You never know why
You never know how
Your life will turn out, my friend
So don't you cry
New days will rise
So dry your tears now my friend
Things will be o.k. in the end
Клип преодолел отметку в миллиард просмотров 28 июля 2021 года. Последние несколько часов до этого, композицию массово прослушивали пользователи сети, заметившие приближение круглого числа. Из-за этого миллиардный просмотр, вероятно, не связан с «рикроллингом».
Jack Noir- no, the Scurrilous Straggler's legs finally buckle beneath him as he continues to try to lead his crew through that goddamned multi-coloured desert. He tries to pick himself up again but his tired legs won't let him this time.
"Quit pushing yourself," says the Desolate Deserter, carrying a Curious Dawdler who had passed out miles ago
The Hapless Brigand goes to help the Straggler off the ground, and he attempts to swat him away, only weakly tapping the other's carapace. "We have to keep going" He says, his words jumbled from his body to tired to even move his lips properly.
"You need to rest." The other scowls, shifting a bit to give the Dawdler a better hold on his back.
"I don't need to rest. Jack Noir never needed to rest, and neither do I."
"Jack Noir is dead," was the last thing he heard before exhaustion took over his body, sending the Scurrilous Straggler into unconsciousness.
Репост постакоторый я отправил с аккаунта который не смог авторизировать, из-за чего не смог поставить теги.
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