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Bleed The Same


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#Metal Nakka mirror video 

Немного треша и угара.
Brutal Death Metal / Grindcore / Female Vocal

Warhammer 40000 фэндомы Archon_of_Flesh Skitarii Adeptus Mechanicus Imperium Death Korps of Krieg Astra Militarum artist 

* EMBAftASSE 0 GAS >///< "FLIRTY GAS NVASK NOISES* /,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Archon_of_Flesh,Skitarii,Скитарии,Adeptus Mechanicus,Mechanicum, Механикус, Адептус механикум, Адептус механикус,Imperium,Империум,Death Korps of Krieg,корпус смерти Крига,

самолеты защита коронавирус концерт 

Защитные панели между самодетными сиденьями

Photos of airplane interiors concept, dubbed PlanBay, designed by French aeronautical engineer Florian Barjot.


Пояснения внизу на английском.

Overhead air nozzle Lateral protection panel Lateral head rest support Seat cushion punch Handle for seat belt Passageway to other seat,самолеты,защита,коронавирус,концерт

As the travel industry grapples with what the new normal might look like post-coronavirus, some airlines are changing up their seating arrangements to enforce social distancing, blocking off the middle seat in a bid to give passengers more room. One French aeronautics engineer is taking the concept a step further, with a design for a removable kit to create a physical barrier within a row of seats, adding an extra layer of protection in economy class. 

Last year, Florian Barjot conceived a design to replace a plane’s cargo-hold door with rows of windows and transform the forward bay into a lux passenger cabin; now, he’s turned his attention to air travel during – and after – the pandemic. Dubbed PlanBay, his proposed kit would use plexiglass or polycarbonate sheets to divide each middle seat, increase the height inches of the seatback, and fill in the gaps between the seats themselves, providing a bit of breathing room during epidemic flare-ups and in the recovery phase.

“I remember my wife saying, ‘I don’t want to have someone sneeze behind me!’” Barjot tells Lonely Planet. And while his design wouldn’t create an impenetrable bubble, it would reduce the odds of unintentional contact with a stranger. “The pitch for rows is between 30-35 inches only, even less with the seatback reclined,” he says, but “there is still a difference between two or three feet distance and touching an unknown passenger sharing the same armrest.”

Now that the design has been unveiled, the next step is to partner with an early adopter airline and find aircraft-interiors suppliers to produce a prototype. “The idea is to adapt to local suppliers or MRO capabilities, with the materials they have on-shelf or easily procurable, so it reduces the lead time in production and logistics,” Barjot says. 

He stresses that PlanBay wouldn’t be a permanent fix, in part because keeping the middle seat free indefinitely isn’t a sustainable solution. “The idea of a removable kit makes sense when the need for sanitary measures is temporary and/or limited to a geographic area,” he says. “It may be counterintuitive, but the kit aspect matches the airline vision that planes two-thirds full are not viable for the long term.” The intention, he says, is to install it for a limited time, not to create a new travel standard. 


#Моя Россия фэндомы Санкт-Петербург Россия Баян 

Сегодня 320 лет Санкт-Петербургу

ЭТО МОЕ БОЛОТО/// ЭТО МОЕ БОЛОТО/// НЕТ/ ТЕПЕРЬ ЭТО БОЛОТО МОЁ///,Моя Россия,#Моя Россия, Моя Россия,фэндомы,Санкт-Петербург,Россия,страны,Баян,баян, боян, баяны, бояны, баянище, боянище


The Witcher фэндомы Гвинт под катом еще Karol Bem artist 

 /* г \ i ¥ 1/ш i J,The Witcher,Ведьмак, Witcher,фэндомы,Гвинт,под катом еще,Karol Bem,artist

The Witcher,Ведьмак, Witcher,фэндомы,Гвинт,под катом еще,Karol Bem,artist

The Witcher,Ведьмак, Witcher,фэндомы,Гвинт,под катом еще,Karol Bem,artist

The Witcher,Ведьмак, Witcher,фэндомы,Гвинт,под катом еще,Karol Bem,artist


toonhole Комиксы мой перевод 



черный юмор приколы для образованных даунов со знанием английского скелет черепа 

PEOPLE THAT DIDN'T GET DECAPITATED,черный юмор,приколы для образованных даунов со знанием английского,скелет,черепа,black humor,pun intended,,

Отличный комментарий!

Demetrij Demetrij30.03.202012:12ссылка

Kerbal Space Program фэндомы обновление KSP News 

Обновление! Версия 1.4.0 вышла.

Блог разработчиков - http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/

Kerbal Space Program,KSP, Kerbal Space Program,фэндомы,обновление,KSP News

Из замеченных с ходу изменений. Игра переехала на обновленный юнити движок. Полноценно проверить не смог, ибо моды еще не обновились и я не стал их включать, а без них ни один сохраненный аппарат не загрузился. Собрал из стоковых ракету на 40 деталей, запустил. И фпс меня порадовал, движок таки научился использовать больше двух ядер! По крайней мере в диспетчере задач были под заметной нагрузкой 5 из 8 ядер. Необходима дополнительная проверка коллективом, это могло быть самовнушением.

