
Результаты поиска по запросу "i must to be loved"

Anti Western Cosplayers Movement

Сегодня, не без интереса, узнал, что в сети существует необычное общество - “Движение Против Западных Косплееров”. Изучив вопрос, хочу поделиться с вами тем, что удалось узнать.

Суть движения выражена в его названии. Общество выступает против косплееров с Запада, не азиатов. Более подробно написано на их сайте - antiwesterncosplayers.asia. Вот что написано на главной странице:

Если вы азиат, который против западного расизма по отношению к азиатам, если вы поклонник аниме, чью любовь и уважение к любимым персонажам разрушают западные косплееры вы можете присоединиться к движению.

Также на сайте есть опрос для участников движения с вопросом “Почему вы ненавидите западных косплееров?”. Почти половина опрошенных выбрала “все варианты“.

Участники движения подкрепляют свою позицию своеобразным манифестом:

Гордый быть азиатом! Мы, азиаты, - самая развитая раса!

Свидетельства, которые доказывают, что азиаты - самая развитая раса:
1. Мы, азиаты, умнее
2. Мы, азиаты, - самая привлекательная раса
3. Мы, азиаты, выглядим моложе
4. Мы, азиаты, менее вонючие
5. Мы, азиаты, менее волосатые

Хм, я считаю эти заявлениями спорными, а безапелляционность высказываний скорее говорит о том, что настоящими расистами являются как раз участники движения.

Вот наглядные примеры пропаганды движения с комментариями самих участников:

Просто небольшая информация, азиат-косплеер, которую вы видите, старше 17 лет, но, она все еще может сойти за девятилетнего азиатского персонажа или ученика начальной школы 3-го класса. Из-за одной из особенностей азиатской генетики мы, азиаты, выглядим намного моложе нашего реального возраста.

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Движение «Косплей - это не согласие» на западе показывает насколько отвратительная мораль и поведение западных мужчин разрушают образ косплея. Это движение существует только на Западе.

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Расистские западные жители продолжают утверждать, что «аниме персонажи основаны на них» так как «персонажи аниме имеют желтые волосы и голубые глаза». Это одна из самых отсталых логик. Цвет волос и цвет глаз никогда не будут определять внешний вид человека.

Вы, жители Запада, не симпатичны, слишком мужественны и выглядите слишком старыми для Косплей наших персонажей аниме.

Как вы можете видеть, западная девушка выглядит как парень из-за ее западного лица и гораздо более квадратной челюсти. Западная девушка также выглядит намного старше и не из-за ее возраста, потому что ее возраст не сильно отличается от азиатской девушки, которую вы видите.

Остальные материалы представляют собой сравнение аниме персонажа и удачного косплея от азиатов, например:
Proud To m

Asian Girl,AWCM,antiwesterncosplayers,cosplay,косплэй,движение,азиаты,азия,длиннопост,песочница

(рШий) T®
Be Asian!,AWCM,antiwesterncosplayers,cosplay,косплэй,движение,азиаты,азия,длиннопост,песочница


Мой вывод таков: что бы ты не делал всегда найдётся кто-то, кому это не понравится. Западные косплееры отыгрывают персонажей как могут, не всегда удачно и отдельным азиатам это не понравилось. Как по мне это не повод разводить полемику о расовом превосходстве. Неудачные фото и некрасивые косплееры есть и среди них:




И для симметрии - примеры хороших фото от западных косплееров:




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P.S. Мы живём во время, когда интернет позволяет соединить приверженцев даже самых странных идей.

P.S.S. Это мой первый такой длинный пост. Сам собирал и готовил информацию в надежде дать реакторчанам интересный пост, которым я решил отметить свою медаль за год на реакторе. Всем добра.

Отличный комментарий!

