Trump - Emperor of the United States,News & / Donald Trump :: anon

anon Donald Trump 

Trump - Emperor of the United States,News & Politics,Trump,Emperor,Sun,cantstumpthetrump,cantstumptrump,Trump 2016,nimble navigator,centipede,warhammer,Triarii,America,United States,Patriotism,Nationalism,Audio: Triarii - Emperor Of The Sun Dank Maymays- A good 50% of them are OC of mine, you'd be surprised how quickly you run out of God Emperor Trump pictures and have to resort to creating your own (although on a couple all I did was add a flag in the background). The other half of course were gathered browsing a certain message board. EDIT: Wow, 4k views! I'm glad people seem to be enjoying it, I went ahead and uploaded my Trump OC pics to imgur in case anyone is interested in using them.
anon,Donald Trump
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Комментарии 0 10.08.201612:47 ссылка -2.1
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THIS, DONALD, IS THE INTERNET. Illegal Immigrants bring crime, drugs and violence
I know X Greta Thunberg ф
#ИС1 @GretaThunberg
So ridiculous. Donald must work on his Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Donald, Chill!
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t Donald J. Trump О @realDonaldTrump • 5 нояб.
8:53 PM • 5 нояб. 2020 r. • Twitter f

Greta Thunberg reverse Donald Trump без перевода песочница Greta Thunberg reverse Donald Trump sandbox

X Greta Thunberg ф #ИС1 @GretaThunberg So ridiculous. Donald must work on his Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Donald, Chill! Перевести твит t Donald J. Trump О @realDonaldTrump • 5 нояб. STOP THE COUNT! 8:53 PM • 5 нояб. 2020 r. • Twitter f