

Подписчиков: 538     Сообщений: 118     Рейтинг постов: 3,017.8

Fantasy art Traditional art art девушка A. Shipwright artist 

108 Blessings

The Frost Staff, one of the Ancient 108 Relics,
It has a minor flaw of freezing its wielder.
However, an ordinary girl from Duskfall Valley,
She managed to avoid such misfortune.
It must be the one and only peculiarity in her otherwise petty life.
Now, she is anything but normal.
She has become one with the nature of the Staff,
Freezing anything she touches,
No matter she wants it or not.

Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Traditional art,art девушка,A. Shipwright,artist


Fantasy art Traditional art A. Shipwright artist 

Open Prison

The god of humanity stood before the law.
The sins of humanity were also his sins.
Such was the responsibility of a god.
Gods cannot be imprisoned.
The laws of the world cannot be confined.
That would create holes in the concept of history.
The god of humanity was placed on a small star,
His arms, his weapons, were taken.
In an open space, freer than ever.

Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Traditional art,A. Shipwright,artist


Traditional art art Fantasy A. Shipwright artist 

Stronger Than Sword

Do not underestimate the flag bearer.
They wield the nation in their hands.

RShipongJik,Traditional art,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,A. Shipwright,artist


Fantasy art Traditional art A. Shipwright artist 

That Night Was Especially Cold

"No food, no pay... You tightwads."

Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Traditional art,A. Shipwright,artist


Traditional art art Fantasy A. Shipwright artist 

Across the Wind

The First King moved faster than the wind,
For He was wearing the Wings of Thialfa.
Praise the Great 108 Relics.
The weapons of the weapons,
The terminators of the War of the Dawn.

^.Sbíptorighfc,Traditional art,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,A. Shipwright,artist


Traditional art art Fantasy A. Shipwright artist 

Let Me Resign

The Department of Story and Multi-Fictional Narrative Control,
The meta-ontologists organization that pioneers, controls, and administers every existing story universe.
I applied for the office work because I heard the mortality of field agents was skyrocketing.
I'm telling you, there's no official statistic, but this work is killing people as much as theirs.
They required multi-dimensional typing and fiction-reality adtexography for basic tasks.
My succession manager went missing in the space-fairytale section on the 4th floor.
And now my desk is completely messed up.
It was a wall a moment ago.

íHSiamriiHS'fcí,Traditional art,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,A. Shipwright,artist


Traditional art art Fantasy A. Shipwright artist 

The Mercy For Sinners

The Epitaph of Ascetics.
The great 108 Relic made for atonement of sinners,
The prayer of regret and grief is written over.
All you who are innocent,
Do not look at the ax.
You can never take your eyes off the inscriptions,
Unless you recite the whole prayer with your heart.
"I didn't know much about the 108 Relics,
But from the moment I took a glance at that ax,
I realized that I can never be freed from it without reading the words written over it.
But by God's nail, nobody knows how to read those letters now.
Since then, I am no different from a blind man.
My eyes still follow the ax somewhere out there."

fftpwr^hb,Traditional art,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,A. Shipwright,artist


Fantasy art Traditional art A. Shipwright artist крипота 


Grandpa Jeku told me.
When a man turns 200 years old,
His body becomes all messed up.
I will end up living long just like my grandfather.

Fantasy,Fantasy art,art,арт,Traditional art,A. Shipwright,artist,крипота

Комментарии 9 13.05.202322:26 ссылка 16.7

A. Shipwright artist Traditional art art Witch 

Городская ведьма

Раньше ведьмы были жителями лесов.

Они носили одеяния из веток и листьев, окутанных тенью.

Теперь они живут в городе.

И одеваются чертовски стильно.

A. Shipwright,artist,Traditional art,art,арт,Witch

Комментарии 1 09.05.202310:54 ссылка 15.7

A. Shipwright artist Traditional art art 

Вход воспрещён

Газетчики, бойскауты, продажники, почтальоны, внешние боги.

Ненавижу их.

Нарушают спокойную повседневность.

Я всем им отказываю.

Без исключения.

А на прошлой неделе так убило ещё и мою тёщу.

'jsTs, АяЗ,A. Shipwright,artist,Traditional art,art,арт

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