красивые картинки :: International Typographic Style :: Justin Van Genderen :: Swiss Style :: art (арт)

Swiss Style International Typographic Style Justin Van Genderen красивые картинки art 

Jo mo s CI o r k M a r w o 11 (18 3 1 18 7 9)
ElocfronxiQnote; rodoNon * o rypo of onwgy trot rcorpooiot both tjkx:tnc#y ond moyrxxram form» r y okrcfromognohc rodanon refcxjo v*Mo KX’’ 'ado wovoi gamma rr/fi anti X rrr/j
pworcr^rt ora ccxiflr*x#/	how >****<	forçai

Michael Faraday (1791-1867)
Used n ovoryThng from doctrcai goneeotcw lo mofors oiocfromognofrc «duc fron doicnbos now a ctcngog mognotc fldd con produce on ofoctnc cvrronf ono convcesdy. how on oioctnc current genero*«»» o »srrotndng mognotc ftofrj Iho mo«

Nicola Toslo (1856-1943)
Charroonod by Thomas A Edaon drect cvrront (DC) was the domnant form of otoctncai curront ixtff Tesla. an Edaon protege and Goorgo Wastngnous© bogon a sonous pum for adoption ot affenxstrxj cutonl (AC) Sonsng o mwat io ha h^yily iuctotrvo DC-based

