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Warhammer Vermintide 2 Warhammer Vermintide FB Games FB Other Warhammer Fantasy FB Песочница фэндомы художник 

Кто такой Мариус Хольцгер? И где искать его работы?

Недавно вернулся в Warhammer Vermintide 2, ну как недавно месяц назад, и наткнулся во время прохождения пустошей хаоса, на фразу Виктора Зальцпайра про некоего еретического художника и писателя Мариуса Хольцгера и о том что вся цита Рога Таала обвешана его работами. Так вот, я хочу узнать кто это и есть ли у нас люди знающие где и как искать его работы кроме как в игре, потому что я хотел бы воплотить несколько его идей на холсте, не сам конечно, а прибегнуть к технике рисования по номерам(сам то я художник именно от слова худо). Надеюсь на благотворное сотрудничество. Спасибо

a_shipwright artist art fantasy art длиннопост Traditional art 

Even after the end of humanity, there was still work for cranes to do.

a_shipwright,artist,art,арт,fantasy art,длиннопост,Traditional art

In the study of 14th century arcane aesthetics, we can find several artistic movements out of the mainstream.One of them was known as the Witch and Crafts Movement, including the broomstick modification fever.

a_shipwright,artist,art,арт,fantasy art,длиннопост,Traditional art

The Lady of the Underworld was kind enough to allow the traveler to bring his love back, and thoughtful enough to warn him to never look back until he arrives at the land of the livings.However her memory wasn't good enough to tell him about the unliving rats nibbling soul away.

a_shipwright,artist,art,арт,fantasy art,длиннопост,Traditional art

'The most fearsome of all 108 Relics, 
The sword that destroys destiny, 
The Child to End All Wars. 
But the Child is chained up. 
The sheath of riddles. 
Read, operate the device, and free the sword. 
No power can unbind the seal. 
Only wisdom will make him free.'

a_shipwright,artist,art,арт,fantasy art,длиннопост,Traditional art

'Krampus the Red Thief wore the armor he found from the dampest battlefield,wielded the sword he took from the darkest dwarf-delving,and plundered the castle of lords and shack of farmers through the chimney.'

ft-Sfewifljhib даг.вд6°,a_shipwright,artist,art,арт,fantasy art,длиннопост,Traditional art

Caitlyn Chambers, the outer who had levitation, flight, acceleration flight powers.In the hero debut performance, she attempted hypersonic flight for the first time.

a_shipwright,artist,art,арт,fantasy art,длиннопост,Traditional art

Let me introduce the new product of Burning Dew Workshop. 
The authority of wizards and gods.
It will be given to you too!
If you cut one of your arms off!
Replace the runestones, and experience the various types of magic and the pleasure of slaughter!

V ~^gr,a_shipwright,artist,art,арт,fantasy art,длиннопост,Traditional art

You foolish child, the lazy one.
Magic is not about efficiency.
Magic is art.
The form you have achieved itself is a new path,but there's no philosophy nor introspection in it, only expediency.If you merely rely on that, the magic will punish you someday.

a_shipwright,artist,art,арт,fantasy art,длиннопост,Traditional art

There was something to learn from what we called white barbarians.Their obsession over ideals. The philosophy of realism. The perfect shape.
They had their own sense of beauty.Their sorcery had their own style of art.And I will combine theirs with ours.

-^Sumchlji-j j-|,a_shipwright,artist,art,арт,fantasy art,длиннопост,Traditional art

Don't get me wrong.
This is not the scar of my weaknessnor the trace of self-hatred.
This is the bowstring made of blood sacrifice,and the arrow annihilating the enemy in front of me.

«п! SbiprorigWb mm,a_shipwright,artist,art,арт,fantasy art,длиннопост,Traditional art

The Order of White Shell has sworn to dedicate their life to the Queen of the Pale Hill.
Sky is not allowed for us.
But our wings have become the swords, purer than any dews in the dawn, to slay the enemies of the Queen.

