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Hoîcr S. Heaglrt
The Last Unicom Peter S Beagle
Wutcrship Down
— Bunny
V II r
o i
The Mists of Avalon Marion Zimmer Bradley
Morgan Le Faye
The Crystal Cave Mary Steward
i Ik*	ta Гл 1 4
((III ll’C	
X ll
Unicom* LAST UNICORN Hoîcr S. Heaglrt n The Last Unicom Peter S Beagle Wutcrship Down — Bunny V II r M I S T S o i A V A L O N The Mists of Avalon Marion Zimmer Bradley Morgan Le Faye Merlin The Crystal Cave Mary Steward i Ik* ta Гл 1 4 OIK4* uikI ((III ll’C kiiKj X ll UlllilC- 1 Arthur The Once and Future King T H White Yes I donate to the WWF. Not the wrestling one. К Watership Down Richard Adams Animals more your thing? TOLKIEN THE Sn.MARIU.IOA No I’m not that new. Ä NI N F 1 McCaffrey! ц 1 What’s your ideal pet? Dragon / No The Dark Tower Stephen King Which character do you like best? The Silmarillion J R.R Tolkien G О F г NEAL •Si HTHENSOIsl lin OO ANDROIDS Samurai Presents The Lord of the Rings J R.R Tolkien t I have allergies. Dragonfl>ght Anne McCaffrey How about some alternate history? Yes I’m prone to don chaps and walk the streets at high noon. No J Yes I own The Sword and the Stone on DVD and VHS. Yes Maybe Does the Wizard of Oz count? I am as yet unfamiliar with your tropes. Do your worst. Wicked Gregory Maguire \ \ Too dusty. And I’m not much of a card4 player. Fan of Westerns? Like the Arthurian legend? No Are you new to the fantasy genre? A Guide to Navigating NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books n p r wi Hi am gibson -àr* - Mrf- рйУлм or bt 'TWctric ■**йк r T£ LlRSLILA K^- Feminism UGlflN ж muir к. oten : i Noir Neuromancer William Gibson I'm what you call, experienced. I’m a revisionist myself. No No No t No Romance or warring magicians? I never paid any attention in history class. Romance * Ready to dive into a series? Maybe " How about an episodic series? Let’s find another world, this one's 4 depressing. * Looking for modern-day settings? I know where to find him if I need him. The Kingkiller Chronicles Patrick Rothfuss Yes Give me more precocious lads at schools of magic, please. Funny Hats^ Please 4 Snow Crash Neal Stephenson ^ .-»ilACr VUNC «r Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep7 Philip K. Dick Under water Under- ground Journey to the Center of the Earth Jules Verne TH LIFT Ham » Darkni The Left Hand of Darkness Ursula K. LeGuin Communism t Catholicism The Dispossesed Ursula К LeGuin I think, thoroforo I What’s your interest? A Canticle for Leibowitz Walter M. Miller Jr : i 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne Г Read my Pick your poison. ■^Humanism STRANGER III II vii ^Tell me the good word. Stranger in a Strange Land Robert A Heinlein The Diamond Age Neal Stephenson Wet or Dry? Politics, Religion, or Philosophy? No Sure do. Modern or classic? Classic Where should I start? \ T Magicians- Kush/el's Legacy Senes Jacqueline Carey JONATHAN STRANGE & Mí NORRELL Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Susanna Clarke No Let’s keep this casual. 1 What’s your pleasure? I’m partial to small towns. Yes I’m a city-person. I Are you going to be upset when you don’t find Harry Potter? Yes I pretty much live In a fantasy land already. Gods or people under the streets? г 'I antas L À r 1 c i v О шшвят m “H • 1 L J Yes I love that Billy Idol album. Gritty Noir, /Neo-Victorian or Samurai? N mm ion rmn iimiuii NEAL STEPHENSON Yes Give me some subterranean action. These things aren't polite to talk about in company. Don’t you guys write about time travel or something? Yes Fly me to the moon. t I said on, smart guy. ‘Cyberpunk? Maybe Can I get the geek without the bleak? Cryptonomicon Neal Stephenson I Pirates in^_ the Air What type of pirate do you prefer? Yes The other two options ended with some strange choices. Something Wicked This Way Comes Ray Bradbury ; Bureaucratic Satiro TERRY PRATCHEIT Religious Satire Fun with Puns 1 Modern Mythology A world beneath the—1| dty. Noverwhere No Nevenwhere Neil Gaiman Can’t I have both? »ÏÏ TIERS ANTHONY A SPELL FOR CHAMELEON American Gods Neil Gaiman Stardust Neil Gaiman Pirates at Sea Does the series have to be finished? The Princess Bride William Goldman Low Fantasy No I like to be held in suspense. Preferably for