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 BES12 X BES12 Self-Service X О History X \\ \ В - I о II x Sltbttps:// " _ '/admin/index.jsp ☆ — Pi Policies and tJ profiles ППП Apps Щщ hi ★ ▼ ± ▼ Log out Help ж ► 0 ГГ policies 2 IT policies + ► S Email 0 profiles + ► fi IMAP/POP3 email 0 profiles + ► © Activation 1 profile + ►

/*4 <40 V V/ Dashboard 00 Users Groups Policies and profiles В □□□ ggg APPS ^=1 Audit у Settings 0 Allow Bluetooth PB ★ T - ▼ Log out Help ▼ 0 Allow Bluetooth SPP 0 Allow NFC 0 Allow microphone 0 Allow audio recording 0 Allow video recording 0 Allow Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) 0

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