Battlefield Heroes :: трейлер :: высадка на луне :: луна :: Игры

Battlefield Heroes Игры трейлер луна высадка на луне песочница 

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Battlefield Heroes - Heroes have landed on the Moon!,Games,,Join the fight at and play now! That's right Heroes, the Nationals and Royals ceased their conflict but for a moment to share in the glory of landing on the Moon. But like real Heroes they will never forget their goals. Someone still has yet to pay for the those atrocities at the Olympics. So not five minutes after the conflict ended, and both factions took their step on the moon... the war was back on. So pick up those weapons, head to the closest rocket and get ready for a battle like you have never experienced before... because we are taking the fight to THE MOON! --- New Map - Lunar Landing --- After countless hours of research, development and rigorous testing our Heroes are finally ready to be blasted off to the Moon in bulk ready to continue the war in a brand new environment. With the effects of low gravity and a relatively untouched landscape, there is nowhere to hide. If your enemy decides to hide behind a corner, you don't have to follow them around it... you can just jump over whatever they are hiding behind. --- New Outfits --- Space travel wouldn't be possible without the correct gear, and while micro breathing apparatus is available for those who are trying to avoid the helmet hair, a full range of space exploration suits are now available for your journey. Battle ready and with a built in air supply, you'll be able to kick butt while breathing at the same time. --- New Weapons --- Due to the some safety issues regular weapons may have on the moon or if someone were to accidentally discharge a weapon on board a rocket. National and Royal scientists during the brief period of peace worked tirelessly together to create new weapons that are both safe and deadly. They might keep you alive long enough to reach the moon due to the new safety measures, but they will unleash a world of hurt upon your enemies. It's time dish out the pew pew heroes. For more information visit our forums and see what else we have in store for our heroes as they fight... on the moon!
Battlefield Heroes,Игры,трейлер,луна,высадка на луне,песочница
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Кому интересно....Сер, не льстите себе
М'сье, я не стараюсь угодить всему контингенту нашего реактора. Все равно будут единицы которые оценят и приятную музыку трейлера, и неплохую анимацию.
Видео так себе, а игра так вообще убога.
Анон, а возможна ли стрельба на луне?
Mr.xep Mr.xep 10.04.201320:33 ответить ссылка 0.0
Доработать патрончики мальца... или гаусс. Или вообще пневматика, много ли там надо, без сопротивления и гравитации-то. Луки, опять же, арбалеты...
thtp thtp 10.04.201321:51 ответить ссылка 0.0
Я про стрельбу в видео, там немец достает револьвер.
Mr.xep Mr.xep 10.04.201321:56 ответить ссылка 0.0
Револьвер достал англичанин :3
Немцы это те которые тонкие :3
Верно, бес попутал.
Mr.xep Mr.xep 10.04.201322:03 ответить ссылка 0.0
Игра-жалкое подобие ТФ без шапок.
03793 03793 10.04.201321:54 ответить ссылка -0.1
Абсолютно разные по стилистике, геймплею и стилю игры.
Единственное общее между ними, так это обработка графики через селл шэйдинг.
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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