Ретро компьютерные объявления прошлых лет. / ретро :: geek (Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор)

geek ретро 

Ретро компьютерные объявления прошлых лет.

$3,459 За 10 Мегабайт Жесткого Диска.

10 Megabyte Hard Disk
M-IO-12 Top lAid Drive * Factory rrbuilc 10MB cartridge disk drive only A new Cameo l>ala Syvlrmv ronlmller w available for $1.193 Sl.lftt for a brand new Arnprx 10MB drive only
\Vr are the CP/M** and MPM" sprvialnt of Southern ialifoema \\c can supply you with

10 Мегабайт Жесткого Диска Системы: $3,695.

First compare quality. Then compare cost.
Morrow Designs’ 10 megabyte hard disk system: $3,695.
104 Megabytes with the M26 40+ megabytes with the M10 Formatted Additional drives M26 *4 495.
M10 *3.195. Quantity discounts «variable
The M26

80 мегабайт менее чем за $12К / 300 Мбайт  под $20К.

Now you can get our disk systems within 30 days ARO at the industry's lowest prices:
• 80 Mbytes for under $12K* •300Mbytes for under $20K*
Fiold-proven reliability, total software support and 30-day dolivoty. Youvo corao to oxpocl thorn all from us. And that's why we've become tho world's

Жесткий диск который вы так долго ждали 10 МВ за $3398

XCOMP ntroduces a complete micro-sue dak ■ubayettm with more. .
StOOueera . The XCOMP subsystem • now avaiabb with 10 megabytes of storage. 5 megabytes abo avatabb at $2,898 00 Compare the pnce and features ot any other 5'« inch — or

Недорогие жёстские диски здесь

Low-cost hard disk computers are here
11 megabytes of hard disk and 64 kilobytes of fast RAM in a Z80A computer for under $10K. Two floppy drives, too. Naturally, it’s from Cromemco.
It's a reality. In Cromcmco's new Model Z-2H you get all of the above and even more. VVith Cromemco you get it

Seagate ST4096

Seagate’s 80MB ST4096 The capacity is high. The price is not
If you have a voracious appetite for computer storage, Seagate's ST4096 is the drive for you.
This full*height 5J5" drive features a full 80 megabytes of formatted storage* capacity, compared to other drives that format down to 72MB.

 реклама Lotus или 123

For people who want power.
It you ait seeking power in software we believe we have created the program you seek.
And our opinion is shared by a great many computer analysts who consider 1-2-3"* from Lotus* the most productive program in the marketplace.
Like many great ideas the essence of its

Два Байта Лучше, Чем Один.

TMS 9900 16BIT

2 Цента За Байт!

ttirm'imrt f •••••••••• I	•••
MM16K/S349 = 2.1C
MM24K/S499 2C
SR16K/S299 = 1.84
SR32K/$649 = 2C
Now you can afTord to sink your teeth Into some big. feature-packed static memories. Because George Morrows ultra-efficient designs have brought S-100 memory down to 2< a byte.
Introducing Morrows

Новая 16к ОЗУ карта, которая превращает Ваш компьютер в работающего гиганта.

16KZ. You can run the Urge programs and file* that make computers truly valuable — that take them out of the toy class and make them useful, pro* ducing units.
With Bank-Select you can even oporafe an S-100 bus computer as a tlme*share computer with up to 8 stations. A given memory bank can be

1976 Apple первое Объявление

Thf APPLE-1 SYSTEM if a fully assembled, tested & burned-in
microprocessor board using the 6502 microprocessor. The board contains processor & support hardware; complete video electronics for a 40 character line. 24 line video display: on-board RAM capacity of 8K BYTES;

Компания Apple 

When's the
hutmess machine th;»i gets people more excited than a trip to Acapulco or a colorTV?
Personal computers are the hottest prod-ucts of the year, and Apples*arc the hottest personal computers.
Because there are more rcady-to-use programs for Apples than any other personal computer

Виктор Борге 

Concerto in A Flat Mini
Al Verbatim Corporation the whole message is quality. Our Verbatim brand diskettes, cartridges and cassettes capture your Jata and play it back bit for bit. byte for byte, verbatim.
Quality mini media is all we make. When you want to be sure vonr data will play, specify

ExtenSys 64К за $1495

geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и  айтишный юмор,ретро

Компания Logitech HiREZ Мышь

Introducing the most agile mouse ever to set foot
The IXXUTECH IliRKZ Mousc-thc only mouse expressly designed for high-rcsoluiion screens.
With a resolution of S20 dots-per-inch (as compared with 200 dpi or less for ordinary mice), it covers the same area on your high-res screen, but needs less

Лотос Магеллан 2.0

You always find something in the last place you look.Unfortunately the average hard disk has about 20,000 places.
Of course, you might get lucky. And find the file you want in tire 19,992nd place.
Or. you can find it almost immediately with new Lotus*
Magellan* 2.0.
When you can't remember a

Может Ли Ваш Процессор Пройти Этот Экранный тэст?

Can your word processor pass this screen test?
y H A T	Y 0 U	SEE
	I S	
WHAT	Y 0 U	G E T —*
WordStar"* software does*' And does it better than any other word processing system Not only do you get all the sophisticated features youd expect from the high priced WP system, with IVbrdStar you

Работа компьютера в режиме реального времени.

 	  Th«	Unm	V	»>•	i>.<	ipM
Operation in Real-Time . . .
In the field of missile development, there's only one commercially available digital computer capable of real-time |x*rformancc — the famous Uni vac* Scientific. It’s tin.* ideal system for flight simulation and for on-line data reduction.

Сексуальный Модем Penril.

We call it a PENRIL MODEM!
Penril's modems are all performers — with a family ranging from teletype (Bell 101C) modems and single card LSI 1200 BPS (Bell 202C) modems up to our adaptively equalized 4800 BPS models.

Сони 3.5" Дискеты.

M y à tj
• JIJ ll'ÆI
U your computer has 3 5' drives, it has a little bit of Sony Because Sony! invented the 35" drive technology that has taken floppy disk memory all tho way to two megabytes
So nobody knows better than Sony how important high standards He for produciiK; 3.5"

 Диск Шугарта.

“For reliable data storage, I recommend systems with
Shugart disk drives? Nycom, Los Altos, Citlilomia
“The last thing you need «hen you put your personal computer or small business system to work ts a disk drive that you can’t rely on li the drive quits, your system is out of business.”

Компания Apple II в 1979 “Адам”.

of an Apple since Adam.
What in the name of Adam dp people do wilh Apple Computers?
You teU us.
In a thousand words or less.
if your story is original and intriguing enough, you could win a one-week all-expense paid trip for two to Hawaii. Which is the closest we could come to paradise.	"

Apple IIc

Apple announces а technological иеаипгоцт of incredible proportions,geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и  айтишный юмор,ретро

Apple II and III.

Jefferson had one of the best minds of 1776, but today you can make better decisions with an Apple.
Jefferson and decision makers of every century haw faced the same challenge: how to explore every option before you implement the final plan. Today you have a solution. The Apple personal computer.

Commodore VIC-20.

