Всем привет, сегодня я расскажу, как с помощью одного корабля стать падшей империей. / Stellaris :: длинный пост :: Игры

Stellaris Игры длинный пост 

Всем привет, сегодня я расскажу, как с помощью одного корабля стать падшей империей.

Первое, что нам предстоит сделать и что откроет нам с вами это путешествие - это выбор ветки кризиса Cosmogenesis.

Ascension Perks
Click to select an Ascension Perk
Show Unavailable
Arc haeo-Engineers
Combining proven archaic technology with contemporary engineering will give us a timeless advantage.
Some say war is bad for business, but war is our business. Our mercenaries thrive in an
House Unona:
Begins the Cosmogenesis Event Chain
+ 1 Crisis Level Reached
Crisis Perk: New research options unlocked.
Insatiable Curiosity
Knowledge is power.
It is an axiom that science paves the way for progress. If we wish to fulfill our true

В отличии от ветки Nemesis, которая ориентирована полномасштабной войны на множество фронтов, Cosmogenesis рассчитан на упор в науку. Открывая новые уровни кризиса, нам станут доступны здания и корабли падших империй.

Чтобы ускорить наше развитие науки и как-то оправдать титул кризиса нам доступно уникальное мегасооружение:

■ Scalable Reservoir Computing
Rare Technology
Colossal in scale, the Synaptic Lathe is a reservoir computer. The processing power of our population's networked minds is used to
I compute and store data. The benefits are obvious, but some
misguided species may view the transmutation of

Оно позволяет использовать население империи в качестве умных компьютеров и открывает уникальный тип геноцида - Synaptic Lathe. Теперь, если вам не нужны всякие инопланетные уроды в империи, то их можно не только заставлять работать до смерти, но и засовывать в синаптическую установку.

			lî 1 l;A	
Planet Production
$?809 ©777 l>778 ^96
Planet Deficit
(£-322 <*>-3 é-26 ►£0	>*'• -1 ¿-5
Synaptic Overclocker Planet Limit: 2/2
247 ^720	90 49-540
Upkeep: (£3.00 - 0.60 Base: <£ 5.00'**1.00 Administrative Operations:

Сама по себе установка позволяет хранить в себе без уничтожения до 40 попов. Удовольствие дорогое, ввиду того, что при больший объемах она начинает жрать огромное количество энергии (у меня доходило до - 3 700).

Нам нужно будет выучить несколько ключевых технологий, а именно:
1. Технологии, которые открывают следующий уровень кризиса:


Exponential Learning Theory
Unlocks Cosmogenesls Crisis Level 2
Exponential Learning Theory
Rare Technology
The radical shift in perspective required to comprehend the infinite layers of reality challenges even our most brilliant minds.
This Technology will remain as a valid option until it


c Brush
Unlocks Cosmogenesis Crisis Level 3
n ^
Gravitic Brush
Rare Technology
Gravity and spacetime shape the universe. Starting with gravity, we will master tools to power our ascension.
this Technology will remain as a valid option until it is researched.
Click to research
Event Chain: Cosmogenesis
The reach of gravity is genuinely astonishing. While we have discovered new ways to manipulate it, the true implications of our work remain unexplored. We are confident that gravity remains the best option to pierce our current reality, not unlike the way in which a


Theoretical Infinity Thesis
Unlocks Cosmogenesis Crisis Level 4
Theoretical Infinity Thesis
Rare Technology
Precise and incredibly minute alterations in gravity allow us to inject commands into the code of reality. Extreme caution is imperative as we leam the applications of this new
Crisis Level 4
We were right! If there was ever any doubt about our work, ¡t is now being put to rest.
Gravity can be used to bend the rules of reality. But could the right adjustments break them completely? So far, our experiments have been done conducted on the smallest scale, and any

1.4. Пятый уровень кризиса требует от нас выучить еще минимум 2 технологии изменения реальности.

