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you never said перевод


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Комиксы Серьезные комиксы фэндомы комиксы без перевода для взрослых бонус в комментариях ацтеки 

Aztec Empire. Episode One. Instrument of Empire.

□ne: Instrument nF Empire Paul Quinan Story - Layouts - Coloring - Lettering □auiü Hahn Pencils - inks Rnina EannaTT ProOucer - Editor Thanhs to historians matthELU REStall, Enriqua Drtis, DauiO nisuas, and mario FuantE. RrchEologist michaEl Smith, and thE national musEurn oF Rnthropology

Nearly 200,000 people live in thi« i-sland city, -several time-s the population of London or Madrid. Plumbing and «ewage «y«tem«, along with thou«and« of people a««igned to «anitation, keep everything immaculately dean. Tenochtitlan boa«t« ma««ive palace« and plaza«, zoo« and garden«. Another

Huiznahuac 6ate, southern entrance to Tenochtitlan's Sacred District. Please, where's the Master of the House of Darts? At the Council House in the Great Speaker's palace. 1 1 ■ 1 - nrrr M ' ' f For tens of thousands of years, people in the Americas had no idea that other humans

Military commander* of the Triple Alliance: Tepehua, Master of the House of Part*. Motelhuih, Speaker of Thorn Word*. Atlixca, Cutter of Men. The strangers at Cozumel are looking for others of their kind who were lo-st -some years ago. They -sent a me-s-sage to Maya leaders a-sking for help,

Gonzalo! Gonzalez my brother, we are rescued! They sent Indians to pay for my freedom and now wait for us at Cape Catoche. Castilian ships have arrived! After eight long years. And I'm not your brother Aguilar. Chactemal, a Maya town in the Yucatan Peninsula, outside of Triple Alliance

Brother-s, where are the *tranger* who The *tranger*? They took to their floating hou*e* and left ye*terday. Good riddance. 0 merciful lord, why the6e repeated punishment*? No... it can't be. Eight year* here, and | mi** them by one day? A(*o dirty and *melly. Corte*' order* are to

Let'« bring them to Corte«. They mu«t have new« for u«. Perhap« about the ca«taway«? Do not fear-they are my brother«. We are «ubject« to the King of Ca«tile! Are you Chri«tian«? Who«e va««al« are you? 6oi you are one of the Ca«tilian« we've been Corte«, our commander, will be very plea«ed

Captain Hernando Cortes. Captain Alonzo Avila. Captain Gonzalo 6andoval. Where ¡•s the Castilian? Get this man some clothes. Please. someone... Get dre-s-sed, have -something to eat, and well talk pre-sentlu. You -shall be well compen-sated and looked after. Remarkable! We'd given up

We've put a checkpoint on the river, to keep them from getting closer. They first wanted to enter the city to "give advice that will benefit us," then said they needed to see it to describe it for their king. They behave like ordinary raiders, but with extraordinary weapons and armor. Like the

<y Here is more ii/f food and the gold p Cu you rented. ^ If you would only listen to the reason for our visit, you would find it profitable. Please accept what we ave brought and return from where you came. We want r neither trade nor ' • ' war with uou. March 23. And we need at least a

 Tran«lated by Aguilar, it declarc-s that 6pain ha« the legal right-granted by the Pope-to rule the America«. Before engaging the Maya in battle, Corte«' notary read« aloud a formal pronouncement, the Reyuerimiento. Did they ju«t threaten our wive« and children? if you do not acknowledge the


Комиксы комиксы без перевода Zombie Girl ana_pijamas ZombieGF 

Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,комиксы без перевода,Zombie Girl,ana_pijamas,ZombieGF

Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,комиксы без перевода,Zombie Girl,ana_pijamas,ZombieGF
Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,комиксы без перевода,Zombie Girl,ana_pijamas,ZombieGF

Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,комиксы без перевода,Zombie Girl,ana_pijamas,ZombieGF

Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,комиксы без перевода,Zombie Girl,ana_pijamas,ZombieGF


Отличный комментарий!

мозгов там, походу, нет
Labertin Labertin09.11.202114:49ссылка

LastPlaceComics Комиксы перевел сам старость 

© Jos-s-h-p I ace _ con i c s p lacecoroics.con @/as+place ComîcS,LastPlaceComics,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,перевел сам,старость


Отличный комментарий!

Еще как качает!
Violator Violator12.04.202219:09ссылка

Комиксы See Bang Now без перевода музыка смешные комиксы 

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Отличный комментарий!

VAkula1 VAkula108.05.202308:38ссылка

Комиксы английский язык без перевода музыка ностальгия нытье смешные комиксы 

Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,английский язык,без перевода,музыка,ностальгия,нытье,comics,,music,nostalgia,whining,смешные комиксы

my little pony фэндомы Princess Cadence royal mlp art Never Be Royals mlp блоги 

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,Princess Cadence,принцесса Кейденс,royal,mlp art,Never Be Royals,mlp блоги,my little pony,fandoms,Princess Cadence,mlp royal,mlp art,Never Be Royals,

тредшот английский Перевод родители и дети 

перевод ниже

: Anonymous (ID: gzEC/8ei i) H De-trans’d my daughter in 1 da(...) 12/22/22(Thu)16:53:56 No.409306658 >daughter says she's trans (9th grade) >wtfdo.jpeg >confess I'm trans too >she's confused >dad no you're not >stop being a bigot Charlotte, let's do this together >wear dress and makeup next

>дочь говорит, что она транс (девятый класс школы)


>признался, что я тоже транс

>она в замешательстве

>папа нет ты не

>Хватит быть фанатиком, Шарлотта, давай сделаем это вместе

>одел платье и накрасился на следующее утро

>дочь злится, говорит мне перестать притворяться 

>нет, я транс милая. теперь садись в машину и давай идти в школу

>она в ужасе, просит высадить ее за квартал 

>нет, проводил ее, помахал на стойку регистрации

>она дымится (бомбит)

>жена не может перестать смеяться

>забрал дочь в юбке и на каблуках. дерьмовый макияж, блестки на щеках. подошел к ней и ее друзьям


>потребовал, чтобы она использовала мои местоимения, называть ее фанатиком 

>на следующее утро она покончила со всеми трансовыми штучками, умоляет меня остановиться

Быть трансгендером теперь просто как готы в 90-х?Определенно не круто, когда это делают твои родители. Опирайтесь на это и стыдите их за это


Отличный комментарий!

>но остановиться я уже не смог
NiggahBrothah NiggahBrothah23.12.202209:22ссылка

Oglaf T&D Комиксы Беовульф перевел сам Кликабельно пять концовок оглаф образовательный 


Вот честно, кто захочет читать историю, если в ней нет множества возможных концовок? Да никто. Линейное повествование для тех, кому не хватает самоуважения. Мы сделали несколько альтернативных концовок для Беовульфа. 1. Триумф (стандартная концовка),Oglaf T&D,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с

2. Поражение З.Скрещеные мечи,Oglaf T&D,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,Беовульф,перевел сам,Кликабельно,пять концовок,оглаф образовательный

4. Ты можешь быть моим напарником любое время дня и ночи, Грендель 5. Неоднозначная поездка на автобусе,Oglaf T&D,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,Беовульф,перевел сам,Кликабельно,пять концовок,оглаф образовательный


World of Darkness Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines Игры Beckett без перевода 

World of Darkness,WoD,Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines,Игры,Beckett,без перевода

Warhammer 40000 фэндомы eldrad ulthran Farseers Craftworld Eldar Aeldari без перевода 

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,eldrad ulthran,Farseers,Craftworld Eldar,Эльдар, Eldar, Корабельники,Aeldari,Эльдари,без перевода

She had fought alongside Eldrad in battles and debated his cause in counselling Chambers across the galaxy, but never before had she been welcomed into his sanctum. The Opener of the Seventh Way hated the feeling that she was privileged in some way, that this act was a recognition of her status and importance. Even so, she could not help but feel she had been allowed to look upon something few others could, so she took the opportunity to examine her surroundings in some detail, memorising every piece of furniture and ornament, every artwork, in the hopes of deciphering meaning from them later.  

The farseer’s tastes were eclectic – if one was too polite to say random, gauche and prolific. At least, such was Yvraine’s initial thought as she sat on a long couch, the trail of her immaculately tailored Commorraghan court dress heaped around her. She was reminded of the throne rooms of archons that had tried to woo her – romantically and politically – laden with trophies of conquests and subjugations, declarations of power and prestige.  

Except that Eldrad barely glanced at them. And his displays, such as they were, had been confined to a set of three chambers that would barely qualify as an archon’s cloakroom. In fact, it was the lack of space, except for the high-vaulted ceilings customary in aeldari architecture, that reinforced the meandering, unkempt nature of the collection.  

‘It is just…’ began Eldrad, sensing Yvraine’s thoughts as her eyes roamed the room. He searched for a suitable aeldari word and found nothing that quite fitted and so settled for one of the few perfect human words instead. ‘Stuff.’

Yvraine realised immediately what he meant. These were not heirlooms or trophies, treasured possessions or valued research materials. They were cultural accretions. The accumulation of a life that had spanned five generations of his people. They had been placed with no consideration at all, simply fitted into whatever space had seemed right at the time, and never given a second thought.  

He had not even spared them the mental effort of how to discard them.   

She stood and gracefully paced to the adjoining chamber for a better view, her long gown sweeping across the red floor tiles. Alorynis looked up from his position on the back of a couch, one eye open, and then settled again, uninterested in her exploration.   

The room beyond the archway was almost full with miscellany from a hundred different cultures across a dozen races. Most of it was piled like the spoil heap of a museum, the effluvia of fashions, trends, fads and philosophies as old as Ulthwé itself.  

‘Why?’ She did not turn as she asked the question. ‘What is the point of having so much…stuff?’  

‘Badges of allegiance. Patronage of artists. Objects of psychic​ significance I used to trace the fates. Bequeathed artefacts. Ambassadorial bribes. Grave goods. The gifts of suitors. Items absent-mindedly left by visitors. Borrowed objects, equally forgotten.’ The farseer shrugged, his heavy robes barely moving with the gesture. Yvraine caught a tiny flutter of pain, of ancient aching in the body and soul, attuned to his mood and thoughts through their mutual contact with Ynnead. ‘I have another tower, a dozen rooms filled with such detritus of my long life.’

‘I forget how old you are,’ said Yvraine. She sat down again, flicking open her fan in the manner of a kabalite courtier. She regarded the seer over the serrated edge, her smirk hidden. ‘How very old you are.’  

‘Old enough to know better than trade quips with the likes of you,’ replied Eldrad, humour in his voice.

 [Excerpt | Rise of the Ynnari:Ghost Warrior]

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