6). Sbipurigfjb,a_shipwright,artist,art,арт,fantasy art,длиннопост,Traditional art


#Metal фэндомы Heavy Metal Power Metal Kinrick Sense Your Darkness металл для настоящих металлеров 

Kinrick - Sense Your Darkness, 2005; USA

Вся музыка и тексты написаны Дэвидом Т. Честейном. Для тех, кто вообще зелёный - это американский гитарист-виртуоз. Альбомы которого я постил. У самого музыканта на счету дофига проектов, включая самый знаковый Chastain с моей любимой метал-дивой Лезер Леоне. 

Музыкально проект Kinrick лежит в рамках современного и очень тяжёлого хэви-метал с толикой помпезных пауэр-припевов. Альбом - не откровение, но для любителей помахать головой сойдёт, мне лично понравился. (З.Ы. Обложка сосёт)

anon Warcraft Blizzard фэндомы Dungeons & Dragons 

Мировозрение рас Варкрафта

Из "Warcraft Heroes Handbook":



Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.

Most dwarves are lawful, believing firmly in the benefits of a well-ordered society. They tend toward good as well, with a strong sense of fair play and a belief that all deserve to share in the benefits of a just order.

Night elves live in close ties with the natural world, they have an unprecedented connection to nature
and protect it fiercely, pulling many night elves towards good. They love freedom and variety, making most lean toward the gentler aspects of chaos as well.

Gnomes are good-hearted, and even the tricksters amongst them are more playful than vicious.
Those of evil alignment are often the result of madness. An innovative idea that consumed them.

Draenei are mostly good. Those who strive towards law are sages, priests, paladins, vindicators, or
Those who tend toward chaos are warriors, rangers, or in other ways people more fond of pure fighting.

Worgen tend to become chaotic, while originating from humans, the infection of their blood with the wolves has made them more unpredictable.

Most void elves tend to be lawful, much like
their blood elven kin. Those who do become chaotic are
those who lose control of their void powers and become
consumed by them.



Orcs might not have an innate tendency toward evil, but many end up there. Evil or not, many orcs
lean toward a chaotic alignment.

Forsakens alignment varies, as their race origin, most tend to become more chaotic, and very few keep to good after decades of being an undead.

Most taurenare lawful, keeping to their tribal code. Those who are evil are shunned upon, most either
outlaws or corrupted in some form.

Trolls are a neutral race, their alignment varying drastically between them. Most trolls tend to be
, their tribes often having particular customs and rules for them to abide by.

High elves lies in a very militant society, strict rules have been made for people to uphold, pushing most towards a lawful alignment.

Most goblins tend to be chaotic to a certain degree, even when lawful, they have a spark of chaoticness in them that they cannot get rid off.

Order and structure are key to nightborne. Their society believes that reputation and status are of the
utmost concern, and that mortality and principles of right and wrong are viewed too often in that light. Giving most nightborne a lawful alignment.


Независимые расы:

Pandaren are a peaceful race, and for most parts tend to their own, making many pandarens neutral or good aligned. Finding an evil aligned pandaren is unusual.

anon,Warcraft,Варкрафт,Blizzard,Blizzard Entertainment, Близзард,фэндомы,Dungeons & Dragons,Подземелья и Драконы, D&D, dnd, днд
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it-юмор geek 

! . M■ ■ ¥*■-■ still_alive ».true; whil (stiU_aIive) { WearMask(); Stay6ftApart(); WashHands(); GetTested(); } I Find a testing site near you at sccfreetest.org or call 2-1-i,it-юмор,geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор

digital art портрет обработка фото нейромазня нейросети день рождения Джон Леннон Музыкальные Исполнители Знаменитости The Beatles ...art 

Джон Леннон. Портрет.

Время, потерянное с удовольствием, не считается потерянным.
 MJà ^1 * /,art,арт,digital art,портрет,обработка фото,нейромазня,нейросети,день рождения,Джон Леннон,John Lennon,Музыкальные Исполнители,Знаменитости,The Beatles

video Trance music musicvideo песочница 

Вроде в январе вынел, но я его только сейчас в подкасте услышал.

I dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life
Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time
Hold still right before we crash, 'cause we both know how this ends
A clock ticks 'til it breaks your glass, and I drown in you again

'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasin' relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

Walk on through a red parade and refuse to make amends
It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense
Don't speak as I try to leave 'cause we both know what we choose
If you pull, then I'll push too deep, and I'll fall right back to you

'Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasin' relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?

Why are you my clarity?
Why are you my remedy?

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?
Комментарии 0 17.05.201311:11 ссылка -1.6

Toriel Undertale персонажи Undertale фэндомы Sans Flowey Frisk сделал сам длиннопост Undertale music 


Вышло тут одно видео... оно полно СПОЙЛЕРОВ! Я вас предупредила. Как-то само собой начеркалось под впечатлением от увиденного. Что, если бы они реально к Фриск с этой песней подошли? Думаю, у неё открылись бы глаза. Определённо.

Видео + текст песни внизу

/I о ✓э V л— &■ лчяее of ^OU 4о Р iQyf ?* . Ь^еЯ- o^c c , v>^ OV *° *» ei^ д Sou/5 »У W<3y /,Toriel,Undertale персонажи,Undertale,фэндомы,Sans,Flowey,Flowey the flower,Frisk,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,длиннопост,Undertale music

We three fates of Undertale
Beckon you to play!
Spare our lives, or harvest our souls!
It's up to you either way!

"Hey bud, you okay? No need to freak out or anything. It's just singing."

"And murder. I mean, music."

"Poor dear! We're here to help you!"

"Help me what?"

"Play Undertale!"

Use your love instead of your strength,
to make your foes your friends!
Every drop of innocent blood
will change how the story ends!

Though our king desires your soul,
a Pacifist will see-
It only takes a thoughtful Act
to set all monsters free!

"But, like, no pressure or anything."

"Yeah, REAL freedom's not letting some goatmom tell you how to play."


"Hey, if anybody's got a bone to pick, I'm sure this kid's full of them."

"That's not very funny..."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

Still, you seem nice.
You may slip once or twice,
Who am I to judge or blame?

But I guess I'll keep track
Just to give you some flack
at the end of the game!

Talk or use silence!
Try murderous violence!
-I'm kidding, that's a crime.

And just so you know,
if you kill off my bro,
then you'll have a bad time!

Golly, gee! That sounds really great!
But let's try this instead:
Let's become the angel of death,

Kill them all! Destroy every beast!
Each woman, child and man!
Genocide's my only goal!
Destruction is my plan!

TORIEL: (simultaneously)
No! He's trying to use you, so
Don't let Flowey confuse you! I
Know he aims to seduce you and
ruin Undertale!

Stay determined! They'll guide you a-
-Stray! Know that you'll be lied to! You're
Brave -- I can see it inside you! I
Pray you never fail!

SANS: (simultaneous)
Look, I'm kind of a bonehead,
Not the brainiest guy... But
Even goofballs like me can
Read between the lines.

If you want to get dunked on,
I can give you a hand~
But where's the fun in a neutral run
if you're not friends with Sans?

FLOWEY: (simultaneously)
It's kill... or be killed!
That's how you play the game!
It's kill... or be killed!
Either way, it ends the same!

Everyone you loved...
Everyone you knew...
Everyone will die...
And they'll die because of you!

"None of this makes any sense to me..."

We three fates of Undertale
Don't know what you'll do!
Every path will impact us all,

For better or worse...
A blessing or curse...
Benign or adverse...


#Metal фэндомы Death Metal песочница Black Metal 

CRYPTA - From The Ashes

Тетки пилят

League of Legends фэндомы Irelia LoL Gif 

Тизер будущего реворка Ирелии!

А так же VGU для... Нуну?

League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Irelia,Ирелия,LoL Gif

В этом разделе мы собираем самые смешные приколы (комиксы и картинки) по теме IT ALL MAKES SENSE IN THE END (+1000 картинок)