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we have to gone


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Gone with the Blastwave Комиксы 

(от автора) Ха.

Вот, как я освобождаюсь от необходимости придумывать новые шутки! Посмотрим, сколько разных версий я могу выдать! (это шутка)
GWTB Legends Kimmo Lemetti в чем, по-твоему, смысл этой воины? ммм? г не земли, " ПОСКОЛЬКУ мы не много имеем-то . с имеющихся. , А НА ДРУГИХ ЦАРИТ ЧУМА И все ]лспорчв^о ведьмлми. . не богатства, ПОТОМУ ЧТО САМЫМ ценным рвсурсо^ сейчас стала ЕДА. так в чем? религия? м... по мне,Gone

#Music&Atmosphere Orden Ogan The Things We Believe In 

Music&Atmosphere,Atmosphere&Music, музыка, music, M&A,разное,Orden Ogan,The Things We Believe In

формула 1 феминизм 

Когда "угнетаемые" не довольны своими защитниками

В прошлом месяце у феминисток был праздник. Праздновали они то что благодаря их коллективным усилиям руководство Формулы-1 отказалось от уже традиционной профессии "грид-гёрлз". Grid Girl - девушки модельной внешности, которые перед началом гонки выводят пилотов на стартовые позиции.

Проблема в том, что девушки, стараниями своих "защитников" теперь остались без любимой работы. Ребекка Куппер, которая уже пять раз принимала участие в F-1 в качестве грид-гёрл написала в твиттере “ridiculous that women who say they are ‘fighting for women’s rights’ are saying what others should and shouldn’t do, stopping us from doing a job we love and are proud to do. [It is] political correctness gone mad.”

Сурс на новость: http://www.businessinsider.com/f1-grid-girls-have-lost-their-jobs-but-are-fighting-back-on-twitter-2018-2
формула 1,феминизм

Отличный комментарий!

Вот в Африке или ещё где реально рабынями торгуют - что они их не освобождают?
ну так там и пизды могут дать
kr0toma kr0toma02.02.201811:28ссылка

my little pony фэндомы Kkat art красивые картинки mlp other 

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other

art by NCMares

Years ago, bronies held themselves up as something special and unique amongst fandoms: a group of love, tolerance and charity as well as exceptional creativity. It was easy to claim exceptionalism when we were small and more tightly knit.

But bronies have always been inclusive, not exclusive. We are a welcoming fandom. And an energetic one. As we spread word of how wonderful this show is to the far reaches of the internet, people took notice. And while many reacted to what was new and different with hatred or fear, people joined the herd in droves. 

Now we are huge, large enough and diverse enough to put lie to the stereotypes, including the good ones that we had created for ourselves. Bronies have become legion... and in doing so, we have become a fandom like any other.

But we don't have to be.

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other

art by AssasinMonkey

Not long ago, I engaged in the single least productive activity of the modern age: arguing on the internet. Specifically, attempting to crack the blinders of prejudice worn by a self-proclaimed "furry" who was ranting about bronies. As expected, the discussion was a small waste of time. But here is a portion of it that I think is worth repeating:

I will let you in on the secret: people are people. Furries are just people who really enjoy anthropomorphic animals. Pony fans are just people who really like the human-like technicolor ponies of a specific show. That is all. The extent to which any furry or brony enjoys what they do, and how they act on that enjoyment, is individualized. You do not need special brain chemistry or a particular background or a specific social disposition to be a furry. And you do not need one to be a brony. Or a fan of Star Wars, or Star Trek, or anything else... [They] are a fandom. Made of people. Just like every other fandom. And in any fandom, you will find good people and bad people, superfans and the passively interested, perverts and prudes. Furries are not inherently superior people to bronies, and bronies are not inherently superior people to furries. No more than Trekkies are to Whoovians, or football fans are to hockey fans, or people who like classical music are to people who like J-pop. At the absolute most, you can try to claim superior taste in one tiny and extremely subjective facet of the grand category of "things people like". Woohoo, you rock.

But this is the important part: we do not have to be just like any other fandom. 

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic offers more to love than just cute, colorful ponies. Most of us, I would hazard to wager, didn't fall in love with the show for the ponies as art -- we fell in love with the characters, with what they did and how they behaved, with the idyllic-but-not-sugary-perfect the world of Equestria, and with the heartwarming messages of virtue and friendship at the emotional and philosophical core of the show. An if we are fans of that, then we are fans of something with more depth and meaning than just an artistic concept or musical style or type of sports. 

We can be something very special and unique by lauding those messages of friendship and virtue, and trying to adhere to them as best we can. We can treat "love and tolerance" as calling again, rather than just a 4-chan meme whose time has passed. We can strive to be better people. 