The Rules of Reality
Unlocks Cosmogenesis Crisis Level 5
2782A5 1
The Rules of Reality
Rare Technology
Recent experiments confirm that our edits to reality are only temporary. More significant alterations will be necessary to anchor these changes.
This Technology will remain as
Applied Infinity Thesis________________________ 173915
v' Attempt to bend the Rules ot Reality
Applied Infinity Thesis
Dangerous Technology
By making further alterations to reality’s rules, we can better monitor its reactions. At this scale, the effects are still difficult to predict, and
Crisis Level 5
Event Chain: Cosmogenesis
It cannot be, and yet it is. No matter what we try, our edits to reality remain stubbornly temporary. This universe is simply too old for the changes to take hold. But in the midst of frustration, there may at times be opportunity, and a new experiment

Технологии падших настолько имбовые, что уже со 2 уровня кризиса младшие империи не будут представлять для нас никакой угрозы.

r=rr ; 'ku a
llsh na:Seter
(Jl Sector Governor
ItÎP S r“
V 90%	Decisions
^	Resettle
ps 0%	t% 268	jfs 101
S- 92	^	0
b‘ 22
«Fara	%
Core Sector
fQ Auto Designated		±
	Planet Automation	©
Build Queue
Manet Summary	Population

Изучая технологию смены реальности, можно получить как хорошие бонусы так и плохие, все империи будут недовольны вашими рискованными выходками, а падшие материалисты даже единожды сделают предупреждение не повторять эти эксперименты:

Incoming Transmission
Incoming Transmission
Troublesome child! Today you have exceeded our patience. Your reckless experiments are a danger to all, and we hereby order you to put a stop to these. You have no idea what you are messing with, and while curiosity is commendable, recklessness at such
Our most recent edits to reality have changed some essential properties ot starlight. A change in wavelength has shitted most of their light outside of the visible spectrum, throwing chaos into navigation and stargazing, to name a few. These somewhat embarrassing changes will revert in a few
This experiment was about power sources and output, and while it started off great, things took a disastrous turn when it bled into our ship-based reactors, causing meltdowns across the entire fleet! Some ships shut their reactors in time, but others suffered critical damage.

nan Tie
i\ *
Another successful change to reality! This is minor and affects our alloys, making them lighter and sturdier. While small in scope, the change was enacted on the entire galaxy, and we are monitoring how long it will remain valid in this universe.
Nicely done!
House Unona:
Alloy Ductility

При достижении финальной стадии нам открывается технология для изучения Horizon Needle

Unlocks Meg a structure: Horizon Needle
Nascent Universes Rare Technology Large-scale travel to ditferent universes is a daunting task. We must engineer a spacecraft that can not only pierce the fabric of spacetime but also survive the journey.
This Technology will remain as a valid option until
Event Chain: Cosmogenesis
This reality is flawed. Marred by entropy, physical needs, and violence. While we cannot change it, we can leave it behind. Let us enter the unknown and find a young universe where our edits to reality will hold. Let us shape it to perfection, the haven our

Корабль нужно будет построить на орбите столицы, как обычное мегасооружение. Он не обладает никаким вооружением и его основная цель будет сбор населения с планет. Наш правитель останется дальше править империей.

Population Embarked
Event Chain: Cosmogenesis - Exodus
Thanks to the time dilation capacity of the Horizon Needle, we've been able to embark the entire colony on Sky Temple relatively quickly. The reality inside the ship has been modulated accordingly to provide ample space for the

Наша задача - собрать население со всех планет, кроме столицы, там мы оставим 20 попов для дальнейшего превращения в падшую империю. В конце пути у нас будет выбор, прыгаем ли мы в какую-то свою черную дыру на территории нашей империи, либо можно выполнить годовой проект для расчета прыжка в центр галактики.

Ready to Dive
Event Chain: Cosmogenesis - Exodus
Everything is ready. We are cleared to proceed to a black hole.
Our crossing of the event horizon will not be painless for the rest of the galaxy, but we have done all we can to ensure our capital and its surroundings will be well

По окончанию проекта корабль автоматически прыгнет в центр галактики, что приведет нас к победе.

