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К олдуюьл А ЛААЛ НуОлмЛА. IAsf>aÔJlùJUs в JUMAjZ, ¡ЛЛЛ/хдиМЛк, (>V^tJUAÁy^MMbO ¡лууюд&лллмуЮщилм^ в её cwoyjHvy. 3wbo lAyovJiedcswJhuL её )oy'¿&btóc ршлшлмл. в ¡AyfXHu^LOJVl,Shadow of the Demon Lord,Каляки-Маляки,каляки-маляки, Каляки-Маляки, Каляки маляки, ,фэндомы,комикс,Fantasy,Fantasy
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Aztec Empire. Episode Two. Harnessed Thunder.

Epi5Dde Turn: Harnessed Thunder Paul Buinan 5tnry - Layouts - Coloring - Lettaring Dauid Hahn Pencils - Inks Rnina Bennett Producer - Editor Thanhs To maya glyph consuITanT nionso Zamora. Ongoing daap Thanhs To our many supporTars in mEhioo, auThors, arTisTs, archiuisTs, and acTiuisTs. i

Buluc Chabtan, give us -strength to repel the-se invader-s! Ble-s«ed Mother, protect us from harm by the-se heathens! War crie-s and wounded -scream-s merge in the cacophony of battle Aztec Empire 11,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,комикс без перевода,без

(bet all our men behind the barricade _ Keep the archers \ -shooting! Their metal ■swords and armor are astounding! Our river -squads are overrun! j\ \ J 1 12 Aztec Empire,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,комикс без перевода,без

Look« like «ome kind of blowgun. 1 ^____ Like one« we u«e to hunt bird«. thing« «hoot «eed« or clay pellet«. Brace your«elve«» we're about to find out! Aztec Empire 13,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,комикс без перевода,без

They've... harne-s«ed thunder in their weapon«! Mu-st be too t •stupid-or too : stubborn. . I'd thought they'd -scatter in fear. Nacom, we can't > defensive line to the -second barricade. take thi-s battering for long! Pur-sue them! They're retreating! A-s they approach the -second

C'mon, pick up your pace-you he tne cannons! This terrain is in-sufferable! We must join our fellow Castilians in battle! No wonder they only posted a few guards. James ^ the Great! 6aint James! You men will reinforce the second barricade-wait, what's that? Where were our lookouts? An

Kill their commander! This barricade is holding, at least until they bring their blowguns closer. Enemy attacking in force at the ot side of town! We won't give them M the chance-nere come reinforcements. aV Uh» we can take warriors from-* Abandon the town-regroup at Cintla. __ mm WHAT?

HALT! We've taken the town-now let'-s -secure our position. They're not following us! Search the houses for ^ gold! ‘‘-r, Bring it all \ to the center of town. ■/! Illllil.ll/ \m. ^ »v^\\vv M w\\v your« Ives My regards to Satan» you heathen. Avila! Leave a couple of the wounded alive

It Hernando Cortes, hereby take possession of ihi-s town for the crown of Castile» in the name and behalf of the Catholic sovereign King Charles, and would maintain and protect the same a- against all who should gainsay it! ^ Listen, you men-you convenors Gather around and bear witness! If any

Thank« for the -suggestion» Diaz. Cutting that tree added flair to the ceremony. I took an arrow to the thigh. HI be fine. the Governor by putting himself under the King's protection. Cortes has studied law--he'« a k slippery fish. He d-didn't even mention Governor Velasquez in the

I cannot -speculate \ Cintfa, 6km southwest One thing's for sure: Their weapons are more powerful than ours. Yet there was ^ no consequence for his desecration! . 11'' ''it I ' I can only try to exact a mortal's retribution. on such things of Poionchan. What powers ^ I, protect them? J ^

AZTBC BMPIRB NOTES FOR EPISODE TWO PAGE ELEVEN The Maya and Aztec used -similar swords, which the Aztec called macuahuitl and the Maya called Jatz'ab. They were flat wooden clubs, edged with pieces of razor-snarp obsidian stone. The last example of this weapon that survived the conquest of

PAGE SIXTEEN "Kill iheir commander!" At this point in the battle. Bernal Diaz describes this order given in the Maya language as almost a kind of chant. PAGE SEVENTEEN "Search the houses for gold!" Francisco Gomara recounts how the Spaniards searched unsuccessfully for fold. Friar Bartolomé

Potonchan and Cintla Our «tory depicts two battle« that took place near the «tart of Corte«' expedition» which are often pa««ed over in hi«torical account« becau«e they occurred before the Spaniard« even reached Aztec-controlled territory. The«e battle« were military mile«tone« for the

Francisco Gomara, was Cories' chaplain and secratary. He wrote the first history of Cortes in 1552, with the assistance of the conqueror himself. Here is an excerpt describing events following the Battle of Potonchan. "After fighting with the inhabitants, none remained in the town but the dead


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