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empire we are the people


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#Music&Atmosphere Empire of the Sun We Are The People Electronic synth-pop 

Music&Atmosphere,Atmosphere&Music, музыка, music, M&A,Empire of the Sun,We Are The People,Electronic,synth-pop

Empire Greatsword Empire (Wh FB) Warhammer Fantasy фэндомы FB Humor FB Other Doppelsoldner_art artist 

Что резать этим ножом? С!М~Л>/
Зеленокожих и зверолюдов,Empire Greatsword,Empire (Wh FB),Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,фэндомы,FB Humor,FB Other,Doppelsoldner_art,artist

Clip песочница видео 

Empire Of The Sun - We Are The People

милий фальцет
Комментарии 1 21.05.202306:46 ссылка -8.0

Commander Shadowsun Tau Empire Warhammer 40000 фэндомы tau girl Wh Other Adeptus Custodes Imperium 

Shadowsun's new song.

Commander Shadowsun,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,tau girl,Wh Other,Adeptus Custodes,Imperium,Империум

baalbuddy artist Astra Militarum Tyranids Tau Empire Faphammer Primaris Space Marine Space Marine tau girl Wh Other ...Imperium Warhammer 40000 фэндомы 

Patreon request: Warhammer 40k, Xenos girls: Expectations vs Reality I want a blue GF so bad, bros...

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Warhammer 40k Xenos girls: Reality u)h(xx\7. Tkv5 Organ Vo you iw»nk Íov-Ц loots like ЬбТ<тИ,baalbuddy,artist,Astra Militarum,Imperial Guard, ig,Imperium,Империум,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Tyranids,Тираниды,Tau Empire,Tau, Тау,Faphammer,эротика вархаммер,


Отличный комментарий!

Ооо на мою девушку упал космодесантник.
volfveliki volfveliki12.05.202310:40ссылка

hightech After Us #D&B melodic d'n'b #Music&Atmosphere фэндомы Life After People 


Warhammer Fantasy FB Песочница фэндомы FB Comics Dwarfs (Wh FB) Empire (Wh FB) Skaven Wood Elves длиннопост 

 НК 1 &сЫрС ^at фШ* ♦ ШеЬЫе ФаИав&ег Яге &аг1 !&ор(п*Ь{ Нессетв Е>аЪП) Фи&Ъ Торгрим Грудхельм, вы были признаны виновным в в нанесении тяжких телесных повреждений мирным эльфийским торговцам и непредумышленном убийстве ■1 о Несмотря на ваши заявления о провокации, суд был вынужден

Да, да, мастер Грундхельм, вас готовы выслушать уже сегодня, но прошу нас извинить... Возникла небольшая проблема, связанная с предыдущим делом.. о/,Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,FB Песочница,фэндомы,FB Comics,Dwarfs (Wh FB),Empire (Wh FB),Skaven,Wood Elves,длиннопост

Да, вот суть моей жалобы... 947 лет назад, мой предок Дурака Грундхельм - вот тут вот это записано, ваша честь, основал золотую шахту в центре Рейквальдского леса. Но когда мы защищали залы клана у корней гор... Приперлись эти долбаные эльфы и украли ее! % .иМ ¥ ьч< Хорошенькая такая

* р* д Я полмира прошел, чтобы получить свое наследство, а меня утыкали эльсрячьими стрелами так что я на ежа стал похож. / \ Наткнуться на остроухих уродцев, сразу по возвращении в Миддлхейм... Да я просто обязан был им навалять! О 4, -V А тож... Упомянутая вами область ух4

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,FB Песочница,фэндомы,FB Comics,Dwarfs (Wh FB),Empire (Wh FB),Skaven,Wood Elves,длиннопост

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,FB Песочница,фэндомы,FB Comics,Dwarfs (Wh FB),Empire (Wh FB),Skaven,Wood Elves,длиннопост

Warhammer Fantasy,Warhammer FB,FB Песочница,фэндомы,FB Comics,Dwarfs (Wh FB),Empire (Wh FB),Skaven,Wood Elves,длиннопост

 л « • ' • М \ V о Жалко. Мне бы сейчас выпить... Неплохо, Шнапплер! • » ( \ :7 Немного погодя... Т ...Скейвены отравляли источник, берущий начало под шахтой, в течении многих лет. А через него и колодцы Мидцлхейма. А 1ы устроили засаду,но тут совсем не к месту


Комиксы Серьезные комиксы фэндомы комиксы без перевода для взрослых бонус в комментариях ацтеки 

Aztec Empire. Episode One. Instrument of Empire.

□ne: Instrument nF Empire Paul Quinan Story - Layouts - Coloring - Lettering □auiü Hahn Pencils - inks Rnina EannaTT ProOucer - Editor Thanhs to historians matthELU REStall, Enriqua Drtis, DauiO nisuas, and mario FuantE. RrchEologist michaEl Smith, and thE national musEurn oF Rnthropology

Nearly 200,000 people live in thi« i-sland city, -several time-s the population of London or Madrid. Plumbing and «ewage «y«tem«, along with thou«and« of people a««igned to «anitation, keep everything immaculately dean. Tenochtitlan boa«t« ma««ive palace« and plaza«, zoo« and garden«. Another

Huiznahuac 6ate, southern entrance to Tenochtitlan's Sacred District. Please, where's the Master of the House of Darts? At the Council House in the Great Speaker's palace. 1 1 ■ 1 - nrrr M ' ' f For tens of thousands of years, people in the Americas had no idea that other humans

Military commander* of the Triple Alliance: Tepehua, Master of the House of Part*. Motelhuih, Speaker of Thorn Word*. Atlixca, Cutter of Men. The strangers at Cozumel are looking for others of their kind who were lo-st -some years ago. They -sent a me-s-sage to Maya leaders a-sking for help,