Никто так сильно ни разрушил аниме индустрию, как сами Отаку, готовые дрочить на любое низкосортное аниме, и скупать мерчь любой параши
Еще автор Евангелиона выражал презрение к ним, через ту же сцену где Сидзи дрочит на Аску

Так что, обвинять западный косплееров, что они как то абстрактно "убивают" аниме, это малость тупо.

Anti-Qur’an Strategy of the Bible Project Wheeler-Dealers

At all times the mankind took interest in the question of God. Analysis of all information about God known to mankind shows that the most common notion is the Idea of God, Creator and Pantocrator – one for all existing on Earth as a universal transcendent reality.

«Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;And there is none like unto Him.»
Quran Sura: Al-Ikhlaas 112:1-4)
«And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord...."»
(Mark 12:29)
«How manifold it is, what thou hast made!They are hidden from the face (of man).O sole god, like whom there is no other!Thou didst create the world according to thy desire,Whilst thou wert alone...» (The Great Hymn to the Aten, Amenhotep IV, Echnaton 1336 BC or 1334 BC)
God is not indifferent to what is happening on Earth, therefore at critical moments of civilization development there always appeared prophets – the human beings who were able to express and communicate to the others the information from on High showing the way to a fair life. They delivered to people the Idea of creation of God’s Kingdom on Earth by people themselves under the guidance of God.

«The law and the prophets were until John:
since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.»
(Luke 16:16)
«We have revealed for you (O men!) a book in which is a Message for you: will ye not then understand?»
QuranSura: Al-Anbiyaa 21:10)

But implementation of this Idea goes against the plans of a small group of parasites occupying the top of social pyramid. They do their best to prevent people from putting this Idea into life by counteracting the consequences of the prophets coming, by deliberate distortion of the information delivered by prophets aiming at use of the information in their clannish interests.

«'These good people,'   the prisoner began,   and hastily adding   'hegemon', he went on, ' are unlearned and have confused everything I said. Iam beginning to fear that this confusion will last for a very long time. Andall because he untruthfully wrote down what I said.'' This man follows me everywhere with nothing but   his goatskinparchment and   writes incessantly. But I once caught   a glimpse of thatparchment and I was horrified. I had not said a   word of what was writtenthere. I   begged him-- please burn this parchment of yours! But he tore itout of my hands and ran away.'
'Who was he? '
'Matthew the   Levite, He was a tax-collector. '»
(“The Master and Margarita” Mikhail Bulgakov)
Having announced themselves as “the chosen ones”, these parasites started to impose their purposes hiding behind the name of God and establishing various religious corporations of mediators between God and a human being.
«Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say:
"This is from Allah," to traffic with it for miserable price!
- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.»

QuranSura: Al-Baqara 2:79)

The uprising of religious corporations and cults became possible since God had given people the freedom of choice of their own way of living, and since God does not make a slave of a man, but gives him the possibility to find and correct mistakes himself speaking to a human being the language of his living circumstances.
And each human being can communicate with God directly without any mediators. For this a man should ask himself: Does God exist? Does He make mistakes despite His omnipotence? Do I trust Him in my life? If a man is attentive to the events taking place in his life, then he can see if he is getting closer to God by his deeds or if he is moving away from Him.
«Allah does not change a people's lot unless they change what is in their hearts»
(Quran Sura: Ar-Ra'd 13:12(11))
«…The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. »

Luke 17:20-21)

Now these parasites, under whose external control the Western Civilization was built based on the algorithm described in the Bible, are faced with one big problem represented mainly by Qur’anic Islam. The problem is that the Qur’an denies the concept of Jews as the people chosen by God and names the usury of any kind as a deadly sin. But particularly these two main concepts which among other things underlie the Bible Project of enslaving all in the name of God, are being put into life surreptitiously and inviolately, though they are not directly declared, mentioned in writing and discussed anywhere. And despite the fact that those who consider themselves Muslims do not realize this, the wheeler-dealers of the Bible Project understand that the Qur’an is a potential menace for them. This arouses a desire to leave the Qur’an in the historical past.

