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dnd manual


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Darkest Dungeon Игры Dungeons & Dragons Tuz-oh manual 

by Tuz-oh,Darkest Dungeon,Игры,Dungeons & Dragons,Подземелья и Драконы, D&D, dnd, днд,Tuz-oh,manual

The Pelagics Many eons beyond counting, before the Ancestor was born, before the Manor was built on the hill, even before the Hamlet was founded, a race of abhorrend creatures with half-fish half -human features called this land their home. Remnants of their civilization can be found littered

Pelagic Shaman Drowned Thrall The sorcerers and religious leaders of the eerie Pelagics, the Pelagic Shamans are just as hostile as the other ancient dwellers of the ocean and the Cove, and is a terrible foe in its own right. Instead of relying on brute force to defend their sacred waters, the

Deep Stinger Mysterious, elegant, ethereal, and even hauntingly beautiful, the Deep Stinger is a giant jellyfish-like creature that, like their marine cousins, gracefully floats through the salty air of the Cove. When they encounter prey, they attack and immobilize them with their paralyzing and

Siren Human women who are unfortunately not killed by the malignent Pelagic on their raids are abducted into the darkest depths of the cove. It is unknown what unspeakable rituals and perverse incantations produce a creature such as the Siren, a malformed abomination of desceptive allurement.

The Drowned Crew In his search for eldritch knowledge the Ancestor grew weary of the prying eyes along the roads to the Hamlet. So he decided to have his more questionable deliveries recieved by marine shipments. For this purpose he employed a crew of particularly unsavory mariners, who would

Beasts Beast are savage animals that have been tainted by the spreading darkness or awakened by those who trespass into their ancient domain. Maggot Maggots are the larval form of the common housefly. They are found anywhere where death is prevalent and rotting meat can be found in abundance,

Spiders As the corruption spread across the Estate, its malefic influence turned many mostly harmless creatures into monstrous beasts. The Spiders being an excellent example of this. Once upon a time, these arachnids were a small, ordinary species native to these lands that solely preyed upon

Rabid Gnasher Medium beast, unaligned Rabid Gnasher These poor beasts were warped and twisted to bear the likeness of the Weald as it is now; a blackened evil that seeks nothing but death. The Gnashers are very agile beasts found in the Weald, and will never be alone, for they hunt in menacing

Brigands и к ¡i Э Lu Û И ■< О 2 а Is Ils III 31 il si w ? S i il " s il! Created by <lm•ittr.tumMr.com * Artwork by Red Hook Studio«,Darkest Dungeon,Игры,Dungeons & Dragons,Подземелья и Драконы, D&D, dnd, днд,Tuz-oh,manual

 '«A,. 1 '"'CL, «i ■v»,*. ‘VS •*- J11 k> 2ä <?iS5 V- -* ^ ^ 7Ä“" Brigand Pounder One of the powerful cannons used by the “Brigands Brigade” to quench the uprising in the hamlet. Brigand 8 Pounder Large Object Brigand Bloodletter One of the members of the infamous "Brigands Brigade",

ас л\ i! Created by <lmfur.lumblr.cocTi * Artwork by Red Hook Studio*,Darkest Dungeon,Игры,Dungeons & Dragons,Подземелья и Драконы, D&D, dnd, днд,Tuz-oh,manual

Bone Defender Bone Arbalist Once a proud shieldbearer, the Bone Defenders were honorable and loyal soldiers that served the family in ages long since passed. Holding the line on the battlefield with shield and trusty axe, those who were slain on the field of battle were given a place within the

Bone Courtier There are innumerable graves, tombs and crypts within the Ruins, serving as final resting places for many of the people who used to call that place home. These burial grounds are filled with servants, warriors, and heroes alike, people that served the great family with honor and

Necromancer One of his earliest pursuits for forbidden knowledge, the Ancestor began to conduct experiments which would grant him mastery over life and death. His experiments started out small and humble but his ambition and his experiments grew so large that he needed help. So, he invited

Cultists Devoted and fanatical followers of the Old Gods, they were drawn to the Estate by either witnessing visions of or hearing rumors about the thing that sleeps within the depths of the Darkest Dungeon. Up until recently, these heretics used to practice their dark and blasphemous religion in

Madman A deranged lunatic that recently escaped from the local insane asylum. Ceaselessly tormented by terrifying visions and revelations he traveled to the Estate in the hopes of finally finding the source of what haunts his mind. However, what he found there did not give him peace, but instead

The Prophet Around the same time the Ancestor began the excavations beneath the Manor, there arrived a man at the Hamlet, and he decried publicly that the Ancestor was a harbinger of doom if he wasn't stopped. While appearing to be a dirty homeless man, this Prophet seemed to possess an uncanny

Swine Folk Many years ago, when the Ancestor still had a small vestige of human decency left within him, he decided to use pigs as test subjects for his grim experiments rather than humans. Since the flesh of pigs is so similar to that of humans, they made nearly perfect vessels for the eldritch

Swine Chopper This large, brutish and disgusting hybrid of man and pig is the one of the more common and healthier specimens of the Swinefolk, serving simultaneously as meat butchers and warriors. When not ferociously butchering the cold and mangled flesh of his soon-to-be dinner, the Swine

Swine Prince & Wilbur After countless failures in the Ancestor’s pursuit to summon beings from the outer spheres, which resulted in the creation of the Swinefolk and other far more horrid abominations, he eventually managed to summon a particularly powerful entity, and the pig it possessed grew

