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He went


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webm гифки физика массивных тел что-то пошло не так камера наблюдения 


art cthulhu Лавкрафт Astanael Lovecraft art 

art,арт,cthulhu,Лавкрафт,Astanael,Lovecraft art

Аннотация от автора:

Gary's a hardcore fan of Lovecraft's work. He have it all: books, pen-works, fanfics, posters, games, paintings, figurines, jewels, originals issues of weird tales, fac-simile of 1920's paperwork... everything. It all started with a Stephen King reference to the Great Old Ones. Intrigued, he went to dig further and became hooked with the Cthulhu's Mythos. Starting with the core books, he then read the collaborations, the correspondence, Chambers, Clark Ashton Smith, Howard. He started collecting antique furniture, playing Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu RPG in costume, went to cons... He even went to Providence to pay his respects.So when the dreams came, he was delighted. With such an obsession he thought, it was expected.

After one of his article wen famous, he was interviewed on national TV. Some decried him as an absolute fanboy and not a researcher, but all agreed his knowledge on the subject is indisputable. He soon became an expert in the field of Cthulhu, with his own internet show. As the years passed, the dreams grew weirder and bizarre. Not anymore the funny kind of strange, but full of a chilling sens of dread that brought him much discomfort and distress, leaving him in the middle of the night drenched in cold sweat and trembling. He started hearing voices when he was alone, unintelligible yet with clear sinister intent.

This evening, he sees the face of his mother deforming before his very eyes into a grotesque tentacled face. Ok, that's it. He's going to throw it away. All of it. Once his mother left, he deletes his accounts, gathers his notes, and everything tentacle related, dropping everything in the center of the room. The voices are louder, almost howling. Could all this be real after all? No way! That's in my mind, that's fiction! The fire spreads quickly, burning his precious memorabilia. He can now hear words, words familiar to his ears...

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh cthulhu r'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Мрачные картинки art Fantasy Didier NGUYEN 

Sorcerer of The Old Gods

The wizard eventually went mad by harnessing so much power and knowledge from Great Ones, he ended up scarring his skin with old symbols in order to open portals for the Old Spider God
JS	/ / • d.Æ Жд ff		
	■ - _ Jî	i w	Ik,Мрачные картинки,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,Didier NGUYEN

League of Legends фэндомы Nautilus ndpolop 

Nautilus want to change his 'skin', he want to be a farmer because he don't want go back to the ocean. He want to forget his past, his nightmare and anger. So he went to Skin Factory that managed by the minions and now he has a new happy life.

An artwork for League of Legends contest. Done in Photoshop and Cintiq 22HD.
League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Nautilus,Наутилус,ndpolop

Dota Pro Dota фэндомы Virtus Pro Dota 2 Teams драма reddit 

Скандалы, интриги, расследования - вместо Алохи катал Нунчик

I was watching Noone's stream when he suddenly abandoned and said he was asked to play for VP. The VOD is now deleted, but I guess viewers can confirm. Here's the game which he abandoned - 2398831814 (he was Sven, it's his smurf).

So just out of curiosity I went to find VP's match. Turned out they were facing Ad Finem in The Summit 5 European Qualifiers Finals. And here it was - Aloha was disconnected for a long time, admins were forcing an unpause. Fng said something like 'Please, 2 more minutes, his PC's asking for a code, because he went to an internet cafe to play', which is bullshit, I believe, Aloha never went to a cafe, he was at home waiting for his internet to work again, he even twitted 'now my internet works' soon after that. It was Noone who was trying to log under Aloha's account and thus needed a code. Ad Finem agreed to wait 2 more minutes, but reconnect never happened. I suppose, it's because the system not always (or never in reborn?) allows to reconnect to a game using a different computer.

VP played 4v5 and soon lost the game. Then the next one started, Aloha seemed to be back, he was playing Juggernaut, but the way he arranged his items wasn't the way he always does. And this is crucial. All players always stick to the same item-pattern and never change it during important series. ESPECIALLY THE BOOTS.

Now, look. The game I'm talking about: http://i.imgur.com/fimRbKc.png, all other Aloha's Juggernaut games: http://i.imgur.com/tIWmnBt.png, and here it is - Noone's Juggernaut games: http://i.imgur.com/0FYPsMj.png. See? So I guess, it really was Noone playing under Aloha's acc and I don't think this is allowed :)

Admins should look into it and investigate.


Kenoshi Kid бунт перестрелка приколы для образованных даунов со знанием английского 

In the town of old Kenosha marched some troubled rogues one day
Held hammers high above their heads, and looking for affray
No one dared to ask their business, no one dared to make a din
Save for one young man among them with an AR on a sling
AR on a sling

In this town there were some outlaws bound to teachings of the Red,
Many soi bois were among them as were trannies overfed,
They were vicious, prone to violence, burning gas stations and more,
And their leader rode a skateboard rolling swiftly on the floor,
Swiftly on the floor.