Event Chain: Cosmogenesis - Exodus
The approach to the black hole is not without apprehension. Our resolve is increasingly tested as we pass the accretion disk of the singularity. Editing modules engaged, the Horizon Needle begins to rewrite reality.
Armored plates are sucked away before
Event Chain: Cosmogenesis - Exodus
After the violence of the crossing, the other side is quiet. An unnatural stillness surrounds us. The Needle is damaged, but no critical components were lost. Between one moment and the next, telemetry reports begin to flood in...
Mist and seething shadow,

В моем случае я заключил ковенант с духом войны и поселился в покрове. На текущий момент в игре 11 концовок (крайне не советую прыгать в черную дыру вызванную Древним или Межпространственным ужасом).
Для Obsessive Directive и Knight of the toxic God доступны свои, уникальные концовки.

Но, это не конец, после победы нам предложит выбрать империю, за которую мы продолжим играть (она тоже может выбрать Cosmogenesis и повторить наш успех). Если же выбрать Observer и выйти в главное меню, то при загрузке сохранения мы станем играть за нашу падшую империю. Увы, но полноценная игра за нее не возможна, так как наше население деградировало до гедонистов и экономика будет находится в нулевом уровне (У падшей империи нет штрафа за нехватку ресурсов). Размер империи сократится до 20 систем, а все планеты станут Экуменополисами.

X	y		y
100%	Decisions
«K 141	Resettle
fX 0%	ÿ 120	n% 13
5 144	(j^ 0
5 Jobs
- i4i Precursors
Hedonists 137
Click a Job to Favorite
Restore Jobs X
-	<$>718
- » ^10,J
- » ‘ + -20
© 49%
Growing Assembling Declining

Всем спасибо, надеюсь вам было интересно.

