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we have energy


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хуманизация Coca-Cola Coca-Cola zero fanta pepsi sprite dr pepper Barq's monster energy Arizona 

хуманизация,humanization,Coca-Cola,Coca-Cola zero,fanta,pepsi,sprite,dr pepper,Barq's,monster energy,Arizona

хуманизация,humanization,Coca-Cola,Coca-Cola zero,fanta,pepsi,sprite,dr pepper,Barq's,monster energy,Arizona

хуманизация,humanization,Coca-Cola,Coca-Cola zero,fanta,pepsi,sprite,dr pepper,Barq's,monster energy,Arizona

хуманизация,humanization,Coca-Cola,Coca-Cola zero,fanta,pepsi,sprite,dr pepper,Barq's,monster energy,Arizona

хуманизация,humanization,Coca-Cola,Coca-Cola zero,fanta,pepsi,sprite,dr pepper,Barq's,monster energy,Arizona

хуманизация,humanization,Coca-Cola,Coca-Cola zero,fanta,pepsi,sprite,dr pepper,Barq's,monster energy,Arizona

хуманизация,humanization,Coca-Cola,Coca-Cola zero,fanta,pepsi,sprite,dr pepper,Barq's,monster energy,Arizona

хуманизация,humanization,Coca-Cola,Coca-Cola zero,fanta,pepsi,sprite,dr pepper,Barq's,monster energy,Arizona

JiSILLVI,хуманизация,humanization,Coca-Cola,Coca-Cola zero,fanta,pepsi,sprite,dr pepper,Barq's,monster energy,Arizona

хуманизация,humanization,Coca-Cola,Coca-Cola zero,fanta,pepsi,sprite,dr pepper,Barq's,monster energy,Arizona

хуманизация,humanization,Coca-Cola,Coca-Cola zero,fanta,pepsi,sprite,dr pepper,Barq's,monster energy,Arizona

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' J е: R ö J Ultra
Mihalilusoid Mihalilusoid19.03.201919:08ссылка

Studio FOW Игры длиннопост 

Studio FOW возвращается

В честь своего десятилетия, Sudio FOW выпустила ролик, в котором анонсировала несколько новых фильмов и заявила о своем возвращении в лоно киноиндустрии.

Кроме этого, они также выложили крупное обращение на своем дискорд-сервере следующего содержания:

Dear Fowlings,Well, here are we. On this day ten years ago, two Doritos-encrusted neckbeards got up from their Source Filmmaker induced stupor, wiped the orange dust off their keyboards, and decided it was a good idea to release Lara in Trouble upon the unsuspecting world. 

We toiled for probably around two months on that goddamn movie, trying to figure out how to make one broken thing interact with yet another broken thing inside a very broken attic environment. Nothing really worked as it should, everything seemed held together by jank and illusions. So it was with a mix of great trepidation (and a desire to be free of GabeN’s hell) that we decided that it was finally fit for release. 

It was not, but you guys liked it anyway. 

As yagskie and I finally put on our underwear and started scrolling through the comments we realized that there was a real hunger and demand for longer-form content. We knew that short, voice-less loops are no longer gonna cut it. And StudioFOW was born. 

Ten years on, we have been through some shit, some good, some bad, but at the end of the day we’ve always kept one foot moving forward thanks to your support. 

This has been the most incredible of journeys, and I could not be more thankful to all of you for allowing us to undertake it. The fact that the core team is still together here after ten years in such a crazy industry is a testament to how committed we are to delivering content for you guys. 

2024 is a crossroads moment for us as a studio. As we finish our animation duties on Subverse (very soon), we have to decide what to do next with our careers. There’s a lot of new tech on the market, a lot of exciting opportunities. However, defiling waifus and making them ahegao in sheer ecstasy will always be our true calling. As such, the idle animators will slowly trickle back into creating film content. How much of it, and what kind of film content, will depend on YOU all. We have set up a Fansly dedicated to filmmaking as well as Throne for some more experimental content. You can support the studio through these platforms and get production going RIGHT NOW!

https:++fansly com+StudioFOW (вставьте "/" вместо "+" и точку на месте пробела)

https:++throne com+studiofow (вставьте "/" вместо "+" и точку на месте пробела)

We feel the same buzz and energy (even more so) now than in 2014, and with being out of the scene for a few years we cannot wait to get creative again and show ya’ll what we can still do. 

To our collaborators/contributors – There are too many to list throughout these 10 years but everyone we’ve worked with, or added something to the movies, thank you for your contributions. I really want to thank people individually (maybe in a separate post) since this message is already too long and sappy 

To the discord community – enjoy the celebrations! We’d love to hear your FOW anecdotes throughout the week. Favorite movie moments, scenes etc. I am sucker for stories about people meeting through online communities, and we have one of the best on the Internet, so if you have any juicy meetup stories please let me know! 

