I am fucking exploding after contact with water I've killed hundreds of thousands people during WW / salt :: caption on white background :: соль :: Буквы на белом фоне :: без перевода

без перевода Буквы на белом фоне соль удалённое 
I am fucking exploding after contact with water
I've killed hundreds of thousands people during WWI
Our children is going to be ultimate badass
soup is too salty,без перевода,Буквы на белом фоне,соль,удалённое,caption on white background,salt
I am fucking exploding after contact with water I've killed hundreds of thousands people during WWI Our children is going to be ultimate badass soup is too salty
без перевода,Буквы на белом фоне,соль,удалённое,caption on white background,salt
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Комментарии 3 21.03.202112:08 ссылка -3.7
Было недавно с переводом http://joyreactor.cc/post/4716583
Bail Bail 21.03.202112:16 ответить ссылка 2.1
Кто-то ни разу не видел, что бывает с людьми после работы с солью
Соль: я могу мумифицировать всю твою семью, а если мной посыпать землю на месте сожжённого города, там ещё пару веков нельзя будет жить.
Qadrad Qadrad 21.03.202112:18 ответить ссылка 0.1
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What the fuck
k	A When the Walmart lady asked why I needed so much antifreeze, apparently "fruit punch for the trick or treaters" was not the correct answer.

Буквы на белом фоне без перевода caption on white background

When the Walmart lady asked why I needed so much antifreeze, apparently "fruit punch for the trick or treaters" was not the correct answer.
That comment! & ■&;
BLOG.THERAINFORESTSITE.GREATERGOOD.COM Scientist Find 33 Creatures Living In A Cave That Was Sealed Off For 5 Million Years
vOO 119	22 Comments
(¿} Like
ÇD Comment
Carabeth Amsterdam
Seal that cave back up and walk away!!! This is NOT the year, man.

Буквы на белом фоне без перевода caption on white background

That comment! & ■&; BLOG.THERAINFORESTSITE.GREATERGOOD.COM Scientist Find 33 Creatures Living In A Cave That Was Sealed Off For 5 Million Years vOO 119 22 Comments (¿} Like ÇD Comment Carabeth Amsterdam Seal that cave back up and walk away!!! This is NOT the year, man.
There should be a calorie refund for things that didn’t taste as good as you expected.

Буквы на белом фоне без перевода caption on white background

There should be a calorie refund for things that didn’t taste as good as you expected.