,История,Реактор познавательный

Alternative Rock рок-музыка Eye Tea music video песочница #Rock 

Eye Tea - Evolution


Triangle Factory ACME 

i guess we doin everything now,Triangle Factory,ACME,Acme Corporation, A Company Making Everything, (American Companies Make Everything, American Company that Manufactures Everything

Отличный комментарий!

Так ведь буквально A Company Making Everything
BadBreaker BadBreaker30.08.202402:53ссылка

dev реактор Net Healer VPN 

Это френдли фаер, огонь по своим

Сап джой, пользуюсь прокси камрада serg.deep http://joyreactor.cc/post/4728214 для обхода блокировок и для прочих сайтов.
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Zootopia фэндомы Nick Wilde Zootopia characters Judy Hopps Zootopia comics много текста Zootopia Fright Night thephantombeyond 

Need to think, how do I get out of this situation?,Zootopia,Зверополис, Зоотопия,фэндомы,Nick Wilde,nick wilde, Ник Уайлд,Zootopia characters,Judy Hopps,Джуди Хопс,Zootopia comics,много текста,Zootopia Fright Night,thephantombeyond

4 0М6!! THATS SO CUTE AND ADORBALE!!!,Zootopia,Зверополис, Зоотопия,фэндомы,Nick Wilde,nick wilde, Ник Уайлд,Zootopia characters,Judy Hopps,Джуди Хопс,Zootopia comics,много текста,Zootopia Fright Night,thephantombeyond

Zootopia,Зверополис, Зоотопия,фэндомы,Nick Wilde,nick wilde, Ник Уайлд,Zootopia characters,Judy Hopps,Джуди Хопс,Zootopia comics,много текста,Zootopia Fright Night,thephantombeyond

But I have a better trick up my sleeve. Your eyes have already adjusted to the dark right? I played around too,Zootopia,Зверополис, Зоотопия,фэндомы,Nick Wilde,nick wilde, Ник Уайлд,Zootopia characters,Judy Hopps,Джуди Хопс,Zootopia comics,много текста,Zootopia Fright Night,thephantombeyond

Zootopia,Зверополис, Зоотопия,фэндомы,Nick Wilde,nick wilde, Ник Уайлд,Zootopia characters,Judy Hopps,Джуди Хопс,Zootopia comics,много текста,Zootopia Fright Night,thephantombeyond

cant shoot her even if I wanted to. or when did this happened? I dont remember. are we even doing here? Is this even real? 1 / ^ ( 1 \\[ 4"* 'L, Jr Vj J \ л \ Рп г 0,Zootopia,Зверополис, Зоотопия,фэндомы,Nick Wilde,nick wilde, Ник Уайлд,Zootopia characters,Judy Hopps,Джуди

Zootopia,Зверополис, Зоотопия,фэндомы,Nick Wilde,nick wilde, Ник Уайлд,Zootopia characters,Judy Hopps,Джуди Хопс,Zootopia comics,много текста,Zootopia Fright Night,thephantombeyond

————–Zootopia Special: Fright Night————–

Nick wakes up after getting tranquilized. He’s surprised that he woke up inside the police car. He was cuffed at the back. Outside was dark probably night time and what appears to be the Rainforest District, and the car was parked in front of a large decrepit mansion overgrown by vines. Nick felt his head ache and heard a familiar voice.

Judy“Are you ok now Nick?”

Nick sees the scarlet eyes of the vampire rabbit on the driver’s seat.

Nick“Ok carrots what did you do?”

Judy“What I just placed you back there.”

Nick“Cuffed? So you bit me!? Am I gonna turn into a vampire!?”

Judy“Nick calm down.”

Nick“I can’t calm down!! I do not wanna live as a vampire!!”


Nick sat down checking his neck for any bite marks. 

Bogo: “Is he finally awake?”

Nick looks over the windshield and see a buffalo on fire. It was Bogo but on fire!

Judy“Yeah he’s up but I think the hallucinogenic is still in affect.”


Judy“You don’t remember getting gassed?”

Judy explains that someone was creating hallucinogenics or fear toxins and intoxicated other animals. They were tasked today to arrest the criminal inside the building where he was holding up. The guy calls himself Scarecrow, even though it was just an animal in a costume. They did manage to get him but not after getting gassed. Alex and Nick were the only ones affected since their gas mask became faulty. 

Nick“Ok I remember now.”

Judy“So you see me as a vampire?”

Nick“Yeah and chief as a flaming buffalo. So um, can you un-cuff me? it’s starting to get uncomfortable back here.”

Bogo“Well as long as you can tell that it’s just the hallucinogenic making everything appear different then you’ll be fine to walk out. Try anything and I’ll put you back here.”

Nick“Yeah, its just that everyone outside seems to appear…different.”

He looks outside the window and sees that everyone are monsters. That is some powerful hallucinogenic. Well as long as Nick doesn’t freak out or run away then its fine. He just need to keep his cool. Then a whistling wolf with a very large set of teeth came to greet them.

Alex“Hey Nick you finally better?”

Nick: “Uh by the way I see you right now? No, no I’m not.”

Alex“Well at least you’re not freaking out like Geno over there.”

Alex pointed out at the ambulance parked out where Geno is lying strapped on the cart, yelling out : “ALL OF YOU ARE ALIENS!! THE INVASION HAS BEGUN!! SOMEONE HELP!!”. They placed a nuzzle on his mouth to prevent him from bitting and screaming. Nick seriously doesn’t want that to happen to him.