Переделали разъединители, пирокольца и баки. Привели к унифицированному виду.

Можно на ходу переключаться между вертикальной и горизонтальной сборкой

Kerbal Space Program,KSP, Kerbal Space Program,фэндомы,обновление,KSP News

Огурцов 3го уровня и выше теперь снабжают парашютами.

Kerbal Space Program,KSP, Kerbal Space Program,фэндомы,обновление,KSP News

Добавили раскраску деталей

Kerbal Space Program,KSP, Kerbal Space Program,фэндомы,обновление,KSP News

Полный ChangeLog:

============== v1.4.0================
+++ Improvements
* Upgrade to Unity 2017.1.3p1
* Switch directly between VAB and SPH
* EVA Chute - Kerbals of Level 3 and above have a personal steerable chute
* Advanced Mode added to Messages App - Toggled via Settings menu.
* Added Launchsites to the Map View and Filter
* Engine Sounds updated
* Particle Engine Upgraded to Shuriken.
* VesselNaming - new method to attach naming information to command modules so you can prename portions of a vessel 

+++ Localization
* Four new languages: French, German, Italian and Portuguese-Brazilian
* Added support for Portuguese keyboard layout
* List of bugfixes
Facility names are now displayed localized in unable to launch dialogs.
Resource names now display localized in screen messages and apps.
Debug and settings menus are now fully localized.
Localized pop-up warning when transmitting experiment data from parts that become inoperable if data is transmitted.
Fixed unlocalized grammar connectors (and, or, of, etc) coming up unlocalized in Contract descriptions.
Textbox size adjusted in various UI elements to account for localized text.
Fixed long vessel names bleeding through the UI in KSC vessel marker dialog.
Overall revision of display names for parts.
Overall revision and improvement of autolocs and grammar rules.
* List of KSPedia Fixes and Improvements
Corrected a wrong key binding that was displayed in the EVA controls section.
Localized key binding UI.
Localized example images for most pages.
Properly set symbols that were showing up as HTML encoding.
Overall grammar and syntax check.
* Lingoona upgraded to v1.5.6
* TextMeshPro Updated
* Localized Debug Screen
* Fix localization of KSC vessel markers
* Fix Localization of Facility names and strings
* Fix localization on sub assembly UI.
* Fix localization on category filters.

+++ Parts
New parts:
* Round radial fuel tank (R-11 'Baguette' External Tank)
* Cylindrical radial fuel tank (R-4 'Dumpling' External Tank)
* TS-37 Stack Separator
Updated Parts (changed part files):
* 2.5m RCS Tank Reskin 
* Fairings’ texture
Replaced Parts - old parts hidden but still included for continuity of saves. They will be deprecated at a later date
* TR-2V Stack Decoupler ? TD-06 Decoupler
* TR-18A Stack Decoupler ? TD-12 Decoupler
* Rockomax brand decoupler ? TD-25 Decoupler
* TR-38-D ? TD-37 Decoupler
* TR-2C Stack Separator ? TS-06 Stack Separator
* TR-18D Stack Separator ? TS-12 Stack Separator
* TR-XL Stack Separator ? TS-25 Stack Separator
* ROUND-8 Toroidal Fuel Tank ? R-12 'Doughnut' External Tank
* Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank ? same name
* Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank ? same name
* Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank ? same name
* Rockomax Jumbo-64 Fuel Tank ? same name
* Mk 1-2 Pod ? Mk 1-3 Pod
* Parts can now have variations like textures and models
* The variants can be grouped in Themes
Other Part stuff
* Adjustments to Xenon and Monoprop capacities on stock tanks
* Parts and Vessels now have a PersistentID that lives with them for their entire life
* Add TechHidden attrib to AvailablePart so parts can be hidden from R&D

+++ Bugfixes
* Fix alignment of external scenery in VAB/SPH scenes.
* Fix runway not appearing outside the SPH doors when inside the SPH.
* Fix a bug in Warp to Next Morning
* Add guard clauses to detect invalid flightstate on vessel launch returning to the editor.
* Fix applicant hiring costs appearing in games that don’t have funding enabled.
* Improve vessel Jumping/positioning coming off rails.
* Fix asteroid seed causing them to change shape.

+++ Modding
* Make dragpanel edge offset configurable
* GameEvents added: onKerbalAddComplete, onKerbalNameChanged, onKerbalTypeChanged, onKerbalStatusChanged, onVesselPersistentIdChanged, onPartPersistentIdChanged, OnGameSettingsWritten, OnScenerySettingChanged, OnExpansionSystemLoaded, onPartUndockComplete, onPartCoupleComplete, onPartDeCouple, onPartDeCoupleComplete, onVesselDocking, onDockingComplete, onPartVesselNamingChanged, afterFlagPlanted, OnPQSCityOrientated, onEditorVesselNamingChanged, onEditorVariantApplied, onVesselRecoveryProcessingComplete.
* DictionaryValuesList updated to expose the list as well as the dictionary


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Alice Madness Returns,American Mcgee&#039;s Alice,Игры,cosplay,под катом еще,Alice Madness Returns,American Mcgee&#039;s Alice,games,cosplay
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