I he* best computer value in the world today. The only computer vou’II need for years to come.”
				.tsar 1
riaMIWm	«a»	4M'	MAS	1 «.«MW* I
IVso*		*4«	*»*»00	tsvtoo ]

IBM 5510 Computing System

Under $18,0
Then*	a time »hen >19.000
OWI euvir the mumtklj/ eM u( a computer. Hut the no* IltM 5110 Cura l«n mg	*lw»n ibim mAi Iur
‘Il'.Wtl tut Ur nmfiguratioa« range Inm iflvlrr >|0JU00 to alaait KHl,(HMa. And Iur any ul thuav pnewa. >ou get a vernal ik-IHMoompuUTlarked hy IltM M-nitviivI

Ещё Apple

What kind of man owns his own computer?
Rather revolutionary, die whole idea of owning your own computer? Not if you're a diplomat, printer, scientist, inventor... or a kite designer, too. Today there’s Apple Computer. It's designed to be a personal computer. To uncomplicate your life. And make

Первая Мышь Microsoft.

Our expertise in both hardware and software has gone into the develop ment of the Microsoft Mouse Now you can plug in the most exciting computer product of the year and put it to work
The Mouse lets you move the cursor freely and naturally. then execute commands at the push of a button

Osborne Computer.

The®1795-Personal Business Computer that is changing the way people go to work.
Henry Ford revolutionized personal transportation.
Adam Osborne has done the same for personal business computing.
Virtually everything you need in a personal business computer to work faster and better with words,

 Машина Воображения

The imogmofion Mochine offers more of ifs price thon any other personal computer on the market today
Consider these features <?K RAM. with 14K 8ASJC in ROM53-key typewriter keyboard Afineresofu-ton picture, generated on your television set or monitor in 8 colors'
The only computer with color,

Модель TRS-80 100 видео.

Two New Reasons to Choose Our TRS-80 Portable Computer:,geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и  айтишный юмор,ретро

Компьютер: zx80 дешевле 200$


The first personal computer for under $200.	‘3a9m
The Sinclair ZX80.
A complete computer-only $199.95 plus $5.00 shipping.
Now. for just $199.95, you can get a complete, powerful fufl-function computer, matching or surpassing other personal computers costmg several times more.
It's the

Коммодор 64.

} : 1M :1 Vi i ;YJ :W u,
APPLE' Ile 64K
A personal computer
•s supposed to be a
computer for persons.
Not just wealthy persons. Or whiz-kid persons Or privileged persons
But person persons In other words, an the persons whom Apple.

Черт возьми, что такое Электронная почта?

is Electronic Mail?,geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и  айтишный юмор,ретро

Keystick: Клавиатура Джойстик.

Mounts over the cursor keys and gives you the convience of a mini joystick. Auto centering and supports diagonal movement. No software needed. Instructions on attachment included. Designed to ease use of spread sheets and cad programs.
WT: .4

