Legacy of Kain :: soul reaver :: Игры

Legacy of Kain Игры soul reaver 

ZTfte $)umafnm are a cJan ofvamjoiresfrst encounteredin J^ejacy ofr^ain: *$cuf cleaver and revisited aft an earlier staye of evofutionary development in ^osyotfi. ZTfiey are tfte descendants oftfte lieutenant d)umaft.
dfteprimary territory oftfte f&umafnm was oriyinaffy tfte

TJeayJzna OVLeJcharnm are a type ®J enemy zn J^eyacy mn: *$ou f Reaver. dTfiey are vamjoires an eft fie descendants oj^tBe lieutenant dkCefcBiaB. TTfiey are tBe younyer, less evolvedmembers oj^ZA/CelcBiafis clan, in contract to adult UvCelcBaBim.
dBey are devastated By sunliyBt s toucB, even tl

<PHs a clanf tGey were exclusive to employ P°umpire ^PV°orsGppers around tGemselves as servants orguards, ^kepGonim (andtGeir master) scmeGow evolved to showcase aracGnoidtraits. TTfiey all Have long tftin clunky Gut
letGalIbnGs, wGicGdGey can use-tic a variety of advantages. first ofall, j eir

 / / ZTfte $)umafnm are a cJan ofvamjoiresfrst encounteredin J^ejacy ofr^ain: *$cuf cleaver and revisited aft an earlier staye of evofutionary development in ^osyotfi. ZTfiey are tfte descendants oftfte lieutenant d)umaft. dfteprimary territory oftfte f&umafnm was oriyinaffy tfte ffuined^oity, tftouyfi this area was faryefy abandoned and tfte nomadic S)umaftim are instead encountered in many additional locations including tfte f^aziefs ^Zfan ^Territory, tfte ^Sanctuary of tfte Cjfans and tfte jfomfj oftfte ^Sarafan. c/Hs wit ft aff tfte cfans seen in feyacy cffi^ain: ^Souf weaver, tfte f£)umaftim are split into two distinct active types: tfte older, stronger and ?nore evolved a daft ffoumaftim, andtfteyounger, weaker and less evolve dffe dy liny f&umafnm. v$o members of the cfan are encounteredin tfteir inactive pupatiny state. TTfte $)umafnm vampires Were,^ >jA jorcyeny cj^Z&umaft, wfio yerscnaffy raisetf fits cfan. fc a
TJeayJzna OVLeJcharnm are a type ®J enemy zn J^eyacy mn: *$ou f Reaver. dTfiey are vamjoires an eft fie descendants oj^tBe lieutenant dkCefcBiaB. TTfiey are tBe younyer, less evolvedmembers oj^ZA/CelcBiafis clan, in contract to adult UvCelcBaBim. dBey are devastated By sunliyBt s toucB, even tl Weaker rays oj^*fj{osyotB s dayliyBt, wBicB is jittered By smoke. WBicBmeans, some oj'tBem Be executedwBen tBrown into a smaff area wBere dayliqBt Bas Broken into, ZvtefcBiaBwas made fast, andtBerejore received . tBejyoorestjyortion oj^$B,ain syift. c^ftBouyB yvtefcBiaB Was immortal, Bis soulcoufdnot sustain tBejfesB, wBicBretainedmucBoj^its previous Bumanjraifty. TTBis weakness was ayojsarentfyyassedon to Bis vamyire cjjsyoriny, wBosejrayite sBins Barely containedtBe underIvinq decay TTBese foatBsome creatures adorn tBemselves in y old as ijto Bold on to tBei once aristocratic BiyBBlood, But no amount oj^jewels could cover uyo tBis travesty. \lw fcjf . ll \/yffi Æ, \ \i jJndk ■ |i v\ V m rmw L 1 H JT
 <PHs a clanf tGey were exclusive to employ P°umpire ^PV°orsGppers around tGemselves as servants orguards, ^kepGonim (andtGeir master) scmeGow evolved to showcase aracGnoidtraits. TTfiey all Have long tftin clunky Gut letGalIbnGs, wGicGdGey can use-tic a variety of advantages. first ofall, j eir most prominent aspect is tGeir aGility to climG walls. TTGis makes m \ .Gem well equippedto follow prey over vertical surfaces. Strangely tGey preferreddoing it Gackwards, facing away from tGe wall. TTke OkepGonim are a clan c vampires found deep in tfie primary territory of tfie ^Silenced kjotkedral TTGey are tke descendants of tfie lieutenant tkkepGcn. <7Gey are devastated Gy sunligGt s toucG, even tfie Weaker rayscfvrfcsgotG s dayligGt, wGicGisfltered Gy smoke. f^GicG means, some of tGern may Ge executedwGen tGrown into a small area wGere dayligfit Gas Grcken. c/Geseyo ung fledglings lookmorepale sleek and sligGtly more Guman tGan tGier adult counterparts fks ¿depGons clan evolve even it ain Gimselfwas repulsed Gy tGier putrid fi orm. k ■ A. ' .a I i
Legacy of Kain,Игры,soul reaver
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