5(5). The similitude of those who were charged with the (obligations of the) Mosaic Law, but who subsequently failed in those (obligations), is that of a donkey which carries huge tomes (but understands them not). Evil is the similitude of people who falsify the Signs of Allah: and Allah guides not people who do wrong.6(6). Say: "O ye that stand on Judaism! If ye think that ye are friends to Allah, to the exclusion of (other) men, then express your desire for Death, if ye are truthful!"7(7). But never will they express their desire (for Death), because of the (deeds) their hands have sent on before them! and Allah knows well those that do wrong!(Sura: Al-Jumu'a 62)
60:10 Foreigners will rebuild your walls;their kings will serve you.60:11 Your gates will remain open at all times;they will not be shut during the day or at night,so that the wealth of nations may be delivered,with their kings leading the way. 60:12 Indeed, 21 nations or kingdoms that do not serve you will perish;such nations will be totally destroyed.
276(275). Those who devour usury will not stand except as stand one whom the Evil one by his touch Hath driven to madness. That is because they say: "Trade is like usury," but Allah hath permitted trade and forbidden usury. Those who after receiving direction from their Lord, desist, shall be pardoned for the past; their case is for Allah (to judge); but those who repeat (The offence) are companions of the Fire: They will abide therein (for ever).277(276). Allah will deprive usury of all blessing, but will give increase for deeds of charity: For He loveth not creatures ungrateful and wicked.(Sura: Al-Baqara 2)
23:19 You must not charge interest on a loan to your fellow Israelite,  whether on money, food, or anything else that has been loaned with interest.
23:20 You may lend with interest to a foreigner, but not to your fellow Israelite; if you keep this command the Lord your God will bless you in all you undertake in the land you are about to enter to possess.28:12 The Lord will open for you his good treasure house, the heavens, to give you rain for the land in its season and to bless all you do;  you will lend to many nations but you will not borrow from any.(Deuteronomy)
One of the ways to resolve “the problem of Islam” for the Western wheeler-dealers - is multi-optional policy:
Step 1. The creation of “Khalifat”, that should include almost all the nations that will perceive Islam in its historically set form as traditional religion.

Step 2. The beginning by the “Khalifat” of the world war in order to uproot the godless Western liberalism and “faithless creed”, the imposition of Islam as the global religion for the whole humankind.
The next step will depend on the war outcome:
In case the Western countries win, Qur’an will follow the fate of “Mein Kampf” and the traditional Islamic countries will undergo the process of “de-islamization”, similar to the way both German states went through the process of “de-nazification” after the end of the Second World War in the 20th century.

In case “Khalifat” wins, the Islamic ritualism will become a standard for all the people of the appeared “global Khalifat”. The crowd without Arabic knowledge won`t be able to read Qur’an themselves and will be controlled by mullahs. Apparently, now all of the Muslim countries hope that such way of government can be implemented. Even in the countries where the majority of population is represented by native-speakers of Arabic, “Muslims” idolize their pray mat, not capable of correlating their lives with Qur’an, bringing their life style and ideals far from Qur’anic testaments that exclude any tyranny of people over people.

Mullahs represent professional corporation of ideologists, that will interpret life with reference to the Qur’an, taking into consideration the interests of their backstage owners: the same way as done with Taliban in Afghanistan and the Muslim Priesthood in all the countries. Mullahs are fixated on ritualism and are not able to discover and solve the real problems of public life. To confirm this statement one can observe the last centuries of Muslim countries history, that fall behind the Western countries in science and technology development and that couldn`t elaborate more effective alternative to the Western mode of life.

