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we have met


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Эротика песочница эротики Наталья Андреева Met-Art 

о -. V л > У '. Sv*' Г ; v1í»*B6Í5/( Sf hUKïï i:- 'ЩЯЕ • . i * J %"•' к f »* уч «г' * Л *\у?У ^uyS^i ’ 4 Í * .л^5г V V л 7 * - ?,Эротика,красивые фото обнаженных, совсем голых девушек, арт-ню,песочница эротики,Наталья Андреева,Danica,Met-Art,erotic,ero sandbox,,Met-Art

знр* - hjiîB ¡T 'V № 11 / 1 '1J IS,Эротика,красивые фото обнаженных, совсем голых девушек, арт-ню,песочница эротики,Наталья Андреева,Danica,Met-Art,erotic,ero sandbox,,Met-Art


my little pony фэндомы mlp art mlp OC Batpony 


Belzebubs Комиксы перевел сам 

Oh hey, have you met our guest musician yet?

Belzebubs,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,перевел сам

*...and one hell of a hex bomb (ориг.)

facebook Oculus Rift p4rgaming песочница 

Facebook: Not Everyone is Unhappy with Oculus Rift Purchase, Blind People Are Indifferent
 With gamers in an uproar over Facebook’s purchase of Oculus VR, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that we should not be focusing solely on gamers but rather turn our attention to people who are happy or even indifferent to the news like blind people.iwillneversleepwithstockingWhile the initial Kickstarter for the product said that the Oculus Rift was “designed for gamers, by gamers,” many are questioning whether or not this will still hold true. In a conference call with Zuckerberg discussing the purchase of Oculus VR, he said that there must be people who are happy with the decision.“We have made no changes to the Oculus Rift in the eight hours we have owned the company,” said Zuckerberg, “So for everyone who’s complaining that we’ve ruined it, have they forgotten that we actually haven’t reached that point? Besides, there are probably tons of people who are happy about the purchase. I personally have not met one yet, but I did talk with a blind person at a local coffee shop who seemed fairly indifferent to the news.”In a statement put out by a representative, Oculus VR founder Palmer Luckey reiterated Zuckerberg’s statements and was even bolder in his assertion that Facebook will do nothing to impact the Oculus Rift.
 I want to make this very clear, nothing will change at Oculus VR and our mission for the Oculus Rift remains the same. We wanted to make virtual reality mainstream and today we have accomplished that mission. Now it is time to set new goals with advice from the people at Facebook who have shared our vision from the beginning of making the world’s first virtual marketplace.
John Carmack, legendary programmer and chief technology officer at Oculus VR, seemed to be unaware of the Facebook purchase when talking to reporters earlier today.“I just want to program things,” stated Carmack, “I don’t care what company took over Oculus VR while I was busy improving the Oculus Rift because it is not going to impact my job as a programmer. Yesterday I was working on how to decrease latency on certain graphical functions and today I’m working on new algorithms to determine proper spatial distance for viewing advertisements. Nothing has changed.”Zuckerberg also said that people who were looking forward to the Oculus Rift for gaming have nothing to fear as great games like Farmville and Bubble Witch Saga will be 100 percent compatible with the Oculus Rift.
facebook,facebook приколы, мордокнига, фейсбук,интернет,Oculus Rift,p4rgaming,песочница

meta facebook mark zuckerberg марк цукерберг мета 

Марк Цукерберг официально объявил, что Meta (Facebook) сократит 11 000 сотрудников

Первая (и далеко не последняя) волна сокращений составит 13% от общего числа сотрудников.
Марк Цукерберг обвинил в этом лично себя и свой "избыточный оптимизм", но любую ответственности брать на себя не решился.
В результате гениальных решений гендира компания Meta (Facebook) в этом году потеряла 70% стоимости акций ($700 млрд капитализации) и еще $9.4 млрд в ынвестициях (во всякие VR/XR проджекты, которые пока еще не принесли компании ни ломаной советской копейки).

Из "хороших" новостей: все выкинутые на мороз получат
1. выплату оклада за 16 недель плюс по 2 недели за каждый год стажа
2. уплату медицинской страховки на будущие полгода
3. рекомендацию для будущего работодателя и.или помосч в оформлении документов в случае иммиграции

Набор новых сотрудников яссесно остановлен.
До второго квартала 2023го года кадровики будут заняты исключительно увольнениями.
meta,facebook,facebook приколы, мордокнига, фейсбук,интернет,mark zuckerberg,марк цукерберг,мета

Warhammer 40000 Wh Песочница фэндомы Graham McNeill League of Legends Warhammer Fantasy FB Песочница 

Грэм Макнилл, автор прорвы романов и рассказов по вселенной Warhammer 40.000\FB, переходит работать в Riot Games. Удачи Маку на новом месте работы

Originally Posted by Graham McNeill
If you don’t want to read to the end, the short version is this: I’ve been offered – and have accepted – a job with Riot Games, the producer of the phenomenally successful League of Legends. Clan McNeill is moving to Los Angeles.

I’ve been chatting with Riot for a little while and now they’ve offered me the position of Senior Narrative Writer in their Los Angeles offices. So, yeah, in the summer we’re leaving Nottingham and the UK and relocating to sunny California in the US of A.

This wasn’t a decision we took lightly. I enjoyed the work I was doing, where I was doing it and the way life revolved around our kids, friends, family, work, school and all the usual happenings that make up the everyday. We had Evan and Amber to think of, our own jobs and our house, our friends and families. We liked having all that close, and the idea of making such a life-changing upheaval was very scary. Far easier just to maintain the status quo, eh? In short, we were comfortable, but sometimes you need to change things up, to step out of your comfort zone, and I think we were all at that stage.

I first spoke with Riot back in December. I went over for an informal chat, not really knowing what to expect, but going in with an open mind. The people I met there were fantastic; full of passion and enthusiasm for what they were doing, and I came away feeling I’d had a real meeting of minds with the spirit of Riot’s creative heart. These were people who thrived on the sheer joy of creativity, where every avenue could be explored to see where it went. I came away tremendously excited at the possibility of working within those teams.

We went back over to California as a family in February so everyone could see LA and Santa Monica, to find out if it was a place we could see ourselves living and working. It most definitely was. And my second meeting with the creative types in Riot more than confirmed my desire to work with them. Their attitude to the work and the potential for all it offers in the future is incredible, which makes me tremendously excited about being part of it.

After some long, serious, grown-up talks about making the move, Anita and I came to the conclusion that the opportunities for our family were too incredible to pass up. It’s a life-changing adventure that’s going to be exciting and challenging all at the same time. It’s the kind of chance we had to snatch with both hands, as it’s the kind that doesn’t come around more than once. And I’d hate to look back in years to come with any kind of regret for the chances we didn’t take. So with a mixture of giggling excitement and trepidation at the thought of stepping into this brave new world, we’re getting packed up and looking west to this fresh phase of our future.

Ah, but what does this mean for all things Warhammer…?

Well, first and foremost, I’m a writer, so I’m not going to stop writing books any more than I’m going to choose to stop breathing. I’m still working on my current Horus Heresy novel, The Crimson King (I’ve just handed in the first half…) and will continue to write for the Black Library. Clearly my output will diminish, what with having a full time, salaried day job, but I’ll still be keeping my hand in. I have stories of Uriel Ventris yet to tell and the Battle for Macragge isn’t going to write itself. And, having been involved with the Horus Heresy series since its very opening act, I’ll be damned if I’m not going to show up for its final dramas and its curtain calls. Expect the odd quick read or audio to pop up here and there too. In short, I’m still going to keep you entertained with grim tales from the 41st Millennium, the Horus Heresy and beyond.

So, there you have it. As the summer dawns, Clan McNeill will be living it in California. Wish us well, and I’ll continue to talk to you all on Twitter, Facebook and e-mail.


Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,фэндомы,Graham McNeill,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,FB Песочница

2020 Великобритания Муравьи насекомые гифки казни египетские 

"В Библии ни о чём таком не писали?"

Сообщают о нашествии летающих муравьёв на Британских островах 

Один рой летающих муравьев был настолько огромен, что его фактически заметили из космоса

А как прошла пятница у вас в городе?

Biblical plague of flying ants sweeps across England - So large it can be seen from space A GIGANTIC swarm of flying ants so big it can be seen from space has descended upon England. UKToday 22:00 By STEVEN BROWN PUBLISHED: 19:37, Fri, Jul 17, 20201 UPDATED: 19:37, Fri, Jul

£Ik ^clcgrapl) So many ants are flying across England they are being picked up on rad...,2020,Великобритания,Great Britain, UK,страны,Муравьи,насекомые,гиф анимация,гифки - ПРИКОЛЬНЫЕ gif анимашки,казни египетские

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Отличный комментарий!

О, у меня в Бельгии прям под крыльцом на задний двор этих тварей тоже дохуя было - заебались кипятком их выкуривать.
Solid T Solid T 17.07.202023:57 ссылка
пишут, что куры им пиздец как рады

Arterton Arterton 18.07.202000:03 ссылка
lopus lopus 18.07.202000:13 ссылка
вас понял
Arterton Arterton 18.07.202000:15 ссылка

Morrowind The Elder Scrolls фэндомы TES видео youtube poop Dagoth Ur Дагот Ур TES Characters 

Dagoth Ur welcomes you, my sweet persistant friend.
To this place where destiny's made. Why have you come unprepared?
Nerevar, friend or traitor, come and look look upon the heart.
I wait for you countless ages on your next incarnation.

What a grand innocence! (Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!)
Did you get the false Sunder? So niave! Shame on you!
Moon-and-Star, I'm Dagoth Ur and I'm a dog, there's no escape.
So come to me and bring Wraithguard. Through fire and war, where we last met.
Dagoth Ur, Dagoth Ur, Dagoth Ur [repeats until]

Ha-ha-ha-ha, oh dear me.


смешные картинки бобры игра слов английский 

•*^00*. Cfoidtfood. ^iu/käoI

Wet Beavers
■“ilchl* for wood,смешные картинки,фото приколы,бобры,игра слов,английский

Дагот Ур TES Characters The Elder Scrolls фэндомы TES art Morrowind TES crossover z-zombiecat 

Комментарий автора:

Dagoth Purr welcomes you, Meowrevar, my old friend. Together we shall meow for the Law and the Land and shall drive the mongrel dogs of the Empire from Morrowind.

Комментарий автора на русском:


Зачем? Во славу Шестого Дома, конечно.

Дагот Ур,TES Персонажи,The Elder Scrolls,фэндомы,TES art,Morrowind,TES crossover,z-zombiecat
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