Gonzalo! Gonzalez my brother, we are rescued! They sent Indians to pay for my freedom and now wait for us at Cape Catoche. Castilian ships have arrived! After eight long years. And I'm not your brother Aguilar. Chactemal, a Maya town in the Yucatan Peninsula, outside of Triple Alliance

Brother-s, where are the *tranger* who The *tranger*? They took to their floating hou*e* and left ye*terday. Good riddance. 0 merciful lord, why the6e repeated punishment*? No... it can't be. Eight year* here, and | mi** them by one day? A(*o dirty and *melly. Corte*' order* are to

Let'« bring them to Corte«. They mu«t have new« for u«. Perhap« about the ca«taway«? Do not fear-they are my brother«. We are «ubject« to the King of Ca«tile! Are you Chri«tian«? Who«e va««al« are you? 6oi you are one of the Ca«tilian« we've been Corte«, our commander, will be very plea«ed

Captain Hernando Cortes. Captain Alonzo Avila. Captain Gonzalo 6andoval. Where ¡•s the Castilian? Get this man some clothes. Please. someone... Get dre-s-sed, have -something to eat, and well talk pre-sentlu. You -shall be well compen-sated and looked after. Remarkable! We'd given up

We've put a checkpoint on the river, to keep them from getting closer. They first wanted to enter the city to "give advice that will benefit us," then said they needed to see it to describe it for their king. They behave like ordinary raiders, but with extraordinary weapons and armor. Like the

<y Here is more ii/f food and the gold p Cu you rented. ^ If you would only listen to the reason for our visit, you would find it profitable. Please accept what we ave brought and return from where you came. We want r neither trade nor ' • ' war with uou. March 23. And we need at least a

 Tran«lated by Aguilar, it declarc-s that 6pain ha« the legal right-granted by the Pope-to rule the America«. Before engaging the Maya in battle, Corte«' notary read« aloud a formal pronouncement, the Reyuerimiento. Did they ju«t threaten our wive« and children? if you do not acknowledge the


Horizon Zero Dawn Игры Horizon Forbidden West SJW gaming 

Everyday we stray further from light

Horizon Zero Dawn,Игры,Horizon Forbidden West,SJW gaming

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Прежде чем сюда сбегутся любители орать о повесточке, напомню о древней традиции гавайцев, из которой авторы, вероятно, почерпнули образ
Urres Urres14.02.202218:31ссылка
Amnael_ru Amnael_ru14.02.202218:38ссылка
Кто такие вжопы и где их найти?
Ragtag Ragtag14.02.202218:43ссылка

Mortal Kombat фэндомы спойлеры английский язык 

Спойлеры сюжета нового фильма Mortal Kombat

Film opens during the height of the Roman Empire as gladiators duel to the death, we see Raiden by Emperor Titus' side overlooking the fight, he appears quite indifferent and somewhat evil.
We are thrown into Japan where Hanzo is attacked by the Lin Kuei, here we see a mask-less, young Bi-Han kill Hanzo and his family.
Cut to Modern day as we meet Cole.
Cole is a MMA fighter who has a bad life, the only things he has is his daughter and this strange birthmake, Jax arrests Cole for his safety and fills him in as his life might be in danger, Sub-Zero intercepts Jax and his Special Forces and annilihates them, crushing Jax's arms, Cole escapes.
Cole meets up with Sonya who is ex-SF and her mercenary bodyguard, Kano, exposition on Mortal Kombat's legacy and what the "birthmarks" mean, there they are attacked by Reptile who attempts to kill them, Reptile scars Kano and Kano rips Reptiles' heart out.
Raiden recruits the three along with Jax to fight in the tournament, Shang Tsung has been killing off people who have the birthmark and is it is an invitation to the tournament for Shao Kahn.
They meet Liu Kang and Kung Lao along the way.
To enter into Outworld, they have to do a halo drop from co-ordinates above China.
As they do so they are attacked by Rain who is able to manifest and disappear during their drop.
The Earth's fighters end up training to harness their "chi" which allows them to have superhuman abilities, all the fighters end up with their classic superpowers, Kang with fire, Kano is able to shoot a red beam of energy from his eye, Sonya is able to shoot rings from her wrist however Cole can't do shit and wonders why he is even there in the first place.
The tournament starts and it's very loose, Kabal makes an appearance versus Liu Kang, some other obscure Mortal Kombat characters also fight in the tournament representing Outworld.
Third act involves an all-out battle royal and here we see Goro who ends up fucking everyone up.
Goro is so boss and Kano is seemingly killed in this battle and Sonya is able to take his place, Cole ends up fighting Goro as the other fighters take on Sub-Zero and Mileena, Kano and Kung Lao are killed, and with the fate of the World on the brink of extinction, he remembers his daughter.
Cole finds his "chi" superpower and throws out a spear that is like organic-like/appears to be made of sand (he has two on both arms) and the spear pierces Goro's head.
Seems like Earth has won until it's revealed that Cole's father is Scorpion and Scorpion is originally from Outworld therefore the victory counts towards Outworld.
However Shang is called on his bullshit and Raiden states that Cole represents Earth as the fighters escape to Earth.
Shang sends in his hitsquad to kill the winners in anger and Sub-Zero heads to Earth to finish the job.
Sub-Zero attempts to kill Cole but is interrupted by Scorpion, they both kill Sub-Zero and Shang Tsung manages to take Sub-Zero's "lifeless" body back to Outworld.
We see that the tournament has been won by Earth but these events set up a sequel.
Post Credit Scene: We see why Johnny Cage wasn't in this film as it's revealed that Cole has taken his place, they head to Johnny Cage's trailer with Raiden as the film fades out.
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