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- Root?
- No, Harold, I chose the voice

#Приколы для даунов Гитлер 

Приколы для даунов,разное,Гитлер

cesar black white Комиксы artist llceSarll бонус в комментариях Savas & Marsia 

Нуд а идём мы с Сабаоом* Большой большой секрет/ г М?Оу... 1 ты что, хочешь идти сам? у Поставь меня. Сейчас ^ же. а Ьг Я суровый ^ Г наёмник, а ты 1 носишь меня, как игрушку, будто ^ я ходить ^ разучился, л,cesar black white,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их

т Ладно... а я думала тебе нравится быть и меня на ручках...,cesar black white,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,artist,llceSarll,бонус в комментариях,Savas & Marsia


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Ых... ни ты и тяжёлая, а яж Не можешь, значит? Хех... а .так даже лучше.
TechnoPriest TechnoPriest04.04.202317:22ссылка

The Oregon Trail Distracted Boyfriend образовательные игры 

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The Oregon Trail,Distracted Boyfriend,образовательные игры



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О сатанизме, Богах Хаоса и Человеке [Личные рассуждение] / Of Satanism, Dark Gods and the Man [Personal thoughts]

О сатанизме, Богах Хаоса и Человеке [Личные рассуждение]

Сатанизм не поощряет твое личное рабство по отношению к кому-то. Сама концепция крайне любопытная, так как являться полностью противоречащей христианству (которое ранее являлось основным гос. институтом). И я напоминаю, сатанизм до сих пор находится под запретом, обрастает мифами и его всячески порицают, так как это одно из направлений, которое заставляет «думать своей головой» и объединятся ради великой цели, которая рушит текущие основы.

Смысл сатанизма не в отдаче или служении, а в своем собственном саморазвитии и величие Человеческого рода, в этом плане сатанизм очень роднится к классической немецкой философии. Та же звезда, в сатанизме, это сам человек, который стоит в основе всего.

Сатанизм преподносится с *блей коз для тех, кому нужна вера, а она, как нестранно, нужна всем, Вера – хлеб для масс, но истина для знающих, так бы сказал Лоргар. «Зверь», это не люцифер, а сам Человек.

«Человечество всегда обращало взор к небу в поисках своего истинного пути.»

Как думаете откуда появился миф/клише о связи оккультизма, нацизма и Аненербе?

Оккультизм позволяет связать любого демона, т.е. заставить его повиноваться вам или просто изгнать, зная его имя (бог тоже демон). Это не сколько наука, сколько философия, которая подпитывается точными науками, если смотреть, что такое бог с точки зрения реальности и те методы, которые позволяют его связать. Именно по этим причинам - это все носит отрицательный характер, так как это дает мысли о истинной природе человека и совершенстве одного над другим. Бог создал всех равными перед ним, рабами. Нет, мы сами создаем себя и сами строем свое идеальное общество, которое отражает наши видовые интересы и продвигает их. И мы приходим к шовинизму, угнетению и порабощению, на которых строятся вся наша история, начиная осмысленно расцветать еще с времен Древнего Египта и делением Египтян на белых, т.е. себя, и на всех остальных, «рабов» - семитов, негров, ливийцев и т.д. (До нашего времени дошло очень много фресок с изображением белого египтянина, который угнетает данные расы/народности)

Ничего не напоминает? Ныне поклонения хаосу неделимому – нет (есть познания Богов, то, чем занимаются Несущие слово, являясь посланцами и наставниками), как и нет дп хаоса неделимого. Ты можешь поклоняться только одному богу. В 3тьей редакции, когда еще было поклонение богам, упоминалось о некой великой сущности - звере, и то, что он появится если все хаоситы постигнут истинную суть богов. А суть одна - сам человек, Человек и есть звезда хаоса, который способен управлять варпом, как материей. GW взяли базисную идеологию сатанизма и развили её полностью. А противостояние рабов императора и хсм'ов - это классическая война католиков и сатанистов.

Астартес Хаоса, в первую очередь, это Человек, с несгибаемой волей, способный «общаться» с Темными Богами на равных или же взаимодействовать, тот же пример - Абаддон, он не служит богам, боги строятся под ним и его волей, как и сам Варп перед умелыми Псайкерами, но и как Варп поглощает и уничтожает «плохих» псайкеров, не способных его полностью постичь и контролировать или же тех кто его «обожествляет», а следственно «служит».

«Перемены в эмпиреях и преображения плоти — это не стихийные, беспорядочные изменения. Варп, несмотря на все свое внешнее безумие, совершенствует своих избранников. Он творит их заново, вытягивая тайны их душ и воплощая это знание в смертной плоти.»