Erimadon Ascension Perks Click to select an Ascension Perk Show Unavailable Arc haeo-Engineers Combining proven archaic technology with contemporary engineering will give us a timeless advantage. Some say war is bad for business, but war is our business. Our mercenaries thrive in an embattled galaxy, and through them, so will we. Galactic Nemesis All great works require sacrifice. The rest of the galaxy may not understand, but they will comply. Rant« Cosmogenesis Time, gravity and space are the fundamental cogs that make up the clockwork of reality. If we can leam to manipulate them, the universe and its secrets will be ours. Cosmogenesis Time, gravity and space are the fundamental cogs that make up the clockwork of reality. If we can leam to manipulate them, the universe and its secrets will be ours. Nihilistic Acquisition The notion of self-determina Holistic goals clearly outwei Effects: Allows the House Unona to progress toward Becoming the Crisis. Click to select this Ascension Perk
I—I ENTER vaiemar House Unona: Begins the Cosmogenesis Event Chain + 1 Crisis Level Reached Crisis Perk: New research options unlocked. rescim Insatiable Curiosity Phaidros Knowledge is power. It is an axiom that science paves the way for progress. If we wish to fulfill our true potential, there can be no other path. Our technological mastery is self-evident, but far too much remains beyond our comprehension: the ways of the Fallen Empires, the power of the Leviathans, the mysteries of psionic insight... To glean meaning from the innards of reality requires a new kind of science, a new kind of computer, the Synaptic Lathe represents a significant first step on the journey to unlimited knowledge.
■ Scalable Reservoir Computing Rare Technology Colossal in scale, the Synaptic Lathe is a reservoir computer. The processing power of our population's networked minds is used to I compute and store data. The benefits are obvious, but some misguided species may view the transmutation of individuals into computing chips as morally questionable. This Technology will remain as a valid option until it is researched. Click to research Technology
Ascension Shulmak lî 1 l;A Elthior Î|S Dargan Planet Production $?809 ©777 l>778 ^96 Declining Planet Deficit (£-322 <*>-3 é-26 ►£0 >*'• -1 ¿-5 Synaptic Overclocker Planet Limit: 2/2 247 ^720 90 49-540 Upkeep: (£3.00 - 0.60 Base: <£ 5.00'**1.00 Administrative Operations: -10% From Buildings: -30% Physics Research from Neural Chips: +1 © Society Research from *£* Neural Chips: +1 & Engineering Research from 45* Neural Chips: +1 Advanced Logic from Neural Chips: +0.50 Pop Purge Speed: +75% Planetary Build Speed: Assembly Patterns: +25% Construction Templates: +50% Standard Construction Templates: +25% Natural Sanctuaries: 5% The Lathe has been designed to preserve its installed Neural Chips, keeping them productive for as long as possible. The overclocker can override these commands, resulting in a higher and faster output, but it comes with an increased failure rate. Click to view Building details
Exponential Learning Theory Unlocks Cosmogenesls Crisis Level 2 Exponential Learning Theory Rare Technology The radical shift in perspective required to comprehend the infinite layers of reality challenges even our most brilliant minds. This Technology will remain as a valid option until it is researched. Click to research Technology
=? c Brush Unlocks Cosmogenesis Crisis Level 3 n ^ a Gravitic Brush Rare Technology Gravity and spacetime shape the universe. Starting with gravity, we will master tools to power our ascension. this Technology will remain as a valid option until it is researched. Click to research Technology
I—I Event Chain: Cosmogenesis The reach of gravity is genuinely astonishing. While we have discovered new ways to manipulate it, the true implications of our work remain unexplored. We are confident that gravity remains the best option to pierce our current reality, not unlike the way in which a black hole impacts the universe around it. We have hypothesized that access to what is essentially the flip side of reality could allow us to alter the rules on this side. This is a dangerous field of study, but caution must not get in the way of progress. Gravity rules us all... For now. House Unona: Crisis Perk: New research options unlocked. Hotkey: r I-1
Theoretical Infinity Thesis Unlocks Cosmogenesis Crisis Level 4 T36327 Theoretical Infinity Thesis Rare Technology Precise and incredibly minute alterations in gravity allow us to inject commands into the code of reality. Extreme caution is imperative as we leam the applications of this new and incredible tool. This Technology will remain as a valid option until it is researched. Click to research Technology
I—I Crisis Level 4 X We were right! If there was ever any doubt about our work, ¡t is now being put to rest. Gravity can be used to bend the rules of reality. But could the right adjustments break them completely? So far, our experiments have been done conducted on the smallest scale, and any edits of ours were quickly erased as reality reverted to its "default" setting. We now suspect this is simply a problem of size. By applying energetic paradoxes at far grander levels, we can drastically reduce the cost of such edits... At least in our dimension. No matter the risk, there is no turning back now. Only those who dare to break the rules will ever be able to rewrite them. We are ready to risk it all. House Unona: Crisis Perk: New research options unlocked. Hotkey: ENTER I—I
The Rules of Reality T Unlocks Cosmogenesis Crisis Level 5 2782A5 1 Tachv / The Rules of Reality Rare Technology Recent experiments confirm that our edits to reality are only temporary. More significant alterations will be necessary to anchor these changes. This Technology will remain as a valid option until it is researched. Click to research Technology
Applied Infinity Thesis________________________ 173915 v' Attempt to bend the Rules ot Reality Applied Infinity Thesis Dangerous Technology By making further alterations to reality’s rules, we can better monitor its reactions. At this scale, the effects are still difficult to predict, and could affect the entire galaxy. This Technology will remain as a valid option until it is researched. Click to research Technology
Crisis Level 5 Event Chain: Cosmogenesis It cannot be, and yet it is. No matter what we try, our edits to reality remain stubbornly temporary. This universe is simply too old for the changes to take hold. But in the midst of frustration, there may at times be opportunity, and a new experiment has yielded unexpected results. While we have long known about other dimensions, the means to travel there reliably has eluded us. Not anymore. Younger universes dwell within the infinite gravity of a singularity. These have proven far more flexible. We have the technology to dispatch probes into a black hole. Once across the event horizon, they will begin to apply pressure, bending these youthful planes to our will. Where space folds into eternity lies the door to another universe that holds other, younger universes, too. Deep down in the abyss of the multiverse, we will find a malleable reality to shape into something extraordinary. r L It must bend, for we will not break. House Unona: Crisis Perk: New research options unlocked. Hotkey: I-1
'>ïk Ecumenopolis r=rr ; 'ku a ? m, llsh na:Seter T» i •i *»! (Jl Sector Governor ItÎP S r“ V 90% Decisions ^ Resettle ps 0% t% 268 jfs 101 S- 92 ^ 0 b‘ 22 «Fara % Core Sector fQ Auto Designated ± Planet Automation © Build Queue Buildings Manet Summary Population Planet Production <0>48 v^-428 7 ¿ 13 &>13 3 4 > 4 r^4 *4 ft Dimensional Fabricator i>- 243 It] Dimensional Fabricator * 247 & 720 Produces: '-*5.00 5.00 „V5.00 5 ZOO *200 ^200-^*200 Base: -*5.00 K 5.00 ^>5.00 3 2.00 *200 ^2.00 -#*2.00 Upkeep: $9.00 ^ 1.50 Base: $30.00 ^ 5.00 Administrative Operations: -10% Ecumenopolis: -25% From Buildings: -35% Planetary Build Speed: Assembly Patterns: +25% Construction Templates: +50% Standard Construction Templates: +25% Natural Sanctuaries: 5% This advanced fabricator seamlessly tunnels into the fabric of dimensional space, extracting valuable resources. Click to view Building details
