зовите капитана Путина. Нужен перевод

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коррупция зовите капитана Путина. Нужен перевод песочница 

коррупция,зовите капитана Путина. Нужен перевод,песочница

This Smug looking asshole is Javier Duarte, ex Governor of the state of Veracruz in México...

He is a fugitive that stole 35 Billion Pesos ($1,608,833,800 US Dollars) This is nothing new for Mexico's corrupt government, but this man commited a despicable act that is a new record low for humanity.

Among the billions he stole... he took money that was designated for buying Chemotherapy treatment for CHILDREN who had cancer. Not just that but the sick children got FAKE CHEMOTHERAPY....How?

The children recieved injections of DISTILLED WATER and their families were led to believe that they were being treated with the medications indicated on their chemotherapy prescription.

There is an ongoing investigation and the government refuses to name the officials responsible or the number of identified cases of children that never got treatment.

Worse than that, they have apparently identified other cases similar in level of disgusting behavior like a case of Medications that were found stored in warehouses, past their expiration date, that never made it to the patients who needed them.

LOOK AT HIS FACE... He is a fugitive, but he needs to be found and held accountable for his actions...
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