As the next step when the power of Mullahs will become hated - we will face global anti-Islamic rebellion, the end of Mullahs power and - the society will undergo the process of “de-islamization”, the Qur’an will be taken away from the publicity and put to the libraries to be cited by the authorized historians only. These historians will do their best to “prove” that the humankind was saved from such a great evil.
Western middlebrows don`t even understand that Qur’an and Islam have become the main objects of the purposeful calumny and discredit. Middlebrows are incredibly not in position to take Qur’an, read it as Message, addressed to them personally and to correlate Qur’an with real life, so that to notice all the calumny against Qur’an and the Muslims deviation from the true Qur’an message.

Nowadays first stage of this multi-optional policy is being deliberately implemented.
In the Islamic world those regimes, adherent to the Muslim traditionalism and not displaying aggression towards otherwise-minded neighbors, are being attacked by the opposition of pseudo-Islamic fundamentalist radicals; The Muslim culture is portrayed as enemy; for this purpose the role of this enemy again goes to the same pseudo-Islamic fundamentalist radicals, that undermine the regimes of Muslim-traditionalists and display aggressiveness towards different-minded people. 
To resolve this problem “global terrorism issue” was picked up under the signboard of Al Qaeda. The fight of the West against Al Qaeda is purposely done by such means that in the Islamic world is perceived as Western aggression. This leads to the appearance of favorable crowd scene for the pseudo-Islamic fundamentalist radicals.

Almost all traditionally-Muslim countries are involved in this scenario. Afghanistan is used as the platform for drugs flow - as one of the means to sow seeds of hatred towards outside the Muslim cultural area. That’s why all indignation of Western and Russian mass media concerning the drugs flow from Afghanistan without support rendered to this state in order to change its export structure – is one of the means to cause anti-Islamic trends in the countries with increased drug abuse.
Pakistan is chosen to display instability of the government under Muslim traditionalism and to be further accused for nuclear technologies leak to other Muslim countries and ‘extremists’.

Iran is accused of the lust to possess nuclear weapons.
The goal of the Western policy towards Pakistan and Iran is to create “Khalifat”, since Muslim nuclear power would be perceived in the world as real and inescapable threat. The nuclear potentials of “Khalifat” are not planned to be developed to the level fatally dangerous for the West, but it will always be implied in propaganda in order to keep nuclear motive to trigger the coalition war of Western states against the “Khalifat”. For example, this could take place by a single nuclear attack on some countries, taking Israel for one. “Khalifat” should necessarily be the anti-Semite state so it could be rated as the follower of the Third Reich.

Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states are expected to finance their “Muslim brothers” working for the “Khalifat”.
Iraq is planned to be the place for radicalization of hatred towards Western countries to become the capital of “Khalifat” after NATO troops withdrawal and to be the field of last fight between the “good” and the “evil.
One of the options of the above mentioned multi-optional policy includes the possibility of breaking-up of Russia, adding Russian Muslim areas to “Khalifat”. In case this scenario fails, Russia is planned to become one of the first victims of the “Khalifat” aggression and the main field of war between the “West” and the “Khalifat”.
Traditional Islam Priesthood has fenced themselves with Qur’an and ritualism from God, from problems of people and society on the whole, with lives concentrated on the momentary self-interest and therefore doesn`t analyze the global-scale events. As a result it doesn`t perceive this scenario; and in case someone notices it, the momentary self-interest is more important for him than unselfish efforts to prevent disasters, the potentials of which have been purposefully created by the others for several decades. That’s why the traditional Islam is not able to work out a more efficient scenario of the global policy that could become an alternative to the one mentioned above, not to be involved into the anti-Islamic variant.