Incoming Transmission Incoming Transmission Troublesome child! Today you have exceeded our patience. Your reckless experiments are a danger to all, and we hereby order you to put a stop to these. You have no idea what you are messing with, and while curiosity is commendable, recklessness at such a scale is intolerable. Reality was built this way for a reason. Leave it be. 'Ä Î There will be no second warning. I—I c x How should we respond? We’re sorry. We've only just begun. House Unona: ► (Khessam Con servers): Khessam Conservers's opinion of House Unona changes by 75. I_I.
I—I Our most recent edits to reality have changed some essential properties ot starlight. A change in wavelength has shitted most of their light outside of the visible spectrum, throwing chaos into navigation and stargazing, to name a few. These somewhat embarrassing changes will revert in a few years; we have learned a lot. Most interesting... House Unona: Blackout modifier added for 3 Years; Planet Sensor Range: 15 Sensor Range: -15 Cloaking Strength: +3 Stability: 5 Monthly Physics Research: +30% We have gained 1000Advanced Logic. Our relations with other empires have deteriorated. Hotkey: I-1
This experiment was about power sources and output, and while it started off great, things took a disastrous turn when it bled into our ship-based reactors, causing meltdowns across the entire fleet! Some ships shut their reactors in time, but others suffered critical damage. nan Tie i\ * Next one will go better. House Unona: Our fleets will suffer damage. We have gained 1000'-^' Advanced Logic. Hotkey: ENTER I-1
I—I Another successful change to reality! This is minor and affects our alloys, making them lighter and sturdier. While small in scope, the change was enacted on the entire galaxy, and we are monitoring how long it will remain valid in this universe. Nicely done! House Unona: Alloy Ductility Edit modifier added for 3 Years: Monthly Alloys: +15% Ships & Alloys Upkeep:-15% We have gained 1000 Advanced Logic. Our relations with other empires have deteriorated. Hotkey: I-1
Unlocks Meg a structure: Horizon Needle Nascent Universes Rare Technology Large-scale travel to ditferent universes is a daunting task. We must engineer a spacecraft that can not only pierce the fabric of spacetime but also survive the journey. This Technology will remain as a valid option until it is researched. Click to research Technology
I—I Event Chain: Cosmogenesis This reality is flawed. Marred by entropy, physical needs, and violence. While we cannot change it, we can leave it behind. Let us enter the unknown and find a young universe where our edits to reality will hold. Let us shape it to perfection, the haven our civilization deserves. We have prepared the plans for an extraordinary ship: the Horizon Needle. This mobile Megastructure is not geared for war, but its ability to bend the laws of physics will enable us to embark our entire civilization. Together, we will dive into a black hole of our choosing, abandoning this reality for one of our own creation. We must build a Horizon Needle! : House Unona: Build a Horizon Needle Meg a structure to unlock the final act of the Crisis. Hotkey: jtilHiM
I—I Population Embarked Event Chain: Cosmogenesis - Exodus Thanks to the time dilation capacity of the Horizon Needle, we've been able to embark the entire colony on Sky Temple relatively quickly. The reality inside the ship has been modulated accordingly to provide ample space for the population. Additionally, time has been slowed inside the vessel to make the entire journey feel considerably shorter. Onwards to our next colony! Excellent. I-1
I—I Ready to Dive X Event Chain: Cosmogenesis - Exodus Everything is ready. We are cleared to proceed to a black hole. Our crossing of the event horizon will not be painless for the rest of the galaxy, but we have done all we can to ensure our capital and its surroundings will be well protected from any temporal or gravitational disturbances. We must now choose the gateway for our journey - which of the galaxy's black holes we wish to journey through. Most should be easy enough to reach, but if we want to enter the Supermassive Black Hole at the galaxy's center, we must first overdrive our jump engines and calculate a suitable vector. A closer black hole will do. We must reach the center. -» .Zô.UI^ •*' House Unona: Issues Special Project: Calculate Jump Vector I—I
I—I Event Chain: Cosmogenesis - Exodus The approach to the black hole is not without apprehension. Our resolve is increasingly tested as we pass the accretion disk of the singularity. Editing modules engaged, the Horizon Needle begins to rewrite reality. Armored plates are sucked away before the ship asserts that the singularity’s pull has no purchase on its hull. With each minute edit, each snip of the spatial fabric, the Needle's power causes coils to form in spacetime. Like a pebble thrown into a pool, the ensuing ripples spread into rings. In the end, vast waves crash across the galaxy. We can only hope our capital is protected well enough. We have no choice but to trust the Needle to pierce the heart of this hole. ... et ultra. I—I
I—I Event Chain: Cosmogenesis - Exodus After the violence of the crossing, the other side is quiet. An unnatural stillness surrounds us. The Needle is damaged, but no critical components were lost. Between one moment and the next, telemetry reports begin to flood in... Mist and seething shadow, and a gorgeous, purple haze. The feeling is familiar, a bountiful energy, rippling with psionic potential. We have entered the Shroud. Our patron is here, of course. They were not expecting us, but are amused by our arrival. They find our notions of shaping reality charming. Naturally, they will help. They have promised a secluded pocket near the Shroud to do with as we please, much like what was once bequeathed to the one calling himself Ja'Baxti. After all, we are our patron, and our patron is us. It is only natural to help oneself. At last. House Unona: We won the game! House Unona wins the game. Hotkey: I I-1
Fara X y y 100% Decisions «K 141 Resettle fX 0% ÿ 120 n% 13 5 144 (j^ 0 5 Jobs - i4i Precursors Hedonists 137 Click a Job to Favorite Restore Jobs X Demographics ft m Protectors '.JjfP7TF.ll - <$>718 - » ^10,J - » ‘ + -20 © 49% Growing Assembling Declining A St Hedonist Stratum: Precursor Produces: <$>5.2 Upkeep: #0.8 *£0.7 A life of total opulence, where every possible material need or desire can be satisfied. 1 J f A** 1 M II .1 ^ Specialists » Planet Summary Population Armies Holdings
Stellaris,Игры,длинный пост
Еще на тему
ммм, давно не устраивал геноцид
Там с 3.10 ещё что-нибудь интересное завезли?
Вот что в посте, возможность играть за Адмехов и новый кризис.
lysterious Ter m Neutral Fleets Mysterious Tempest ? Cetanas 1st Guard Urn: * 244840734 100% § Cetana s 2nd Guard Unit * 244840734 100% $ Cetane1 s 3rd Guard Unit * 244840734 100% § Cetana s 4th Guard Unit -it 244840734 100% f Cetana s 5th Guard Unit -it 244840734 100% $ Cetana s 4th
Можно решить поиграть с законами вселенной, дабы сделать их более удобными. Для этого делаем огромный биокомпьютер, которому скармливаем попов, и который должен придумать как переделывать вселенную. Выясняем что вселенная старая и хер ее переделаель не разъебав по пути. Сажаешь все свое население кроме небольшего кол-ва на корабль "иглу". И съебываете в молодую вселенную где можно будет все под себя переделать. А столица и еще несколько систем уходят в стазис на века. Чтобы проснуться в виде падшей империи в галактике которая пережила ваши старые эксперименты. Это вкраце.
И где тут кризис?
Ты сам становишься кризисом для остальных, т.к. пока ведутся эксперименты с Вселенной - у окружающих начинаются проблемы
Белым и пушистым остаться в самом деле можно. Синаптическую установку вообще не строить, законы физики нагнуть по минимуму. Если до этого тебя все любили, сильно отношения не испортятся.
Или скармливать установке только Дронов и не разумных роботов.
>Белым и пушистым остаться в самом деле можно.
Не совсем. То есть да, игрок может оставаться белым и пушистом до самого конца, а потом в качестве прощального жеста неизбежно попердолить всю галактику.
The following effect will occur upon a Cosmogenesis victory across the entire galaxy: • 9% of all systems will be destroyed. • 50% of all starbases will be destroyed. • 30% of all fleets will be destroyed. • 80% of the systems will gain random deposits. Every surviving non-capital planet will
Интересно! Я так глубоко не копала. А разные концовки в разных черных дырах можете проспойлерить?
Большинство вариантов исхода попыток играться с реальностью. Ну там скорость света увеличить на треть, число Пи сделать равным четырём, изменить структуру углерода.