Темные Боги – это и есть мы, им нужны сильные личности для подпитки, чтобы банально существовать. Тогда бы Богам не были нужны Люди, ибо демоны – это полное отражение самих богов, они отражают одни эмоции и служение, через поклонение. Темным Богам интересны сильные и волевые личности, дающие им новые эмоции и следственно меняющие их. Живя в мире с богами, которые и есть мы сами – глупо их отрицать.

«Империум демонстрирует величайшее невежество, полагая, будто члены Девяти легионов и идущие за нами смертные являются неким непостижимым, чуждым видом. Познание варпа — это всего лишь познание. Никакие перемены, секреты и истины не в силах полностью переписать душу.»

Империум поэтому и слаб, так как на 1ое место, как и его рабы, ставит «веру» и «веры» же они и лишились на Кадии при временном закрытии Ока Ужаса. «Испарения веры в Императора», как и его демонов («легион проклятых», святая целестина и прочие демонические «святые»), позволило Черному Легиона нанести еще более сокрушительный и эффективный удар, так как по большей части Черному Легиону плевать на богов, они служат и воюют за себя, за идеалы Абаддона, но не богов.

«Я не человек. Я перестал быть человеком в одиннадцать лет, когда легион Тысячи Сынов забрал меня из семьи и преобразил в орудие войны. Однако я сотворен на человеческой основе. Мои эмоции — это человеческие эмоции, перестроенные и обостренные постчеловеческими чувствами. Мои сердца — это человеческие сердца, хотя и измененные. Они способны на бессмертную ненависть и бессмертное желание, которые выходят далеко за пределы возможностей нашего базового вида.

Когда мы, Девять легионов, размышляем о людях вне рамок их очевидного применения в качестве рабов, слуг и подчиненных, то видим родственные души. Не отягощенный пороками вид, а слабое, невежественное стадо, которое необходимо направлять властью правителя. Человечество — это то, из чего мы выросли. Не наш враг. Всего лишь предыдущий шаг на спирали эволюции.»




Of Satanism, Chaos Gods and the Man [Personal thoughts]

Satanism doesn't encourage your personal slavery to someone else. The concept itself is quite curious due to being completely contradictory to Christianity (which used to be the main governmental institute earlier in history). And I remind that Satanism is still taboo, overgrown with myths and condemned in many, many ways since it's one of directions that make one «think for oneself» and unite for the sake of a great goal that destroys the current basics.

The point of Satanism is not about devotion or servitude but in one's own self-improvement and glory of Mankind, in this regard Satanism has a lot in common with classical German philosophy. «The Star» in Satanism is the Man themselves that stand in the center of everything.

Satanism is portrayed being about goatf&@king for those who need faith; which is, oddly enough, what everyone needs. Faith is bread for the masses but truth is for those who know, so would Lorgar say. «The Beast» is not Lucifer but the Man themselves.

«Humanity has always looked skywards for its true path.»

How do you think, where does the myth/cliché on the subject of ties between occultism, nazism and Ahnenerbe come from?

Occultism allows to bind any daemon, i.e. make it submit to you or simply banish by knowing their name (a god is a daemon too). It's not as much of a science as it is a philosophy which feeds on exact sciences if we are to look what is a god from the point of view of reality and the methods that allow to bind them. For these exact reasons it all carries such negative connotations since it provokes thoughts on the true nature of of man and supremacy of one over other. God has created us all equal before him, slaves. No, we make ourselves and we ourselves build our perfect society which reflects our species' interests and promotes them. And we come to chauvinism, oppression and enslavement, on which our whole history is built, starting to bloom in a meaningful way since the times of Ancient Egypt and separating Egyptians «the whites» (i.e. themselves) and everyone else aka «slaves» - Semites, blacks, Libyans etc. (Many frescos with the image with white Egyptian oppressing aforementioned races/ethnoses)

Does this remind you of anything? Nowadays there is no Chaos Undivided worship (there are knowledges of the Gods, which Word Bearers work with being heralds and mentors) just like there are no Undivided Daemon princes. You can only worship one god. In the 3d edition when worship of the Gods was still in place there was a mention of some great entity called «Beast» and and a claim that it will come into existence if all Chaos worshippers come to understand the true nature of the Gods. And the purpose is simple - the man themselves, the Man is a Chaos star which can control Warp like matter. GW took the basic ideology of Satanism and fully developed it. And the war between slaves of the Emperor and CSM is a classic warfare between Catholics and Satanists.

Chaos Astartes, first and foremost, is the Man, with unshakable will, capable of «communicating» with the Dark Gods like with equals or even interacting; good example would be Abaddon, who doesn't serve the Gods, the Gods take their shape under him and his will just like the Warp does under capable psykers, the same way the Warp devours and destroys «bad» psykers that cannot fully grasp and control it or those who «deifies», ergo «worships», it.

