1. The role and functions of a pawn.
2. The weakest pieces on the board; numerous; interchangeable;
existing to be sacrificed for the benefit of the real players.
3. Unlike other pieces, a pawn may not retreat. It can only
go forward, one step at a time.
4. A pawn cannot capture a piece that blocks its path. It may only
proceed if the opposing piece concedes ground, or if a different
route is offered.
5. The en passant capture is a special move that permits one pawn
to successfully attack another without directly engaging it.
6. Otherwise, the only way a pawn can capture is by going one step
forward and to the left or right, in a single diagonal move.
7. In very rare occasions, if a pawn is allowed to cross the entire
board, unscathed…
8. …it may be promoted to a queen, and, perhaps, turn the tide of
the war.