10 Megabyte Hard Disk $3,495* 'f M-IO-12 Top lAid Drive * Factory rrbuilc 10MB cartridge disk drive only A new Cameo l>ala Syvlrmv ronlmller w available for $1.193 Sl.lftt for a brand new Arnprx 10MB drive only \Vr are the CP/M** and MPM" sprvialnt of Southern ialifoema \\c can supply you with ihr lairvi CP/M ($150) or MP/M ($300j and with St.wlanl BIOS ($150) or Custom BIOS ($KiO). Immrdiatr delivers uoridmide Domrvtic and foreign inquiries imitrd ..dealer» loo. !■ \1 «•! Ml' M a' lo4>n«V-a l»>colK>« •»»!% \\c are a full servier computer retailer. \\e totally intrígale hardware and wiflwarr into high quality, high rrii-abdity tyvtemv Syurrm for uv in development. procrw control and emend butinru \V«rd (ipjcoung nalurally. mulli tasking and multi processing too. Computer Components CücK 279 on inquiry cam. 5848 Sepulveda Boulevard Vhn Nuys. California 91411 2IW8t»-74ll tw>w 2*1
First compare quality. Then compare cost. Morrow Designs’ 10 megabyte hard disk system: $3,695. BUILD TO FOUR DRIVES. 104 Megabytes with the M26 40+ megabytes with the M10 Formatted Additional drives M26 *4 495. M10 *3.195. Quantity discounts «variable S-100. CROMEMCO AND NORTH STAR* The M26 and M10 are scalcd-modia hard disk dnvos Both S-100 controBors ncorporate intelligence to supervise an data transfers through four I/O ports (command. 2 status and data» Transfers between doves and controk Ora are transparent to the CPU The controller can also generate interrupts at tho completion of each command materially increasing system throughout Sectors are individually ivr te protectable for multiuse environments North Star or Cromomco? Cali Mcro Maces. ArunHo TX. ,»»1372-3633 <or the software package that allows the M26 and M10 to run on North Star DOS MIC AH of Morrow Designs’ 26 megabyte hard disk system: $4,995. Sausaino. CA. (415)332-4443 oflers a CP/M expanded to full Cromemco COOS compatibility AND NOW. MULT I/O'' Muit-I/O is an I/O controller that allows multi-terminal and multi-purpose use of S-100 and Cromomco computers Three serai and two parallel output ports Real hmo dock Futly programmable interrupt controller Designed with da«y-wheel printers m mind Price *299 (kit). *349 assembled and tested MAKE HARD COMPARISONS You B find that Morrow Designs hard disk systems offer the best pnoe/ performance ratios available for S-100 Cromemco and North Star computers. See the M26 and M10 hard disk subsystems at your computer dealer Or. write Morrow Designs Need intor-malion fasf» Call us al (415) 524-2101 Look to Morrow tor answers. MORROW DESIGNS &»lCwMk«w (Wwwd.CAiWM •Ocm—-mo « j it iito-w rt CA>f r<.* W •M**, Star n a vadorrjrt. aI l«r» Mar Cmrcuwi Inr MORE MEMORY. LESS MONEY Compare Morrow Designs DISCUS'’ W26’ hard dtsk systems » any system available tor S-100 or Cromemco fTuchmes First comporo teatures Then, com par® cost per mega-Oyie The M26 works out to under *200 a megabyte And tho M10 a ibout hatt the cost of com-petng systems COMPLETE SUBSYSTEMS. Beth the M10 (8"). and the M26 (14*). aro ddrvorod completo with flak controller, cables fan power supply cabmet and CP/M* operating system It s your choice iOMb8’ at *3695 or 26 Mb 14"at *4.995 That's single unit Ouantity prices aro avadado
Now you can get our disk systems within 30 days ARO at the industry's lowest prices: • 80 Mbytes for under $12K* •300Mbytes for under $20K* Fiold-proven reliability, total software support and 30-day dolivoty. Youvo corao to oxpocl thorn all from us. And that's why we've become tho world's largest independent suppiior of minicomputer disk storage system*. Now add low price. Lower than tho minicomputer manufacturer, lower than any other independent—Ihe lowest in tho industry. Why? Because wo buy more disk drives than anyone olse. and wo can afford to pass tho OEM discounts on to you. The prices listed above are for complete disk systoms ready to plug into your minicomputer. Each system includes our high-performance controller. an appropriate minicomputer intoriaco and the software of your choice. Whon you buy disk systoms from us. you'll savo a lot more than a lot of money on the purchase price. You'll savo precious time. Beginning with our 30-day delivery and continuing with our respon-sivo. customor/software support, wo'll got your syslom up quickly—and keep it up. For complote OEM pricing information and technical details, contact the System Industries representative in I0*0"*' ^ System > Industries An equal opportunity employer. 535 Del Roy Avenue Sunnyvale. CaWorres 94066 (406) 732-1650. Tb’ex 346-459 # OEM prices40*69systems. Sales Service Representative* Boston: (617) 492-1791. Hew York: (201) 461-3242: (716) 385-3021: (S16) 299 4272; (201) 694-3334. Washington. D.C.: (202) 337-1160. Cincinnati: (513) 661-9156. Los Angeles: (714) 752 8904. Houston: (713) 465-2700. Sunnyvale HQ: (408) 732-1650. Canada: (416) 624-0320. United Kingdom: (4862) 70725. Oormany:211-407542. Sweden: 08-236640. Spain: 45-7-5312.
XCOMP ntroduces a complete micro-sue dak ■ubayettm with more. . • MORE STORAGE • MORE SPEEO • MORE VALUE • MORE SUPPORT StOOueera . The XCOMP subsystem • now avaiabb with 10 megabytes of storage. 5 megabytes abo avatabb at $2,898 00 Compare the pnce and features ot any other 5'« inch — or even 8-mch system, and you I agree that XCOMP's value a unbeatable OUTPERFORMS OTHER HARO DISKS Floppy dak and larger, more expensive hard daks are no match tor the powerful fctoo system Moro data is avatabb on every seek 84K on 10MB and 32K on SMB Faster seek tme too - an average ot TOMS It provides sofcd performance anywhere with only 20 watts of power Data « protected m the tealod endostre. and the tandog /one lor heads provides another margin ol safety The optional power board plugs dree tty nto the St 00 bus and provxles power tor the drive FAST CONTROLLER The XCOMP controSer is the key to thia system s MORE SOFTWARE Incfcjded with the system m software tor testtog. tor matting. I/O drivers for CP/M* . piue an automata CP M driver attach program Support aoftware and drivers tor MP M* andOasa* are abo avatabb The sophutcated formating program esargns aftemab sectors for any woak sectors detocted durmg formating assumg the lowest possibb error rate — at least tan times better than floppies WARRANTY The systom has a tul one-year warranty on parts and workmensho ALSO AVAILABLE FROM XCOMP • Genorai Purpose controtars (8 txt interlace), with easy nterface to microprocessor-based systems • GP controSer adapter that plugs dvectty nto most Z80 computers • ST R GP controtar for the 5MB and 10MB drive above, with ST508 type interlace • SG RGP controtar tor SA1000 mterface • SMH GP controtar tor storage modde doves • ST/3. SO S. and SM S samo as above, for the St00 bus Quantity decounts evatabb Ostnbutor. Dealer, and OEM rxwes nvited rvgh etfoency operation Speed-up foohxos ndude ntertoave without tabb lookup, block-deblock with controtar butter, and read lookahoad OEMs wodd wide have already proven the outstarxAng parlor-manco of the XCOMP controtar See you local Dealer or cai XCOMP XCOMP. Inc 7566 Trado Street San Diego. CA 92121 Tel <714) 271 8730 Tab* 182786 13398 10MB HARD DISK YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR Coreb 40* on inov^y cam
Low-cost hard disk computers are here 11 megabytes of hard disk and 64 kilobytes of fast RAM in a Z80A computer for under $10K. Two floppy drives, too. Naturally, it’s from Cromemco. It's a reality. In Cromcmco's new Model Z-2H you get all of the above and even more. VVith Cromemco you get it all. In this new Model Z-2H you get not only a large-storage Winchester hard disk drive but also two floppy disk drives. In the hard disk drive you get unprecedented storage capacity at this price—11 megabytes unformatted. You get speed—both in the 4 MHz Z80A microprocessor and in the fast 64K RAM which has a chip access time of only 150 nanoseconds. You get speed in the computer minimum instruction execution time of 1 microsecond. You get speed in the hard disk transfer rate of 5.6 megabits/sec. EXPANDABILITY You get expandability, too. The high-speed RAM can be expanded to 512 kilobytes if you wish. And the computer has a full 12-slot card cage you can use for additional RAM and interface cards. BROADEST SOFTWARE SUPPORT With the Z-2H you also get the broadest software support In the microcomputer field. Software Cro-mcmco is known for. Software like this: • Extended BASIC • FORTRAN IV • RATFOR (RATional FORlran) • COBOL • Z80 Macro Assembler • Word Procossing System • Data Base Management with more coming all the time. SMALL, RUGGED, RELIABLE With all its features the new Z-2H, including its hard disk drive, is still housed in just one small cabinet. H*td 4i»k «•>,« al lo*cf s«rt can o» ir**f. c*a«jBd [u»t fc, W avs »:«i9 So»«*'V*©CBrt»lo!»afBB.4.'»Dto 2-2H ieelu6»i eme* e»nJ Included in that cabinet, too, is Cromemcoruggedness and reliability. Cromemco is time-proved. Our equipment is a survey winner foi reliability. Of course, there’s Cro-mcmco's all-metal cabinet. Rugged, solid. And. there's the heavy-duty power supply (30A (5 8V, 15A @ + 18 V. and 15A <3 -18V) for circuitry you'll sooner or later want to plug Into those free card slots. CALL NOW With its high performance and low price you KNOW this new Z-2H is going to be a smash. Look into it right now. Contact your Cromemco computer store and get our sales literature, find out when you can sec it. Many dealers will be showing the Z-2H soon—and you'll want to be there when they do. PRESENT CROMEMCO USERS We’ve kept you in mind, too. Aik about the new Model HDD Diik Drive which can combine with your present Cromemco computer to give you up to 22 megabytes of dlik storage. G Cromemco Incorporate«] 260 BERNARDO AVE. MOUNTAIN VIEW. CA 94040 • (415)964-7400 Tomorrow's computers now CIRCLE 135 ON READER SERVICE CARD