years at a time. Yes Do the words Sword and Sorcery have a positive connotation for you? GOING |P0STAl| Going Postal Terry Pratchett Yes % ‘•о* Small Gods Terry Pratchett Xanth Series Piers Anthony Yes - ■ V" A / Я * The Legend of Drizzt R.A. Salvatore Wizards and barbarians? What’s not to like? Roleplayer? Future I Math Geek? You can have it all. Into the future or the past? Past -►L^e monsters? No I only read books with pictures. * PoMo Superheros or tortured spector? No No No I get enough "cyber punks" on Facebook. No Don’t you mean under the ground? Ready to blast into space? >1 like to keep my feet on the ground. No Too far. Too trippy. How about What would you like to see from the Red Planet? Mars? The Time Machine H.G. Wells All right, all right... I’m a bit out of my comfort zone. Got a nice mystery or a thriller? Thriller What about Horror? I’d rather not be seen in that area of the bookstore. \ 1 — Heroes J GAME THRONES A Song of Ice and Fire George R.R. Martin Take the high road or the low road? No Looking for an old-fashioned Trilogy? High Fantasy’ I + Maybe How about a trilogy of trilogies? Anathem Neal Stephenson i No I No Yes Watchmen Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons Master of Dreams ^ No More like zombies. Not much to choose from. Looking for vampires? Yes Romance or Yes We won't tell. Prefer a drama? Yes The stars are my destination. (Can’t believe they left that one off.) Maybe Let’s just stay close. I’m new at this. R( CLARK 2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke War Buff? Overcoming the^ , |ov0 me a d odds? tear jerker. I rool for the underdog Romance No Barbarians^ More wizards or barbarians? —^Wizards Ml r M A t МЭДХ ru R I С Of мпм1ГчМ What sounds more interesting: A dying sun or an impaling demon? The Way of Kings Brandon Sanderson Yes Three is my lucky number. m Thieves No In for a penny, in for a pound I always say. i Chronicles of Conan the Barbarian Robert E. Howard So, five or six books enough for you? The Chronicies Of Thomas Covenant. The Unbeliever Stephen R Donaldson Enjoy stories about orphaned farm boys? us&VK' 'tfWli The Elric Saga Michael Moorcock Bring on the Shrike. ¡r< Щ Ï JASPER FFORDE Zombie war, or one man against a hoard? Mower* I Algernon Like a little time travel with your love story? I No I just watched The Notebook last night. i Postmodern mind-bender? No But I’m interested in first contact. Yes I watch the military channel exclusively. Lucifer 's Hammer Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle [à Я t V 'ЗВГ * иве i .• В1 The Caves of Steel Isaac Asimov Through the looking glass in in mi :riniiit The Martian Chronicles Ray Bradbury The Mars Trilogy Kim Stanley Robinson Space Trilogy C.S. Lewis But what I’m really after is exploring the galaxy. What kind of aliens would you like? A galaxy far, far away? Who shall we fight? 1 veryone Old Man's War John Scalzi Man vs. Bugs Man vs. Far Away Bugs Man vs. Alien „Human vs. Human ^piritual vs. ^ Colonial The Eyre Affair Perdido Street Station The Sandman Series Neil Gaiman Jasper Fforde China Miev.llo Sludow « Claw им чичч The Hyperion Cantos Dan Simmons A dying sun sounds poetic. No 1 L Sunshine Robin McKinley Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes ; i No Preferably long ago, as well. R0BERTÆ HEINLEIN I'm going it alone On second thought, why not go with a classic. The Codex Alera Jim Butcher The Belgariad David Eddings The Book of the New Sun Gene Wolfe Frankenstein Mary Shelley With a little help from my friends — Tough. The Time Traveller's Wife Audrey Neffenegger Yes If one examines nooculturjil narrative, one Is faced with a choice: either accept the subtext!!»! paradigm of expression or conclude that nnrmtlvo must come from communication. 