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can you hear me around


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Warhammer 40000 фэндомы миниатюра Wh Other картинка со звуком 

Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,миниатюра,Wh Other,картинка со звуком,warhammer 40000,fandoms,miniature,wh other,you can hear this picture


косплей dire straits ностальгия картинка со звуком 

. ш 1 Е ^ Ч 3*1,косплей,dire straits,ностальгия,картинка со звуком,cosplay,dire straits,nostalgia,you can hear this picture

#Приколы для даунов картинка со звуком звуки без перевода мужчины man мужик 

Приколы для даунов,разное,картинка со звуком,звуки,без перевода,мужчины,#jokes for retards,,you can hear this picture,sounds,man,man,мужик

catch me if you can адвокат твиттер 

Поймай меня, если сможешь

Рустем Адагамов О @adagamov §Е Власти Кении арестовали молодого человека по имени Брайан Мвенду, который представлялся адвокатом Верховного суда, не имея при этом ни специального образования, ни лицензии на адвокатскую деятельность. За время своей адвокатской практики Мвенда выиграл все 26 дел,


Отличный комментарий!

26 из 26 дел выиграно. 100% успех! Они конечно могут попробовать его засудить, но шансы не на их стороне :D

Ставит под вопрос надобность лицензии вообще.
FluxWildly FluxWildly15.10.202311:25ссылка

картинка со звуком Asuka Langley Evangelion Anime фэндомы 

картинка со звуком,Asuka Langley,Аска, Asuka, Asuka Langley Soryu,,Evangelion,Евангелион, Neon Genesis Evangelion, EVA,Anime,Аниме,фэндомы,you can hear this picture,asuka langley,Evangelion,Anime,fandoms

Woman Yelling at a Cat Мемы картинка со звуком без перевода 

F-35 pilots A-10 pilots,Woman Yelling at a Cat,Мемы,Мемосы, мемасы, мемосики, мемесы,картинка со звуком,без перевода,Woman Yelling at a Cat,memes,you can hear this picture


DW Art Doctor Who фэндомы Киберлюди Ледяные воины (DW) красивые картинки art Traditional art Dark-Matter42 

With great respect and much thanks to Ian Akin and Brian Garvey. www. deviantart. com/ dark- matter42,DW Art,Doctor Who,Доктор кто, DW,фэндомы,Киберлюди,Cybermen,Ледяные воины (DW),красивые картинки,art,арт,Traditional art,Dark-Matter42

Аннотация от автора:

I’ve pretty much given up on this one so I don’t think it will ever be finished. But I wanted to share it with other fans somewhere anyway, so here seems like the right place.
This is my re-draw of the final panel of the British comic Deathworld expanded to a full page Marvel comics style, typical last page thing.
When I was young I always wanted to see my two favorite comic artists--Ian Akin and Brian Garvey--handle Doctor Who monsters in their style. Since that never happened here’s my version of how it would go.
Note: This is not a rip-off of specific panels or drawings; it is me drawing in their style. This is intended as an affectionate, respectful tribute to them.
“Huh? Who and who? I’ve never heard of them!” I hear you say. They are only one of the best drawing duos who ever worked for Marvel (and sundry other comic companies). They are only the two artists responsible for getting me to go gaga over comics in the first place! Their art spoke to me and inspired me in a way no other comic artist had ‘till then. Their brush and pen work is what cemented black and white pen-and-ink art as the thing for me.
I greedily soaked up all their pages like a madman, trying to learn their every technique. I wanted to draw just like them. My inspirations have expanded since then, obviously, but I never lost my adoration of their art.
The best part of drawing Doctor Who monsters in comic-cartoon style is they can be as flexible and mobile as you want them to be, unlike the series’ costumes. You can have expressive Ice Warriors with flexible expressive faces.
Note: these are comic-style Cybermen so they look completely different from their television versions, and yes, they have body language. In the all the years they appeared in the British comics until fan artists took over, they always had body language.
The letters for “…the Cybermen!” dialogue is the Transformers typeface. I thought it worked for them and never considered anything else.
The jagged line thing in the bottom foreground is supposed to be a close-up of a big rock. Except it didn’t look like a big rock, it just looked like someone messing around with brush marks. So I’m leaving it blank. This is one of the reasons I gave up on the whole thing.