Seagate’s 80MB ST4096 The capacity is high. The price is not If you have a voracious appetite for computer storage, Seagate's ST4096 is the drive for you. This full*height 5J5" drive features a full 80 megabytes of formatted storage* capacity, compared to other drives that format down to 72MB. With capacity this high, the ST4096 is ideal for heavy diiUibu.se* or spreadsheet applications. If it’s a multiuser system you have in mind, the ST4096 offers a speedy 28ms access time for quick system response. Even ST4096 we ship comes complete with menu-driven utility software for easy installation, partitioning and data management It's just the kind of added value you’d expect from the first name in disc drives. To find out more about reliable disc drives with high capacity and low price, contact your authorized Seagate Distributor, or call us directly at 800-468-DISC. 88 Seagate TV firM nunc in db>c drivr*
For people who want power. It you ait seeking power in software we believe we have created the program you seek. And our opinion is shared by a great many computer analysts who consider 1-2-3"* from Lotus* the most productive program in the marketplace. Like many great ideas the essence of its success is its simplicity. With 1-2-3, you have spreadsheet, information management and graphic functions—all in one program. You can switch from one function to another with the touch of a key, instantaneously. Although it seems faster. In effect, it’s a perfect combination o/nw power and spectacular speed. But for those who want more, 1-2-3 is specially designed so you can develop customized applications for your business needs. And the world’s largest electronic spreadsheet has enough operators, functions and commands to perform virtually any task you ask of it. In fact, the only limit is your imagination. 1-2-3 from Lotus is power and something more. Call 1-800-343-5414 (In Massachusetts call 617-492-7870) and find out more about 1-2-3 from Lotus. 0 Lotus The hardest working software in the world. Orlo 270 on inquiry card Al
ttirm'imrt f •••••••••• I ••• MM16K/S349 = 2.1C MM24K/S499 2C SR16K/S299 = 1.84 SR32K/$649 = 2C Now you can afTord to sink your teeth Into some big. feature-packed static memories. Because George Morrows ultra-efficient designs have brought S-100 memory down to 2< a byte. Introducing Morrows new 'MemoryMaster" Bank Select Logic memories, the top of the Super Ram-“ line. The SuperRamv MemoryMaster 16K Static may be the most sophisticated S-100 memory at any price. The MM16K Is switch-programmable to write-protect any of the four 4K blocks.. .or to open Invisible IK "windows" to accommodate VDM's or disk controllers. An on board I/O device andjumper block allow you to use the memory-extending Bank Select Logic features of your software. Yet. the SupcrRarrf* MemoryMaster 16K kit Is Just 2 JC a byte at S349. Assembled and tested. S399. The SuperRamv MemoryMasterIsaisoavailable in 24K configuration: 3 Individually write-protectable 8K blocks with Bank Select Logic capability. MM24K Kit. $499. Assembled and tested. $549. Or. get your memory at a rock-bottom 18C a byte with the SuperRamrv 16K Static. It gives you 4 individual 4K blocks... plus the ability to switch-enablc the Phantom Line for power-up sequencing. Kit. $299. Assembled and tested. $349. But if you really need a big helping of memory, the SuperRarnv 32K Static serves up two Individual I6K blocks for 2C a byte: $649 in kit. Assembled and tested. $699. Whichever Morrow memory suits your taste, it will run perfectly In 2 MHz 8080.4 MHz Z-80 or 5 MHz 8085 systems. And meets the Proposed IEEE S-100 Standard. 2C a byte! That's food for thought. And they're ready to take out at your local computer shop. Or If not. we deliver WritcThinker Toys?* 5221 Central Ave.. Richmond CA 94804. Or call 415-524-2101 (10-4 Pacific Time any weekday). (7) Mot row Dougns Thinker Toys ”
16KZ. You can run the Urge programs and file* that make computers truly valuable — that take them out of the toy class and make them useful, pro* ducing units. With Bank-Select you can even oporafe an S-100 bus computer as a tlme*share computer with up to 8 stations. A given memory bank can be accessed only by one station, so there Is full confidentiality. Advanced Cromemco engineering Designing a 16K RAM card to operate at 4 MHz is a significant cnei* vny neering accomplishment. That's wr Cromemco with our strong engineer* log staff Is the only manufacturer to offer such a card. And notice that this advanced card is available and ready tor delivery — at your store or from the factory. 16K RAM memory kit (Model 16KZ-I0 ............. $495. 1SK RAM memory assembled, tested, and burned in for 160 hours (Model 16KZ-W) $795. Uj*v<r»«rn W I kt>U 1***r Vv* (M »№»■» ■tW»r .___ CiMw*.i Mn *M IV h l*|V MX •« Cromemco Sp+cUJiit* tn eompuiprt and peripheral« H00 CMA»HST0H HO. UOlMTAM VSCW. CA MOO • (40) H4 7IM odflp.com The new 16K RAM card that turns your computer into a working giant Available now — store/factory Here's the Industry's leading 16K RAM card-‘Jt'haa two outstanding features that make it important to you: (1) It's fast: It operates up to 4 MHz with no wait states. That's important because it lets you run programs on your Cromemco 2*1 and 2*2 computers fn about half the time required by other systems, tven if your present computer is not 4 MHz fast, this new Model 16K2 RAM equips you for the time when you'll need anfl Want higher computer speed. (21 It has Cromemco'« tank-Sefcct feature. Bank-Select lets you expand memory far beyond 64 K bytes. Not fust beyond 64K but far beyond — up to 512K bytes U you wish. Again, with .Cromemco you get present outstanding performance plus obsolescence protection. 8ank-Sctcct lets you organize memory into 8 banks of 64K each. The active bank is software-selected. A useful giant Whatever your S-tOO bus computer— Cromemco, Altair 8800 or IMSAI 8080 — you can have enormous memory with the new Model Ok** 701 on inquiry tied
A BALANCE OF FEATURES Thf APPLE-1 SYSTEM if a fully assembled, tested & burned-in microprocessor board using the 6502 microprocessor. The board contains processor & support hardware; complete video electronics for a 40 character line. 24 line video display: on-board RAM capacity of 8K BYTES; software system monitor in PROM; and fully regulated power supplies. The Apple attaches directly to an ASCII encoded keyboard and a video monitor, allowing the efficient entry and examination of programs in hexidecimal notation. The use of the new 16-pin 4K RAM chips results in low power and high density memory, which can be upgraded to the 16K chips when they become available |32K bytes on-board RAM!!) A fast (1 kilobaud) cassette interface is available and includes a tape of Apple Basic. And ... Yes. Folks. Apple Basic is Free! APPLE-1 $666.66 ‘includes 4K bytes RAM Micro • *>.*»02 Microprocessor Interface • Full video display electronics • 40 char line. 24 line. Outputs composite video. • Has ASCII keyboard interface on-board. • Cassette interface board available. FAST - 1 Kilobaud • Uses 16-pin 4K Dynamic RAMS. • HK BYTE RAM capacity on-board! • Upgradable Io 16K RAM chips. • Software system monitor in PROM • Apple Basic ... pseudo-compiled. FAST. FREE • Fully regulated power supplies on-board. DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED APPLE COMPUTER COMPANY 770 Welch Road. Suite 154 Palo Alto, California 94304 Phone: (415) 326-4248 CIRCLE NO 42 ON INQUIRY CAÄD
 _ When's the hutmess machine th;»i gets people more excited than a trip to Acapulco or a colorTV? Personal computers are the hottest prod-ucts of the year, and Apples*arc the hottest personal computers. Because there are more rcady-to-use programs for Apples than any other personal computer you can buy. Apples can do just alvHit anything for just about anybody. Prom playing games to playing the stock market. from plotting sales to plotting the orbits of electrons Apple ts the best-known, most desired better unaided our nearest competitor. So its a great incentive tor top achievers But it ’s also a powerful tool to help them achieve even more. An Apple speeds routine business tasks and helps make better decisions, faster. Which turns a great prize into a grand prix increased productivity There are more jxrople in more places doing n>cxv things with Apples than with any other personal computer in the work! Including motivating people / Tlx* m< >st jxiscxml computer, ^Jcipplc
Concerto in A Flat Mini Al Verbatim Corporation the whole message is quality. Our Verbatim brand diskettes, cartridges and cassettes capture your Jata and play it back bit for bit. byte for byte, verbatim. Quality mini media is all we make. When you want to be sure vonr data will play, specify Verbatim. Verbatim Corporation 323 Soqucl Wav. Sunnvvale. CA 94086 (408) 245-4400. TWX: 910 339-9381 For the name of your nearest Verbatim distributor, call toll free: (1)800-538-1793. In California call: (408) 737 7771 In Europe: Callcotkcl Verbatim S.A. Case Post ale 296 1215 Gcn6vc 15 ^ Switzerland Telephone: 41 (22) 34 90-55 M Telex 22647 I I<.I < II Verbatim Ltd. Ballysimon Road Umenck, Ireland Telephone: 061-42755 Telex: 8206 In the Far East- Verbatim Far East Ltd. 702Havama Building 3-14.1-Chome lliroo. Shibuya-Ku Tok vo 150. Japan Tel: (03) 446 2917 Telex: J29587 Victor Borgc demands the worlds finest piano for his concert work. And when he MffonM ••! «he computer keyboard, he naturally expects the best. The quality mini recording media. That s why he specifies Verbatim. OrtjnJ Seja £•/ 'rCA'5 1er m-r'.j'n~-rn p/pos « I Vf djri rr> rqtti cxw Ms* imgt, tea * yoe e« *. ncvfl eftrectte ww avii <K**r In www.vinliorcompoTinq.com CwPJT*« F5C Gfl*r.C fif 11 D &3MI If //r iiJrr*

