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18 injured as Langham Place escalator malfunctions by going the opposite way,People & Blogs,,18 injured as Langham Place escalator malfunctions by going the opposite way

Sad to see such scenes. Just another example of we can never fully trust electronics and technology. 

Hope the injured recover

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18 injured as Langham Place escalator malfunctions by going the opposite way,People & Blogs,,18 injured as Langham Place escalator malfunctions by going the opposite way Sad to see such scenes. Just another example of we can never fully trust electronics and technology. Hope the injured recover
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Pell City implodes historic Avondale Mills smokestack,People & Blogs,Avondale Mill Historic District,Pell City (City/Town/Village),It took 2 tries with TNT and a trackhoe

* For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

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Pell City implodes historic Avondale Mills smokestack,People & Blogs,Avondale Mill Historic District,Pell City (City/Town/Village),It took 2 tries with TNT and a trackhoe * For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom