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the one blue for men


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нейронные сети MidJourney много картинок 

Тут уже выкладывали результаты работы новой нейронной сетки для генерации изображений по описанию от OpenaAI DALL-E2. Но в закрытом бэтатесте находится еще одна сетка подобного типа Midjourney и результаты выглядят не на уровне (все таки это любители, а не Openai), но тоже впечатляюще, все еще склонна к галлюцинаторной абстракции и сосредоточена на генерации именно артов, но уже шаг вперед по сравнению с прошлыми подобными вещами.

the Bob Ross tarot card

нейронные сети,MidJourney,много картинок

You Are The Journey

нейронные сети,MidJourney,много картинок

Strange photographs of world war one. Reports of "burning wheels" and "wolves that talk like men"

нейронные сети,MidJourney,много картинок

нейронные сети,MidJourney,много картинок

нейронные сети,MidJourney,много картинок

нейронные сети,MidJourney,много картинок

"Seraphim", really digging the gold and blue aesthetic

 -,^д ЩШЬШ* у >-жуЭД i §Я ДДаД/ДуУду \ vÆb л i Í 157[Wk ^y!ÿx^-,нейронные сети,MidJourney,много картинок

Lonely Castle

. -4Í DI .** P'*i (<«' ' ' №• Ti epjpj" ♦ . . * T-r ; * A >-) ИН®¥7^7' i • rfj i,нейронные сети,MidJourney,много картинок

the three wise men

нейронные сети,MidJourney,много картинок


Комиксы Серьезные комиксы фэндомы комиксы без перевода для взрослых бонус в комментариях ацтеки 

Aztec Empire. Episode One. Instrument of Empire.

□ne: Instrument nF Empire Paul Quinan Story - Layouts - Coloring - Lettering □auiü Hahn Pencils - inks Rnina EannaTT ProOucer - Editor Thanhs to historians matthELU REStall, Enriqua Drtis, DauiO nisuas, and mario FuantE. RrchEologist michaEl Smith, and thE national musEurn oF Rnthropology

Nearly 200,000 people live in thi« i-sland city, -several time-s the population of London or Madrid. Plumbing and «ewage «y«tem«, along with thou«and« of people a««igned to «anitation, keep everything immaculately dean. Tenochtitlan boa«t« ma««ive palace« and plaza«, zoo« and garden«. Another

Huiznahuac 6ate, southern entrance to Tenochtitlan's Sacred District. Please, where's the Master of the House of Darts? At the Council House in the Great Speaker's palace. 1 1 ■ 1 - nrrr M ' ' f For tens of thousands of years, people in the Americas had no idea that other humans

Military commander* of the Triple Alliance: Tepehua, Master of the House of Part*. Motelhuih, Speaker of Thorn Word*. Atlixca, Cutter of Men. The strangers at Cozumel are looking for others of their kind who were lo-st -some years ago. They -sent a me-s-sage to Maya leaders a-sking for help,

Gonzalo! Gonzalez my brother, we are rescued! They sent Indians to pay for my freedom and now wait for us at Cape Catoche. Castilian ships have arrived! After eight long years. And I'm not your brother Aguilar. Chactemal, a Maya town in the Yucatan Peninsula, outside of Triple Alliance

Brother-s, where are the *tranger* who The *tranger*? They took to their floating hou*e* and left ye*terday. Good riddance. 0 merciful lord, why the6e repeated punishment*? No... it can't be. Eight year* here, and | mi** them by one day? A(*o dirty and *melly. Corte*' order* are to

Let'« bring them to Corte«. They mu«t have new« for u«. Perhap« about the ca«taway«? Do not fear-they are my brother«. We are «ubject« to the King of Ca«tile! Are you Chri«tian«? Who«e va««al« are you? 6oi you are one of the Ca«tilian« we've been Corte«, our commander, will be very plea«ed

Captain Hernando Cortes. Captain Alonzo Avila. Captain Gonzalo 6andoval. Where ¡•s the Castilian? Get this man some clothes. Please. someone... Get dre-s-sed, have -something to eat, and well talk pre-sentlu. You -shall be well compen-sated and looked after. Remarkable! We'd given up

We've put a checkpoint on the river, to keep them from getting closer. They first wanted to enter the city to "give advice that will benefit us," then said they needed to see it to describe it for their king. They behave like ordinary raiders, but with extraordinary weapons and armor. Like the