Introducing the most agile mouse ever to set foot The IXXUTECH IliRKZ Mousc-thc only mouse expressly designed for high-rcsoluiion screens. With a resolution of S20 dots-per-inch (as compared with 200 dpi or less for ordinary mice), it covers the same area on your high-res screen, but needs less of your desk to do it. More than 50% less. Saving you valuable desk space, and effort: mouse maneuvers that used to require a sweep of the hand are now reduced to a flick of the wrist. dk TkflfXJTfrJI Which makes this new mouse a hands l>cst friend. And a more reliable, long-lasting companion—fully com|>aiib!c with all popular software, and equipped with a Lifetime Guarantee. Equipped, too, with other advantages exclusive to all Logitech mice: A unique lightweight ergonomic design. Low-angled buttons for maximum comfort and minimum fatigue. An exclusive technology that guarantees a much greater life span. An exceptionally smooth-moving, dirt-resistant roller ball. And natural compatibility with all PCs. look-a-likes, and virtually any software. So if you've got your eyes on a high-rcs screen, get your hands on tltc one mouse that’s agile enough to keep up with it. Tlie LOGITECH HiREZ Mouse. For the dealer nearest you. call 800-231-7717 (800-552-8885 in California), or write Ijogitech. Inc.. 6505 Kaiser Drive. Fremont. CA 94555. In Europe, call or write: Logitech Switzerland, European Headquarters, CH-1111 Komanel/Morgrs. Switzerland (++41-21-869-9656). EBLOGITECH CirtU I SO oh Rtodtr Serviei Ca/rf (DtoUn: 151)
You always find something in the last place you look.Unfortunately the average hard disk has about 20,000 places. Of course, you might get lucky. And find the file you want in tire 19,992nd place. Or. you can find it almost immediately with new Lotus* Magellan* 2.0. When you can't remember a file name, just type in a word, phrase, or concept related to it. Magellan will search jour entire hard disk and come back with a list of relevant files in seconds. Scroll down the list and you’ll see each one as it actually appears in its application. Even if it’s a graphics file. When you find the file you want, a single keystroke launches the application and loads the file. Magellan simplifies all of the other utility func-tions you use most. too. Copy. Delete. Move. Sort. Back-up or Rename files, groups of files, or entire directory branches in the TVee mode, with one keystroke. And Undelete erased files just as easily. Even view a deleted file before you decide to restore it. Magellan also lets you saw disk space by compressing data files up to 50%. with tin* built-in PK/.ip"* file compressor. And view cotnprvsscd files without expanding them. And since Magellan is customizable. you can turn any of its functions on and off. or even build custom menus. All of which is why aw'sakl. "Magellan ooukl very well be the finest utility ever written for the PC!' And why every major computing magazine has given it practically every award they haw. Call 1-800-TRADE-t'P, extension 578, for a free auto demo disk. You’ll sec. It's exactly what you’ve been looking for. itorllanUUyo* /iHdafiUiH vrwKfc. n<rn vKrny, tan I rnnrmUr it» nan* New Magellan 2.0 from Lotus
Can your word processor pass this screen test? y H A T Y 0 U SEE I S WHAT Y 0 U G E T —* WordStar"* software does*' And does it better than any other word processing system Not only do you get all the sophisticated features youd expect from the high priced WP system, with IVbrdStar you have a true screen image of what your printout will look like before you print it! With WordStar, you'll erase. insert, delete and move entire blocks of copy Page breaks are displayed and automatically revised on the screen. You can Specify enhancements like underlining and boldfacing, and much more. And WordStar's so much easier to loam because of its unique and extensive self-help menus Every typist in your office can be an instant screen star. Coll (415) 4578990 and ask for a copy of our WordStar demon C»/U (i u c* Am«*«*» «»x Stratton booklet. Remember, when you’re the star, were the star. (jfflkroPro) NlfiNAJCNAl COGPOGATON The Star Maker Mcrcfto i»- 14!SI4S.’ r/M tllLX >40 < ^v*vx\J irAn rd »Ay» or.# CX V «1^« rvfl*
 Th« Unm V »>• i>.< ipM Operation in Real-Time . . . In the field of missile development, there's only one commercially available digital computer capable of real-time |x*rformancc — the famous Uni vac* Scientific. It’s tin.* ideal system for flight simulation and for on-line data reduction. It solves complex problems from purely sensed data at speeds that arc compatible with real-time control. Because of its ability to reduce large volumes of data at tremendous speeds, tin* Uni vac Scientific System easily handle's even the most difficult research problems. Furthermore, it offers many other outstanding characteristics. including: superb operating efficiency, obtained through large storage capacity ... great programming versatility. .. the ability to operate simultaneously with a wfck variety of input-output devices., and far greater reliability than any computet "i it' typo. For more information about tbf Univac Scientific System or for information alxmt ways in whfcfe you might apply the system to yom particular problems, write on yom business letterhead to... ROOM ms. 31S FOURTH AVE.. NEW YORK 10 DIVISION OF SPCRRY RAND CORPORATION
VERSATILE DEPENDABLE COMPATIBLE (MAYBE EVEN SEXY) CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT... We call it a PENRIL MODEM! Penril's modems are all performers — with a family ranging from teletype (Bell 101C) modems and single card LSI 1200 BPS (Bell 202C) modems up to our adaptively equalized 4800 BPS models. JOaba GummunlcaUons. he. SS20 RANDOLPH ROAD. ROCKVILLC. MARYLAND 20IS1. M1-SS1-81SI We ll be on display at Booth 2028 at FICC in Las Veeas.
.¿Hü TTtFTj M y à tj • JIJ ll'ÆI U your computer has 3 5' drives, it has a little bit of Sony Because Sony! invented the 35" drive technology that has taken floppy disk memory all tho way to two megabytes So nobody knows better than Sony how important high standards He for produciiK; 3.5" floppy disks But tlien. Sony invented those, too. as well as tho most demanding methods for making 3 5' disks Such as the Sony Vrvax™ magnetic mrxiium. with the high coercive fordfl necessary to suppress the* ‘noise’ tbit can cause disk error And the Sony j DDL™ binder system for incredibly even dispersion of magnetic partideeon the disk surface Then theres Sonys burnishing expertise that clirrunateti " microsccp-.c projections as small as 1/iOCO.CCCth of a millimeter But the best reason to trust only Sony is your irreplaceable data, you'll to storing six times the information on a disk thats one-thud smaller, » 5 25* floppy Thate why we recommend only one floppy disk tot j Tho Sony SONY ONE AND ONLY.
