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300: Rise of an Empire


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Sparta 300 Rise of an Empire песочница CALISTO 

Tj£ék ; 4 шщшяижш1*и иг нишей ниш мДмд ш яри iiBiki ■гищии see it in 2D. гесп.Щ)зо & iMAx за ffSsSg =»=■=•,Sparta,300,Rise of an Empire,песочница,CALISTO

Sparta 300 Rise of an Empire песочница THEMISTOKLES 

Sparta,300,Rise of an Empire,песочница,THEMISTOKLES

300 Rise of an Empire concept art песочница 

300,Rise of an Empire,concept art,песочница

красивые картинки fan art 300 Rise of an Empire фильмы и ТВ Vance Kovacs 

красивые картинки,fan art,300 Rise of an Empire,фильмы и ТВ,Vance Kovacs

красивые картинки,fan art,300 Rise of an Empire,фильмы и ТВ,Vance Kovacs

красивые картинки,fan art,300 Rise of an Empire,фильмы и ТВ,Vance Kovacs

красивые картинки,fan art,300 Rise of an Empire,фильмы и ТВ,Vance Kovacs

Раскадровка Джерард Батлер актеры Знаменитости 300 спартанцев 

Сегодня утром, стоя неподалёку от статуи царя Леонида, Джерард Батлер произнёс воодушевляющую речь о греческой земле и Спарте. Актёр был удостоен чести зажечь огонь Олимпийских игр 2020 в Спарте.

СТАНДАРТЫ [СПАРТАНЦЕВ] ТАК ВЫСОКИ, ЧТО ЦЕЛЫЕ ПОКОЛЕНИЯ ВОИНОВ СЛЕДУЮТ ИМ,Раскадровка,Джерард Батлер,актеры,Знаменитости,300 спартанцев

СО ВРЕМЁН РИМЛЯН И ПО СЕЙ ДЕНЬ. Я СТОЮ НА ЗЕМЛЕ ТЫСЯЧ ГЕРОЕВ,Раскадровка,Джерард Батлер,актеры,Знаменитости,300 спартанцев

Я СТОЮ ЗДЕСЬ КАК ЧЕЛОВЕК, КОТОРОГО СИЛЬНО ИЗМЕНИЛА ВАША ИСТОРИЯ,Раскадровка,Джерард Батлер,актеры,Знаменитости,300 спартанцев

это -это - - СВЯТАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ. - ЗЕМЛЯ ЛЕГЕНД LL/Xyi I,Раскадровка,Джерард Батлер,актеры,Знаменитости,300 спартанцев

 í X ï,Раскадровка,Джерард Батлер,актеры,Знаменитости,300 спартанцев

Раскадровка,Джерард Батлер,актеры,Знаменитости,300 спартанцев


Отличный комментарий!

Mactep XyeB Mactep XyeB14.03.202018:07ссылка

Music&Atmosphere фэндомы Rise of Empire Thordal ethnic OST music Tilman Sillescu плейлист The Settlers ...Settlers VI 

Решил поделится балладами из The Settlers VI в исполнении Тордала с текстом

Собственно долго пытался найти такого рода баллады но самое годное оказалось в Settlers и TES 5. Буду благодарен если

найдется чем поделиться) Наслаждайтесь)


Thordal the Warrior

One Warrior there was of old
One mighty strong so grim and bold
A fierce and savage kind of lad 
Who fought for good and not for bad
But there was an evil plight
Who's nemesis he could not fight
Thus he spoke what a deserter
His foes would die of shameless laughter
He couldn't tell a proper story of slaying things
Achieving glory, he babbled, spluttered, spat and hissed

Because technique of speech he missed
That's how a fighter stout and tall may be

The biggest fool of all

Thordal the Knight

Once in time there was a knight!
He was bold and full of might! 
His travels brought him many fight
He rode through darkness storm and night!
This man won every tournament
Looked for challenge through..the land!
But no one dared to battle him
he found nobody of his kin..

Thordal Fighting Glory

We're running up the battlements
We're burning down the settlements
We're fighting close our enemies
We're knocking down the masonry
Let's struggle fight and fray
To our foes dismay, a bloody-minded day
Our enemies decay
We're smashing our adversaries
We're tearing down all boundaries
We're marching to fatality
We're loathing immortality
Let's struggle fight and fray, to our foes dismay
A bloody-minded day, our enemies decay

Thordal Crossed Swords

My victory is close at hand
I'll conquer village, town and land
Against my foes with all my friends
We vanquished them in the last stand
A sword we cross, we mourn no loss
We hold the hammered Viking bands

And who will dare to fight with me

Through war and blood, to victory...
Relieved of (don't know), outnumbered by all enemies
A sword we cross, we mourn no loss 
We ride towards our destiny

Music&Atmosphere,фэндомы,Settlers VI,Rise of Empire,Thordal,ethnic,OST,Музыка,Tilman Sillescu,плейлист,The Settlers


300 спартанцев cosplay 

Отличный косплей 300 спартанцев. Лондон.

