
Результаты поиска по запросу "what are the british like"

Вылетевший из Лондона в Германию самолёт по ошибке приземлился в Эдинбурге, Шотландия

Одна женщина сказала, что большинство пассажиров приняло за шутку слова пилота о том, что они прилетели в Эдинбург.
Самолёт ведь направлялся в немецкий Дюссельдорф, который ну вот совсем в другой стороне находится.
После приземления пилот заявил, что понятия не имеет, почему так случилось.
Sophie Cooke, летевшая этим рейсом, рассказала что после приземления их попросили проголосовать "поднимите руки те, кому всё ещё нужно в Дюссельдорф"

Позже выяснилось, что вины пилотов нет. Причиной инцидента стал неверный полетный план, который вручили и пилотам, и диспетчерским службам в аэропорту Лондона

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 Party Like A Russian

Что на ждёт

1. God's Right Seat (Acqua, Terra & Fiamma)
2. Battle Royale Arc/Dragon Arc (Academy City Dark Side)
3. World War 3 (Russia Arc)
4. British Halloween Royale Family Arc (Index as the main heroine highlight)
(Взято с разрешения Шустера-семпая)
With great respect and much thanks to Ian Akin and Brian Garvey.
www. deviantart. com/ dark- matter42,DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,Киберлюди,Cybermen,Ледяные воины (DW),красивые картинки,art,арт,Traditional art,Dark-Matter42
Аннотация от автора:
I’ve pretty much given up on this one so I don’t think it will ever be finished. But I wanted to share it with other fans somewhere anyway, so here seems like the right place.
This is my re-draw of the final panel of the British comic Deathworld expanded to a full page Marvel comics style, typical last page thing.
When I was young I always wanted to see my two favorite comic artists--Ian Akin and Brian Garvey--handle Doctor Who monsters in their style. Since that never happened here’s my version of how it would go.
Note: This is not a rip-off of specific panels or drawings; it is me drawing in their style. This is intended as an affectionate, respectful tribute to them.
“Huh? Who and who? I’ve never heard of them!” I hear you say. They are only one of the best drawing duos who ever worked for Marvel (and sundry other comic companies). They are only the two artists responsible for getting me to go gaga over comics in the first place! Their art spoke to me and inspired me in a way no other comic artist had ‘till then. Their brush and pen work is what cemented black and white pen-and-ink art as the thing for me.
I greedily soaked up all their pages like a madman, trying to learn their every technique. I wanted to draw just like them. My inspirations have expanded since then, obviously, but I never lost my adoration of their art.
The best part of drawing Doctor Who monsters in comic-cartoon style is they can be as flexible and mobile as you want them to be, unlike the series’ costumes. You can have expressive Ice Warriors with flexible expressive faces.
Note: these are comic-style Cybermen so they look completely different from their television versions, and yes, they have body language. In the all the years they appeared in the British comics until fan artists took over, they always had body language.
The letters for “…the Cybermen!” dialogue is the Transformers typeface. I thought it worked for them and never considered anything else.
The jagged line thing in the bottom foreground is supposed to be a close-up of a big rock. Except it didn’t look like a big rock, it just looked like someone messing around with brush marks. So I’m leaving it blank. This is one of the reasons I gave up on the whole thing.

Отличный комментарий!

MeisterVaxl ■ 3 hr. ago
Does your doors dont have locks?
ft 23 iff L,^j Reply share ***
& FW190A80P • 1 hr. ago
Does youre english haveth good?
fl 19	Reply Share ***
MeisterVaxl • 21 min. ago
You speak english because its the only language you know. I speak english because its the only

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а лицо от вспышки пороха не обгорает?
Там немного, скорее человек получает знатную порцию дыма от пороха и продуктов горения в щщи.
Там черный порох, там самое страшное это SO2 и CO. Конечно яды ядреные, но в таком количестве не особо то и вредны.
думаю, в те времена это был самый незначительный вклад в среднюю продолжительность жизни стрелка.
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