There will be some fun stuff throughout the week such as the Pop Quiz for hardcore fans and other little events. And of course, we could not leave you all without a special video thank you in our very own style.

It’s been an honor to be your director for these past 10 years, and like Fow-Chan says, here’s to 10 more years of lewd adventures! 

Warm Wishes, 



OpenAI Helion электроэнергия ядерный синтез Сэм Альтман 

OpenAI ведет переговоры о покупке электроэнергии у стартапа Helion

По стечению обстоятельств председателем правления Helion тоже является Сэм Альтман

OpenAI,Helion,электроэнергия,ядерный синтез,Сэм Альтман

Helion - стартап (между прочим, один из нескольких десятков, штук 40 их уже вроде), разрабатывающий технологию ядерного синтеза. Их подход отличается от того же ИТЭРа с их токамаком тем, что они используют конфигурацию с обращенным полем. Там не будет нагрева рабочего тела, турбин и т. д. Энергия должна будет напрямую сниматься с расширяющейся плазмы, которая будет двигать электромагниты. В этом году у них по планам должна быть первая плазма на уже кажется седьмом прототипе реактора. Понятия не имею, будет ли это работать и может ли в принципе. Вот можете посмотреть интересный видос:

Как бы то ни было, Альтман в 2021 году вложил в стартап 375 миллионов своих личных денег (еще 180 он вложил в стартап Retro Bio, разрабатывающий клеточное репрограммирование для продления жизни). И вот теперь OpenAI, где Альтман CEO и Helion, где он председатель правления, собираются заключить сделку

И это уже даже не первая сделка на поставку электричества от Helion. В них верят еще и Майкрософт, которые заключили с ними аналогичный контракт с планами покупки энергии уже в 2028 году.

Многие считают именно электроэнергию, а не чипы главным бутылочным горлышком будущих сильных ИИ. Леопольд Ашенбреннер (бывший сотрудник OpenAI) опубликовал на днях серию статей со своим видением будущего ИИ и его места в мире в ближайшие 10 лет. В одной из них он как раз рассуждает и прикидывает, что к 2030 году американские датацентры ИИ будут потреблять больше 20% всей энергии, производимой США. Рекомендую кстати, очень занимательно. Он очень категоричен и делает очень смелые прогнозы, но написано интересно. В крайнем случае, можете считать это наброском киберпанк-романа. 


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Схемы мутятся, лавэха крутится, гои прогреваются, евреи наживаются

Mortal Kombat фэндомы спойлеры английский язык 

Спойлеры сюжета нового фильма Mortal Kombat

Film opens during the height of the Roman Empire as gladiators duel to the death, we see Raiden by Emperor Titus' side overlooking the fight, he appears quite indifferent and somewhat evil.
We are thrown into Japan where Hanzo is attacked by the Lin Kuei, here we see a mask-less, young Bi-Han kill Hanzo and his family.
Cut to Modern day as we meet Cole.
Cole is a MMA fighter who has a bad life, the only things he has is his daughter and this strange birthmake, Jax arrests Cole for his safety and fills him in as his life might be in danger, Sub-Zero intercepts Jax and his Special Forces and annilihates them, crushing Jax's arms, Cole escapes.
Cole meets up with Sonya who is ex-SF and her mercenary bodyguard, Kano, exposition on Mortal Kombat's legacy and what the "birthmarks" mean, there they are attacked by Reptile who attempts to kill them, Reptile scars Kano and Kano rips Reptiles' heart out.
Raiden recruits the three along with Jax to fight in the tournament, Shang Tsung has been killing off people who have the birthmark and is it is an invitation to the tournament for Shao Kahn.
They meet Liu Kang and Kung Lao along the way.
To enter into Outworld, they have to do a halo drop from co-ordinates above China.
As they do so they are attacked by Rain who is able to manifest and disappear during their drop.
The Earth's fighters end up training to harness their "chi" which allows them to have superhuman abilities, all the fighters end up with their classic superpowers, Kang with fire, Kano is able to shoot a red beam of energy from his eye, Sonya is able to shoot rings from her wrist however Cole can't do shit and wonders why he is even there in the first place.
The tournament starts and it's very loose, Kabal makes an appearance versus Liu Kang, some other obscure Mortal Kombat characters also fight in the tournament representing Outworld.
Third act involves an all-out battle royal and here we see Goro who ends up fucking everyone up.
Goro is so boss and Kano is seemingly killed in this battle and Sonya is able to take his place, Cole ends up fighting Goro as the other fighters take on Sub-Zero and Mileena, Kano and Kung Lao are killed, and with the fate of the World on the brink of extinction, he remembers his daughter.
Cole finds his "chi" superpower and throws out a spear that is like organic-like/appears to be made of sand (he has two on both arms) and the spear pierces Goro's head.
Seems like Earth has won until it's revealed that Cole's father is Scorpion and Scorpion is originally from Outworld therefore the victory counts towards Outworld.
However Shang is called on his bullshit and Raiden states that Cole represents Earth as the fighters escape to Earth.
Shang sends in his hitsquad to kill the winners in anger and Sub-Zero heads to Earth to finish the job.
Sub-Zero attempts to kill Cole but is interrupted by Scorpion, they both kill Sub-Zero and Shang Tsung manages to take Sub-Zero's "lifeless" body back to Outworld.
We see that the tournament has been won by Earth but these events set up a sequel.
Post Credit Scene: We see why Johnny Cage wasn't in this film as it's revealed that Cole has taken his place, they head to Johnny Cage's trailer with Raiden as the film fades out.

