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Комментарии 2 15.09.202300:39 ссылка -6.2


Комментарии 0 15.09.202300:34 ссылка -1.2


Учимся говорить правильно с точки зрения логики:



Игра говно!_______________По-моему игра говно!

Игра объективно говно!_____Игра не понравилась большинству рецензоров.

Вы говноеды!_____________Ваши вкусы отличаются от моих.

Ты ненормальный!________Ты не такой как большинство.

Ты психически болен!______Ты представитель малочисленной нормы.

Орки низшая раса!________Орки на мой взгляд не являются выдающейся расой если оценивать её по важным для меня критериям!


Как видно в данных примерах, если говорить правильно с точки зрения логики, то речь становится и более политкорректной и толерантной, но это не всегда так.

Комментарии 8 14.09.202321:10 ссылка -12.2



Комментарии 2 14.09.202320:11 ссылка -5.9


Комментарии 0 14.09.202318:49 ссылка -8.3


Был ли Дарвин преимущественно омегой?


Наткнулся на анализ его личностных черт доктором психологии:

"Extraversion: Slightly below average. Darwin was something of an explorer, it’s true. But he was also a bit of a bookworm and he became highly consumed with such non-social tasks as breeding pigeons. He was famously solitary for many years of his life. Like so many of us, Darwin seemed to display a combination of introverted and extraverted behaviors. 

Emotional stability: Slightly below average. Darwin certainly had sufficient levels of emotional stability to allow him to interact effectively with others and to grow a family. However, Darwin was known to have insomnia at times (claiming that the evolutionary puzzle of the peacock’s tail “kept him up at night”). And he famously experienced deep levels of depression for years after the untimely death of his daughter.

 Openness to experience: Considerably above average. It seems that this dimension may serve as a clue as to Darwin’s great success. He was interested in pretty much everything! He was a voracious scholar and prolific writer. Further, he was famously interested in making connections among seemingly disparate phenomena. In his lifetime, he spent extensive amounts of time asking questions about fossils, invertebrates, insects, finches, art, turtles, plant toxins, emotional systems in animals, worms, the inter-relationships among peoples from different parts of the world, the origins of antlers in some animals, the nature of aggressive displays, and on and on. Without question, Charles Darwin was open to experience and eager to understand and learn on just about any topic. 

Agreeableness: Above average. Some people think that Darwin was an out-and-out rabble-rouser. In a sense, obviously, he was just that. He made a point of telling the entire world that they were wrong about where we come from. Yeah, I guess that is pretty bold. But Darwin famously sat on the ideas related to natural selection for decades. He was a church-going man whose family had deep connections within the broader community. He was a conspicuously humble person. And it is well known that he held off on publishing his ideas for decades—largely because he did not want to rock the boat. Personal accounts of Darwin consistently paint him as kind and gentle. I’d argue that this feature of his personality may have been just as instrumental in advancing his ideas as was his high level of openness. You get more bees with honey. Darwin seemed to understand this. 

Conscientiousness: Extremely high. One word that emerges in pretty much all biographies of Darwin is this: “detail.” Darwin was an exceedingly diligent scholar, paying great attention to detail in all of his work and in other areas of his life. Darwin was thorough and methodical across situations. In the parlance of personality psychology, Charles Darwin seemed to have been highly conscientious."

У него была более низкая экстраверсия и более высокая доброжелательность, пока что это наиболее надежные признаки омеги, поэтому Дарвин кажется более омежным, возможно преимущественно омегой.



Ребята меня забанили в аноне пишу с другого аккаунта. Поэтому посты с жабами задерживаются на -8 минут с половиной.

Комментарии 11 14.09.202315:19 ссылка -10.0

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Комментарии 2 14.09.202309:46 ссылка -5.8
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