9:27 AM / incredibox :: Музыка :: yeetman

yeetman incredibox music 

9:27 AM

9:27 AM - An Incredibox: Monochrome Mix
Еще на тему
Ммм, качественные завершенные моды-такая редкость среди инкредибоксов.
Братья Механикус славят Омниссию.
Оркестр из музыкальных сервиторов.
9:47 собственно звучит в клипе. Ибо это из радиопередачи в Халф Лайфе
reiter reiter 03.03.202412:16 ответить ссылка -0.8
The following message is transmitted at the request of the New Mexico Department of Emergency Services:

At 9:47 AM mountain standard time, a disaster of unknown type has occurred at the Black Mesa Research Facility causing significant damage & failure to various power & communication systems in the surrounding areas.

This message replaces the previous alert which expired at 12:01 PM mountain standard time this afternoon.

A full quarantine has been issued for the Black Mesa area. In the interest of public safety, all residents within a 150 mile radius of Black Mesa, New Mexico are advised to evacuate the area immediately. Take only essential supplies & a battery powered radio. Do not use more then one vehicle for traveling. Follow local evacuation routes which have been marked by local authorities. If you are within the evacuation area & have no transportation, locate your nearest police department.

If you begin experiencing a fever, coughing, nausea, dizziness, muscle ache, pneumonia, hair loss, or any such similar aliments, please contact your nearest disease control center immediately as these symptoms might be related to recent events.

Stay tuned to local media outlets for further information on this ongoing emergency.
reiter reiter 03.03.202421:51 ответить ссылка 0.5
как будто проснулся в 9-27АМ и понял, что проспал на работу к 8-00
e2e4xarq e2e4xarq 03.03.202414:07 ответить ссылка -1.1
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