“For reliable data storage, I recommend systems with Shugart disk drives? Nycom, Los Altos, Citlilomia “The last thing you need «hen you put your personal computer or small business system to work ts a disk drive that you can’t rely on li the drive quits, your system is out of business.” That's why more and more manufacturers and dealers depend on Shupn disk drives for reliable data storage.'Ihcsc professionals don’t want dKk drive problems any more than you do. Shugart has a TM-MnAfv* ntuslmuit «•in?AwtuHs large family of drives, too-in all sires and capacities to suit your system storage needs. For the smaller system, the original 5'/«-inch Minifloppy - stores 250 to 500 kilobytes (single or double-sided)-that V about 50 to 130 pages of printed material. Our single and double-sided S-inch floppy* store 800 to 1600 kilobytes. And for systems that need a larger data base, our 8-inch or 14-inch fixed disl store from 5 to 5S megabytes. No other manufacturer oilers such a wide variety of disk storage for personal computer and small business systems. Word processing, general business, accounting—big system or small, you can rdy on Shugart drives. We're known as the Headstrong company for gocd reason. Wrc Headstrong about reliability, quality, and value. Ask your dealer He knows us. Rely on the Headstrong Company. I disk drives ^.Shugart 475 Oakmead Parkway. Surnyvaio. CaMom a 94086
of an Apple since Adam. What in the name of Adam dp people do wilh Apple Computers? You teU us. In a thousand words or less. if your story is original and intriguing enough, you could win a one-week all-expense paid trip for two to Hawaii. Which is the closest we could come to paradise. " Win fabulous prizes for creative writing To enter, drop by your nearest Apple dealer and pick up an entry blank. Fill it out. Then write an article, in 1000 words or less, describing the unusual or interesting use you've found for your Apple. A jury of independent judges will cast the deriding vote for the grand prize: a week for two, airfare included, in Hawaii. .» The judges will also choose 16 additional winners, two each from eight categories: SoiA Nw«*« • graphics music, entertainment, home, business, education, scientific, professional, and industrial. And each winner will choose from a long list of longtd-aftcr Apple peripherals—from Apple Disk U's to Graphics Tabfeti to printers. Or you con lake a S250 credit towards the purchase of any Apple product. The contest ends March31,1980. All winners will be notified by May 15r Entry forms are available at your participating Apple dealer. Call 800-538-96%, (800-662-9238 * in California), for the one nearest you. Mail the entry blank, your article and any photos to: Apple Computer, "What in the name of Adam" contest, 10260 Band ley Drive, Cupertino, CA 9501«. And may the juiciest &4j£ application win.
Apple announces а technological иеаипгоцт of incredible proportions
Jefferson had one of the best minds of 1776, but today you can make better decisions with an Apple. Jefferson and decision makers of every century haw faced the same challenge: how to explore every option before you implement the final plan. Today you have a solution. The Apple personal computer. A tool to test contingencies. How would higher interest rates affect your forecasts? Mhat if vendors raised prices 2%? What if you could determine capital equipment depredation at the touch of a key? Now. you can productively test your assumptions with ease by using the Apple system that sits on your desk. Declare your independence with Apple. The same Apple system that helps you forecast saves you more time by tackling word-related tasks, too. Apple helps you write reports. Print letters. With Apple 's text- editing capabilities. it might not have taken Jefferson 17 days to draft the Declaration of Independence. Personal advice on personal computers. Today, the power and versatility of a $15,000 computer are at your fingertips with a complete .Apple system solution for $2,300 to $"800. It’s computing made easy and economical. A few minutes with your Apple dealer and you 'll understand how powerful the Apple computer can be. Your dealer will guide you through Apple 's extensive line of hardware and software solutions, and he'll prove that all personal computers are not created equal. Don't let history pass you by. Visit your nearest Apple dealer, or call 800-538-9696 In California. 800-662-9238 Or write: Apple Computer. 10260 Bandley Drive. Cupertino. CA 95014.
COMMODORE lil, “THE WONDER COMPUTER OF THE 1980s. UNDER $300:’ —WILLIAM SHATNER I he* best computer value in the world today. The only computer vou’II need for years to come.” VIC-208 VS. OTHER HOME COMPUTERS .tsar 1 riaMIWm «a» 4M' MAS 1 «.«MW* I IVso* *4« *»*»00 tsvtoo ] Vliuaum R.\M Ueniny 1» I6K l«K fX KeytoanJVyl« NI «M T.f. «..»• Sol. 1. rs-4. • — I Vo. ' Vy» *0» NMfMluf K«yt «* 57 40 M Fr»|iMinuNr I«««»« Kfy. 4 0 0 0 Uuk, Syatob *S o O 0 tiiv|U)m* ctkKanri >11 1*> A4 ;<* ShiwWi »(>'»«<* 1«|{U»{« m YU NO YU I'ppMlnacr CwOuiKien m YU NO NO Optra«» »vrti an tYnjfiersS 11>U. rvvM« MSI Mofrm 1 YU NO YU YB 1 1 5 YU YU NO Ml Uown n«K SimM N.'A N.'A 5 «Cil l«Uffionf MnJrn >lO**> W5O00 ilMH? ejm Rr«l the chan and see why COMPUTE' Maia/ine' call* the VIC-20 computer “an uli'wuluij! machine for the poee " Why BYTE1 rase* • the VIC-20 computer unit it unctcclied 1% a km-<o*t consumer computer.” Why Popular Mechanics’»ay» forthcpnceo(aro"nd SJOO. it »the only game in town that it more than just a game." And »hy ON COMPUTING INC 4 exclaim»: “What»» inude U an electronic marvel . if si sound» is if I -m in lose »ith my new possession. I am ” The »coder computer of the 19*0*. Ihc VIC-20 from Coiaroodore. world1» leading manufacturer of a full range of desktop computer*. See the VIC-20 at your local Commodore dealer and selected stores I A|*tl IIuu. in.. (I mm IMno*o IIi.m* IMIIm M at M 1 •DtI 1 « l'\ I SttMlm Kni<clSsM.i» rar*«** Cnmmnénn Cnwfum Sjnnm Ajife-awi.OM Cumtt SU«. M M*nuiM<wtiVIC» fr commodore COMPUTER |c> L: CSCU 1»
Under $18,0 Then* a time »hen >19.000 OWI euvir the mumtklj/ eM u( a computer. Hut the no* IltM 5110 Cura l«n mg *lw»n ibim mAi Iur ‘Il'.Wtl tut Ur nmfiguratioa« range Inm iflvlrr >|0JU00 to alaait KHl,(HMa. And Iur any ul thuav pnewa. >ou get a vernal ik-IHMoompuUTlarked hy IltM M-nitviivI nliahit)'. Tht'SllOran mikra mayor mntn I nit»m t«> your butinc». For example. it ran !«• |irour:imn»i| to ilo )wr account« iwu able. handle your |oyn Jl and prepare yuur ¡central ledger. an well an provide a «ride variety uf tirrviv management retwrt». The r«IK>raa al«o be Uihecl to Ik yuur (urticubrMcl». Fur MiUamrv. if you ntol <pik*k »tw tu data in an art« like inventory. »eil recommend a 'Uttttehud «y*tetn. If the inforrantiun yon work with u mure <0|Ui«itul. like payroll, a lu«rr priced inpduwl ayntera nughl Iw bog. <>r pcrtuip«. n coral anal mi of both. You rM nl«i rhanf letwixn a higher and lower <pcvd |nnlcr and ItASIC ir AIM. programming language. depending ujk»h your partirtilar ifrntMi. TV»' *410 alto o|f«-r« ■ \ nnt) o< main Murage rapocga*» a« well a« a (arailiar typewriterlike ke>Uunl with a eunwo-imt l<i key numeric pad and a built in «It* play xTccn. What* mote. it'« May t« use. In fart, jour own people can Imm to «gieratr the 5111) in jwt a fro day«. In »hurt. the*new HIM 511VComputing Syatrni it a M id computer (or t he money. Ami we'd like* the opportunity to talk with youatiuut g.Call your nearby IltM Central Syatroat Divttam idlav uml arrange Iw » (»•rxnal demur»! ration. You'll find it time wcH «pent ntfara A small computer can make a big difference