Только пока ты будешь все это делать - межгалактический совет объявит тебя кризисом и посадит на бутылку

Хз, у меня одновременно в галактике я изучал эти технологии и другой ИИ пошел через Немезис. Его объявили кризисом а я так и сидел спокойно
Открыл Америку, все, кому интересно, давно все это сами проделали. А вот разные концовки в разных черных дырах, это в самом деле интересно. Рассказал бы лучше про них.
А мне интересно было. Мои материалисты недавно открыли псионику, через ивент. Я не буду заключать ни с кем договор, интересно, куда меня выбросит конец игры.
Могу посоветовать отличную ранобэ, с около космической тематикой. Полностью переведена с нормальной концовкой а не как обычно любят авторылиш бы закончить. Легендарный механик. Перечитывал раза 3 уже. Очень нравится. :)
Постоянно натыкаюсть на рекламу этого говна и охуеваю.
Уровень понимания технологий автором - идиот, уровень понимания интриг - идиот, уровень понимания тактики - идиот...
Да и финал слит. Автор за 50 глав до конца вывалил на ГГ знания, ЗА КАДРОМ СУКА, и все его проблемы решились.
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Envoy Action
Invite to Federation
We can invite them into our Federation. This will increase their Trust of us by +1.00 each month up a maximum of 50. It will cost us f^2.C0 each month.
Galactic Union L J	Grand Alliance & Galactic Union Members of this federation are united and ready to co

