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all over the place


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game over статистика жизни жизнь песочница 

Было бы прикольно, если бы мы после смерти видели нашу жизненную статистику, можно было бы делиться с умершими знакомыми и были бы мировые и региональные рейтинги History Game over Rating 9.86:4 (пшшв • 1ЯМ отходов оТо Щ£хшэдазэ Ересоаия в [жщщшоое бЖ© ©ищдазэхзэшэяэ@8а^®а =■2^ С2Г KEEPS©

crossover Звонок (фильм) Alien AVP хищник (AvP) Сериалы vampire werewolf Freddy Krueger art ...artist Фильмы Killer Klowns from Outer Space Trick 'r Treat The Exorcist Killer Clowns from Outer Space Клоуны-убийцы из космоса A Quiet Place фантазм Blair Witch re-animator Candyman phantasm jeepers creepers реаниматор техасская резня бензопилой Лабиринт Фавна ганибал лектор Chucky Дрожь земли мгла scream Hellraiser Майкл Майерс гремлины Patrick Brown Нечто (фильм) Beetlejuice Pennywise Американский психопат Пила (фильм) крик очень странные дела Jason Voorhees 

crossover,scream,крик,Звонок (фильм),Фильмы,Нечто (фильм),Майкл Майерс,Alien,AVP,Вселенная Чужих и Хищников, Aliens vs. Predator, Чужой против Хищника,Chucky,Pennywise,Пила (фильм),Jason Voorhees,хищник (AvP),Candyman,гремлины,ганибал лектор,Beetlejuice,очень странные


Властелин Колец Легендариум Толкина Арда фэндомы art Fantasy Hobbit Арда Искаженная 

Billy Boyd - "The Last Goodbye"

Many places I have been - Побывал я во многих краях,
Many sorrows I have seen - Повидал многие печали,
But I don't regret - Но ни о чём не жалею
Nor will I forget - Равно как не забуду
All who took the road with me - Всех, кто разделил этот путь со мной.
Hang ptaceslhave been D^nej scrrcicsl hwe seen I Klor u)illl forget MI boot regret| Allwbo booK that roa.6 with ne __ NIGHTFALL IN MIDDLE ART - MARIKA MICHELAZZI,Властелин Колец,Легендариум Толкина,Арда,фэндомы,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,Hobbit,Арда Искаженная

sir ansbach Dark Souls фэндомы lin nulixiulian White-Faced Varre Mohg Elden Ring Tarnished 

Благородные чистокровные рыцари, пришло время мести!

у KdMk' JÈtt Р ч ЧР f w, к ' J ¿. ^ ■ Li ' Ï4iv#r^;^w 'i( i» ' ÆêW y^fl/ д 1 [ ГШ J 1 11 i.,sir ansbach,Dark Souls,фэндомы,lin nulixiulian,White-Faced Varre,Mohg,Elden Ring,Tarnished


nerfnow Комиксы Helldivers 2 Helldivers Игры 

NERFNOW.COM 6CARY BUG,nerfnow,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,Helldivers 2,Helldivers,Игры


без перевода Arknights комиксы Arknights Игры Mephisto (Arknights) Doctor (Arknights) Frostnova (Arknights) illeity 

Mephisto and the Elsewhere,без перевода,Arknights комиксы,Arknights,明日方舟, アークナイツ, 명일방주, аркнайтс,Игры,Mephisto (Arknights),梅菲斯特 (明日方舟), メフィスト (アークナイツ), 메피스토 (명일방주), Мефисто,Doctor (Arknights),ドクター(アークナイツ), 博士 (明日方舟), 박사 (명일방주), Доктор,Frostnova (Arknights),霜星 (明日方舟), フロストノヴァ (アークナイツ), 프로스트노바

Комментарий автора

FrostNova: Tell me about her, Doctor.

Doctor: She told me she's had a difficult life. Her power of emotional absorption destroys people. And any person she touched would grow Originium faster.

Doctor: What saved her mind was her desire to help the infected. She wandered about, gaining followers. Eventually, she accepted without question her place: A demon king.

FrostNova: A violin... What that hers?

Doctor: Yes. She couldn't play anymore. All the minds she touched ruined her sense of rhythm. So she told me to keep it, asking me to forgive her for her decision.

Doctor: Then I invited her to Rhodes Island. She laughed. She told me of a dream while she was unconscious. We were walking on a beach, hand in hand. She fussed over her beach wear, hoping I would like it. She said it never made sense for someone she just met... but this life never made sense either. Why hold back?



The show is over!


we will rock you bongo cat гифки песочница 


DW Art Doctor Who фэндомы Киберлюди Ледяные воины (DW) красивые картинки art Traditional art Dark-Matter42 

With great respect and much thanks to Ian Akin and Brian Garvey.
www. deviantart. com/ dark- matter42,DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,Киберлюди,Cybermen,Ледяные воины (DW),красивые картинки,art,арт,Traditional art,Dark-Matter42

Аннотация от автора:

I’ve pretty much given up on this one so I don’t think it will ever be finished. But I wanted to share it with other fans somewhere anyway, so here seems like the right place.
This is my re-draw of the final panel of the British comic Deathworld expanded to a full page Marvel comics style, typical last page thing.
When I was young I always wanted to see my two favorite comic artists--Ian Akin and Brian Garvey--handle Doctor Who monsters in their style. Since that never happened here’s my version of how it would go.
Note: This is not a rip-off of specific panels or drawings; it is me drawing in their style. This is intended as an affectionate, respectful tribute to them.
“Huh? Who and who? I’ve never heard of them!” I hear you say. They are only one of the best drawing duos who ever worked for Marvel (and sundry other comic companies). They are only the two artists responsible for getting me to go gaga over comics in the first place! Their art spoke to me and inspired me in a way no other comic artist had ‘till then. Their brush and pen work is what cemented black and white pen-and-ink art as the thing for me.
I greedily soaked up all their pages like a madman, trying to learn their every technique. I wanted to draw just like them. My inspirations have expanded since then, obviously, but I never lost my adoration of their art.
The best part of drawing Doctor Who monsters in comic-cartoon style is they can be as flexible and mobile as you want them to be, unlike the series’ costumes. You can have expressive Ice Warriors with flexible expressive faces.
Note: these are comic-style Cybermen so they look completely different from their television versions, and yes, they have body language. In the all the years they appeared in the British comics until fan artists took over, they always had body language.
The letters for “…the Cybermen!” dialogue is the Transformers typeface. I thought it worked for them and never considered anything else.
The jagged line thing in the bottom foreground is supposed to be a close-up of a big rock. Except it didn’t look like a big rock, it just looked like someone messing around with brush marks. So I’m leaving it blank. This is one of the reasons I gave up on the whole thing.


фотография пейзаж Природа гора Mt Rainier National Park 

фотография,пейзаж,Природа,красивые фото природы: моря, озера, леса,гора,Mt Rainier National Park
В этом разделе мы собираем самые смешные приколы (комиксы и картинки) по теме all over the place (+1000 картинок)