Shek Newborn u/goldenboifishsauce 1 week old Shek Shek children ha / Kenshi (игра) :: без перевода :: shek :: Игры

shek Kenshi (игра) Игры без перевода 

Shek Newborn u/goldenboifishsauce
1 week old Shek
Shek children have soft "velvet" over their bone plates until late adolescense
at 3 months, a shek infant is now able to eat solids.
The infant will still be nursed until they are about 2 years of ages,shek,Kenshi

In child age shek, velvet grows all over, making them extremely fuzzy or or even bristly
Older shek tend to call the children, "lint ball" "fluffskin" "pup" etc. etc. because of this appearance.
Shek in early adolescence have their velvet thin out, revealing the likely pattern of their bone

Young shek start showing interest in a partner at around 16-18, when the velvet shedding slows down and they begin to reach
Here, a shek girl is proud that her paramour had beheaded a beakthing. She expresses awe but also shows off her strength by effortlessly lifting him up and carrying him back

Shek Newborn u/goldenboifishsauce 1 week old Shek Shek children have soft "velvet" over their bone plates until late adolescense at 3 months, a shek infant is now able to eat solids. The infant will still be nursed until they are about 2 years of ages
In child age shek, velvet grows all over, making them extremely fuzzy or or even bristly Older shek tend to call the children, "lint ball" "fluffskin" "pup" etc. etc. because of this appearance. Shek in early adolescence have their velvet thin out, revealing the likely pattern of their bone armour. The velvet itches, and the children may start scratching off bits of it The crown horns begin to bud. Chest development triggers hormone and bone development. Nearly all shek go through this growth - those that don't tend to be sterile During the teen years, velvet sheds irregularly. During this period, shek make a decision on whether they will bear or sire the next generation. Either choice is considered noble, and there is no pressure to make either decision. Those that choose to sire need to have a mastectomy in order to trigger male puberty. It is considered dishonourable to carry out the procedure with any use of numbing agents, as the pain is meant to be an act of solidarity with the one who will bear their child. Any crown horn growth will shed, and chin horns begin to grow.
Young shek start showing interest in a partner at around 16-18, when the velvet shedding slows down and they begin to reach Here, a shek girl is proud that her paramour had beheaded a beakthing. She expresses awe but also shows off her strength by effortlessly lifting him up and carrying him back to town. The boy is very impressed. Note the teenagers have bandaged horns to keep loose velvet from falling into their eyes during the hunt. Nothing can stop the cravings of an expecting shek, so if she wants gorillo steak she's going to get it. If her husband wants to join the fight, more the merrier! It also means she gets her gorillo steak faster. u/qoldenboifishsauce Otherwise shek sleep face down Pregnant shek have to sleep sitting up. This father is proud his newest child survived birth. Shek must be born small and very soft. This is because the rigidity of a shek mother's body allows her to fight and hunt, should anything happen to her significant other. If the newborn had more developed bones, they could be crushed or trapped inside the mother. After the birth, a shek mother can be ready to walk within an hour, should she stay well fed and rest well. The newborn needs to be fed often, and will grunt in disappointment if fed a minute late. A full baby shek is a happy one.
shek,Kenshi (игра),Игры,без перевода
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