Всем олдскульщикам и фанатам Shovel Knight. / Игровое видео :: NES :: Shovel Knight :: консоли :: 8 bit :: FamiTracker :: virt :: jake kaufman :: Warheart :: Игры

Shovel Knight Игры Warheart jake kaufman virt FamiTracker 8 bit NES консоли Игровое видео 
Всем олдскульщикам и фанатам Shovel Knight.
Shovel Knight Main Theme на FamiTracker.

Shovel Knight Main Theme [VRC6, FamiTracker],Games,,Yeah, I know, the NSF has been released, NSF decompilers exists, but that's not the point of this video. Don't get me wrong, I really like Jake Kaufman, he's a lovely composer, but the soundtrack has many issues like detuning, pitch slides and maybe even volume. The overall mixing felt like it needed to improve, so I hope this solves at least some issues (it still might have some clashing issues, but I hope the more noticeable ones are gone now). In more detail, I added more Pxx effects, different placement for releases and vibratos, fixed some pitch slides (mostly sawtooth) and lowered the volume in some channels. I might do more songs from the Shovel Knight soundtrack, but with N163 instead of VRC6. Allright, now moving on to Mario Kart 8... Shovel Knight is property of Yacht Club Games.
Shovel Knight,Игры,Warheart,jake kaufman,virt,FamiTracker,8 bit,NES,консоли,Игровое видео
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