300 спартанцев,cosplay

300 спартанцев,cosplay

300 спартанцев,cosplay

300 спартанцев,cosplay

300 спартанцев,cosplay

300 спартанцев,cosplay


Комиксы Серьезные комиксы фэндомы комиксы без перевода для взрослых бонус в комментариях ацтеки 

Aztec Empire. Episode One. Instrument of Empire.

□ne: Instrument nF Empire Paul Quinan Story - Layouts - Coloring - Lettering □auiü Hahn Pencils - inks Rnina EannaTT ProOucer - Editor Thanhs to historians matthELU REStall, Enriqua Drtis, DauiO nisuas, and mario FuantE. RrchEologist michaEl Smith, and thE national musEurn oF Rnthropology

Nearly 200,000 people live in thi« i-sland city, -several time-s the population of London or Madrid. Plumbing and «ewage «y«tem«, along with thou«and« of people a««igned to «anitation, keep everything immaculately dean. Tenochtitlan boa«t« ma««ive palace« and plaza«, zoo« and garden«. Another

Huiznahuac 6ate, southern entrance to Tenochtitlan's Sacred District. Please, where's the Master of the House of Darts? At the Council House in the Great Speaker's palace. 1 1 ■ 1 - nrrr M ' ' f For tens of thousands of years, people in the Americas had no idea that other humans

Military commander* of the Triple Alliance: Tepehua, Master of the House of Part*. Motelhuih, Speaker of Thorn Word*. Atlixca, Cutter of Men. The strangers at Cozumel are looking for others of their kind who were lo-st -some years ago. They -sent a me-s-sage to Maya leaders a-sking for help,

Gonzalo! Gonzalez my brother, we are rescued! They sent Indians to pay for my freedom and now wait for us at Cape Catoche. Castilian ships have arrived! After eight long years. And I'm not your brother Aguilar. Chactemal, a Maya town in the Yucatan Peninsula, outside of Triple Alliance

Brother-s, where are the *tranger* who The *tranger*? They took to their floating hou*e* and left ye*terday. Good riddance. 0 merciful lord, why the6e repeated punishment*? No... it can't be. Eight year* here, and | mi** them by one day? A(*o dirty and *melly. Corte*' order* are to

Let'« bring them to Corte«. They mu«t have new« for u«. Perhap« about the ca«taway«? Do not fear-they are my brother«. We are «ubject« to the King of Ca«tile! Are you Chri«tian«? Who«e va««al« are you? 6oi you are one of the Ca«tilian« we've been Corte«, our commander, will be very plea«ed

Captain Hernando Cortes. Captain Alonzo Avila. Captain Gonzalo 6andoval. Where ¡•s the Castilian? Get this man some clothes. Please. someone... Get dre-s-sed, have -something to eat, and well talk pre-sentlu. You -shall be well compen-sated and looked after. Remarkable! We'd given up

We've put a checkpoint on the river, to keep them from getting closer. They first wanted to enter the city to "give advice that will benefit us," then said they needed to see it to describe it for their king. They behave like ordinary raiders, but with extraordinary weapons and armor. Like the

<y Here is more ii/f food and the gold p Cu you rented. ^ If you would only listen to the reason for our visit, you would find it profitable. Please accept what we ave brought and return from where you came. We want r neither trade nor ' • ' war with uou. March 23. And we need at least a

 Tran«lated by Aguilar, it declarc-s that 6pain ha« the legal right-granted by the Pope-to rule the America«. Before engaging the Maya in battle, Corte«' notary read« aloud a formal pronouncement, the Reyuerimiento. Did they ju«t threaten our wive« and children? if you do not acknowledge the


гифки яхта столкновение авария море 


Warcraft Игры кино дождались Blizzard фэндомы Warcraft (фильм) 

В выпуске журнала Empire от 24 апреля было опубликовано первое фото со съемок фильма "Warcraft".

Судя по всему тронный зал Штормграда. Особо интересен доспех рыцаря (Андуин Лотар?), выглядит неплохо.
• Duncan Jones sites up two of his actors on the set otWarcraft LOOK,Warcraft,Варкрафт,Игры,кино,дождались,Blizzard,Blizzard Entertainment, Близзард,фэндомы,Warcraft (фильм)
В этом разделе мы собираем самые смешные приколы (комиксы и картинки) по теме 300: Rise of an Empire (+1000 картинок)