ELECTROMAGNETIC Jo mo s CI o r k M a r w o 11 (18 3 1 18 7 9) RADIATION ElocfronxiQnote; rodoNon * o rypo of onwgy trot rcorpooiot both tjkx:tnc#y ond moyrxxram form» r y okrcfromognohc rodanon refcxjo v*Mo KX’’ 'ado wovoi gamma rr/fi anti X rrr/j pworcr^rt ora ccxiflr*x#/ how >****< forçai or*j cforyod poWW ntorort wit* each r,*#x tvr r*y '.rxiognotv. f'XCOS cX fß*(X.t**><y<*i(»(XMOr\ OÏ WOirKhOWOkXftk. >r€\<r<tjr»rU U+Y> <rn gtytrXlUxi MAXWCll TAXIS TWf MIXT STI iS rnr»s Oork Maxwell wort y otoclromocpreflc rodkitton rurfr*x1 a urtoynst driven by contour*/* orxxgy fkjkJs tt r. bated on ptOvkXü itHOtych t// »Ar hqol Torryjqy vrtx> tf^/worJ tow 0*»r' «fK coid r*> converted ofo mog'.nt.«. 'iftinut orxj vx.o v»xvj Af try* flrri#«. revixxch wr/\ t COnekJorod wa*■*%*•«&*4} trtd Gt+f a Urn vjtytrS. *<<•’ nproo by f r, ritUtj. MonMi w'R '/*) o< ft - />• y mntsb and n IAV> ht*\aMJ****\ a i*X** that of/rcyy*yJ Fowyy/y » truft <y frx(.n to Ihn flow Of O fcÿAd MOïWtft next motor pooor iaA*-J*«1 O lflôî> COntO*X*J tto tilt < «Xr<)*Ot(f v.f (X equations tfyjr (Mixoudd mogncttc/n and Ok" tn..ty o forms ot tofcfc In ttx» paper Mriswol rxAc*Aofod tt«» spood or otoc Iromognortc wove* through air MacwoA •>"> i coreJudod ftxjt ighl o m f(x:t an «MoctromogneMc (Mtltxmct m tt» form of wavers MAX Will S f OUATIONS tAi.w •/-)•'• JT*- t-.f t.i'O *•!<:*■ lied (.< it«] (Jfforontiaf oquattont fhuy doser»*» tww «*k toe cyx] magnetic flow* dbpono and nUxoc I «vttti ooch oft«M and with physic <* obfoct* Two of tho equations <»*» * *n how tho fetch <xn vary n space os a consequence of ttxw ongn ft*» other two o*pk>n tiow ftw otoctnc and mognotx f«>kh r/txt tti©« v>xc»> At thot corn ft«» aquation* dov.rtx* how a tv>w of o*-k trie cixtont qonoroto» a mognotte f*o4d and how. if it vartm wttti timo tt win croato cxi oktetrte ftnkl Tho «yxxjticxnalso nrvof* ftvjt JOfxxotrKlctvxijrr» croate»on»»WK:frtc. rialclondhow * tt»* oho v<in»n ovor ttmo it wfl xkXX.« to a ptopooat.ru) «kyir^ OokJ. wl# M tt«(fi oxifo a rr«xjht*ttc f<rkl TMI IIGACYO# MAXWfli SIOUATIONS 1/i. *«•- a ». -f.-1 • - f * ph>-J ryway from Itm N«ywt»xiian mcxkH Otxnototy hovng a fxofound impoct on lator wort and our modem worn fori»grorxy*xrK*no fhuory of SpockXReksSvty AJbort f rty.wioavoalarooanxxnt Of crtkH *o Mwwot » work lrttlo*i cafcxl Ma>w.4 j wort 'fhr? rnextpn>t<xrKl >.vx1 ft«» moii tnjttyj (crxrtgo) *hof ptiy^ct ne» • >n vxkxx ««. / inco (f»(lrr»Of AA>wfon * Maiwnt % orxxjtonj can txt soon »> many OifToront <x3f*catKX» today Ifx* communeottons rxkntry owes a major cK>t>t to Marwo* w»y»so ormatkx« <k»firxKj ratio toirrvtsion ox J mlcrowavr.» comrrxxxcotonc intro rrxJ totoscopos txjvxl on Moxwi!* i «KkXJlXjns txjvn .A)W«KJ m to po«x nto IhO ikxxx»V» r«« <'CV»1 ot ttx» urwor» Ad JilKyKiVy f •n\f<*ri •, wtxk with rxK kx* powtx con bo trocod to Maxwol s »come iot of oquoftonu
ELECTRO*M Michael Faraday (1791-1867) A G N E T I C INDUCTION Used n ovoryThng from doctrcai goneeotcw lo mofors oiocfromognofrc «duc fron doicnbos now a ctcngog mognotc fldd con produce on ofoctnc cvrronf ono convcesdy. how on oioctnc current genero*«»» o »srrotndng mognotc ftofrj Iho mo« common appicafron of otocfromognonc «duefron a mo gonoeofron of oioctrcfty. occomptehod. for orampio when a gonorotor or tcrb«o i/r.v, o col of wro « and out of o mognotc froid Mognotc froid moi from me mognot couse otoctrons « me wro lo ftow. rx)xeg on o*octrc c en ont for oroct'omognofc noxton lo OCCU « Tho îituofron. o soefton of wro. nxol bo porporviojor lo »hO mognotc froid »nos « ordor lo havo maxrrxm prouuro on doefrons n mo wro fho droefron fho cenonl flow» o ostabfcshod by fho droefron of fho f«*d inos and by »ho dreef«on me wro a travds n fho froid m o gonorotor o loop of wro o rotated m o mognotc froid ana. sirco fho droefron of tho mognotc froid chango» a» fho wro rofotos tho droefron of tho cvnonf cüo changos rovoang ovory ha» K/n Tho con&lanify rovoncg cerrón» o know» a» aRomoDng cvnom (AC) HtSTOfTY A f AlfAOAy $ law • Dio phonomonen of o*ocf»omognofc « > dofrvtivofy doícrtood by Mchocf faroday ¡n fho 1830» rho Engfch »oontat held o pubic dornonjirofron on August 79. 