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tell me where freaks are


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Фильмы Ghost Busters Simpsons South Park RoboCop Комиксы back to the future star wars Pulp Fiction family guy ...Comic Books фэндомы Night in the museum On the waterfront Silence of lambs Citizen Cane The Prisoner Channel 13 Seinfield Freaks Pirates of the Carribean School of Rock Богу тегов Space Odyssey Wonka Sesame Street 2001 Knight Rider Rainbow godfather 

Мне всего 19 лет! Какого хрена!!! (Фулл-ХД кстати)


We accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!

Gooble gobble gooble gobble!

We accept her, we accept her!

We accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!

Gooble gobble gooble gobble!

We accept her, we accept her!

(We-we) we came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,

I was testing you - and you passed,

Dental plan! Lisa needs braces,

Be required to fart on a regular basis,

I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse,

Channel 13 - Eyewitness news!

Robocop, who is he?

Dead or alive you're coming with me.

In a hurry to be fed, beady eyes and big blue head.

I'm telling the truth Doc, you gotta believe me,

Why does everything I whip leave me?

My beautiful chocolate! Candy is dandy,

Fava beans and a nice Chianti,

You can count on Slippery Pete,

Suicide will be nice and neat!

I didn't build the Panama canal,

Open the pod bay doors please, HAL,

These aren't the droids you're looking for,

These aren't the droids we're looking for,

I am not a number I am a free man!


To The Idiotmobile!

Right away Michael,

I-I-I-I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,

You don't understand I coulda had class,

Round and tasty on a bun,

Ooh Zippy look what you've done!

Finally! Cast off those lines!

No, I've been nervous lots of times,

Red Rum! What's the matter honey?

Just robbed Boss Hogg all of his money!

We came, saw, we kicked it's ass,

Writing checks your body can't cash,

I was elected to lead, not read,

I feel the need - the need for speed,

Watch out for snakes, a good man's loafer,

HQ - my hat looks like a muffin - over,

My god it's full of stars,

There was no driver in the car..

In the car (repeat)

Well you see I'm in hot pursuit!

There are only two things I love in this world - everybody and television!

#The Simpsons

#Run With Us!

Ugh - you must be shrooming,

Wait for me Moomin!

Cross live to meet the host of that show, Meat Boy,

I want to go to there.

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,

An oil tycoon - like a.. moustache,

Nice beaver! I just had it stuffed,

I don't give a shit, close enough,

Where's me washboard? I'll get me coat,

Y-y-y-you're gonna need a bigger boat,

What'd she say? I think she bought it,

Suck it monkeys! I'm goin' corporate!

C'mon let's take a drive! A drive?

Number 5 is alive!

It's only a laugh, no harm done,

Pickles, french fries, yum yum yum,

Bueller, Bueller, Bueller,

It's 2 degrees cooler,

The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long,

Six words in the whole song.

We-we-we accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!

Gooble gobble gooble gobble!

We accept her, we accept her!

You are number 6 5 4 3 2

I am not a number, I am a free man

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,

Give me my 20,000 in cash,

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,

I think you woke up the dead with that blast

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,

I think fast, I talk fast,

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,

Lois, this is not my Batman glass,

котэ куклы диван Реальные упыри 

котэ,прикольные картинки с кошками,куклы,диван,Реальные упыри

собака крипота ребенок фото 

А что ты видишь ?

Н1зтэ^,собака,собакен, песель, пес,крипота,ребенок,фото


Отличный комментарий!

Бля, как теперь развидеть лицо собаки обратно в человеческое?
ViAyayay ViAyayay17.04.202214:24ссылка
На потренируйся
Cern Cern17.04.202214:39ссылка

гифки котик faceswap 


фото собакен показалось 


Lionel Richie hello Is it me you're looking for? 

Lionel Richie,hello,Is it me you're looking for?


Toriel Undertale персонажи Undertale фэндомы Sans Flowey Frisk сделал сам длиннопост Undertale music 


Вышло тут одно видео... оно полно СПОЙЛЕРОВ! Я вас предупредила. Как-то само собой начеркалось под впечатлением от увиденного. Что, если бы они реально к Фриск с этой песней подошли? Думаю, у неё открылись бы глаза. Определённо.

Видео + текст песни внизу

/I о ✓э V л— &■ лчяее of ^OU 4о Р iQyf ?* . Ь^еЯ- o^c c , v>^ OV *° *» ei^ д Sou/5 »У W<3y /,Toriel,Undertale персонажи,Undertale,фэндомы,Sans,Flowey,Flowey the flower,Frisk,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,длиннопост,Undertale music

We three fates of Undertale
Beckon you to play!
Spare our lives, or harvest our souls!
It's up to you either way!

"Hey bud, you okay? No need to freak out or anything. It's just singing."

"And murder. I mean, music."

"Poor dear! We're here to help you!"

"Help me what?"

"Play Undertale!"

Use your love instead of your strength,
to make your foes your friends!
Every drop of innocent blood
will change how the story ends!

Though our king desires your soul,
a Pacifist will see-
It only takes a thoughtful Act
to set all monsters free!

"But, like, no pressure or anything."

"Yeah, REAL freedom's not letting some goatmom tell you how to play."


"Hey, if anybody's got a bone to pick, I'm sure this kid's full of them."

"That's not very funny..."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

Still, you seem nice.
You may slip once or twice,
Who am I to judge or blame?

But I guess I'll keep track
Just to give you some flack
at the end of the game!

Talk or use silence!
Try murderous violence!
-I'm kidding, that's a crime.

And just so you know,
if you kill off my bro,
then you'll have a bad time!

Golly, gee! That sounds really great!
But let's try this instead:
Let's become the angel of death,

Kill them all! Destroy every beast!
Each woman, child and man!
Genocide's my only goal!
Destruction is my plan!

TORIEL: (simultaneously)
No! He's trying to use you, so
Don't let Flowey confuse you! I
Know he aims to seduce you and
ruin Undertale!

Stay determined! They'll guide you a-
-Stray! Know that you'll be lied to! You're
Brave -- I can see it inside you! I
Pray you never fail!

SANS: (simultaneous)
Look, I'm kind of a bonehead,
Not the brainiest guy... But
Even goofballs like me can
Read between the lines.

If you want to get dunked on,
I can give you a hand~
But where's the fun in a neutral run
if you're not friends with Sans?

FLOWEY: (simultaneously)
It's kill... or be killed!
That's how you play the game!
It's kill... or be killed!
Either way, it ends the same!

Everyone you loved...
Everyone you knew...
Everyone will die...
And they'll die because of you!

"None of this makes any sense to me..."

We three fates of Undertale
Don't know what you'll do!
Every path will impact us all,

For better or worse...
A blessing or curse...
Benign or adverse...


Anime ME!ME!ME! Kami-sama (Girl) Много аниме гифок Anime Гифки 


#Приколы для даунов Буквы на белом фоне Вин Дизель Актеры и Актрисы Знаменитости 

Если когда-нибудь почувствуешь себя неловко, просто вспомни, что постил Вин Дизель в соцсетях в 2012 < Vin Diesel May 9, 2012 • Q,Приколы для даунов,разное,Буквы на белом фоне,Вин Дизель,Vin Diesel,Актеры и Актрисы,Знаменитости

Отличный комментарий!

Я бы щас запостил те фотки из "Одноклассников"... Но бля, ну его нахуй
BadBreaker BadBreaker 11.05.201911:32 ссылка
А вот я уже ебанулся, мне терять нечего
Cap_0bvious Cap_0bvious 11.05.201911:35 ссылка

Anime ME!ME!ME! AMV Anime Гифки Kami-sama (Girl) 

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