Попугай шатал Скрилекс. / Dubstep :: музыка :: video

video Dubstep музыка удалённое 
Попугай шатал Скрилекс.

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Bird singing dubstep!,Animals,,Just my bird Harvey dropping some fat beats. Sorry about the poor cropping filmed this on a phone.
Dubstep Birdie gets DUBSTEPPED acontrari style,Entertainment,,Original Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGhVXgMoz4g Video created in partnership by AcontrariProject
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Dubstep Dispute,animation, dubstep, robot, modo, nostalgia, music, dispute, 3d,Join this lovable crew of droids as they solve their differences the only way dubstep robots know how. A 3d animated short set to music by Nostalgia. more info:
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Bird singing dubstep!,Animals,,Just my bird Harvey dropping some fat beats.
Sorry about the poor cropping filmed this on a phone.

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Bird singing dubstep!,Animals,,Just my bird Harvey dropping some fat beats. Sorry about the poor cropping filmed this on a phone.