What kind of man owns his own computer? Rather revolutionary, die whole idea of owning your own computer? Not if you're a diplomat, printer, scientist, inventor... or a kite designer, too. Today there’s Apple Computer. It's designed to be a personal computer. To uncomplicate your life. And make you more effective. It's a wise man who owns an Apple. If your time means money. Apple can help you make more of it. In an age of specialists, the most successful specialists stay away from uncrcativr drudgery. That’s where Apple comes in. Apple is a real computer, right to the core. So just like big computers, it manages data, crunches numbers, keeps records, processes your information and prints reports. You concentrate on what you do besL And let Apple do the rest. Apple makes that easy with three programming languages — including Pascal—that let you be your own software expert. Apple, the computer worth n& waiting for. Time waiting for access to your company's big mainframe is time wasted. What you need in your department — on your desk —is a computer that answers only to you.. Apple Computer. It's less expensive than timesharing. More dependable than distributed processing. Far more flexible than centralized BDE And. at less than $2500 (as shown), downright affordable. Visit your local computer store. You can join the personal computer revolution by visiting the Apple dealer in your neighborhood Well give you his name when you call our toll free number (800) 538-9696, In California. (800)662-9238. Apple Computer. 10260 Bindley Driw. Cupertino. CA 95014.
Our expertise in both hardware and software has gone into the develop ment of the Microsoft Mouse Now you can plug in the most exciting computer product of the year and put it to work The Mouse lets you move the cursor freely and naturally. then execute commands at the push of a button The Microsoft Mouse is a complete system It comes with an on-screen tutorial, a practice application, and the Mutti Tool- Notepad, a mouse based text editor, so you can begin using the Mouse right away And for Microsoft in either a bus or serial verson for the IBM. PC or PC XT Ask your Microsoft dealer for a dem onstraton of the Microsoft Mouse -a whole new standard BETTER TOOLS FOR MICROCOMPUTERS ^ MICROSOFT Mcroscfl « * trade»™** and MS and the McroGoft logo arc / vadcnvKVt ot Mc»om>«i Corporator
The®1795-Personal Business Computer that is changing the way people go to work. Henry Ford revolutionized personal transportation. Adam Osborne has done the same for personal business computing. Virtually everything you need in a personal business computer to work faster and better with words, numbers, and ideas is included in a portable carrying case you can take anywhere. call (in California) 800 772-3545 ext. 905; (outside California) call 800 227-1617 OSBORNE ext. 905.......................... The Osborne is easy to learn, fun to use, and quickly becomes indispensable. One price, $1795, buys it all. The Osborne is available from a computer retailer near you. And you can buy it in any color you want. As long as it is blue.
The imogmofion Mochine offers more of ifs price thon any other personal computer on the market today Consider these features <?K RAM. with 14K 8ASJC in ROM53-key typewriter keyboard Afineresofu-ton picture, generated on your television set or monitor in 8 colors' The only computer with color, sound, user programmability and expandability at $599. A built-in. dual-frock cassette tape deck with 1500 baud rate, for APf's digitally recorded, " saturated " tape programs A buiit-m sound synthesizer And two. built-in. game style controllers, with joysticks and numeric keypads. When you want to go beyond APF s library of educational, home and-personal management or entertainment programs when you want to create your own programs . you can The imagination Mochine is programmable In BAStC and 6800 machine larv guoge The imagination Machine is also expandable Just odd our •'Building Block--, on optional, four-port expansion device, and you con hook up a printer, telephone modem, and additional memory cartridge or mini-floppy disk drive For the name of your nearest imagination Machine dealer con. TOIL FREE 1-800-223-1264 (New vork residents can (212) 756-7550) or write: APF Electronics, inc 444 Modison Avenue. NY. N Y. 10022 SSW Manuiociui«ri mgotiiM i»k»i prce ÆlF^electronics inc. "YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME''
Two New Reasons to Choose Our TRS-80 Portable Computer:
The first personal computer for under $200. ‘3a9m The Sinclair ZX80. A complete computer-only $199.95 plus $5.00 shipping. Now. for just $199.95, you can get a complete, powerful fufl-function computer, matching or surpassing other personal computers costmg several times more. It's the Sinclair ZX80. the computer that independent tests prow is faster than 20 previous personal computers. The computer that “Personal Computer World" gave 5 stars for 'excelent value.' The ZX80 cuts away computer jargon and im-stiquc. It tokos you straight into BASIC, the most common, easy-to-use computer language. You sunply lake it out of the box. connect it to your TV. and turn it on. And if you want, you can use an ordnary cassette recorder to store programs. With the manual in >xwr hand. you“3 be rwing programs in on hour. Within a week, youl be writing complex programs with confidence. All foe under $200. SophiNtic.itcd design makes the ZX80 easy to learn, easy to use. We've packed the conventional computer onto fewer, more powerful LSI chips— inching the Z80A microprocessor, the faster version of the famous Z80. This nukes the ZXSO the world's Srst truly portable computer (6V4" x 8V4“ x 1W” and a mere 12 or.). The ZX80 also features a touch sensitive, wipe-clean keyboard and a 32-character by 24-bnc display. Yet. with al this power, the ZXSO is easy to use. even for beginners. Your course in computing. The ZX80 comes complete with Us own 128-page guide to computing. The manual is perfect lor both novice and expert. For every chapter of theory, there's a chapter of practice. So you learn by dang—not just by reading. It nukes learning easy, exciting and enjoyable. The ZX80’s advanced design features. Sox lair's 4 K integer BASIC has performance features you'd expect only on much larger and more expensive computers. These include: ■ Unique 'one touch* entry. Key words (RUN. PRINT. LIST, etc.) have their own »ingle-key entry and arc stored as a single character to reduce typing and save memory space. ■ Automatic error detection. A cursor identifies errors immediately to prevent D€C£Kt8£R i960 entering programs with faults. ■ Powerful text editing fadSbes. ■ Also programmable h machine code. ■ Excelent string handing capabcity—up to 26 string variables of any length. ■ Graphics, with 22 standard symbols. ■ Btai-m random number generator for gomes and simulations. Sinclair's BASIC places no arbitrary restrictions on you—with many other flexible features, such as variable names of any length. And the computer that can do so much for you now wifl do even more in the future. Options will include expansion of IK user memory to 1GK. a plug-in 8K floatingpoint BASIC chip, applications software, and other peripherals. Order your ZX80 now! The ZXSO is av-tiUblc only by nud from Smcbir. a leading manufacturer of consumer electronics worldwide. We've already sold tens of thousands of units in Europe, so demand wd be groat To order by mad. use the coupon below. But for fastest dcfivcry. order by phone and charge to your Master Charge or MSA. The ZX80 is backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee, a 90-day limited warranty with a national scrvice-by-mail facility, and extended service contracts are available for a minimal charge. TV 2X10* a tiejfr If mu* ad. QhMrca » iftJ afcne »d o*cV)y «Remind th* prinoplrt <4 ccrrptjiri - lod Jure tin lcjfTU1£. Phone order« only; (203) 26S-917L Wcl refund the cost of your aH Information: General and techncal-(617) 367-1958. 