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i am fell


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emiliano-roku miss heinous Star vs the forces of evil фэндомы Glossaryck Janna Bananna Star Butterfly Brittney Wong svtfoe AU svtfoe comics ...svtfoe characters 

- who tried to erase me was my magic grandfather "Glossaryck the crazy"
- I ... I think I fell asleep and I guess I accidentally went through the spell of my "MAMAJANNA"
- I was attacked by a strange mestizo woman "MEWMANA-MONSTRUO" I did not know her
- I am attacked by the "MOTHER OF SUN" in my future, she is Evil
- the person who wanted to erase me was ... my biological mother "Brittney Wong"
emiliano-roku,miss heinous,svtfoe characters,Star vs the forces of evil,Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Star vs Force of Evil,фэндомы,Glossaryck,Janna Bananna,svtfoe characters,Star Butterfly,Brittney Wong,svtfoe AU,svtfoe comics


Out of the night that covers me
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbow’d.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

batmetal Batman DC Comics фэндомы полимерная глина сделал сам длиннопост #Арт-клуб 


batmetal,Batman,Бэтмен, Темный рыцарь, Брюс Уэйн,DC Comics,DC Universe, Вселенная ДиСи,фэндомы,полимерная глина,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,длиннопост,Арт-клуб,разное,batmetal,Batman,DC Comics,fandoms,original character,long post,

batmetal,Batman,Бэтмен, Темный рыцарь, Брюс Уэйн,DC Comics,DC Universe, Вселенная ДиСи,фэндомы,полимерная глина,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,длиннопост,Арт-клуб,разное,batmetal,Batman,DC Comics,fandoms,original character,long post,

batmetal,Batman,Бэтмен, Темный рыцарь, Брюс Уэйн,DC Comics,DC Universe, Вселенная ДиСи,фэндомы,полимерная глина,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,длиннопост,Арт-клуб,разное,batmetal,Batman,DC Comics,fandoms,original character,long post,

batmetal,Batman,Бэтмен, Темный рыцарь, Брюс Уэйн,DC Comics,DC Universe, Вселенная ДиСи,фэндомы,полимерная глина,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,длиннопост,Арт-клуб,разное,batmetal,Batman,DC Comics,fandoms,original character,long post,

batmetal,Batman,Бэтмен, Темный рыцарь, Брюс Уэйн,DC Comics,DC Universe, Вселенная ДиСи,фэндомы,полимерная глина,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,длиннопост,Арт-клуб,разное,batmetal,Batman,DC Comics,fandoms,original character,long post,

batmetal,Batman,Бэтмен, Темный рыцарь, Брюс Уэйн,DC Comics,DC Universe, Вселенная ДиСи,фэндомы,полимерная глина,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,длиннопост,Арт-клуб,разное,batmetal,Batman,DC Comics,fandoms,original character,long post,

batmetal,Batman,Бэтмен, Темный рыцарь, Брюс Уэйн,DC Comics,DC Universe, Вселенная ДиСи,фэндомы,полимерная глина,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,длиннопост,Арт-клуб,разное,batmetal,Batman,DC Comics,fandoms,original character,long post,


Elden Ring Игры Malenia comics @hanzkilla Let me solo her 

Let me solo her.

Elden Ring,Игры,Malenia,comics,@hanzkilla,Let me solo her

Elden Ring,Игры,Malenia,comics,@hanzkilla,Let me solo her


Andrea Guardino artist Балрог Майар Айнур Арда фэндомы Гэндальф 

Andrea Guardino,artist,Балрог,Валараукар,Майар,Айнур,Арда,фэндомы,Гэндальф
Комментарии 1 17.02.202314:19 ссылка 10.2

DnD story Dungeons & Dragons Dumb Dumb Mister 

Перевод в комментах.

Be me, sleep deprived DM, half an hour ago

Get startled by phone ringing It's one of my players

Me: "Dude, it's midnight, you good?"

Friend: "Yeah yeah, sorry if I woke you. Could I ask for a favor?"


Me: "Uh, sure? Shoot. "

Friend: "My daughter can't sleep, could you tell a quick story over speakerphone? She loves listening to the recordings of our sessions before bed, but I left my laptop at the office so I can't play them.