<y Here is more ii/f food and the gold p Cu you rented. ^ If you would only listen to the reason for our visit, you would find it profitable. Please accept what we ave brought and return from where you came. We want r neither trade nor ' • ' war with uou. March 23. And we need at least a

 Tran«lated by Aguilar, it declarc-s that 6pain ha« the legal right-granted by the Pope-to rule the America«. Before engaging the Maya in battle, Corte«' notary read« aloud a formal pronouncement, the Reyuerimiento. Did they ju«t threaten our wive« and children? if you do not acknowledge the


Лучшие песни песочница 

Песни которые вы должны послушать в своей жизнь. Если есть те песни которые я к сожаленьию не знаю, добро пожаловать в комменты .

Blue - Eiffel 65
Cherry Cherry Lady - Modern Talking
Don't Cry Tonight - Savage
Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor
Fantome Of the Opera
Freestyler - Bomfunk MC's
I Just Called To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder
I was made for lovin you - KISS
Lemon Tree - Fool's Garden
Live to win - Paul Stanley
Only Time-Enya
Self Control - Laura Branigan
The Final Countdown - Europe
The Moment Of Peace - Gregorian
Touch In The Night - Silent Circle
Voyage Voyage - Desireless
We Are The Champions - Queen
What Is Love - Haddaway
You're a woman - Bad Boys Blue
You're my heart - Modern Talking



Black Metal #Metal фэндомы satans penguins 2001 birds of darkness песочница 

Реально чуваки стебутся. Сатанинские пингвины блядь. 

Но музло охуенное, с саксофоном. Тексты просто обосраться. Рекомендую

1. Antarctic Winterstorm

The day
has come

We will fly with the storm
And attack with the lightning
To extinct the human race
Before they extinct everything else

Sweeping across the countries
Destroying all we see
They don't deserve the gift of life
Make room for the new race

After desolating the face of the earth
We will layour eggs in the still warm ashes
And the fuzzy baby penguins
Will have human corpses for their first meal

2. The Myth (In The Norther Woods)

According to the legends
There is a creature
Hiding in the northern woods
His heart is cold as winter
And his hair is made of leaves

Where his name is mentioned
A cold wind bends the trees
For he's the one that fills our souls with fear
For he is Skogsmulle!

He lures children into the woods
And makes them become his disciples
There they are taught to live only on death cap
And to throw stones
On the people
Walking in the forest

In the northern woods
He is one with his surroundings
Every tree his castle walls
Every stone his throne

Where his name is mentioned
A cold wind bends the trees
For he's the one that fills our souls with fear

3. An Evil Shade Of Pink

In a cold naked cell
A lunatic stares at the empty walls
With a blank expression on his face
But with a smile on his rugged lips

His mind travels beyond this world
To a place created by his funny brain
There are trees in different values
In all the colors of the rainbow

Just like a stoned junkies dream
Where the grass is blue and the sky is green
With yellow elephants flying in the sky
Like when you smokepot and get really high
So many colorshat you almost go blind
All this created by a lunatics bizzare mind

Transformed to an image made of dreams
The lunatic ruins naked through the wilderness
With strange flowers springing in his footsteps
Followed by an evil shade of pink
Knowing not that it is his last day in life

4. Night Of The Penguins

Sunset in Gotham city
The sky is red as blood
A dark gloom reigns the town
As if it knows what awaits

Late at night
A horde of creatures sneaks into town
Armed with razorsharp beaks
Certain that no one will get in their way

Sensing death in the air
Nobody even dares to go out
Soon the penguins will find Batman's cave
Proceeding with their cunning plan

After emptying the batmobiles tyres
They sneak back into the woods
Leaving no trace to be found
But a stench of death and decay

5. Behind Mountains Of Ice

Behind mountains of ice
They are preparing for attack
When you least expect it
They will sneak up behind your back

They rule this place alone
Nobody is even there
Of satans evil penguins
You must beware

6. The Return Of The Undead Smurfs (Gargamels Revenge II)

Out of the ashes
Of the destroying (smurf) village
One survivor rose
That day he swore not to rest
Until Gargamel was dead

While walking through the woods
A shadow emerged from behind the trees
Together they returned to the ruins of the village

The village was desolated
Smashed to pieces and burned down
The limbs of the poor smurfs
Scattered all over the ground
But their flesh was still warm

Together they decided to perform
The ancient smurf ritual of necromancy
In order to invoke the fallen ones
To create the army of undead smurfs

