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View post on imgur.comБлагодаря объединенной работе Landsat Program и Google Earth Engine у нас появилась возможность посмотреть, как действительно река может изменяться в течение времени. В общей сложности съемка заняла более 30 лет (с 1985 по 2016 год), но хорошие кадры удавалось получить не всегда.

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Westnil o J Prince
Not all men come for that one thing! Some men come to Heal, Repair, Uplift, and Restore!
This is literally exchange of C02. They are both going to die.

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Westnil o J Prince @alzaidvictor Not all men come for that one thing! Some men come to Heal, Repair, Uplift, and Restore! \/ This is literally exchange of C02. They are both going to die.
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imgur v O New post ^ C\ sign in sign up As of Oct 2019, Imgur will no longer display NSFW Imgur r/subsections associated with Reddit subreddits. No Imgur content has been deleted or moved, and is still available at its original Imgur URL. As an alternative, you can browse the visual contents o