«The empyrean’s alterations and flesh-changes are not accidental, indiscriminate mutations. The warp, for all its seething madness, hones its chosen. It reshapes them, siphoning the secrets of their souls and writing those truths upon their mortal flesh.»

The Dark Gods are us, they need strong personalities to feed off, to simply exist. Otherwise the Gods wouldn't need Mankind since daemons are complete reflection of the Gods themselves, they reflect emotions alone and servitude through worship. The Dark Gods are interested in strong and volitional people that give them new emotions and changing them accordingly. It is foolish to deny the Gods that are us while living in peace with them.

«The Imperium betrays its greatest ignorance when it believes those of the Nine Legions, and the mortals who follow us, to be some unknowable, alien species. Knowledge of the warp is just that: knowledge. No change, no secret and no truth can rewrite every portion of one’s soul.»

The reason Imperium is so weak is that just like it's slaves, first and foremost it puts faith, and «faith» is what they've lost on Cadia during temporary closure of the Eye of Terror. «Fadeaway of the faith in the Emperor» along with his daemons («Legion of the Damned», «Saint Celestine» and other daemonic «Saints») allowed the Black Legion to land even more devastating and efficient blow, because generally the Black Legion could not care less about the Gods, they serve and fight for themselves, for the ideals of Abaddon, but not the Gods.

«I am not human. I have not been human since I was eleven years old, when the Thousand Sons Legion took me from my family and reshaped me into a weapon of war. But I am wrought from a human core. My emotions are human emotions, retuned and refined through post-human senses. My hearts are mortal hearts, yet changed; they are capable of immortal hate and immortal desire, far beyond those felt by our foundation species.

When we of the Nine Legions think of humankind, beyond their obvious use as slaves and thralls and subjects, we see kindred spirits. Not a species to be reviled, but a weak, ignorant herd that must be guided through sovereign rule. Humanity is a state of being that forms our roots. Not our enemy. Just a step beneath us on the evolutionary coil.»

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The Six Principles of Global Manipulation

The Six Principles of Global Manipulation

What is Globalization? 

In the 20th century the human race was confronted with such a natural phenomenon as globalization. Globalization can be defined as the process of concentration of power over all the mankind in one person or a small group. This process has been under way throughout the whole human history and is now near completion. Centuries ago Ancient Egyptian priests became aware that globalization can be controlled. They have worked out the overall principles and patterns of controlling society to achieve their own goals, and headed up this process. Let us take a look at how globalization process is being controlled now.

Principle 6. Weapon of War.

“War is the continuation of politics by other means”  Karl von Clausewitz

The oldest and fastest way of controlling people has always been the war. The object of any war is the conquest of territories, wealth, human resources or complete elimination of enemy. World history has witnessed a great number of brutal wars. Global evolution has been creating more and more elaborate and sophisticated weapons of destruction and enslavement. At present the human race has found itself trapped by the need to spend a constantly increasing amount of resources on the endless arms race. And ultimately it has created a weapon which along with the enemy can destroy the entire civilization.

Principle 5. Weapon of Genocide.

“All the crimes on Earth do notdestroyso many of the human race, nor alienate somuchproperty, as drunkenness” – Sir Francis Bacon

The next step in the process of globalization was the transition from “hot wars” waged by ordinary weapons to “cold wars” waged through the so called “cultural co-operation”. It’s possible to completely eliminate or subdue a whole nation to one’s own will by means of such genocide weapons as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, several types of vaccines and genetically modified foods. Yet to keep people unaware of the destructive nature of these weapons they have been disguised as superficially harmless means of relaxation, stress relief, amusement and acquiring immunity to disease. This idea is being inculcated in the minds through culture, mass media, and specially planted proverbs and tokens. In reality these substances are dangerous poisons undermining the genetics of the human species, destroying the human being both morally and physically, wiping out the existing and future generations. Russia annually loses more than 700 thousand human lives due to the effects of alcohol consumption only. Is it a conscious and free choice of every person? Negative! This is an artificial and false option imposed on us through culture. It suggests that from the very cradle a person is to pick either a lie number 1 – ‘take dope moderately’ or a lie number 2 – ‘take as much dope as you please’.

Principle 4. Economical.

“Give me control of a nation'smoneyand I care not who makes the laws” – Mayer AmschelRothschild

Globalizers see no point in destroying nations completely. They are better off leaving a part of the slaves’ population alive having subdued its economics to their narrow clannish interests, but also in such the manner that a nation hasn’t the slightest idea of what is really going on. This can be done through universal money and the institution of credit, by means of usurious interest rates that allow the bankers’ clans to receive skyrocketing profits from credit interest without creating any values for the society, while other people, their families, entire nations have to spend their lives paying off debt and essentially become slaves. The realization of this mechanism requires more time, because in the first place it is critical to instill the inconsistent economic science into the society. But the payoff is really huge. The reason is that regardless of whether people take credits or not, whether they understand these instruments or not, the whole society has practically fallen into economic dependence on a small social stratum of bankers and is now powering this system like batteries.