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Envoy Action Invite to Federation We can invite them into our Federation. This will increase their Trust of us by +1.00 each month up a maximum of 50. It will cost us f^2.C0 each month. Galactic Union L J Grand Alliance & Galactic Union Members of this federation are united and ready to co
□rbis Customer Synergies
Slephus Prime

Ethic Points Left: 0
t a
Corporate Holds an election new Ruler.
Empire Modifier Administrative ■ Empire Size Per
Brand Loyalty
Media Conglomerate
Criminal	Heritage	1
Corporate Holds an election every 20 years to s

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Federation Centralization
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Succession Power
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LV5 a
Very High

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Federation Centralization Minimal Low Medium Fleet Contribution None Low fi Medium Succession Type Rotation Random Challenge Succession Power Economy Diplomatic Weight Technology LV5 a Very High
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ô 5 ^ Complex Drones
« : *1
<*> »
q 29 & Menial Drones
S 9 Agri-Drones
2 8 Maintenance Drones
2 6 Mining Drones
	PI	m
* 34	eg -	© -
tf» 5	Y& -	X 5
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Ix'Athrak Features Empire Capital Arctic World Decisions Terraform Jobs Demographics ô 5 ^ Complex Drones « : *1 <*> » q 29 & Menial Drones S 9 Agri-Drones 2 8 Maintenance Drones 2 6 Mining Drones PI m * 34 eg - © - tf» 5 Y& - X 5 ) Planet Summary Population Armies