1 No Richard Matheson World War Z Max Brooks BRANDON SANDERSON The Mistborn Trilogy Brandon Sanderson What shall we read about? No \ Yes That should keep me busy. Tough. Util /IIAlir » Aitiócr Earth in the Shadows MacGuffi "4- I shall require at least ten. Enjoy quests to prevent great evil from conquering the world? No I need a little more complexity. Choose wisely, this is the end. J Hostile War of the Worlds H.G Wells Absent No I see what you did there. Starship Troopers Robert A. Heinlein Ender's Game Orson Scott Card The Thrawn Trilogy Timothy Zahn Maybe I don’t mind a few* chuckles between explosions. \â Are you having a laugh? . Yes "^Comedy is in my blood. No Want some time-travel too? Peaceful 1 Fatherly The Chronicles of Amber Roger Zelazny Yes L» V/ Д 1V1 \.y McCARTH THE ROA fj Yes Some men just want to see the world burn. Good vs. Evil on an epic scale, please. Who will save us? Assassins Magicians The Sword of Shannara Trilogy Terry Brooks The FarseerTrilogy Robin Hobb im . KAVMONI ) I. FEIST I The Seeker of Truth Weaving Timeline MAGICIAN Г*4 MSTVnOM The Riftwar Saga Raymond E Feist MMDOFMH « The Sword of Truth Series Terry Goodkind The One Power \ Who needs books? FAHRENHEIT The Road Cormac McCarthy Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury Who needs Free Will? t AWTMONV 01 CLOCKWORK ORANGE ► 11 A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess 'LAN DE К The Outlander Series Diana Gabaldon No ^4 Yes Interested in Dystopian fiction? Prodigious Breeders IAIN M.BANKS I do not have a sense of humor that I’m aware of. JOE HALOEMA The Forever War Joe HakJeman • Ml I HUI *4 MITWUNI Ю Ж ■ DOUGLAS \DAMS » jb f 0. * THI UlllUATI HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams 1 щ я 1 RANK 111 КП1.К1 The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Robert A. Heinlein The Dune Chronicles Frank Herbert ISAAC ASIMOV Like the world on fire? The Malazan Book of the Fallen Series Steven Erikson No \ Which question most ^ frightens you? But a worldwide pandemic would be cool. No / I was thinking more post-apocalyptic. VO*#SfOl/T L Rendezvous with Rama Arthur C. Clarke Slaughterhouse 5 Kurt Vonnegut Yes I’m a sucker for worst case scenarios. Totalitarian -^Dictators or world gone mad? No CHILDHOOD'S END The world is bleak enough already. Childhood's End Arthur C. Clarke CARI NMiAN 'Contact Contact Carl Sagan The Culture Series lain M. Banks No ^ I just like my action intense. Kind of professorial aren't we? History —f£> Foundation Trilogy Isaac Asimov What are you studying? ingineering \ The Mote in God's Eye Larry Niven & Jerry Poumelle Madness Cat s Cradle Kurt Vonnegut No* Yes J" Do manufactured humans interest you? The Wheel of Time Robert Jordan The Stand Stephen King - Я Brave New World Aldus Huxley ■ Î II 1111 11А> 1Д What type?' Sounds like you could use a nice allegory. Religious Warlords No A whole series? I ^ don’t have that much time. Yes I’m a scholarly adventurer. Ringworld Larry Niven Information Technology Vorkosigan Saga Lois McMaster Bujokl A Fire Upon the Deep Vernor Vinge Animal Farm George Orwell ............ ASIMDV ...... IS The Handmaid's Tale Margaret Atwood Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell Short stories it is then. Robots or Martians? -^Martians / Robots I, Robot Isaac Asimov The llustrated Man Ray Bradbury
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Ваху не нашел :D
Да тут и нет франшиз :-Р
Метро 2033 не нашёл.
Streecs Streecs 15.02.201314:49 ответить ссылка -0.1
Незнайку на луне не нашел.
переведите знатоки
crps crps 15.02.201315:17 ответить ссылка 0.0
перевод не поможет) нужна адаптация. а вообще идея офигенная
Voysla Voysla 15.02.201315:39 ответить ссылка 0.0
Нашел свою: Aftor perevod zamuti bleat'.
mr.kakos mr.kakos 15.02.201315:42 ответить ссылка 0.0
Перед этим ещё один блок алгоритма
что ты имеешь против фантастики?
ihhh ihhh 15.02.201316:02 ответить ссылка 0.0
И против полуовощей ничего не имею против
ihhh ihhh 16.02.201318:05 ответить ссылка -0.1
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НАЖМИТЕ НА КНОПКУ Ричард Матесон Пакет лежал прямо у двери — картонная коробка, на которой от руки были написаны их фамилия и адрес: «Мистеру и миссис Льюис, 217Е, Тридцать седьмая улица, Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк, 10016». Внутри оказалась маленькая деревянная коробка с единственной кнопкой, закрыт

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НАЖМИТЕ НА КНОПКУ Ричард Матесон Пакет лежал прямо у двери — картонная коробка, на которой от руки были написаны их фамилия и адрес: «Мистеру и миссис Льюис, 217Е, Тридцать седьмая улица, Нью-Йорк, штат Нью-Йорк, 10016». Внутри оказалась маленькая деревянная коробка с единственной кнопкой, закрыт