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http://hiirobine.sahura.ne.jp (C)|
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A kind of nocturnal harpy that inhabits the dark depths of forests. They're also called “forest sages” since they're endowed with extremely high intelligence and wisdom.
They have a

http://kurobinc.sahiira.iic.jp (С)|
“on or republication without written permission.
В основном, возможно вследствие их активного образа жизни, большинство гарпий склонны отдавать предпочтение яростному сексу, но, с другой стороны, наверное, из-за обычно малоподвижного,

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Spirit Family • Elemental Type
t "tnn*>+) i jurnra-zHuuv
Habitat.....Zipangu region - snowy mountains
Disposition Devoted, lustful, ferocious
Diet........Omnivorous, the essence of human men
Ice spirits that inhabit snowy mountains

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