Warrior woman who chooses who dies or lives in battle. Water horse that lures victims to ride on i / длинная картинка :: существо :: галилео (сообщество) (#галилео) :: мифология :: разное

мифология существо галилео (сообщество) длинная картинка 
Warrior woman who chooses who dies or lives in battle.
Water horse that lures victims to ride on its back to their doom.
Winged, cockerel-headed reptile that murders with a single glance.
Black Shuck
Ghostly black dog whose direct gaze dooms you to death within a year.
Female spirit
Warrior woman who chooses who dies or lives in battle. Water horse that lures victims to ride on its back to their doom. Basilisk Winged, cockerel-headed reptile that murders with a single glance. Black Shuck Ghostly black dog whose direct gaze dooms you to death within a year. Female spirit that screams as an omen of death. European Dragon Powerful winged reptile that breathes fire and hoards treasure. Winged stallion that helps heroes conquer deadly foes. Mermaid that grants three wishes when captured. Multi-headed hellhound that guards the entrance to the underworld. The antlered spirit of a hanged man that guards Windsor Forest. Fire-breathing hybridization of a lion, goat, and snake. Medusa Cwi Snake-haired woman whose direct gaze petrifies. r“"' Unicorn Dazzling horse with a spiraling horn. Phoenix Fire bird that eternally regenerates from its own ashes. Green, serpentine dragon that protects the people of Catalonia. Fenrir Monstrous wolf destined to devour the world. Exquisite female water nymphs with hypnotic voices. Dames Blanches Shapeshifting goblin that evokes nightmares in sleeping victims. Ghostly women in white who destroys those that refuse to dance. Vodnik Amphibious human spirit with bizarre clothing that store souls in procelain cups. Long, serpentine creature with elemental powers. Winged lion that wards off evil spirits ts wealth. and suffocates people. Ghost whale that is accompanied by bizarre birds and unknown fish. Impish spirits that transformed from inanimate objects. ásN Kasa-obake Animated umbrellas that jump around on one leg. Nine-tailed fox that freely transforms into a beguiling woman. Nuppeppo Passive, genderless blob one can eat to gain eternal youth. Red-faced sea spirit with a fondness for alcohol. Uchchaihshravas Seven-headed flying horse that became the king of horses. Airavata A pristine, winged elephant that creates rain, steed to the god Indra. ßüräle Horned, woolly humanoid that tickles people to death. Maria Makiling Nymph guardian spirit of Mt. Makiling in Laguna. Santelmo Spiritual presence in the form of a dancing orb of flame. Gamayun Prophetic bird with the head of a woman. Mysterious old woman who floats around in a mortar. Living statue with a lion body and human head, tells riddles. Colossal fish that is one of seven layers supporting the earth. Aqrabuamelu Warrior with scorpion bodies and male torso. Wendigo Cannibalistic beastly humanoid, possibly once human. ft Curupira Jungle genie with bright red hair and backwards feet. Ogopogo I *. ] 111 »*1 IB Bfal I Hi'.] Ire Lake-dwelling serpentine monster. Bear-sized, spiky creature that drinks livestock blood. Jersey Devil Hooved creature with bat-like wings and a blood-chilling scream. Forest mother that protects flora and fauna from mankind. Ahuizotl Aquatic canine creature with a tail-hand. tt Deep forest or mountain spirits that play enchanting flute music. Oceania Taniwha * 1 V“ 1 аТш I Beings that reside among dangerous currents, may be guardians or predators. mm it ......... .lit. iV Wondjina Cloud and rain spirits that deliver monsoons. Rainbow snake that represents the cycle of seasons. SOURCES: www.wikipedia.org www.newanimal.org www.cryptidz.wikia.com www. listverse.com www. mentalfloss, com www.mythicai-creatures-anct-beasts.com /enere.com book hotels, B&Bs and apartments
мифология,существо,галилео (сообщество),#галилео,разное,длинная картинка
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В европейском разделе не дракон, а виверна.
виверна это дракон с сиськами
ikari ikari 03.12.201421:07 ответить ссылка 0.0
Виверна - это тетраподная рептилия с крыльями. Дракон - гексаподная рептилия с крыльями.
В европейском разделе, был замечен водник...

даааа...эта дурь может забрать твою душу - это точно
Aqrabuamelu, говорите?
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