Principle 3. Factual.

“There are no facts, only interpretations”– Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

A whole nation or separate social classes can be ruled much more efficiently after being brainwashed with various ideologies, religious dogmas, sociological doctrines and mass media. Some are subconsciously inculcated with e.g. the theory of Karl Marx, the second with “Allah Akbar”, the third with “Christ is Risen”, the fourth with “Live Fast, Die Young”. And if need be at some point in time people start being collided by activation of inherent contradictions using some special techniques such as provocations, assassinations, scandalous news articles, caricatures or deliberate mistakes, which seem to be accidental from outside. For example, we are now witnessing the attempts to set the traditional Islam and Biblical Christianity against each other, despite the belief shared by quite a number of world religions that God, the Creator, the Almighty is One for all creatures of the Earth. One of the most powerful means for brainwashing is television. Despite common beliefs, the mass media are actually programming reality so as to form people’s attitudes to various events rather than reflecting the objective reality. Nowadays the terrorist attacks happen on such a scale only because they immediately get broadcasted on every TV channel. In this case the mass media essentially act as informational sponsors of terrorism, providing it with billion budgets and huge audience.

Principle 2. Chronological.

“Look behind in the past more often to avoid big mistakes in the future”– Kozma Prutkov

It is common knowledge that one who has forgotten the history of his Motherland is like a tree with no roots. But what would happen if a whole nation forgot its history or accepted some historical myth imposed on it by external hostile elements. To quote George Orwell, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past”. Rewriting of a nations history inevitably leads to alteration of its future. For this particular reason the arrival of a new regime has always been marked by the rewriting of history, though the rulers themselves have been unaware of being manipulated ‘blind’. This situation has showed up very clearly in the former soviet republics that have broken away from the USSR. Therefore one should always remember that history teaches nothing but only punishes for not learning its lessons.

Principle 1. Ideological (worldview).

“If you want to defeat your enemy bring up his children”– oriental wisdom

Conquest of a nation will become most steady, effective and almost irreversible if one manages to somehow alter its worldview nationwide, so that the nation willfully serves the interests of the invaders, considering them a part of their normal life. We can now see the mass media, movies, pop and film stars, trying to persuade us that alcohol, tobacco, drugs and sexual perversions are ‘normal’ phenomena of the modern Russian society. The perfect example of influence on a worldview is the India’s caste social system, whereby the transition from one caste to another is practically impossible. About 300 million of India’s population classified as the caste of "untouchables" or "little people" live in extreme poverty and believe it is their only possible mode of existence in the society. This example shows the extent to which a worldview can determine the lives of numerous generations over the course of history. Nowadays there are two main types of worldviews that dominate in the society: kaleidoscopic worldview is typical of the people who are unable to find their place in life within the endless flow of events. Every new event just creates more chaos in their perception of the world just like a new splinter of glass put into a kaleidoscope changes the whole picture. People with mosaic worldview perceive the world as whole and undivided, where everything is causally determined, and where accidental events can not exist. So any new fact or event contributes to this worldview making it clearer just like a new fragment added to a mosaic. Unfortunately the modern culture generates the predominance of kaleidoscopic worldview.

“This world a hollow pageant you should deem;All wise men know things are not what they seem;Be of good cheer, and drink, and so shake offThis vain illusion of a baseless dream”

Omar Khayyam

Before now all of these control mechanisms have been concealed and known but to the few initiates. But today due to the effect of the objective law of time, all the secrets become known and anyone can find the truth if they wish. Now the very same obscure hand has revealed itself, as well as its master who once invented all of these mechanisms and would skillfully trigger them off in the course of the global historical process. Former society did not even have a term to describe the existence of such master. This objective social phenomenon has been termed as ‘conceptual power’ and the mechanisms of warfare and controlling the society were identified as the generalized instruments or principles of mass manipulation used by the conceptual power. When applied within a single frame of society they can be deemed as the generalized instruments of its control, but when exercised by one group against another – as the weapons, i.e. the means of warfare in most general sense. Nowadays, the awareness of these mechanisms can enable a person to stand against the external impact of all the above principles. Besides they are given the conscious choice: either to stay a slave or set oneself free and become the Human Being.


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на мэил ответах вроде очень подробно расписали, но.. только как следствие какого то "закона октав" , и совсем не понятно почему "частота колебаний нарастает неравномерно"
"Гамма семя тоное есть формула космического ззконз. полученная древними школам/ и примененная к музыке. Однако, если мы будем изучать проявление закона октав в вибрациях других родов, мы обнаружим, что закон повсюду остается одним и тем же; что СБет. тепло, химические, магнитные и другие вибрзции

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Турелька под управлением Steam Deck

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