The upcoming Warhammer 40k show might look like, Imagining "Warhammer 40k TV show"
Warmaster HorusAbaddon the despoiler Death guard chaos marineDeath guard chaos marineWorld eater chaos marineWorld eater chaos marinEmperor's children chaos marineEmperor's children chaos marineEmperor's children chaos marineThousand sons chaos marineChaos rogue psykerCraftworld AeldariCraftworld AeldariAeldari CorsairDrukhariDrukhariDrukhari SuccubusTau battlesuit Tau battlesuitOrk warbossOrk Mekboy GretchinOrk nobOrk weirdboyHorus is turning to a darker path Tech Adept
Tech PriestMechanicus SkitariiRogue traderadeptus arbitesadeptus arbitesInquisitor gregor EisenhornAstra militarum trooperAstra militarum ComissarAstra militarumAstra militarum trooperArmaggedon steel LegionDeath korp of kriegSister of battleSister of battleNight lords chaos marineAstra militarum OgrynAstra militarum BullgrynOgryn stuck in a ditch.Cyber Mastiff show Servo-skullSanctioned (?) PsykerUltramarinePrimarchs teaser.Roboute GuillimanRoboute "get to the choppa" GuillimanVulkanMortarion MortarionLorgarLorgarLion El'JonsonLion El'JonsonRogal DornRogal DornLeman russLeman russCorvus CoraxMagnus the (sort of) redAlpharius (or Omegon)AngronKonrad CruzeKonrad CruzeFerrus ManusPerturaboFulgrimFulgrimSanguiniusJaghatai KhanSort of a Marine Chaplain Anime Slaanesh marinethe marine to be "on his spaceship"Ultron The TerminecronEldar dark reaperChaos land speederHorus is taking the whole "wolf" theme a bit too far.No wordsSkinny lorgarJaghatai KhanAngron butcher nailsCustodes without a helmet perhapsInquisitorAkuma the redAnother Mortarion versionAlpharius is staring at Omegonsanguinius concept by Tal Frost
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