About Cross-Dressers, Hermaphrodites & / anon


About Cross-Dressers, Hermaphrodites & Twins,Education,Cross-dresser,Hermaphrodite,Homosexuality,Transgender,Gender Studies,Mythology,Pagan,Paganism,Maïeutics,Varg Vikernes,Hávamál,Óðinn,Odin,Wotan,Woden,Edda,Sloppy mistake warning! It's Grímnismál stanza 54, by the way. Not Hávamál. The stanza I quote here, that is. If you're a regular viewer please DON'T try to become a Patreon supporter for as little as $1 per video because they are of course free for me to make, and I don't even have a Patreon account. I have NO EXPENSES when I make these videos. I only invest my time in them, and my love for my heritage of course. And I do so with pleasure. Trying to save our heritage is my objective, not to make money by pretending to do so. ...in our mythology. If you want to support me some way, you can (and get something in return when you do) by buying my pro-European books from here: https://www.amazon.com/Varg-Vikernes/e/B00IVZ2KPO/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1
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о чём там?
anon anon 26.11.201815:45 ответить ссылка 0.0
Ебатель куриц собственной персоной рассказывает каково живётся пидорам
anon anon 26.11.201815:46 ответить ссылка 0.0
Как будто в аноне и так этого не знают
anon anon 26.11.201816:19 ответить ссылка 0.0
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