1831 fho» nvotwed wrapping two wro» arccnd an ron mg wth ooch wro wrappod on opposite udm of mo mg Altor connocfng ono wo lo an nsfnmonf designed lo dotocf an decirte current Faroday showed ho oudonco »hat sendng a curront through ono wro caused o cunon» to flow n ft» ofhor wro Tho cvrroni flow n iho second wro was »nggorod by fho cerrón» « fho W wro wfych wo» wrapped orCKXXJ tho ron rmg crootng an doefremognot That oioctromognot mon ndxrod a curront « tho second wro l of or. Faraday wodd dacover mot s»dng o mognotc bar m on out of o cou of wvo codd abo MQgor an oloefre c errent Faraday » orportmont» wlh doctromognolc induchon rapred who» wo now know a» Faroday'» law of indue fron Tho base law of doefromognofam soys mo nducod voftogo « o cron a ro«3»vo to fho poco of chongo over tmo of mo mognotc flu* mrough thot crcuf lo put «t dfferenity. mo fastor mo mognofre ftdd shfts mo ngher wfl bo mo voMogo n mo crcvrt rho drocton of mo shft n mo mognotc fta¡d o»fao*5hot Tho droctcn of Iho cerrón» Iho voífogo genorotod can bo boosfod by «croasng tno quanhty of loop» n mo oredt wm two loops na coa hveomovortogo o gonorofod and w^mmroo oopv mroo tmos and so on industrial genérate« novo many. many coi» - to gonerafo o hgh lovd of pawer Faroday » Ow was loto» ncorporotod nio Mcxrwd » oquafron» Oovrvod by Scoftoh phvscat Jame» OorV Marwoi. Marwd s oquafron» combno doctrcity and mognofrsm n?o a »«gto doctromognofrc torco and descreo ofocfromognofrc waves fhot wo dopond on for ovorythng from rodo fransmosiona to X-eoy mogng 10. N41 32 9k
ALTERNATING Nicola Toslo (1856-1943) CURRENT Charroonod by Thomas A Edaon drect cvrront (DC) was the domnant form of otoctncai curront ixtff Tesla. an Edaon protege and Goorgo Wastngnous© bogon a sonous pum for adoption ot affenxstrxj cutonl (AC) Sonsng o mwat io ha h^yily iuctotrvo DC-based power txanoss. Edaon s'o^od a campogn to smoar AC Ho datrbutoa propaganda prockjmrig mat AC was moro hazardous. and ovon staged pubftc electrocutions of arwrrxjb usng mo compofng form of current to convnco poopto mat m©y wodd bo bmgng somomng dooc*y nto mo* homos Dmofc> fdnons txw» <**ortv AC adopftn booamo o fcfOQono condson wf<on WsJrgxxjw and loSa pat a c*y bunnctfng AC po*er plant at mo bottom ot Mogaro fab MOW AC POWER IS GENERATED vVjndard wo. * gorvr AC tx^*’ a kxxs ot wro s rotated wimri a magnetic flotd Tho wro loop can bo rototoa and morotoro. power generated by a rxrncxr ot moor* »m steam wok* otc Thes rotofton crook» a cxrroni along mo w«e As mo w*o sorts rt ponodcafy ontors and orfs bom a norm and soam magnoftc polarity Tho conics mo voitago and curront to go bock and form on mo wro. fcfco water flowing boefc and form r> loop ot comectod ppes MEASURING AC POWER 'me-- j<ni can t» moascrod wtm ado.> *■ • *->d an oscAoscopo Whon mo device e used to measure an attemotng aiwv. a snows a waveform mat roprosonts mo vottoge ot a current over tmo So. for rtstonc© tno vorogo on an attomanvo curront rrrgnt ovccov- botweon 170 ana -170 volts Tho cydo of ctxroni swtfchng droc tens a known as frequency and it a measurod n Mortr (Hr) Current* that cydo mow fteouenfly doing o partedar fme period. for oiampio cydos por second, aw sod to novo o greater frequency AC powor cycles 60 tynos por second n mo US Tho AC wo use ovary day appears a* a curvy sno wave n an oscftoscope Howmk tna an t mo only typo ot wave Somo dgitct devices m»gnt use a squaro waveform and some oudo oqupmonf generate a triangle waveform TMf ADVANTAGES Of AC Dovx.-.s th;t .v AC pOwy y.ibotf rronufoctuw because one can boost and lower AC current very wodfy Posscfy Iho bggost benefit of AC e me ab*ty to use t*gh vouoges with *ma> currontv wh*cn mnrncos power loss mat occurs when iransmmod over long ostancoa 10. Nfit iS 9b
Swiss Style,International Typographic Style,Justin Van Genderen,красивые картинки,art,арт
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AVG TEMP: 167° C ■ 333° F
MASS: 0.055 EARTHS ‘ Diameter: 3,032 mi
4,879 km .
I doy = 176 Earth days I year = 0.241 Earth Years MOONS: 0

i mok

Swiss Style International Typographic Style Justin Van Genderen красивые картинки art,арт space art solar system mercury venus Earth mars jupiter saturn Uranus neptune

MERCURY Mercury has a lot In common wilh Earth's moon. They're about the some size and both hove solid, heavily-cratered ground. Instead of o AVG TEMP: 167° C ■ 333° F MASS: 0.055 EARTHS ‘ Diameter: 3,032 mi 4,879 km . ORBIT: I doy = 176 Earth days I year = 0.241 Earth Years MOONS: 0 i mok
The universe is filled with matter: You see it all around you.
Invisible to the human eye, dark matter is a type of matter that is very different from the "ordinary" matter we know so well. Many scientists say dark matter exists because we can see the electromagnetic effects it has on

Justin Van Genderen Swiss Style International Typographic Style art,арт

DARK MATTER The universe is filled with matter: You see it all around you. Invisible to the human eye, dark matter is a type of matter that is very different from the "ordinary" matter we know so well. Many scientists say dark matter exists because we can see the electromagnetic effects it has on