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Liquid nitrogen - glowing orange (phosphorescence),Entertainment,Liquid nitrogen,luminescence,phosphorescence,crazy experiment,ultraviolet light,freezing,fluorescence,glowing,glowing objects,In this video, we demonstrate how different objects frozen in liquid nitrogen can glow after irradiation under ultraviolet light. A lot of objects around us are capable to glow (luminescence) when irradiated with ultraviolet light. However, many of these items contain optical brighteners or organic dyes, which are responsible for glow (for example: fabric and plastic products, paper money, white paper). If you exclude such items, the range of things that are capable of glowing in the ultraviolet, sharply narrows. On the other hand, strong cooling, create much more favorable conditions for luminescence. Due to this, some materials - egg shell, paraffin, paper, sugar - after cooling with liquid nitrogen acquire the ability to glow when irradiated with ultraviolet light. As the temperature increases, the luminescence disappears. Note that the glow of bodies, cooled by liquid nitrogen, is observed not only during irradiation with ultraviolet light, but also for some time after the termination of the action of ultraviolet. The absorbed energy is not radiated immediately, but over a period of time (sometimes several hours). This phenomenon is called phosphorescence. In other words, ultraviolet only serves to activate the glow. This means that phosphorescence differs from fluorescence when the absorbed energy is immediately radiated. Accordingly, fluorescence stops after the irradiation stops, and phosphorescence continues (gradually fading). To observe the luminescence, cooled objects can be illuminated with a black light lamp (Wood lamp) or an ultraviolet LED
жидкий азот,фосфорисценция,Ультрафиолет,песочница
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FatyFat FatyFat 06.07.201714:49 ответить ссылка 0.1
Восстанавливает всю, но забирает душу!
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