my little pony фэндомы mlp gif Batpony mlp OC Royal guard minor mlp милитаризм 

my little pony,Мой маленький пони,фэндомы,mlp gif,Batpony,Бэтпони,mlp OC ,Royal guard,Королевская стража,minor,второстепенные персонажи,mlp милитаризм
"It was raining. Pouring, really, because of course it was. They don't have the guts to attack us in broad daylight. That's why the crews are usually mixed - we have better night sight, unicorns have magic. Where was I...? Oh yes... We were both soaked to the bone, but we kept watching the sky, firing shot after another, the gun shaking with recoil -"
"Hang on, recoil? Doesn't it fire laser or something?"
"What's a... laser?"
"It's... well, basically, a really bright, concentrated beam of light."
"That sounds like something the Princess would use."
"Hm, yes."
"But... no. The projectiles are actually something called 'plasma'. It's kinda technical."
"Plasma? Plasma of what? It's red, so maybe nitrogen from the atmosphere... But how do you even feed enough energy into that thing? You'd need like... a star or something! Not that a laser would be much better, when I think about it. The waste heat alone should torch the whole gun -"
"Hey! Look, I don't know all the details! I aim, I correct, and I shoot. The spotter is usually the one powering the gun, and doing most of the maintenance. All I do is 'Hold this here' and 'Don't touch that!'."
"Right. Sorry. I just thought I'd learn something really groundbreaking."
"I get it. Heh. You unicorns are all the same when it comes to these things. All I know is that it's something to do with the channeling crystals. It takes time to charge them up, and they eventually stop working all together. Just go find a group of spotters in a pub, and they'll ramble your ears off with environmental factors, cool down periods, recharge times, magic flows, ignition energies... Ugh. Just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap. Where was I?"
"It was a dark and stormy night?"
"Right! It was a dark and stormy night..."


политика песочница политоты Вторжение в Украину 2022 Грета Тунберг 

Greta Thunberg^ @GretaThunberg This ecocide as a continuation of Russias unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine is yet another atrocity which leaves the world lost for words. Our eyes are once again on Russia who must be held accountable for their crimes. Язык оригинала: английский,


космос астрономия Independent мы не одни? сфера Дайсона 

Космические новости

Independent передают, что ученые с помощью супертелескопа Kepler засекли неестественные скопления объектов вокруг звезды KIC 8462852 (130 миллиардов км от Солнца), из-за которых сама звезда выдает странные излучения, не похожие на обычные звездные. Наблюдали за ней с 2009 года, но только недавно взялись за мониторинг системы серьезно и всем научным сквадом.

Собственно, пока что данные активно намекают на, внимание, СФЕРУ ДАЙСОНА, охрененного размера построение вокруг звезды, которое "выкачивает" и преобразует ее энергию. В теории таким девайсом можно обеспечивать сотни планет нескончаемым потоком энергии ебанись сколько времени.
космос,астрономия,Independent,мы не одни?,сфера Дайсона

сделал сам нарисовал сам art Sci Fi рисунки IcyYmir'a artist biopunk 

B.E.E.G. Arms

Biomechanical Enhanced Extendable Gigantified prosthesis system.
Эта потрясающая (выдуманная) технология позволяет заменить любую отсутствующую конечность чем-то более огромным, более разрушительным и значительно более опасным! Вау!
¡y R.Neopbyfe,сделал сам,нарисовал сам, сфоткал сам, написал сам, придумал сам, перевел сам,нарисовал сам,art,арт,Sci Fi,рисунки IcyYmir'a,RovingNeophyte,artist,biopunk

OtakuApologist artist Vaporeon Pokedex Pokemon Characters Pokémon фэндомы 


#всё самое интересное фэндомы Испания ветряк 

В Испании используют необычные ветрогенераторы — это столбы без лопастей, которые колеблются от ветра и вырабатывают энергию за счёт вибраций. Создатели утверждают, что это безопаснее для животных и на 40% эффективнее, чем обычные ветряки.

В этом разделе мы собираем самые смешные приколы (комиксы и картинки) по теме we have energy (+1000 картинок)