The Great Vagina Fun Facts: Although there is wide anatomical variation, the length of the un / Реактор познавательный

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The Great Vagina
Fun Facts:
Although there is wide anatomical variation, the length of the unaroused vagina is approximately 6 to 7.5 cm (2.5 to 3 in) across the anterior wall (front), and 9 cm (3.5 in) long across the posterior wall (rear). Vagina's are incredibly stretchable, and can stretch
The Great Vagina Fun Facts: Although there is wide anatomical variation, the length of the unaroused vagina is approximately 6 to 7.5 cm (2.5 to 3 in) across the anterior wall (front), and 9 cm (3.5 in) long across the posterior wall (rear). Vagina's are incredibly stretchable, and can stretch up to 200% if necessary. The largest vagina ever recorded is thought to have belonged to seven-foot eight-inch Anna Swan (1846-1888), a long-legged Scottish temptress who once plopped out a 26-pound baby with a 19 in head, the biggest baby recorded in world history. Anna Swan (1846-1888) Although rare, it is possible for the Vagina to fall out. Known as Female Genital Prolapse, FGP is characterized by a portion of the vaginal canal protruding from the opening of the vagina. The condition usually occurs when the pelvic floor collapses as a result of childbirth. A vagina's natural lubrication contains the compound Squalene, which is also found in shark liver. Squalene has several anti-carcinogenic In rare cases, some women are born with two vaginas. Luckily, some very rare males are also born with two penises! Pubic bone ithral opening Emptied Bladder • Uterus Anterior There are an estimated 30,000-40,000 man made vaginas in the US. These marvels of modern medicine belong to the estimated 30-40k post-op transsexual women in the US. Urethra Cervix In 1986, MIT research associate Joe Davis / / led a project to transmit the sounds of / / vaginal contractions towards neighboring / star systems. To do so, he recorded the /// vaginal contractions of ballet dancers, v The messages were to be sent from MIT's Mill stone Hill Radar to Epsilon Eridani, Tau Ceti and two other stars. The G-spot exists and can be located on the front side of the vagina, not far from your belly button. The G-Spot is actually the Skene gland, or the female prostate. Ves, that's right, a lady prostate. Although the legend of "vagina dentata" -a pussy with teeth poised to rip off the male organ~is known to be a myth, there is some evidence that certain women have vaginal muscles strong enough to clamp down on the male organ and prevent it from withdrawing. Known clinically as penis captivus, it is thought to be caused by involuntary spasms in the levator ani muscles deep in the vagina. Sexual Knowledge Stats 33% of women can't find their own G-Spot. 75.2% of men know where . the clitoris A is located. I Nearly 33% of women can't have an orgasm from vaginal sex alone. Curious what other people call it? ABYSS, THE MEAT MUFFIN BEARDED CLAM MOOSE KNUCKLE BEEF CURTAINS BIRTH CANNON MOTHER OF ALL SOULS MOUNT PLEASANT 10-15% of all women have never experienced an orgasm. women know. MUSTARD POT BLACK BESS BLUEBEARD'S CLOSET ORGAN GRINDER BONE YARD PECAN PATTIE BUM FIDDLE PENIS PENITENTIARY PERIWINKLE BUTTER BOAT CABBAGE FIELD PINK CANOE CAPE HORN PUNANI CATCHER'S MITT PIPE CLEANER Next issue, Sexuality CLOVEN TUFT PRICK PURSE COCK SOCKET QUIVERING QUIM COD CANAL COOTER ROCKET POCKET The World Record for most female orgasms was recorded at the 2009 Masturbate-a-thon in Denmark. While Michael Hariprem claimed the title for men the year before with 31 big O's, one lucky gal rubbed out 222 orgasms in one sitting to take the prize this year. RUSTY AXE WOUND SACAPUNTAS CUM DUMPSTER SAUSAGE WALLET DEAD-END STREET SCABBARD DICK SHARPENER SILK IGLOO SKUNK GUTS EEL SKINNER SLOBBERING BULLDOG FANCY BIT SMELLY JELLY HOLE FISH FACTORY SNAKE CHARMER The farthest recorded distance that a woman has ejaculated was also at the 2009 Maturbate-a-thon in Denmark. She fired a whopping 10.3 feet. FLAMING LIPS SOUTH POLE FLESH TUXEDO SNAPPER FLYTRAP SPERM HARBOR FOOFY BIRD SPLIT KNISH FUN TUNNEL STENCH TRENCH FURBACK TURTLE STICKY BUN GOLDFINCH'S NEST SUGAR BASIN The speculum a gynocologist uses in 2010 dates all the way back to the technological age of 1300 B.C.E. It got a shout-out in an old Hebrew tome called the Talmud. Worse yet, a speculum identical to the models used today was unearthed in some girl's rubble at Pompeii. TAFFY PULLER GRAVY BOAT TINKLEFLOWER GRINDSTONE TROUT BASKET GUTTED HAMSTER TUNA TACO HAIRY MANILOW TWAT WAFFLE HAPPY VALLEY UNDER-DIMPLE HIDEY HOLE HOO-HA VADGE VERTICAL GRIMACE JACK STRAW'S CASTLE KNOB GOBBLER VELVET GLOVE It's easier to catch an STD if you have sex during your period. While this sounds like an urban legend, the change in the acid balance of your vagina during your period makes it easier for bacteria to multiply. WEENIE WRINGER LADY JANE WHISKER BISCUIT LAPLAND WILLY WASHER LOBSTER CLAW MADGE WOUND THAT NEVER HEALS, THE YA-YA MAGPIE'S NEST YEAST CAKE MANHOLE MAP OF TASMANIA The first inch of the vaginal canal is by far the most "pleasure-receptive," good news for all men with small penises. MARK OF THE BEAST Source: 1. 2. http://en.wikipedia.Org/wiki/Vagina#cite_note-l 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
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