And if we do, we can be something truly beautiful -- we can be the realization of what the early brony fandom held itself to bo. We will do so as individuals. Points of brilliant light in the gloom. In general, the rest of the fandom will not follow -- it is too large, and many will never be interested beyond "I like cartoon ponies." But that isn't why we strive to shine. We should do so because it makes us better, and we want to be better than we are. Because we are inspired to do it. And for those in the darkness who are looking for a light.

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other

We are large and growing, but we have lost many as well. We have all seen people leave the fandom because "it isn't what it used to be." The most surprising element of this is that so many of them were surprised. They saw their fandom grow, change and evolve... and apparently they hadn't expected that. Instead of remaining in the fandom and being examples of what they believed it should be, they abandoned it and moved on. Perhaps I can fault them for that, but only just a little. And I certainly cannot fault those who left simply because their interests changed, as interests often do. Plus, we have seen many whose contributions to the fandom launched new careers, and who have gone off to follow these dreams professionally. To them, we raise our glasses, thank them, and wish them well.

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Kkat,art,арт,красивые картинки,mlp other


политика навальний трамп бан Трампа 

Пошли как-то Вольтер, Навальный и Оруэлл пива попить. Сидят, бухают, заедают бутербродами с колбасой. Навальный и говорит: — Слышали, пацаны, что twitter учудил? Как они там свободу слова ущемляют? А Оруэлл и говорит: — И правильно сделали. Заебал маразматик старый. А Навальный спорит: — А

А Оруэлл добавил: — Первая поправка, к вашему сведению, товарищ юрист, не защищает в случае прямого призыва к противоправному действию (решение Верховного суда США по делу «Бранденбург против штата Огайо» (1969 год). Первая поправка также не действует в случае заведомо ложных заявлений (дело

читайте хоть лицензионное соглашение перед тем как пользоваться даже твиттером


Our Services evolve constantly. As such, the Services may change from time to time, at our discretion. We may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing the Services or any features within the Services to you or to users generally. We also retain the right to create limits on use and storage at our sole discretion at any time. We may also remove or refuse to distribute any Content on the Services, limit distribution or visibility of any Content on the service, suspend or terminate users, and reclaim usernames without liability to you.


гифки крабы океан качка тренировка 


Танос Marvel фэндомы 

1 г » * L - f * ятт » KPfp- b : ж I г .. л.. vi. J V U^JÆmTU^m ^^5 !» .w .»У» ti J *■ * я,Танос,Marvel,Вселенная Марвел,фэндомы,Thanos,Marvel,fandoms

Revenant (Apex legends) Apex Legends Игры gamedev Игровое видео ToonCraft Motion Capture 

"This video is a collection of some of the work that went into creating the character of Revenant from an animation perspective. Of course, this only includes selected pieces of my work as it takes an entire team of animators, writers, modelers, tech-artists, sound designers, gameplay designers, etc etc in order to fully bring one of our legends to life!

Revenant has been one of my favorite legends to work on and I personally had a blast animating him as well as coming up with some of the early ideation that you will see in this video. A very important thing to understand is that not every idea is a good idea and just because something looks cool or intriguing is necessarily the right direction to approach so during the exploration phase its ok and encouraged to go wild with ideas and tests in order to know when we have gone too far and pull back. But if you never push the concepts to the limit, you may never reach that sweet spot that nails the character _

As an added bonus, I also crafter a little cartoon vignette to go with this demo. I hope you like it and I would love to hear your comments on the video particularly the early concepts. What caught your eye the most? what part did you see and wished it actually made it into the game. Drop me a comment if you can, they're always super fun to read! _

Until next time!"

A. Shipwright artist Fantasy art некромант Traditional art длинопост 

Their Stories

A.SHlPWWGrtT,A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

"Hey young man. This is not the closest way to the Bulgewater County. You better choose the west road of the Wisteria Crossroad."
"Oh look at this thick skin. Everybody's waiting for their turn and now you want to get buried in such nice place far far away?
Hey, you better go to my grave plot. It's much closer and so beautifu..."
"I heard your goddamned hometown story for hundreds of times that my ossicles almost worn out, ma'am.
Why don't we just shut up for this painful journey? You can have some talks with the devils after burial."
"Your sister's pelvis was so huge that even three baby skulls could go through the hole."
"That bastard is talking shit again. I heard he was mental and still barking like a dog even after brain fluid dried out."
"My jaw! Where is my jaw! I can't eat without my jaw!"
"His jaw was gone sucking dragon dick."
"This rude boy is ignoring me again! I told you Bulgewater County is not this way..."


They Talk Too Much

A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

"I told you not to go this way."
"Hey lad. Your fighting stance is awkward as hell."
"Your mama's tit was so huge that her ribs were bent."
"He's so nice as always. Drop me off here."
"We're dead! We're all dead. All because of that stupid gravekeeper!"
"Where is my jaw?"
"When I was young, I found no monsters as ugly as this one."


