Amitié - Animation,Comedy,animation,flipnote,fox,pigeon,dancing,friends,cartoon,The friendship w / k-eke (Kokorokeke, Kéké) :: video :: animation

k-eke animation video 

Amitié - Animation,Comedy,animation,flipnote,fox,pigeon,dancing,friends,cartoon,The friendship wetween a fox and a pigeon :) I wanted to share an important message with this animation, everybody being different is what make our world amazing! I hope you will enjoy the animation !! If you want to see more gifs and animations, my Tumblr : Illustrations and some videos too : Twitter to talk !! : And Patreon to support me ! fox and pigeons forever !! The song is from the moomins ending :)
k-eke,Kokorokeke, Kéké,animation,video
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Niissoks Niissoks 07.11.201600:26 ответить ссылка 3.4
Музычка не оч подходит, всегда представлял работы k-eke под Фанк.
Увидел в птичке боевика в маске,теперь не могу развидеть.
А потом лиса её сожрала...
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Cats are long liquid,Entertainment,animation,animated,cat,long,cartoon,flipnote,pixel,funny,liquid,kekeflipnote,Reaaalllly long cat, also sounds like a rhythm game :) Song is the Sarsaparilla fields from The Smurfs on the Gameboy from the amazing Alberto J. González!
VdS. New ОС Looks
TOP notch !

keke artist песочница k-eke,Kokorokeke, Kéké

DRAW ME MORE!! VdS. New ОС Looks TOP notch ! CueATOß.