Under the sign of the blue mark
They marched towards Gargamels castle
The old sorcerer did not know
What horrible evil would strike upon him

He was paralyzed by the horrifying sight
When he saw the hideous army
Bursting out from the midnight fog
Crawling and trembling towards his home
He tried to escape, but they ate his toes
(took a bite of his ass, played golf with his balls)
And feasted upon the rest of his dismembered body

When it was down, they marched on
To spread terror all over the world
The superior race of rotten flesh
Blue and white with blood on their hats

7. Mutant Ninja Penguins (From Hell)

Trained by the ultimate masters
Possessing all the skills
Nuclear radiation from hell
Turned them into savage beasts

Beaks of the sharpest steel
Chainsaw blades instead of wings
Fear their tremendous rage

In the night they are running amok
Staining their steel with blood
Using the ancient arts
And melting humans with nuclear farts

There is no point praying to god
Because he is already dead
Buried deep in penguin shit
Slowly turning to dust

8. Emigrantvisan

Vi sålde våra hemman och gav oss sedan ut,
som fågelen bortflyger, när sommaren tar slut.
Han kommer en gång åter när våren skrider fram,
men vi få aldrig skåda vårt kära fosterland.

Och när vi kommo till den liverpoolska hamn
begynte ångerns tårar så stritt att bryta fram.
Det blev en hjärtans sveda i bröstet på var och en.
Man talar blott om Sverige och om sitt förra hem.

Vi packades tillsammans uti ett osunt kvav.
Det var för oss att skåda liksom en öppen grav.
Och födan som vi fraktat ifrån vår svenska jord
den blev oss nu förbjuden att taga med ombord.

Och när vi hade seglat en vecka eller två,
ett mörker däcket höljde och bredde sig därpå.
Ej se varann vi kunde, knappt andas eller gå.
Det var en gruvlig plåga för stora och för små.

Nu blir en ömklig hunger, med sorg och grät och gny.
En jämmer som sig tränger till himlens höga sky.
Och döden gruvligt härjar bland mänskorna ombord.
Man ser de döda kastas i havets vilda flod.

Det är det som grämer mitt hjärta till min död.
Att se de arma barnen här gråta efter bröd.
Vi kunde ej dem hjälpa, ej lindra deras snöp.
De måste nu få gråta och sedan därpå dö.

#Приколы для даунов 

КРУТАЯ ПЕСНЯ КАКОЙ-ТО ГРУППЫ. СЛУЧАЙНО ПОПАВШАЯСЯ В ТИКТОКЕ Ж шгш укч |« - 4Й. * VI!,Приколы для даунов,разное

Отличный комментарий!

Проблемы тиктокеров.
Зумеры открыли для себя артистов одного хита
Veselyyyy malysh Veselyyyy malysh07.06.202418:13ссылка

метро смешные картинки 

метро,смешные картинки,фото приколы


USS Kidd - единственный корабль ВМФ США, которому разрешено официально поднимать Веселого Роджера, т.к. он назван в честь контр-адмирала Кидда, однофамильца пирата Кидда.


Традиция возвращения в порт с Веселым Роджером в наше время началась во время ПМВ на английском ВМФ, в частности на подводных лодках. Их поднимали возвращаясь из похода, в котором они успешно потопили вражеский корабль. Практика затем распространилась и на другие достижения в походе, например успешное прохождение морских испытаний или вообще по выполнении "идеальной" службы. Впоследствии Веселые Роджеры стали более разнообразными для разных случаев.

Jolly Roger Symbols Shot down an enemy aircraft Sank a small enemy vessel Submarine spent a long timo submerged Rammed an enemy vessel Train or railway track destroyed by gunfire Enemy vessel damaged but not sunk Sank a very small Enemy vessel sunk by enemy vessel placing demolition


Baldur's Gate 3 Baldur's Gate Игры повесточка SJW пост из чистилища 

Baldur's Gate 3 и повесточка

Наткнулся тут на пост, мол, какие Лариены молодцы, смогли сделать игру без оглядки на SJW и получить результат, что восхищает игроков, получает кучу наград и т.п.

Захотелось откомментить, а нельзя, как оказалось, надо просто сначала написать. Что ж, пишу - здесь разбор объема повестки в игре -


coub Skeletor Evil Warriors Masters of the Universe He-Man 

В этом разделе мы собираем самые смешные приколы (комиксы и картинки) по теме the one blue for men (+1000 картинок)