Me: "She listens to us to fall asleep?"

Friend: "Yeah, but she really likes your plot and NPC acting bits. She calls you dumb dumb mister: Guess Dungeon Master is a bit hard for a preschooler. " Me: "Wow…well, if it will help her sleep, then sure.

Friend: "Thank you! Okay, give me a sec to head back to her room. " (pause) "Okay, you're on speaker. 
Me: "Hey, [daughters name], it's uncle Anon. "

Daughter: (Happy gasp) "Dumb dumb Mister!"

I'veNeverBeenHappierToBeCalledADumbDumb.jpg Me: "You ready for a story about…(DM IMPROV SKILLS ENGAGE)…the time your daddy and his friends went deep into a cursed temple to save a frost dragon egg?"

Daughter: (Incomprehensible happy squealing noises)

I then proceed to spend nearly 20 min spitballing a story over the phone for the most fascinated little girl until she eventually fell asleep. Friend thanks me for the help and says he'll see me on game night.

Lay down in bed, actually feel content and comfortable for once. I should have thanked him.

I am the dumb dumb mister.

#Metal фэндомы Brothers Of Metal Power Metal Heavy Metal Emblas Saga 

Brothers of Metal - Theft of the Hammer (Emblas Saga, 2020)

Песня, основанная на одном из скандинавских мифов, в котором великан по имени Трюмр, захотев заполучить себе в жёны богиню Фрейю, решил украсть небезызвестный молот Мьёлльнир у столь же небезызвестного бога Тора. Для того же, чтобы вернуть молот законному владельцу, асами было принято решение нарядить в свадебное платье самого Тора и отправить его под видом Фрейи и в сопровождении Локи, переодетого служанкой, в замок Трюмра и застать великана врасплох.

He woke up in fear and doubt
Hammerless and mad
"Give it back at once you thief
Or I'll go tell my dad!"
Giant slayer, Jotun bane
Mjölnir is its name
It was stolen and defiled
Held as hostage in the giant's games

The adventure of the bride

And how Thor regained his pride

Stealing from a god

You clueless fools

I am the god of thunder

I will show you theft

Your world will fall

And crumble down before my might

Lightning and thunder, follow their path

As they hastily cross the sky

Bridesmaid and bride, ready for death

And the bloodbath that was nigh

Look there Loki said, as he pointed to the west

"A castle in the night"

The rage of Thor shone through the night

The thunder in his heart

Stealing from a god

You clueless fools

I am the god of thunder

I will show you theft

Your world will fall

And crumble down before me

Thunder followed by lightning

I'm crossing the sky

With vengeance in mind

Hear me, hammer of glory

I am on my way

As our bride waited for his first true kiss

His heart did beat with worry

The hammer must return

His dress fell to his feet

As he felt Mjölnir in his palm - Hammer time

The hammer has returned

Weapon in hand, he sprung from his seat

Crushing the skull of his groom

A massacre of a tremendous scale

Spreading blood across the room

The joy in his heart could not be met

The slaughter was truly obscene

The darkness within the lightning god

And a carnage seldom seen

Stealing from a god

You clueless fools

I am the god of thunder

I will show you theft

Your world will fall

And crumble down before my might


coub музыкальный coub барабаны 



Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы

Отличный комментарий!

Violator Violator14.04.202101:08ссылка

coub Природа водопад песочница девушки и деструктивные наклонности 



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Слабоумие и слабоумие
Raizel Knight Raizel Knight18.12.201923:21ссылка
Дайте сок Дайте сок18.12.201923:45ссылка
"From this fall off a 50 ft waterfall, I sustained 10 broken ribs, a collapsed lung, a fractured scapula, and some deep wounds. I got airlifted out and later had surgery to plate my ribs. I found out there had been others before me who fell from the same spot and died, and I know that God saved my life that day. I am now playing beach volleyball professionally, pain-free and with a strengthened faith in God's eternal grace. It is also now my goal to glorify God with how I play volleyball."
Humwee Humwee19.12.201900:02ссылка
бох же ветролет послал и ребра починил.
d00m d00m19.12.201900:15ссылка
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