The leaders of other confessions represent the same ritualism addicts as the leadership of Muslims and that`s why everything said about the inability of the Muslim-traditionalist Priesthood to elaborate and implement the alternative to the existing scenario has reference to them as well.
The incapability of the countries (both Muslim and Western), involved in this scenario implementation, leads to the fact, that it could be broken only through the initiative of people – individuals and public organizations.
The multi-optional policy aimed at breeding civilizations conflict does not have the right party.
It is impossible to avoid the conflict thinking that “we can all live in peace, based on our traditional beliefs, not interfering into the cultures of each other” for two reasons:

Reason 1. Norms of social organization and ethics, appropriate for the traditional cultures, don`t coincide in all aspects, and in some points are objectively controversial;

Reason 2. There are transnational political networks in the world, that reach their goals by creation of managed conflicts on the basis of artificial actualization of different contradictions, objectively appropriate for traditional cultures.
The committed basis to prevent the above mentioned multi-optional policy could be the acceptance of the fact, that the sociological core of all Revelations, that were the source for all so-called “Abrahamian” religions, is the Idea that people themselves should create and live in prosperity on the Earth of God under God’s guidance. In this world no one will be slave to another and all the people will live in freedom, developing their individual potentials on the basis of dialogue with God while living.
The Idea of creation of the Kingdom Of God on Earth through the efforts of people themselves under the God’s guidance – is the single Idea, the distribution of which in different cultural societies can ruin the potential of the above scenario of multi-optional policy, that leads to the conflict aimed at leaving Qur’an in the historical legacy of the Humankind.

«Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good,
enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity.»
(Quran Sura: Aali Imra 100(104))
The question arises: what can and must each human being do to disrupt the implementation of this scenario?
It is necessary to come to a direct dialogue with God, i.e. to a non-denominational level. Then it becomes clear that all the confessions were established to divide and, if required, embroil people, thus realizing the principle “divide and rule”.
The problems of Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries and diasporas following the historically set Islam, can be creatively resolved only on the basis of initiatives of the people, directed at creating Kingdom of God on Earth.
"Unity", an oracle of our century has said,"can only be welded by iron and blood."Well, we'll try welding it with love.Let's see which lasts the longer.(“TWO UNITIES” Fedor Tyutchev)

Original publication IP USSR (this film base):The long-term strategy to overcome Koranic Islam with the help of wheeler – dealers of the Biblical Project

J, I,Приколы для даунов,разное,Ugandan Knuckles

Отличный комментарий!

Отличный комментарий!

,tokafan,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,бонус в комментариях,кресло

Классика, которую не помню

Многоуважаемые старожилы! Помогите найти старый клип. Годов скорее всего 90-х. Что-то очень популярное. Типа Genesis - I Can't Dance.
Мужская группа. Минимум трое. Текст не помню, помню двух-трехэтажный дом как кукольный в разных комнатах вспыхивает свет и группа поет что-то танцевальное.
О	$
V) 1	-о ° 1*' ой
и	¿3
на 1 помощь,пидоры помогите,реактор помоги,клип,Дедоугодня хуйня

Adversor - The End Of Mankind (2018); Italy

Early Modern English. Что такое "tha" и "thou"?

У меня тут два в одном. Пост в каляки и небольшой ликбез по поводу Early Modern English.

Те, кто читает KSBD в оригинале, наверняка встречали такие слова как:

Tha, Thy, Thee, Thou, Thine, 'Tis, а также странные формы глаголов например Hast, Wilt, Deservest.

На первый взгляд, может показаться, что это какой-то диалект придуманный специально для комикса. Но это не так.

Меня одолевало любопытство, откуда эти странные слова взялись. И я нагуглил очень много нового и интересного для себя. Если ты, %username%, еще не знаешь, что это за “tha”, “thy” и “thine”, то этот пост специально для тебя

Возьмем, например, произведение Шекспира - Гамлет

Акт I. Сцена II.

Королева Гертруда

Good Hamlet, cast thy nighted colour off,
And let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark.
Do not for ever with thy vailed lids
Seek for thy noble father in the dust:
Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die,
Passing through nature to eternity.

Ничего не напоминает?