Now young man started talkin', made it plain to folks around
He was there to stop the mob from burnin' businesses to ground.
Didn't look like much the tough guy 'cept for one important thing,
And that thing of course an AR riding tautly on a sling
Tautly on a sling

Now the night was passing quickly as the mob moved wielding flame
And the youth called out to halt them when they spotted him as game
He was running down the pavement when a lout caused him to trip
And tempted the soi leader with with the skateboard on his hip
Skateboard on his hip

It was over in a moment as the folks had gathered round,
The skater sought the rifle as the youth lay on the ground,
Oh he might have went on livin' but forgot one major thing
And he fell down shot dead by the kid with AR on a sling
AR on a sling

He fell down shot dead by the kid with AR on a sling
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geek Windows баг песочница 

something went wrong

Экран > Разреше.,geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор,Windows,баг,песочница

Linkin Park историческое фото 

Майк Шинода опубликовал в "Instagram" первое фото группы из далеких 90х

m_shinoda1997 or 1998...I think this was the first photo we ever took together. We had just told Chester that we wanted him to join the band. He said he was ready to move out from Arizona to L.A. We went to a pizza place near UCLA to hang out and talk about what to do next. The band was called Xero at the time, and we probably had less than a half a dozen songs. No flame tattoos yet, no red hair yet, most of us were still in college.
Linkin Park,историческое фото

сфотографировал сам фото История длиннопост котэ Венеция Италия Трофеи конь 

военная добыча

былое венецианское могущество сегодня прячется больше в счетах нескольких семей и меньше в многочисленных дворцах города, на сохранение которых скидывается вся европа (thank you UNESCO); но есть и осколки величия, до сих пор свободно стоящие на улице, например - трехметровый лев из Пирея (порт Афин)

I mH1 ' a ш'1' i « ■ ft I H ЬяШ HA 1,сфотографировал сам,фото,История,длиннопост,котэ,прикольные картинки с кошками,Венеция,Италия,страны,Трофеи,конь
созданный около 360г. до н.э., лев был частью огромного помпезного фонтана, встречавшего приходящие в Афины корабли, Венеция утащила его при отвоевывании Афин у турков в 1687 г. ценность конкретно этого льва не в нем самом и его старости, а в рунической надписи, сделанной 

на нем варягами в  службах византийского императора (IX-XII в.)

сфотографировал сам,фото,История,длиннопост,котэ,прикольные картинки с кошками,Венеция,Италия,страны,Трофеи,конь
надпись сохранилась плохо, часть рун стерлась, но большинство  ученых сходится на следующем тексте: 
ш у ©KJ ski мавзж ш яшъ, ls у©я esa яшюш т рше. в358€ЖЯ-Л@К «УйЩВ ©13 ИйЙЁ. Ш©*1^М (ШЛЗДиВ ЭК JPWâS. : HARUN : VAN: pin : UL FR : aUKîASMuDr: aUK : AuRN : IIAFN : PESA : pIR : McN : LacPU : A : Uk : IIARADr : IIAfI : ÜF IABUTA : ÜPRAiStar : Vcgna : GRInlApIpIS: VARp : DALKr : NaUJuiGR : I :

"They cut him down in the midst of his forces. But in the harbor the men cut runes by the sea in memory of Horsi, a good warrior. The Swedes set this on the lion. He went his way with good counsel, gold he won in his travels. The warriors cut runes, hewed them in an ornamental scroll. Æskell and Þorlæif had them well cut, they who lived in Roslagen son of...... cut these runes. Ulf and ..... colored them in memory of Horsi. He won gold in his travels." - т.е. типичная руническая надпись, каких много сохранилось в

самой Скандинавии 

сфотографировал сам,фото,История,длиннопост,котэ,прикольные картинки с кошками,Венеция,Италия,страны,Трофеи,конь
Еще один трофей: медные статуи коней на соборе св.Марка, IVв. до н.э., которых венецианцы срезали с ипподрома в Константинополе в 1204г.
сфотографировал сам,фото,История,длиннопост,котэ,прикольные картинки с кошками,Венеция,Италия,страны,Трофеи,конь
в 1797г. Наполеон утащил их для создания триумфальной арки Парижа (а то местные скульпторы коней не умели с чего срисовать), но в  1815г. их вернули на собор, с  1980г. кони стоят внутри, а на арке собора их заменили копии
~ ~ -—_ ■ST K - fSTTm' u n ■ « ~ ^ ^ ~ « J fV¿- Hl im '> *,сфотографировал сам,фото,История,длиннопост,котэ,прикольные картинки с кошками,Венеция,Италия,страны,Трофеи,конь
а местным котикам оно все до фени 
сфотографировал сам,фото,История,длиннопост,котэ,прикольные картинки с кошками,Венеция,Италия,страны,Трофеи,конь

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