They Still Talk

A. Sb'pwrigbl,A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

"Amazing, lad! Transforming our remains into spirit form, what a magic!"
"If I didn't know you, i would have thought that you were trying to kill us all! I know this sort of sorcery, and they use this spell to destroy the undeads."
"Your mama's spine is so bent that you can use it in math class as protractor."
"Good to be together as always. It's hard to find nice lad like this fellow these days."
"Where is my jaw? I can't find my jaw!"
"Huh! You call this a magic! Back in my days..."
"Hey young man, do you even hear me?"


Take Them Please

 i щ А ’ V ИР*?2/ \'ЯШ JW г к Я И *- о i,A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

"Mortal. I ask you to yield one of those heads."
"I can't."
"You cherish life of the deads more than yours? How touching."
"No really. I can't."


Put Your Hand on My Shoulder

‘Ä.Sfyip^rvicrtt,A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

"Hey young lad. You're just passing by that poor giant's body and you call yourself a gravekeeper?"
"Knock it off you bloody dotard."
"Haha! We heard you talking back to our word! Today's a special day!"


The Protectors

A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

I hear dead people.
And they never fxxking shut up.


Dead Men Tell A Lot of Tales

A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

"That's a mighty fine necromancy, summoning the dead severed arm!"
"And he didn't raise us from dead with such skill."
"Where is my jaw."
"If we knew he could do that we would've never apologized him."
"I mean, it's pretty absurd to blame us for dragging monster's attention by our chatter. It's monster that cut off his arm, not us."


Manga Style Necromancy

A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

"Fight with me."
"Wait, we never agreed that."
"I will never forget you."
"I said we never agreed that."
"You motherf-."


"Your Move, Old Man."

A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

"Look at that ruddy bastard grabbing old man's head."
"Where is my jaw."
"Back in my days, even rudest of all showed respect to the elders.
Kids these days ignore the aged men and their wisdom.
Back in my days, no one would've allowed this to happen.
The kings had to get off their horse to salute me on the road."
"When yer mom rolled on the pen with the pigs."
"Where is my fxxking jaw, you bloody ruffians."



^hipiuriqW-,A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

Even though the sword is broken dead, I can call its soul back.
Arm is the most basic type of shield.
My revived arm will be a shield.
This is my necromancy.


Starved Pistol of Diliworth

A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

Starved Pistol of Diliworth.
One of the haunted relics made by infamous weapon inventor Godin Elwiv of Eldrian two centuries ago.
The soul of people who were killed by him is stored inside.
Danger Rank High. Never touch.
P.S. My dear pupil who never ever read nor listen to my words.
I leave this postscript for I thought you would've ignore that warning.
At least don't fire this pistol twice.
The chance of it taking user's soul increases geometrically on the second fire.



A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

"Old man. Sword."


You Must Fly

ASkowriaht,A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

"Damn, I'm terribly sorry lady.
This is what my necromancy do.
Look at my arm. Revived in strange form of my true nature.
I guess your soul looks like a fish, swimming freely in the air.
At least you can fly instead of having normal leg oh what the hell am I talking about. I'm really...
Oh... Uh... I guess you like it.
Thank you."


One is Gone

A.SVïipw!ôW qQqQq,A. Shipwright,artist,Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,некромант,Traditional art,длинопост

My masters, all six of them, told me not to talk to the deads.
The deads never come back to life. That's undeniable truth. The truth that people left behind want to deny so much.
The soul of the dead leaves this world over the curtain of our realm forever.
What we call ghost is just an embodiment of remaining thought, emotion, or memory of the deads.
That's why they cannot talk normally, always want though need nothing, and stick to something obstinately.
It is difficult to remove them peacefully unless you follow certain rules and process originated from the deceased.
The deads are not the ones you knew.
Now I can understand why they taught me that over and over again.
It is obvious how I'll react to the false hallucination of my masters when they pass away.


Chara Undertale персонажи Undertale фэндомы Genocide run Undertale спойлеры 



We wrap up in sheets and an old dressing gown

The dark feels too empty, we don’t make a sound
But you feel so safe, familiar and warm
Ready to wait out the storm.

I’m a photograph, you are a movie
We’re frozen in time, but at least you’re still moving
Without you I’m lost and I’m scared and I’m lonely
But I think you know that you’re better without me.

Chara,Undertale персонажи,Undertale,фэндомы,Genocide run,Undertale спойлеры


You have their soul, but they’re not there with you, not really. You bring the world back. You do it all over, do everything right, the way they would have wanted it. But no matter how many friends you make, the one who really matters is gone and it’s your fault.

Doing everything right didn’t help. So you do everything wrong again and again and again. It always ends the same way.

You start to wonder if there’s another way. You can think of one. But it would require a whole lot of Determination.

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