В русском языке есть так называемые T–V distinction (T-V различия). T-V это от латинского tu и vos, что по русски “ты” и “вы”. Во многих языках есть эти различия (немецкий, французский, испанский), но нету в английском.
Всем известно, что местоимение второго лица только одно - “you”, которое может переводится как “ты” так и “вы” в зависимости от контекста. Однако так было не всегда. Раньше в английском тоже было две формы - формальная и неформальная. Неформальная со временем редуцировалась и больше не встречается.  И это неформальное местоимение - “thou”. Один из вариантов написания “thou” - “tha”, произносится одинаково, а именно (th)ау.

Говорят, что “thou” все еще употребляется в некоторых диалектах, в сельской местности Йоркшира.
“Thou” имеет несколько форм, также как и другие местоимения. Давайте разберем для примера предложение “у тебя есть кот”. На современном английском это будет:

You have a cat

С “thou”, это будет:

Thou hast a cat.

Глагол have изменился на hast, чуть позже мы остановимся на этом детальнее, пока просто запомним это.

Теперь давайте построим предложение “Этот кот принадлежит тебе”:

This cat belongs to you. 
This cat belongs to thee.

Это твой кот:

This is your cat. 
This is thy cat

Этот кот твой:

This cat is yours. 
This cat is thine.

Итого у нас получается:

Ты - thou
Тебе - thee
Твой - thy
Твой - thine

Ничего не напоминает? Правильно, “thou” повторяет формы “I”. Местоимение you при этом как-то не очень.

I - thou - you
Me - thee - you
My - thy - your
Mine - thine - yours

Как видите, раньше английский был намного более логичным языком.

Еще есть thyself, по аналогии с myself и yourself

Глаголы, употребляемые с thou изменяются, по аналогии с тем как изменяются глаголы при употреблении в третьем лице.

Он знает. He knows. Мы прибавили к know окончание -s. В случае с thou, прибавляют -(e)st. В случае нескольких глаголов прибавляют только -t

to know: настоящее: thou knowest, прошедшее: thou knewest
to drive: настоящее: thou drivest, прошедшее:thou drovest
to make: настоящее: thou makest, прошедшее: thou madest
to love: настоящее: thou lovest, прошедшее: thou lovedst

К глаголам be, have, do, shall, will, must не прибавляют -est, эти глаголы нерегулярные, и изменяются на:

to be: настоящее: thou art прошедшее: thou wast
to have: настоящее: thou hast, прошедшее: thou hadst
to do: настоящее: thou dost прошедшее:  thou didst
shall: thou shalt
will: thou wilt
must: thou must не меняется

Есть один забавный нюанс. Раньше, в Old English, приставка -est ,была другой, а именно -es. Ничего не напоминает?

Ты знаешь - Thou knowes (кноуес).
Ты любишь - Thou loves (ловес).

Окончание для третьего лица в Old English было -eþ (ет)

Он знает - He knoweþ (кноует).
Он любит - He loveþ (ловет).

Да да, это прямиком из индоевропейского языка, когда он еще не разделился на германскую и славянскую ветви.

Но давайте вернёмся обратно к Early Modern English. Тогда не использовали вспомогательные глаголы.

Do you need help? Было: Need you help?
What did you mean? Было: What meant you?
Don’t be afraid. Было: Be not afraid.

Правда так проще? Еще раз убеждаемся, что раньше английский был намного более логичным языком.

И на последок. Tis - это просто сокращение от it is. Иногда пишется как ‘tis.

Вернемся к нашему Гамлету

    cast thy nighted colour off,                         Сними свой черный костюм
    And let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark.     Позволь своему глазу смотреть как друг на Денмарк
    Do not for ever with thy vailed lids                 Не опускай свой взгляд навсегда
    Seek for thy noble father in the dust:               Ища своего благородного отца в пыли
    Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die,   Ты знаешь, это обыденно, все что живет должно умереть
    Passing through nature to eternity.                  Уходя от природы в вечное.

Я перевел все дословно, в стиле “человек транслятор”, просто чтобы объяснить грамматику.
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P.S Я ниразу не лингвист и не филолог. Если где-то ошибся, прошу меня извинить.
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