367-1909.3671««. 367-2SSS. Phooe«o£.u Monday-Friday from8 AM to indaii- Sinclair Research Ltd., 475 Main St.. P.O. Box 3027. Wallingford. CT0G492. Г- StocUlr Lid.. 475 Main St.. P.O. Box 3027. Wallingford. CT 06492. I IVaic »end tae ZXSO personal ccraputeri») at 1199.95* each (US daCars). р»м $S I*hpW6- (Your ZXSO may be tax drductb>. ) I cnctoe a chccfc/mency order payable to Sinclair Research Ltd for$___________________________ I Name__________________________________________________________________________________________ I ! Cky---------------------------- ' ftrrupatititr I Intended use of ZX80t________________________________________________________________________ I Have you ever uied a computer? □ Ye» G No. I Do you own another personal ccmputer?G Ye» □ No. ’For Conn. dekverics. odd saks tax. INTERFACE AGE 59
IF PERSONAL COMPUTERS } : 1M :1 Vi i ;YJ :W u, HOW COME THEY'RE PRICED FOR NOBODY? APPLE' Ile 64K A personal computer •s supposed to be a computer for persons. Not just wealthy persons. Or whiz-kid persons Or privileged persons But person persons In other words, an the persons whom Apple. IBM. and Radio Shack seem to have forgotten about (induing, most Bkety youL But thatfc okay. Bocauso now you can get a nighpowered home computer without taking cut a second mortgage on your homo. It’s the Commodore 64. We ro not talking about a low-jwiced computer that can Iwrely retain a phone number We re taking about a memory of 64K Which means it can perform tasks most $1395* $999* $1355 TRS-80 III 16K otncr homo compjters can't Including some of tnoso that cost a lot more flake another look at the three computers above.) By itself the Commodore 64 is all the computer you'll ever need Vet. if you do want to expend its capabilities some day. you can do so by adding a full complement of Commodore peripherals Such as disk dnves Modems Arul fmnters Vbu can also play ternfic games on the Commodore 64 Many of which wll be far more challeng ng than those you could ever play on a game mach no alono. And as groat as all th«s sounds. whatS even greater sounding istnepnee :'s hundreds of dollars loss than that of our nearest competitor So while other companies are trying to take advantage of the computer revolution, it seems to us they're really taking advantage of something else: I he>r customers IBM' PC 64K » < WiUml кмг<|4 gll)vh In- iim • lhfvttl m 1М}ФпИ г*ттa* breV : fM î J ПЧ t»t"M »’»—at V «Ч»Л»ХЛ» VtXtaC* Ci#* Cz commodore ^ COMPUTER c.
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Это божественно.
Hiss Hiss 16.07.201522:14 ответить ссылка 1.4
Все равно что рассматривать PlayBoy 70-80-х.
Ага, и очень сильно мотивирует не гнаться за новинками, тратя кучу денег.
Всё равно это всё устареет..
Всё тлен...
Открою тебе секрет, тогда это было неебически много, т.к. элементарно не было ничего что много весило, ни цветных растровых изображений высокого разрешения, ни полифонического звука, ни тяжеловесных программ, даже с GUI практически не заморачивались, так что для кода этого было более чем достаточно.
delly delly 16.07.201522:37 ответить ссылка 4.0
Вы, уважаемый, путаете причину со следствием. Именно потому не было ничего тяжёлого, что его негде было хранить, нечем выполнять, не на чем показывать пользователю.
Q33NY Q33NY 17.07.201504:03 ответить ссылка 1.1
Я как бы вообще не называл причину столь малых обьёмов памяти, я все го лишь привел сравнение с потребностями ПК того времени. В первую очередь не было ничего тяжелого потому что не хватало вычислительных мощностей для обработки, хранение тут сыграло последнюю роль.
delly delly 17.07.201511:48 ответить ссылка 0.5
Решающее значение, если я правильно понимаю, играл размер транзисторов. А от плотности упаковки транзисторов на микросхеме зависит максимальная тактовая частота.
Q33NY Q33NY 18.07.201509:43 ответить ссылка 0.2
За 35 лет много изменилось и цены упали с 9200$ за 1мб до 0,00003$.
Ну и не стоит путать флеш накопители с HDD.
таблица стоимости накопителей с 1995-2015
если еще учесть инфляцию то цена будет еще меньше
1й Эппл за 666$
Я подозревал...
Змий искуситель.
А ты до сих пор жалуешься, что у тебя слабый комп ?
Yukio Yukio 16.07.201522:44 ответить ссылка 0.8
я жалуюсь на индийских программистов
VUFox VUFox 17.07.201523:32 ответить ссылка 0.0
Схороню на память.
MaXM00D MaXM00D 16.07.201522:53 ответить ссылка 0.1
схоронишь в память компьютера , чтобы оставить в памяти картинку о памяти компьютеров, хммм
на облако сохраню
Пили еще!
Билл, левой. жги! Помнишо. кок тогда5
Может, ие надо5 Я стесняюсь
Да ладно тебе1 Отожги свою коронную!
640 кб оперативной памяти хватит всем!
http./Yvkontakte.ru/steve and bill
mikex mikex 17.07.201501:01 ответить ссылка 4.5
Уже 100 раз было, каждый раз плюсуют.
Sajeas Sajeas 17.07.201501:42 ответить ссылка -1.0
Оцените мой рабочий ком по документации
Щаоси првдптьилявч оовий специально смсметрМЙШн стол о небольшой опорной повФршзеп», имеющий ршщщшШ х 16" V А 17'' и, па котором равмеямш ХМ устройства щ минной высоты но 6,26" и два устройства по 3,6".
Компьютер 386.1Х серии Во 101|Г» Зр В стандартной «юдоли вычислителмюй машины ШЩ|й$ ^ имеются
Шутки шутками, а в некоторых гос учреждениях до сих пор такие работают под досом, да и дискетки гибкие юзаются....
delly delly 17.07.201502:22 ответить ссылка 1.0
Это порнография! Я буду жаловаться в Роскомнадзор!
Это скорее сравнимо с эпохой Ренессанса, чем порнографией.
Мужик в платье показывает детям голого мужика... ЗАПРЕТИТЬ!!! НЕМЕДЛЕННО!
Alnaka Alnaka 17.07.201510:56 ответить ссылка 0.7
Были же времена, мышка за 200 у.е.
И реклама по проводному радио: "Продадим компьютеры "Один Вэ Эм Эр Эс Ха Тэ", мыши трехкнопочные, дискеты триста шестьдесят Ка Вэ"
Я бы последний девайс и сейчас попробовал заюзать.
hovel hovel 17.07.201508:07 ответить ссылка 0.7
хуле далеко ходить? Классе в 9м (2004г) первый раз увидел ЮСБ флешку на 16мб, и даже не с первого раза поняд что это. ну и реактор познавательный.
Самые первые USB-флеш-накопители (или просто флешки) появились в 2000 году. Их изобрели сотрудники израильской компании M-Systems Амир Баном. Дов Моран и Оран Огдан. В апреле 1999 года в США был зарегистрирован патент на флешку, а в сентябре 2000 года был представлен и сам накопитель.
Школота, уходи.
Ты не в состоянии проникнуться
tfik tfik 03.09.201518:00 ответить ссылка 0.0
ещё один плакат в коллекцию
150 Extra Engineers
An IBM Electronic Calculator speeds through thousands of intricate computation-» so quickly that on many complex problems it's just like having 150 EXTRA Engineers.
No longer must valuable engineering personnel . . . now in critical shortage . . . spend priceless creative
tragic tragic 17.07.201511:20 ответить ссылка 0.4
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