C&riïr J* ^ , . ^ ^¿^rrr*4 ^ «-W ^ mL qJSS •*'—* -î. vÜTïT ‘S1- ^ <1K ‘°U‘»^ P«*L Swine Prince Large beast, chaotic evil Wilbur Small beast, chaotic evil Armor Class 12 (Armor Scraps) Hit Points 157 (15d12 +60) Speed 30 ft. Armor Class 15 (Armor Scraps) Hit Points 34 (4d12 + 8) Speed 30

The Flesh (Head) Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil The Flesh (Bone) Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 66 (7d12 + 21) Speed 30 ft. Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 66 (7d12 + 21) Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 12

The Flesh (Heart) Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil Armor Class 10 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 66 (7d 12 + 21) Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) Saving Throws Con +4 Damage Resistances poison Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,


#Арт-клуб фэндомы нарисовал сам dnd Monster Manual Monster Girl всё может быть тян ааракокра anthro ThrillCube ...Арт Барышня art 

Решил прокачать скорость рисования, поэтому начал рисовать картинки по 2 часа (а иногда побольше) каждый день. В качестве тем выбрал монстров из DnD 5e Monster Manual.
Арт-клуб,фэндомы,нарисовал сам,dnd,Monster Manual,Monster Girl,monster girl, Monster Musume, Mamono Musume, monmusu,Арт Барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,art,арт,всё может быть тян,ааракокра,anthro,ThrillCube

Dungeons & Dragons Darkest Dungeon Игры manual Tuz-oh 

by Tuz-oh,Dungeons & Dragons,Подземелья и Драконы, D&D, dnd, днд,Darkest Dungeon,Игры,manual,Tuz-oh

Weald Corruption These former woodlands have been infested by the bizarre fungus cultivated by the disgusting hag and her witches and transformed the ecosystem into a sinister home for decay and rot. Without exception, the necrotic fungi that have infected the Weald corrupt all who stay in these

Ectoplasm The corruption of the groves is best shown through these ectoplasmic aberrations, which can ingulf man and beast alike. At first glance these creatures may appear non-threatening, but countless adventures paid for their overconficence with a slow, painful, and cruel deaths. Although a

Hag The Ancestor had collected many rare and elusive volumes on ancient herbal properties for his personal research. His work was interrupted, however, by a striking young womand who repeatedly insisted on an audience with the Ancestor. Once meeting her the Ancestor found himself greatly


Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual beholder нарисовал сам Donlet 


Начал играть в D&D 5e в качестве ДМа, что обязало меня постепенно изучать мануал монстров, в том числе и Бехолдеров (которых я считал существами с самым убогим дизайном и имбовыми статами). Как оказалось, бехолдеры, чёрт возьми, восхитительны - параноидальные нарциссичные ксенофобы-расисты из иных миров! Собственно, более детальное изучения вопросов о "beholder-kin" и сподвигло меня к их изображению
Dungeons and Dragons,Monster Manual,beholder,нарисовал сам,Donlet,donletart, donletartworks

Dungeons and Dragons Yuan-Ti Monster Manual нарисовал сам Donlet 


Среди множества вариаций змеелюдов решил изобразить наиболее естественно выглядящую (т.е. без рук-змей, тел из клубка змей, змей с ногами человека и прочих ужасных результатов скрещивания людей со змеиными богами)
Dungeons and Dragons,Yuan-Ti,Monster Manual,нарисовал сам,Donlet,donletart, donletartworks

Dungeons and Dragons Illithid Alhoon Monster Manual нарисовал сам Donlet 


(Перезалив, исправил несколько косяков)
Dungeons and Dragons,Illithid,Alhoon,Monster Manual,нарисовал сам,Donlet,donletart, donletartworks

Dungeons & Dragons dnd мемы Комиксы wrongquest 

Открываем двери в каламбулочную ч.1

В этот раз комикс без перевода, т.к. при переводе может потеряться смысл. Для начала переведу 3 и 4 фрейм:
- Мы можем это сделать! (Или "Мы справимся!")
- Это Сп-
- Замолчи (Ну или "Только попробуй это сказать". Так чуть дальше от оригинала, но более комично)
Перейдём к каламбурам:
1. Насколько я понимаю тут сочетание слов poltergeist (полтергейст) и жена (wife), т.к. предполагаю что монстр на картинке это полтергейст в своеобразном костюме невесты.
2. NPC Nightmare есть в monster manual. Тут я думаю шутка в акценте на mare (кобыла)

По последнему каламбуру (недосказанному) у меня идей нет. скорее всего как то обыграно название NPC Спектр (Specter), но что там можно придумать я не знаю.

P.s. Будет ещё вторая часть с каламбурами через несколько выпусков, но там попроще
Dungeons &amp; Dragons,Подземелья и Драконы, D&amp;D, dnd, днд,dnd мемы,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,wrongquest

dnd dnd мемы 

ДМ: 23, лучник попадает в тебя Монах 3 уровня:,dnd,dnd мемы

#Арт-клуб фэндомы нарисовал сам dnd Monster Manual Monster Girl всё может быть тян Cockatrice ThrillCube 2+часа ...Арт Барышня art 

Арт-клуб,фэндомы,нарисовал сам,dnd,Monster Manual,Monster Girl,monster girl, Monster Musume, Mamono Musume, monmusu,Арт Барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,art,арт,всё может быть тян,Cockatrice,ThrillCube,2+часа

#Арт-клуб фэндомы нарисовал сам dnd Monster Manual Monster Girl всё может быть тян cloaker ThrillCube 2+часа ...Арт Барышня art 

Чёрный Плащ!
Только свистни — он появится!
Арт-клуб,фэндомы,нарисовал сам,dnd,Monster Manual,Monster Girl,monster girl, Monster Musume, Mamono Musume, monmusu,Арт Барышня,арт девушка, art барышня, art girl,art,арт,всё может быть тян,cloaker,ThrillCube,2+часа
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