Studio FOW Игры длиннопост 

Studio FOW возвращается

В честь своего десятилетия, Sudio FOW выпустила ролик, в котором анонсировала несколько новых фильмов и заявила о своем возвращении в лоно киноиндустрии.

Кроме этого, они также выложили крупное обращение на своем дискорд-сервере следующего содержания:

Dear Fowlings,Well, here are we. On this day ten years ago, two Doritos-encrusted neckbeards got up from their Source Filmmaker induced stupor, wiped the orange dust off their keyboards, and decided it was a good idea to release Lara in Trouble upon the unsuspecting world. 

We toiled for probably around two months on that goddamn movie, trying to figure out how to make one broken thing interact with yet another broken thing inside a very broken attic environment. Nothing really worked as it should, everything seemed held together by jank and illusions. So it was with a mix of great trepidation (and a desire to be free of GabeN’s hell) that we decided that it was finally fit for release. 

It was not, but you guys liked it anyway. 

As yagskie and I finally put on our underwear and started scrolling through the comments we realized that there was a real hunger and demand for longer-form content. We knew that short, voice-less loops are no longer gonna cut it. And StudioFOW was born. 

Ten years on, we have been through some shit, some good, some bad, but at the end of the day we’ve always kept one foot moving forward thanks to your support. 

This has been the most incredible of journeys, and I could not be more thankful to all of you for allowing us to undertake it. The fact that the core team is still together here after ten years in such a crazy industry is a testament to how committed we are to delivering content for you guys. 

2024 is a crossroads moment for us as a studio. As we finish our animation duties on Subverse (very soon), we have to decide what to do next with our careers. There’s a lot of new tech on the market, a lot of exciting opportunities. However, defiling waifus and making them ahegao in sheer ecstasy will always be our true calling. As such, the idle animators will slowly trickle back into creating film content. How much of it, and what kind of film content, will depend on YOU all. We have set up a Fansly dedicated to filmmaking as well as Throne for some more experimental content. You can support the studio through these platforms and get production going RIGHT NOW!

https:++fansly com+StudioFOW (вставьте "/" вместо "+" и точку на месте пробела)

https:++throne com+studiofow (вставьте "/" вместо "+" и точку на месте пробела)

We feel the same buzz and energy (even more so) now than in 2014, and with being out of the scene for a few years we cannot wait to get creative again and show ya’ll what we can still do. 

To our collaborators/contributors – There are too many to list throughout these 10 years but everyone we’ve worked with, or added something to the movies, thank you for your contributions. I really want to thank people individually (maybe in a separate post) since this message is already too long and sappy 

To the discord community – enjoy the celebrations! We’d love to hear your FOW anecdotes throughout the week. Favorite movie moments, scenes etc. I am sucker for stories about people meeting through online communities, and we have one of the best on the Internet, so if you have any juicy meetup stories please let me know! 

There will be some fun stuff throughout the week such as the Pop Quiz for hardcore fans and other little events. And of course, we could not leave you all without a special video thank you in our very own style.

It’s been an honor to be your director for these past 10 years, and like Fow-Chan says, here’s to 10 more years of lewd adventures! 

Warm Wishes, 



Рик Эстли Музыкальные Исполнители Знаменитости принцесса Диана 1988 старое фото фото 

rick astley,Музыкальные Исполнители,Знаменитости,принцесса Диана,1988,Рик Эстли,старое фото,фото

art красивые картинки Can you hear me? Xenomorph AVP 

art,арт,красивые картинки,Can you hear me?,Xenomorph,Alien, Ксеноморф, Чужой,AVP,Вселенная Чужих и Хищников, Aliens vs. Predator, Чужой против Хищника
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