Apex Legends

Apex Legends

Подписчиков: 364     Сообщений: 1251     Рейтинг постов: 8,574.5

j_snbk Crypto (Apex Legends) Apex Legends Игры r63 Игровая эротика 

æ/J>L’Cbf‘S?A>*?V7h iZ'tZtitb-rïS'&LXZo },j_snbk,Crypto (Apex Legends),Tae Joon Park (AL), Крипто, Тхэ Джун Парк,Apex Legends,Игры,r63,Игровая эротика

ap_SenTineL_ESR Wraith (Apex Legends) Apex Legends Игры 

ap_SenTineL_ESR,Wraith (Apex Legends),Рэйф, Рене Блази,Apex Legends,Игры

game art Игры Apex Legends Bloodhound (Apex Legends) Sega Super Nintendo ink_trash 

game art,Игры,Apex Legends,Bloodhound (Apex Legends),Бладхаунд, Блодхундр ,Sega,Super Nintendo,ink_trash,game art,games,Apex Legends,bloodhound (apex legends),Sega,Super Nintendo,ink_trash

game art,Игры,Apex Legends,Bloodhound (Apex Legends),Бладхаунд, Блодхундр ,Sega,Super Nintendo,ink_trash,game art,games,Apex Legends,bloodhound (apex legends),Sega,Super Nintendo,ink_trash

game art,Игры,Apex Legends,Bloodhound (Apex Legends),Бладхаунд, Блодхундр ,Sega,Super Nintendo,ink_trash,game art,games,Apex Legends,bloodhound (apex legends),Sega,Super Nintendo,ink_trash


mytb_mono Revenant (Apex legends) Apex Legends Игры Wraith (Apex Legends) 

mytb_mono,Revenant (Apex legends),Ревенант, Калеб Кросс,Apex Legends,Игры,Wraith (Apex Legends),Рэйф, Рене Блази

mytb_mono,Revenant (Apex legends),Ревенант, Калеб Кросс,Apex Legends,Игры,Wraith (Apex Legends),Рэйф, Рене Блази


passimo Wraith (Apex Legends) Apex Legends Игры art девушка art Игровой арт 


Revenant (Apex legends) Apex Legends Игры gamedev Игровое видео ToonCraft Motion Capture 

"This video is a collection of some of the work that went into creating the character of Revenant from an animation perspective. Of course, this only includes selected pieces of my work as it takes an entire team of animators, writers, modelers, tech-artists, sound designers, gameplay designers, etc etc in order to fully bring one of our legends to life!

Revenant has been one of my favorite legends to work on and I personally had a blast animating him as well as coming up with some of the early ideation that you will see in this video. A very important thing to understand is that not every idea is a good idea and just because something looks cool or intriguing is necessarily the right direction to approach so during the exploration phase its ok and encouraged to go wild with ideas and tests in order to know when we have gone too far and pull back. But if you never push the concepts to the limit, you may never reach that sweet spot that nails the character _

As an added bonus, I also crafter a little cartoon vignette to go with this demo. I hope you like it and I would love to hear your comments on the video particularly the early concepts. What caught your eye the most? what part did you see and wished it actually made it into the game. Drop me a comment if you can, they're always super fun to read! _

Until next time!"

iwamoto_05 artist Horizon (Apex Legends) Rampart (Apex Legends) Apex Legends Игры Octane (Apex Legends) christmas праздник свитер 

iwamoto_05,artist,Horizon (Apex Legends),Dr. Mary Somers (AL), Хорайзон, Доктор Мэри Сомерс,Rampart (Apex Legends),Ramya Parekh (AL), Рампарт, Рамья Парекх,Apex Legends,Игры,Octane (Apex Legends),Октейн, Октавио Сильва,christmas,праздник,свитер

Revenant (Apex legends) Apex Legends Игры Revenant (Warframe) Warframe Pliket-pliket artist crossover 

Revenant (Apex legends),Ревенант, Калеб Кросс,Apex Legends,Игры,Revenant (Warframe),Warframe,Pliket-pliket,artist,crossover

fayren Bloodhound (Apex Legends) Apex Legends Игры 

fayren,Bloodhound (Apex Legends),Бладхаунд, Блодхундр ,Apex Legends,Игры

Loba (Apex Legends) Apex Legends Игры Игровая эротика 3D тян HydraFXX artist 

Loba (Apex Legends),Loba Andrade (AL), Лоба Андраде,Apex Legends,Игры,Игровая эротика,3D тян,HydraFXX,artist

Loba (Apex Legends),Loba Andrade (AL), Лоба Андраде,Apex Legends,Игры,Игровая эротика,3D тян,HydraFXX,artist

Loba (Apex Legends),Loba Andrade (AL), Лоба Андраде,Apex Legends,Игры,Игровая эротика,3D тян,HydraFXX,artist

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