Alex“Man, I hope my partner is going to be ok.”

Judy“Don’t worry, maybe he’ll snap out of it tomorrow.”

Alex“I hope so.”

Nick: “I’m just glad I’m not in the same position as him right now.”

Judy“That’s rude! Say sorry!”

Nick“Ah! Sorry Alex!”

Alex: “Nah its ok I don’t want to be in the same position as him either. Hey how about this? Let’s record him yelling stuff and when he snaps out of it, we’ll show him the video.”

Nick“You are not that least bit concerned about your partner huh?”

Alex“As long as he’s kicking and screaming then he’s fine.”

They both laughed at their antics. Judy frowned on how Alex treats his partner. 

Nick“So where is our Scarecrow?”

Bogo“He just got arrested, before you and Alex started to go nuts.”

Judy“You ran like crazy inside spouting strange things, while I was trying to dart you.”

Alex“Same here, I was looking for Geno that entire time.”

Judy“We had an ambulance called in after we got the both of you.”

Nick“So why was I in the back of the car?”

Judy“I was planning to take you to the hospital but I wondered if putting you to sleep was enough to get you back to normal.”

Nick“Well I’m not one hundred percent alright, I’m still seeing things but I guess I can manage.”

Bogo“Judy take your partner to the hospital, Alex stick with Geno. As for the time being I’m going back to the station.”

Nick“Oh yeah, why did you trip me?”

Judy“What do you mean?”

Nick“You tripped me back there when I was running, what gives?”

Judy“Oh that, you ran into a small coat rack and you rolled on the floor face planting on the wall then I rushed in and asked if your nose broke.”

Nick doesn’t know whether or not he should believe her, but given the situation there’s no way to prove it.

Nick“And that thing when you made an adorable face?”

Judy“I thought I could get you to come with me if did that.”

Nick“After asking me to drink my blood?”

Judy“Well you called me a vampire bunny, I thought I should play along and make myself look cute as a vampire.”

Nick“One thing, vampires don’t do that.”

Judy“Yeah they do.”

Nick“You clearly need to watch some horror movies with me.”

Judy“Uh no.”


Everyone left the scene. Judy followed the ambulance in front, she notices Nick looking really terrible. 

Judy“Are you ok Nick?”


Judy“Do you need something?”

Nick: “……..no.”

Judy“Do I scare you?”

Nick“What? No”

Judy“Oh is it you’re afraid of vampires Nick?”

Nick“Ha no. I’m just having a massive headache right now. And besides, you look rather cute with those red eyes.”

Judy: “Red eyes? Nick my eyes are purple.”

Nick“I know, but with the hallucinogenic everything looks different.”

Judy“So what can you see?”

Nick“That everyone is a monster.”

Judy“No I meant me.”

Nick“Oh well for one you have red eyes, long eyelashes, and some fangs peaking out of you lips. You look quite the seductress.”

Judy blushed on his remark and decided to play it off, “Well at least for today I’ve become a predator, and I will drink your blood muhahahahahaha.”

Nick“Hahaha, don’t push your luck cottontailand keep an eye on the road.”

Judy“So to you I’m now a predator, it feels very strange but I kinda like the idea now. Fear me for I’am the vampire bunny muhahahaha!” Judy playfully waving her hand on Nick’s shoulder as he tries to wave it off.

Nick: “Hehe, you may have turned into a predator my sweet cottontail but remember that you are still my prey.”

Nick looked at Judy with a scary smile. Judy got creeped out.

Nick: “Ha! You should look at your face!”

Judy: “Don’t scare me like that!” She hits him on the shoulder.

Nick: “Keep an eye on the road then!”

Judy continues to drive, but she didn’t want the conversation to end.

Judy“Were close to the hospital.”

Nick“Great, I don’t want to keep seeing this spectacle all the time. Well except you, I kinda like seeing you as vampire.”

Judy“If I ever do become one, then I’ll get you first.”

Nick“Fine by me. I let you drink my blood if you ever need to, just don’t turn me into one.”

Judy“I don’t think that’s how it works.”

Nick“Then you should watch some horror movies with me then.”

Judy“Again, no.”

Nick“Haha, if you ever got gassed a few hours ago, I don’t think you’ll last seeing what I’m seeing.”

Judy: “So outside the window, you can see everyone as monsters?”

Nick: “Yeah……and I can also see myself on the reflection.”

Judy“What do you see? And by that I mean your reflection?”

Nick“I don’t think you want to know.”

Judy pulls up at the parking lot and got inside the hospital with Alex and Geno who is still strapped in struggling to get free. The nurses told the other two to go to another section of the hall. While Nick and Judy went into the opposite side. Heading into one of the empty rooms.

The doctor arrived and checked on Nick. She appeared something horrible to Nick’s eyes since he’s making a disgusted face. What could he be seeing the doctor as? She said the hallucinogenic will wear off in a couple of hours so there is no need to worry. 

Judy“Well I’m glad there’s no bad side effect.”

Nick“Me too.”

Judy“I’ll be out and get us something to eat ok?”

Nick“Sure, I’ll just wait here.”

Judy approached him and gave him a hug, “I’m glad you’re ok.”

Nick: “Thanks Judy.”

Judy leaves the room while Nick is in bed staring at the window seeing all kinds of strange things. Then his eyes adjusted looking at his reflection by the window. 

Nick: “How ironic, I became the thing I was scared off when I was a kid. ”

What he sees is something that he was used to be afraid off. The one thing that scared him when he was a kid now appears as his reflection staring back at him. 

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